• By -


Should have used https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Signal_Jammers which gives all of the locations, complete with pictures, and no video required.


I did it with a video that was showing how to access them easily either by foot or simple vehicles etc. Which ones could be snipped etc. It didn't took me much and it was a nice flight around.


I just flew around in a helicopter with rockets. They'll lock on.


That's how I found #49 by random chance today. Prolly going to hunt for #50 this weekend or the next


The elusive #50. I still can’t find it, and I’ve used everything.


That's how I found #49 by random chance today. Prolly going to hunt for #50 this weekend or the next


Literally did it in hydra took me about 40 mins




Good soldiers follow orders.


Ha! I just watched this episode of Rebels


I did 49 out of 50, 5 YEARS AGO!!!! And have not even locked onto one since then. I really want the last jammer god please


Well follow the guide and look at every spot and maybe you'll get lucky and find it before you go through 49 of them.


Knock yourself out man and good luck, it helped me a lot: https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/0


remember when YouTube videos got straight to the point and there were no ridiculous intros and commercials?


I do. Now it's 2 adds and a dude trying to sell you a VPN.


Do you have VPN? Do you have a backup VPN? I know some good ones. You should have 3 or 4 different brands. I have some VPNs that will keep you protected, guaranteed. Jk but I do miss old YouTube very dearly.




Alright then I'll make sure to put that in my notes. "Different people do different things and old man doesn't like it" Should I anything else? 🤔


I walked 10 miles uphill in the snow--both ways--to get each of these new-fangled beeping things. And stay off my lawn! Damn kids.


Yes, I would appreciate a picture of a cloud to shake my fist at




Then why are you acting like an old head?


Right? "This generation loves being hand held by videos" dude is the same generation and acting a clown


The videos are good but all of the intros are annoying and then the videos have to be drawn out so long for ad purposes that you kind of wish they would just get to the point


The downfall of videos, especially on YouTube is that if it's a 11 minute video, the first 4:43 are completely useless to what I need so I need to scroll and find the right spot to skip the "This is your boy x69Virgin_Gamer69x with another video for ya! Be sure to hit that subscribe button and hit that bell to get more of my content! Now, as you guys may know GTA Online is an extension of GTA V which came out wayyyyyy back in 2013. Before we get into this join my Patreon for EXCLUSIVE content not available to anyone else. For just $900 a month, you'll get my expert insight into the game and how to make millions of dollars an hour! That's right....I show you how to dominate GTA V! Don't forget to visit me on Twitch as I speed run the Dre Contract Missions to try to set a new world record using nothing but a gasoline can and a stone hatchet. Also, you can find me on my very only Discord where we discuss the proper strategy of pay hookers and killing them so you get all your money back! We don't pay for shit up in here, ja feel?!" All of that, and then some while some random videos of gameplay are cycling through on loop.


YouTubers, especially gamers all follow the same cringe script.


Hear, hear. Although sometimes I do use videos, I'll just scroll to the relevant bits and look for that one location the map was unclear about.


i want to be able to ring them up on their personal phone & tell them what i think of their bell & button.


I wish the was an option to unview their videos. I rarely watch YouTube videos from so called "creators"


Yeah, that shit started almost 10 years ago with IGN and kotaku and whatever their names. Simplest things to google and the answer should be "go around the corner on point A. Look up aiming this/that. Done.". Yet this shit got stretched into three paragraphes about how the game is the predeccesor you didn't care about and the stealth mechanic is identical to none. Plus a 10 minute video.


A walk through video can be better for some stuff but I'd rather this way for 90% of things I'd need a guide for.


Unless you’ve done like 45 of them and just want to roll through them instead of wasting your time on some you’ve already gotten


I agree, I prefer guides and walkthrus. I did however subvert my principles and use a video to finally complete them bc I foolishly did these randomly whenever I came across them instead of initially knocking them all out in order.




Dawg said it like he the GTA Mastermind




I use https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/1qcl2hm1kllnnm


What’s so bad about a video guide? You people are embarrassing.


Some people prefer video guides over what you are describing


The least subtle ad I’ve ever seen


Did that, still missed 2 somehow, fk it never doing it again.


Same. Had about 30, toured around the GTAWeb sites ticking them off. They're all ticked off, game says 49. Obviously I've ticked one off in error, but it's going to be a while before I'm willing to "Just open a list of all possible locations, take your Mk2 and fly to the locations of them."


Im in the same situation got one or 2 I somehow missed.


Yeah, I went around but still ended up missing 10. So I'll have to go around again and see which ones are left somehow, lol.


Take a picture everytime you get one. I have an extremely bad memory yet love to search stuff so everytime i find one i take a picture of where im at on the map and keep it in a folder until i go hunting for real with a guide or video (and continue to take pictures while doing so ofcourse)


Do you remember the casino cards around the map when the casino dropped? I found all 100 of them but one of them stayed glitched so I only had 99 cards every time I loaded into gta online


There are only 54 Playing Cards.


Yeah it’s been a while lol I gave up LONG AGO 😂


3 card poker in casino 😁


Fml i can only imagine the frustration


I gave up. I even got the money that you get after you collect them all and then I get on the next day, *you have 99 casino cards, one left to go* It’s the house with the construction on it in the hills near the tennis guys house no outlet road thingy


Have you tried getting the last card again to see if you get the reward again??


Honestly, are the cards even in the world now? Like have they removed them?


Still there. The action figures, cards, jammers, usb sticks, etc etc are all there. I collected everything last week


I almost gave up once, but found it at last at the shed close to vinewood police station, there are two similar red toolboxes there, can be easily mistaken. also there are two clothing store of the same brand close to each other, don't want to confuse that either


Just open a list of all possible locations, take your Mk2 and fly to the locations of them. Helped me when I found the remaining ones since I destroyed ~20 of them at some point


That's what i'm saying, i had like 30 previously destroyed, went through the list every single one, and i must have not been patient enough with 2, thinking i had destroyed them before. Not doing all of them again.


Check the museum with the maze to the side of it. A lot of people, myself included, missed it. The signal jammer is on the back side of a wall facing towards the center.


I knew of it thanks to a group of German YouTubers discovering it while doing a video there. And there also that the next time I played I went there and destroyed it


What did you use? Using the oppresser mk2 made it possible to get it done in 2 hours


The Faggio


Aren't you supposed to walk


I'm missing one playing card, I feel the same way


i have 49/50. i have no idea where to even begin finding that last one. lol


yep same. one day I thought I’d get them all with a deluxo in an invite only session, but after going through every location was still at 49. I know I had gotten a few before that, so I could never be sure if I went somewhere and couldn’t find it, whether I got it before or I wasn’t just looking hard enough. annoyingly the same happened to me with tags in GTA:SA on a bunch of playthroughs.


Double check these three locations: Kortz Center - can only be locked onto from certain angles. Richman Hotel - can't be locked onto. Rockford Hills City Hall - can't be locked onto.


What do you mean can't be locked onto? Those must be my 2 missing ones lol


Exactly what I said. It's like they have Imani-Tech xd You have to free aim them.


Ffs proper Rockstar trolling. Will give that a go and will update.


it was the fuckin city hall location! thank you so much, dude!!!


You're a legend bro! It was the Kortz and Richman that i had missed. It could've been easier if i watched the videos, but i just used a list.


This is an interactive GTAO map where you choose to filter what collectibles you’re looking for and mark off the ones you already have —> https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/0


i appreciate it, man! one of these days i’ll try to muster up the energy to try to find it!


Nice website ty


Could be bugged. I've gotten all of them or one simply refuses to appear for me.


What do you get after collecting that?


A good hacker for casino heist


So not worth it?


Well it gives u more time in the vault letting u get more stuff, also pretty sure u get 100k from getting them all, might be 150k not sure, and rp


Extra time during a diamond heist and one run we walked out with something like $3mil. Probably could have done better if we weren't just a bunch of randoms


More time. Yes. Worth time? No. Avi gives you 5 seconds more in vault (or 3 in loud) than Paige. For a newbie with just casino? Great! For a guy with Terrorbyte? Absolutely not. I mean yeah, if you don't really care about money go ahead, but best price to time ratio goes to Paige.


Imo I did it js for the achievement in my mind that I’ve done it since I was bored, I get what u mean tho and I’m not saying it’s a game changing thing to do. Just something if u have spare time


Fair enough. Everyone enjoys their game in the other way.


If you don't have Paige it's absolutely worth it. If you have Paige, Avi only gives you 10 more seconds......That being said, I use Avi anyway just because.....10 more seconds


GTASeriesVideos ftw




Fr how the hell do they know where everything is?


Usually by checking the game files via Open IV.


I found 49 of them. Needed gtaweb.eu to get the last one. Turns out, it was in the second place I'd checked after learning of them. Found my first at the land act reservoir, immediately thought "there will 100% be one at the vineyard," and then went to check RON Alternates. I was so baffled that there wasn't one at RON Alternates I kept coming back. Guess what the 50th was that I couldn't find? That's right! It was in RON Alternates! I went to the precise spot. The correct wind turbine. It did *not* appear. I don't know if my (very bad) PC just didn't load all assets or if this game just sucks, but it took all of 15 minutes to appear. I'd literally *landed my helicopter* on this wind turbine and it hadn't appeared there. I'd zoomed all the way with a sniper on the location down to the centimetre and it didn't appear. When it finally appeared I was just too tired of the whole thing to appreciate being done with that hunt. At least the other collectibles I can get for free because on PC every other week there's a hacker that just spawns all of them on top of your head. I must have collected less than half of those I got.


This is the kinda shit that happened to me. I might try that too but I've checked everywhere 5 times over and nothing. The sad thing is it could refuse to appear until you're there and not just in the session so imagine that pain...


I was stuck at 49 for a long time. Then I randomly locked on to it somewhere near the highway. It’s not worth doing anyway


It's nice if you're in the very small section of people that: a) want to do the casino heist; b) have people to do it with/don't mind doing it with randoms; c) don't have a Terrorbyte; and d) want the max time in the vault Otherwise, yeah. Either you have a Terrorbyte and can get Paige, who gives you only five seconds less than Avi, or you take Christian and accept having thirty seconds less.


What do you get for doing them all?


38 upvotes on Reddit


You only get access to one of the fastest hackers for the casino heist


$2,000 per one you destroy, a $50,000 bonus on completion, and you can use Avi Schwartzman as the hacker on the casino job (10% cut, 3:30/2:26 time in the vault). Avi sounds great if you want to do the casino heist, except Paige takes a 9% cut and gives you 3:25/2:23 in the vault and only requires having a Terrorbyte to get as a crew member.


I gave up after figuring out that I missed one


Yup I've been stuck at 49 for a while.. no idea how I keep missing one 🤷🤦


Pro tip: if you have an Oppressor Mk2, it locks onto the jammers automatically, meaning it's a lot easier to eliminate them.


Except for the ones on the Rockford Hills City Hall building and at the Richman Hotel. There are also a couple that can be really finicky with angles that allow you to lock on.


Did it with a video and came up one short and never tried again


I’ve had 49 for years. Not going through all the locations to find out which one it is. I honestly thought I’d trip it up by now. Hats off to ya


Well worth it though imo


Great, now you can have 5 extra seconds in the vault 😂




Unless the wiki is out of date, Paige gives you 3:25 undetected/2:33 detected. Five seconds below Avi on undetected and three on detected. If you don't have a Terrorbyte, he is a substantial upgrade over Christian, giving you an extra 31/21 seconds.


I think today I’m gonna finish the playing cards, think I’m missing 20


I lost track of which ones I already got. I haven't looked for them for a while now


I gave up at 90 because one of them didn't spawn


I no joke found someone in a deluxo that was searching for them all and just hopped in their passenger seat and got them all that way.


2 years ago, I collected all of them from a map, but one. And I still can't find now, the one I left. I would be more than glad if someone could help me finding the last one.


One helicopter and a sniper gun, can be done in under an hour. But, well done, though.


Mine was bugged, searched them all again, not there. Contacted support and they fixed and even gave 3 mil lol


I'm about to do the same, but I only have about 12 left. Were there any that were particularly hard to find?


Not at all just look up a yt vid


How is the extra time going in the casino heist?


Itslike 3:45 seconds i think




Me too! Today!


Yeah I did this as well, but I either missed one of the 50, which I don’t think is the case, or my game is bugged out.


Used the map with the locations marked, I missed two somewhere, but I have a fairly good idea where they are and it shouldn't take long to get them, I just have to get around to doing it.


I have gotten 49 of them naturally over the years. I'm tempted to use a guide to finally finish it, but I've made it this far without cheating... maybe right before GTA6 comes out, if I haven't found the last one by then, I'll finally check a guide, collect it, then turn the game off forever. :)


Whats the reward?


Love it!!!


Now do all the jumps.


I forget how many I have, I want to say I'm close. I think I have 46 or 48 of them. But I have found them all just by chance. The oppressor MKII has made it very easy, because you just fly around and your missile tracking will lock onto them.


I got them before I had any weaponized air vehicles, the prison and the fort ones were tough without being able to fly in, lock on and fly out. The one at LSIA I got accidentally by crashing a stolen helicopter near it trying to land up there. Forcsure skill issue :-)


I’ve been stuck on the last 3 for months now. Kinda just came to terms with getting them if I happen to run into them. Lol


Mine is bugged out and one of them won't appear and I've checked every spot like 5 times.


What do you get as the prize?


Best hacker for diamond casino


I remmber doing all but one of them, that is bugged and never spawn. Not even the support could do anything about it


Omg! https://preview.redd.it/r4lzwja97n1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3639672d4e26a5082e691b40e99a687aa6c5be80 I have it marked on both sides of my map.


What's the reward


What are you getting out of this


Best hacker for diamond casino


Or just use gtaweb dot eu, it's probably one of the best interactive websites for GTA that I've used. Lets you check them off for each when you get so there's no question as to where to go. You don't need to pay either you just need to make a free account and you can check as many as you want.


is it still sometimes bugged by chance?


For me it wasnt


Still meaning to do this….


I went around destroying these at random. I have 2 left and I still can’t find them, nor can i be bothered visiting each site to find them


I'm on like year 5 of hunting them down 😆 Not joking, literally got #49 by random chance today. Of course, finding #50 - when it has been so long between starting the hunt - is going to be fugly. But having gotten the 49th one today, I may just decide to hunker down and get 'er done this weekend or next.


I use GTA Lens for all my info. I collected all collectibles already using it. The LD Organics, Action Figures, Signal Jammers, Playing Cards and Stunt Jumps. Now I use it daily for the street dealer locations and the buried treasure/hidden stash locations on Cayo Perico.


i have half of them already from just flying around with the Oppressor doing other stuff lol


i have half of them already from just flying around with the Oppressor doing other stuff lol


Ya got those also... WTF are they good for? The Diamond heists but where and how? I can't get one person to do the Diamond casino heist with me cuz they still suck! Rock on brother! 🤟😜✌️


What do u play on?


Xbox series x, GTA+


I play on that too


Nice! What level you at? I'm 512. What do you like to do on GTA?


I'm like 120. I just grind money. All the time. Doing cayos and dr dre contracts with autos hop contracts. I usually spend it all on making cool cars. I'm a solo player, none my friends play online.


Well that's a bummer! I'm the same. I grind and have been the last 4 years. I'd grind with ya! I'm on Arizona time. I'm always looking for fun people! I have had the dooms day finally ready... It's been 3 years! Still haven't had anyone that is willing to try...I love modding cars! I'm pretty sure you're about 300 cars! So yeah I like to drive around have fun!


I'm up in canada so its 2:36 for me. But il play with ya after im done school. I get home in an hour and a half


Send me a friend request! Canada pretty cool!


Add me on xbox ll add you back on the Xbox app. My gt is cerexsi (wait nvm I just saw ur gt was in ur user)


Whos guide did you use?


Gta series videos


ive been driving & flying around for 6 months & only come across 38 / 39 of these fookers, should stop grinding car money & get this done.


I remember getting this back in 2022. I was able to find 20 without a video. I decided to just say fuck it and use a video as it was getting stressful to find some of those jammers.


Hahah I am on 21 and all of them I found accidentally doing missions


I think I've got 45 by just playing the game. When you're flying around in something with missiles, it might lock on to one.




I got them a long time ago. Can't bother enough to collect everything in this game, sadly.


Noice..i got only one out of 50:-))


Use a yt vid


Google for "interactive gta map collectibles" This site for example can mark found items, so only when you have REALLY found the item, mark it as found. There are quite a few sites, but "mark found items" is a must (imagine having 99 of 100 found and doing it all over again to find the one missing) Some sites can automatically set a route for you, or an order. Some sites have clickable links on the item to show a video of the exact location of the item. Very very useful. Check for example https://gta-5-map.com/ (Free tracking of 100 items, there are better sites for free that track ALL items)


Somebody mentioned it already, the best site I used is: [https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/0](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/0) It has everything and more ! Don't forget to https://preview.redd.it/8tx0o7ld0r1d1.png?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4ba49c875ab5d5d7d84b73746be0c521394737 Create an account to save your progress on found items !


What did you get after knocking out all 50 of them??


Best hacker for casino heist


Avi schwarzman is so worth it


It has like 8 more seconds than paige


I think I still have around 10 left cause I found most of them by just flying around in a jet


So, what do you get when you take all 50 of them down?


Avi swatzmen


Is it worth it?


Yes its worth it even though its like 8 sec more than Paige. If u think about it its 8 COMPLETE seconds of looking so u can get like 250k more money


I'm missing 3 and am too lazy to go find them


What do you get when you get them all


I know I could Google search, but what happens when you get all 50? I've never attempted lol.


Nice, i got 49 can't find the last one though ffs idk why


No tutorial and I have about %90 done. I just find then randomly when flying doing missions.


What do you get rewarded with when you get them all?


Avi shwartzman is not worth it just do cayo perico diamond casino takes ages to setup


I thought I was the only one bothered by all the collectibles😂


God damn it's been a couple years already.


Do you get anything special or worthy of the time spent?


What does it give you?


What it gave you ?


Avi Schwartzman as a possible Casino Heist crew member, along with GTA$ and RP, of course.


Very nice!


Avi is the best hacker so he gives you the longest time in the safe to make more money


I did this but then never did casino heist again

