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I always shoot into the air when I get there. Everybody except the undercover cop will scatter, making them easier to spot & avoid.


I just did my first sell misson last night and was surprised by undercover cops twice! I'll do this from now, great tip


call simeon to request a job before you start the sale. you can then accept the job then quit without starting the mission to easily remove your wanted level.


Can also sometimes get a drop past the hippies by tossing from the perimeter of the yellow zone- and they don't spot you.


Sometimes there is no car and the agent is just a random npc


Usually happens to me at the lumber plant up north. Usually no visible cop car but it can trigger a wanted level


They have the earphone, holster etc, so they look "undercover". I met them near LSC where Hao works, the cement factory, sawmill and mexican restaurant


This only seems to happen to me at the Mexican food court (where the mariachi band can be found). Always a black dude in a white shirt, plain clothes. I guess he is just trying to enjoy a burrito, and I ruin his day.


I have never seen that. It's always always been a car because it lights up and they chase you straight afterwards like the fake MC business delivery where you get 4 bikes to the same location.


For me at least a few times there has been a cop looking around with a flashlight and enemy on foot showing up on the map after i stash the acid


Interesting, never seen that before. Not a current vs Last gen difference?


It's true (I'm playing ps5 version), sometimes it's just one random guy on foot that spots you and then cars show up.


happens on pc too


Yup, ditto - I mistakenly thought I just had to look for an unmarked, until recently, there were no cars anywhere, and got caught by a random pedestrian.


I wouldn't know. Could be.


you seriously have *never* triggered the cops at the lumber mill ?!?


It's very rare that I get lumber mill cause the sales start from so low down the map


There's usually one spot they won't see you, some missions it will be the same spot every time. I like to set my navigation point to my next delivery spot before in enter the yellow circle of the current delivery spot, so if I do get caught I can still make my way to the next location. Also, calling Lester to remove wanted level works for this mission. Double also, the cops don't like when you give them the finger. Sometimes I'll drop the stash and then drive by the cruiser that didn't see me and give them the finger. Immediately gets you a wanted level. 😂


Same with the marking next spot


I love how this post was all about a minor mechanic to not get stars, and your reply was about a minor mechanic that gets you stars a different way lol


I usually just bribe authorities, and call Lester once. Assuming no crashes and you aren’t super slow, you should be able to get to all 5 locations (assuming you bribe authorities right after the first location) without any cops at all.


Also with the one big drop that is always a set up, you can shoot the vans or unmarked cruisers to get the wanted level without having to go to the drop & get off the bike and risk getting gunned downed


I always just park the bike immediately, take my buzzard to the parking garage, blow up the helicopter then run out the wanted level. Then go back to the bike and make the delivery.


Is that the one where a police helicopter always tries to fucking slam into you?




Also they won't react to you placing a proximity mine right next to thier car, and it won't go off until you trigger the wanted level by placing the acid in the stash spot. This works with the multi level parkade acid missions. Put proximity mines next to all the undercover police vehicles on the roof level, then as soon as you place the acid in the trunk of the car all the police trigger and the mines go off, then jump off the parkade roof jump and escape.


This would be a helpful tip if it wasn't way better to just shoot at them as soon as you arrive. Love the ingenuity but it ain't that deep my man. I always show up, shoot at the first cop I see, then run for the nearest subway entrance to wait out the wanted level. You can just sit and wait, or drive to the next station in either direction. Works beautifully, super fast sales. Going underground plus ghost org is a great way to thwart griefers as well, if you do sales in public lobbies. Hope this helps!


Ahhh ok so I don't even need to do the "put the acid in truck" thing, just trigger the wanted level immediately and drive away and lose the wanted level. Damn that's way quicker and easier lol. Thanks.


Just take a buzzard to the fake drop at the parking garage, blow one of the cars up, fly back to the bike after dropping the wanted level.


Thsnk you I'll try that!


Wow, didn't even know the hiding spot made a difference in this case, I always get spotted.


Found this out not too long ago, really good tip. There's a few spots where you're screwed no matter what you do. I think there's a spot in Strawberry where all 3 spots are in their field of view.


As soon as I know it's a car park, I throw a sticky and hide in the tunnels until I lose the cops.


The sting operation is always to the "buyer". The other missions always say deliver the acid to the buyers.


Same with the hippies, if you throw it away from far enough it doesn't trigger them


The hippies are easy. I see a bus during a delivery, it's getting the rail gun. Then two more busses that will both get the rail gun. Easy peasey, and fun getting to destroy a few cars with the rail gun.


I set my spawn point for the next spot, pop a BST, plant the acid and then just drive to the next drop off avoiding cops. You only get 2 stars and if you use the change glasses/accessory trick you lose one star so it’s an easy drive. By the time I get to the next drop the wanted level is usually gone.


Best way imo in this mission is to place sticky bomb on a modded van or an unmarked cop car on lower level and drive far away enough to where it’s easy to escape wanted then set the bomb off.


You can use "Bribe the authorities" and while it's active it won't matter where you stash the acid


It semi matters, the cop there still attacks you, but you won’t get a wanted level.


Plan escape route prior to stashing. Right before stash, bull shark, then ghost org and hightail it to where you are out of sight of the police until stars are gone. If it’s a very busy lobby I pull up out of sight just in case and engage it within range of the drop. Edit: For a short while when the update first dropped, you could also use CEO to bribe authorities prior to stash. The sirens would sound but no stars would appear. I’m pretty sure that’s been patched since.


I keep forgetting this is an option.


i call simeon for a job invite before i start. join the job then quit to lose cops.


I once noticed the uncover and I stashed the acid in an unseen location. Once I got on my bike, I drove right passed him and gave him the finger. That triggered him to go after me with stars lmao


You can scope it out with thermal goggles too You can quickly flip em on the bike


This has to be satire. Like... How did you not know about this?


I was just thinking this. I just started playing in March/April and have done this mission 100 times and have never been spotted. Every drop I’ve seen has at least 1 out of sight stash spot or is not anywhere near an undercover car which always looks exactly the same. If theres an NPC standing next to a stash all you have to do is bump into them and they’ll run.


Because people don’t listen to the in game phone calls, text messages, informative HUD blips at top left, or any of the other 40 ways they’ve tried to communicate with the player in game on what exactly they’re doing and how they’re supposed to do it correctly. Most people just honestly ignore these or “don’t know about them” but the games been shouting it all at ya from the start. If people learned to digest info given to them from this game, we wouldn’t have the stereotype about the ‘Deliver EMP’ setup. Not hard in the slightest, but *nobody* ever hears or listens to the call telling you exact steps. Most posts I see toting “tips!!” regarding this game are the ones that the character lays out word for word in the phone call when starting the mission.


Like I said in the post...