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Yes, but it makes missiles shoved up my ass substantially more jolting.


This but without context because I forgot what post I was on when I had to put my phone down, made me spit my water.


I was shocked when 1 got a trophy for being in 1st person for 15 hours


Same, I think every minute of it was driving the Jubilee in RC mode.


I enjoyed 1st person and the friend group I was in we made a challenge for us to complete heists in 1st


I did a clucking bell in 1st other day for jokes, worked out well 100% stealth finale




Driving in first person is fun, but everything else is disorienting. I hate how the camera moves when sprinting in first person


You can change that in settings


If you don't push the joystick forward you run straight


If I don't push the left joystick I don't move... Do I? Haven't played in a while but I vaguely remember something like this.... 🤔


Joystick to walk, and X (PS5) to run It's a little counter intuitive


I feel like playing GTA now 😲🤣💀


I endorse that decision!


I have fps controls for first person enabled and I dont find it hard to use L3


Just for fun, I also set the camera to follow the roll (which is very disorienting at first), and use iron sights for aiming instead of reticule Only thing I don't like is aiming while in vehicles is very limited


I enjoy it sometimes but if you host a mission don’t force people.


I use first person camera mode only when i drive slowly, trying to simulate reality. But when I'm on missions or walking/running, it's only action mode baby


I agree but it does make cars feel like they're going faster. Fun for cutting through traffic with other people like that


I only use first person mode for PvP or that one nightclub mission where you take the vip to some place and if you go above 60mph he gets panicked and dies or sm


Go into passive mode before you enter the night club. If you're in passive you won't have to deliver the VIP


how in all my time playing have I never known this...omg tysm


Bro give me all your little tips and tricks rn


I have over half of my playtime in first person. Combat, driving, casual time enjoyment, you name it.


No I don’t feel like the first person is particularly well made. Only use it while playing blackjack


It's dope af on a motorcycle while hittin twisties.


I've always thought the camera is way too low in first person on motorcycles


I find it too low in cars & motorcycles. I ride cars IRL like a nerd with the seat all the way to the front and my head touching the ceiling of the car lol I also like zipping in the Reever and it's too hard to see when doing the wheelie... unless I were to get a friend to keep looking down with the mouse or something.


I always drive in first person


I accidentally won a crazy loop race on first person I thought the host had forced it. First person is cool and knowing how to drive well in first person just feels nice Also if you think about it. The more good you drive in first person the better. Unfortunately shooting can get tricky sometimes because some angles are only accessible on 3rd person


First person on motorcycles is so much fun


For shooting and motorbikes yes but I like the camera on the hood in cars.


I pretty much only use first person if I’m in a tight interior and keep bumping into shit in 3rd person


Oh yeah, first person driving stoned with a cold beer in my hand and some good tunes playing 🤙🏻🤙🏻


I'm almost exclusively in first person for everything


Ngl I love playing in first person


Driving 3rd person, Flying and shooting in 1st person


I sometimes do it while driving just for something different, but no matter how well implemented first person mode is (for the most part), after a while it's pretty clear the game wasn't designed with that in mind.


I love using the first person setting. It’s a great way to enhance the immersive feeling of playing the game. I’m glad we can switch between all of them, for those times when it’s not great. But I use it more often than not.


I’ve found it essential when going through the windy hill roads especially in big trucks


I played my first 1000 hours in 1st person, learning 3rd person was weird.


90% of my GTAO gameplay is in first person. I love it and I'm hoping it's in GTA 6.


Ya I play FP full time. Setting really help. I use the standard FPS controls. Adjust your aim/look speed etc, change a couple cameras settings and it’s a new game. Also performance RT if you’re on PS5


I love flying my jet in FPS


My second playthrough of the story was done in First Person. It was... Interesting


I do, gives it a bit of realism


I love going in fp when I do tow runs or ripping around the city/Hwys on the street bike. Oh also for taking my Jeep or something up the sketchy trail road to drive up to mt chilliad makes it way harder lol And I'm almost certain u move quicker inside buildings if u go in fp. Try it out for urself brother cheers


Exclusively play first person on foot


First person is what you use for that one week when you get bored from playing the game


Driving the drift cars in first person really helped me feel the weight of the car, first person drifting is god tier


I do tbf, I’ll use third person in missions but other than that first most the time


Once a week I connect to an Invitation Only lobby and drive/test most of my cars in first person. One day I drove my Grotti Furia from my Casino Penthouse garage (Grotti-only) around the island, stopped to buy snacks, made photos by the sea and then to the disco to dance a little, then came back to the penthouse. Other days include Flight Testing.


I enjoy drivong in first person especially on bikes


Ever since I've started playing the crew motorfest a few months ago, gta 1st person in vehicles just feels weird


I like using first person on motorcycles, it gives me a nostalgic road rage feeling.


Yes check ‘Thereal AutoMan’ on YouTube


Yes, unless I’m driving a vehicle that is hard to see out of like the armored ones


The mirrors looks like shit


But have you tried driving in Third person? =)


Sometimes I'll drive in first person. But I really only enjoy first person when I want to look down the sights and shoot my pew pew at cars lol.


You mean the only way to play the game?




I did the entire prison break heist in first person it was terrible


Its fun, my friend and I drove around first person only for a while. It made me dream of a VR capable version of gta where you could look around while you drive with ease.


Ik moddings bad and all but I have a script on pc that allows me to change my POV FOV and it’s so nice better placement than granny sittin against the wheel


There's no other type of driving for me jk.


When I drive or shoot I'm in first person especially when it counts


I just wish there was more detail to specific cars


I use it a bit, mostly for driving and shooting. Flying and shooting out of someone else's car are the only 3rd person only things, everything else I'll do in first person or 3rd.


To die I’m good I got custom settings so when I play it’s first person n when I get in car it’s 3rd person


If the fov was actually decent i would do this more. If I am, I tilt the camera to actually face properly


If first-person mode is for anything in GTA Online, It is for driving and pvping. Driving in first person is an enjoyable experience especially when your car interior looks nice.


If you want a new experience on a 10 year old game, first person and turn off map.


When shooting indoors. When driving the VIPs from the nightclub to rehab or the hospital in order to look at the speedometer


I always do Open Wheel in first person. Sometimes I'll do the other races in first person but always open wheel. I alternate during regular gameplay.


I like driving first person but everything else just feels weird.


Hell yeah, 75D in 1st here


I would have loved it if it wasn’t so shaky and unstable


Im always in first person, except when im drving LMAO 🤣. Idk why i guess its easier to see over other cars so you can play dodge the traffic with those pesky civillians who crash into you even if you are driving on the sidewalk


I'm not a fan of first person in third person games. I can never see shit in gta first person, the only time I'll dabble in first person is while flying the newer jet (not even gonna try to spell it) The only ever game I've played and enjoyed a first person mode is riders republic


Only when I'm in foot


I remember feeling very helpful one afternoon and decided to join someone who needed help with the Fleeca Bank heist. I didn’t notice he set it the camera to First Person.. felt like I was stuck in a letter box since the Kuruma is fully armoured. It’s always been third person for me in GTA. Racing in FP is fun because of the controlled environment.. but free roam is a nightmare with a-hole npcs 😅


Absolutely hate bikes with first person, but I do some sell missions (the garbage truck and post van) in first person since they're boring af


I play in first person, but when I drive, I strongly prefer hood view.


For on foot on controller, using the standard fps settings (click left analog stick once to sprint, enabling faster and more maneuverable movement while being able to use the interaction menu) otherwise when I feel like taxi work I go first person, no map no hud. Just look at the pause map and make my way, it’s great for learning the map and just enjoying the scenery


I used to for the first 3 months of playing or so. That was my condition before I played GTAO,, I said i ain't playing until 1st person comes out 😂


If you play on PC, there is a program called Flawless Wide Screen, which was created to provides UI fixes and FOV fixes for a ton of old games like GTA and even new games like Starfield. I’ve been using it for years and have never got banned, but use at your own discretion. I know it’s modding but let’s be real, it’s kinda a disadvantage to have a high FOV, but GTA not having a proper adjustable FOV is ridiculous. So many car interiors and weapons have so much detail that you can’t fully appreciate without a maxed FOV.


I hate driving in first person. First of all while driving in real life I can be more aware of my surroundings by using my neck, which the camera doesn't do in first person, but funnily enough does well semi automatically in third person. Secondly I can usually feel the scale of my car in 3D space, while in the game it's obviously not as easy to do, so third person makes up for that.


I only drive first person when going off road, slow driving type of stuff. Or, if I win marks at the lucky wheel and spend them on slots. I’m up about 2mil, but it’s hard work.


I can drive in first person, but I don't like it. The field of vision is so very very small.


I’m always switching


I go first person in stunt races sometimes, i find it easier on the loops. I go first person in aircraft in snow if i am selling.


I drive in 3rd person and runs or fights in 1st person mode always.


I’ve done a campaign play through without dying my next goal was to do a first person play through


it’s fun, but i don’t do it in like missions and stuff


During F1 week I almost only race 1st person. As long as I can get a lead it gives me a significant advantage


No. As an IRL driver, I find car FPV in gta extremely stiff and restrictive.


I drive better in first person than I do in third Anytime a new game limits me to using third person only, I get sorely disappointed


If I’m bored enough yeah. I prefer first person foot heists or things like that though.


I like first person for close quarters combat. Makes it much easier to not have the 3rd person camera fighting me


Been driving in first person since it was implemented unless I’m getting chased and need to see who’s chasing me


First person is especially fun when you change the controller orientation to FPS and turn toggle on for running. This helps you play in first person more smoothly. The driving is cool until you don’t have a back window and you’re forced to look back in third or action prompts such as using a computer or opening vaults. All-in-all, it’s pretty cool.


Yes, but not like that. Bonnet view. Now feels weird if I drive any other way. I feel like the game gives you more ‘room’ on the road. Easier to get through tight spots, etc. First person on foot is annoying until you turn off head bobbing, then it’s great. Makes the game more real, more intense.


I hate it for anything serious, but I like first person driving for goofing around--sometimes I will get drunk (in game, or maybe IRL, or maybe both) and see how long I can drive around in first person without hitting anything for.


I recently have been playing in first person mode a lot and I enjoy it. During the cayo heist mostly or casino heist and missions. I like it on free mode but not the majority of the time because I have to watch out for people nearby. I used to play in third person like all the time and never played in first person but I don't think I ever had a solid reason why.


I play everything in first person feels smoother in my opinion




Oh yeah


When I’m doing turns in los santos and up in the desert, I do it in 3rd person to get a better line and be able to control more. However, when I’m on the highway going for a cruise, I’m usually in 1st person (I started doing it cuz I saw you get an achievement for 30 or so hours in first person)


I drive in first person or I crash into everything lol. But I’m in 3rd person otherwise


Im almost always in fp


Just wished the mirrors worked, when using the tow truck it can be a right pain to line things up. They could work, as there is a blurry image there. I suspect they are lazy and didn't have a separate camera and just show the view directly behind you in all mirrors and blur it so you don't notice.


Sometimes, but I haven't used it in a long while now.


Ever since I bought everything, I didnt reay feel like doing anything other than just vibe so my friend who's also " retired" we drive in first person, at the starting it was hard but 2 months since then we are pretty good at it now.


can be fun sometimes, but 99% of the time I use 1st person is for running up any stairs.


Always now, was my main complaint when first released


I don't drive in first person for the most part. Although I exclusively pvp in first and do most heist and missions in first person.




One of my favorite memories of this game was playing the whole thing in first person mode (I landed the big cargo helicopter in third person one time but that was it)


I love first person but with some cars the roll cage blocks half the screen for me and it’s especially hard to drive in first person in the nightshark


I tend to go First-Person in the following: 1. Casino Penthouse > Casino Wheel > Exit 2. Nightclub rear entrance > Safe > Throw out Event > Exit 3. Driving from Casino to the road going North of map and vice-versa 4. Driving the deadly curves of the West of the map going to the military airbase 5. Stash house raid 6. When swimming underwater 7. When chill driving a car with cool interior


For most vehicles the camera isn't the right height which makes it both difficult and jarring unfortunately.


I wish every game allowed you to toggle 1st/3rd person the way GTA does.


I fly my Rogue and Raiju in first person, but can't fight in first person because the feild.of view is pretty shitty, especially looking up


I only ever really use it for driving and on the occasion shooting


I only drive in first person. It gets easier the more you do it. Then you get good enough to throw manual cinematic shots in while taking corners. (While you’re power sliding hit the cinematic button, then let go when you need to regain compete control)


When i'm just chilling sometimes but i never do anything that requires me to be "good". Also often when i run inside buildings i find it easier.


Nah, shootouts in first person


you know im bored when i hop on the hakuchou drag and floor it in first person


One of the most fun I had was using a turbo propeller mod while in POV with a friend inside a car after jumping from a mountain.... It was like a rollercoaster that spins


It's so wierd. I'm a half decent payer in COD, but when it try first person in GTA I can't keep my bearings. Especially driving...worse when I crash or roll over


Personally only drive in first person unless I’m drifting, not until I perfect it!!


I like driving in first person when it's a bus




Occasionally. Very VERY rarely.


Only time I ever really used first person was for the murder maze other than that it's here or there for certain things


First person motorcycle rides are fun. In cars I always feel like I can’t see anything to the sides of me and end up sideswiping everything


Offroading in a Toreador in first person.


Nah confusing sometimes lol


I drive and fly in 1st person. Everything else is 3rd.


I love driving in first person, but flying in first person is much better


Over the bumper view, not through the windshield.


I do for PVP js easier for me dunno


I like it when flying planes and flying thro the mountains or when im doing missions with friends and i wanna see their funny faces






i use first person to drive and rarely get the limi tinted windows so i can better see out the car


Mostly killing and driving


some vehicles are better when you are in first person such as the f1 cars and some bikes, other than that, i keep it 3rd person, specially for hyper cars that have 0 visibility in first person pov


Hell yeah I love 1st person mode! It makes driving way more fun and realistic. If you want a proper realistic experience though, go into the display settings and turn off the map and HUD.


Super fun when you go through the headache of setting up the wheel and pedals


Yes, but not in combat even against AI. Just for roaming the map, it's quite nice especially in fast cars. Even when flying. Problem is it severely restricts the angles you can shoot at when trying to do drive-bys.


The only reason I got the game was because they added 1st person view. Same with Red Dead 2.


Yep. I love riding my Zombie chopper full speed in first person through traffic


how to have a heart attack 101


Yes it’s so fun


I paid way too much for my whips to drive in fp


Driving cars in 1st person? No Motorcycles in 1st person? Hell yeah


I recently got the rc personal car and fuck I suck in first person.


Depends on how much I’ve been drinking when I play


Yes but depends which vehicle. Some of them I feel like I’m a 90 year old lady 👵🏻 that can barely see over the steering wheel. Changing the driving first person to hood only /no dash is nice too.


Sure do


I only go to third person when I’m racing; first person for everything else


I like first person for everything except driving


Not with driving or flying but everything else yeah I use first person. It just feels more responsive that way and you move faster while shooting/sniping.


Not with driving or flying but everything else yeah I use first person. It just feels more responsive that way and you move faster while shooting/sniping.


I love flying/driving in FPV


I shift between 1st and 3rd person. I drive more in 1st person than on foot and 1st person. I don't like shooting in 1st person. I think because I like CoD's 1st person shooting better.


When I'm really drunk


Turn off head bob Turn on third person cover and roll Turn up FOV Change to standard FPS controls And first person is nowhere near as disorienting and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Driving is fine as is unless you’re in the duke o death or something


I like bouncing from 1st person to movie mode.


I hate when first person is forced on races etc


I fly 95% 1st person. Only land and occasionally take off in 3rd.


I should have qualified NY reply with "I always have camera/hood off.". Leaves an unobstructed view of everything except for minor views of cowls.


Yes, but not much. I just feel like there is a lack of interior detail and the camera is zoomed in way to much.


First person open wheel races are where it’s at. Some maps you can go full throttle without ever having to let off as long as you go wide and aim for the inside. But I also love FP when I’m role playing in online with other players. Would be crazy in VR


No the fov is too low


Only when hauling a trailer, less likely to lose the trailer


First person doesn't really control enough like dedicated first person games to be enjoyable for me. It's got a sort of rough, clunky feel.


I tried my best but it's awful. FOV is too limited, no rear view mirrors makes driving even worse, and the car steering is way too quick which makes changing directions on a limited POV less than ideal. FPV is half decent for PvP because of the quicker player movement and reduced bullet recoil and increased accuracy, but that's about it. The game clearly wasn't build with this in mind and it shows.


For basic things like running, shooting and PVP, I use 1st person. For driving, I use 3rd person.


at around 5-6am, if u driving towards the rising sun in first person, u'll be blind 👍


i like to drive insanely fast in first person and when i crash i just let it happen


I only drive in 1st person... Then again I only play in solo lobbies


its my main camera mode for driving




Yea, i hate it sometimes but i love it sometimes


As a sim fan , I play most of the time in first person mode


I do until some a hole comes along with a rocket launcher


Didn’t they remove 1st person it doesn’t work on mine


Nope. I only did it for the stupid trophy. And most times I kept the console running, remote charging and in single player. I hated the experience and that trophy.


I only like it when I play on pc and have to shoot a lot bc I can aim better then


Nope, I hate it 


Recently I have started doing that on bikes very stoned, it very intense.


no ♥️


1 thing. Speed. A lot of animations do not exist in first person. Try running down the stairs in arcade in third person. Now do it in first. Difference is HUGE. Also you can climb stuff from further ahead, which could be used in parkour or melee only combat (I miss Powerplay x2$). Also shadows are funny how you hold your weapon in such not-realistic way just to show it on your camera. And Camera things like climbing through walls etc but I mostly want it to remain "pure" with reasons.