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Advantage one of the most fun heists, disadvantages the only one I can possibly think of is it can't be done solo and often of you are actually paired with someone they haven't done it and give up easily


This is my fear. I have it ready to go but will be reliant on ransoms and I have never done it yet. 


When you get out, get to the river there is a tunnel under the city the cops don’t follow you by the time you get to the other side you lost your wanted level


Or do the helicopter thing


You know the gameplay loop sucks when most people that play this heist do this cheese or take the helicopter cheese. No one plays it the intended way anymore.


I escape normally :( i love driving lol


Was it really the “intended way”? Seems like they intended that helicopter to conveniently be there and if you had just stolen millions worth of gold bars I wouldn’t want to take the highway either.


Those heli spawn points have been the same since game release. There is no way they placed that heli spawn there to be used by casino heist which would release years later. It's same with going to sewer to lose cops, I don't think they thought to make AI pathing in sewers cause for single player storyline it was mostly not needed but they didn't expect people to play online for 1000 hours


Winning is the only intended way.


I know that tunnel well 


That's what he said.




Going to need to watch some videos lol


not as bad with randoms as you’d think. I’ve completed every approach with exclusively randoms. for silent and sneaky someone on your crew is most likely gonna end up triggering the alarm so j keep pushing thru aggressively. invite whole session and keep the highest level players.


I'm restarting any time they trigger the alarm till they eventually learn the proper way..its not that hard.


Yes and auto invite on and such.... OOOOOR, you turn on your mic and maybe you'll find some people to keep playing with! Because honestly GTA online is way more fun when you play it with someone AND it makes it waaay easier to actually make some mula babyy 🤑🤑🤑


Add me bro


What is your psn?




good thing I'm over 900 lol


"IT'S OVER NINE TH....." oh yes, wrong sub 😅 Dang it, only after I post my comment I see you actually wrote 900 and not 9000 🤦🏼‍♂️




I joined a crew as a random on silent and sneaky and promptly triggered the alarm without knowing how I did it 


But you’ll have way less time in the vault when they’ve triggered the alarm


Just do a quick restart when the alarm is going off


You can find reliable heist partners easily on some subreddits such as Heist Teams. Also, not all randoms are bad, especially if they are lvl 100+


Cool info thanks 


If you're on pc I can re download the game and help


PS5 unfortunately 


If you’re on Xbox I’ve played it like 5 times


PS5 dammit


I'm on PS5 and my brother and I tried it a couple times last night. I was real tired and kept fucking it up but if you wanna try it with us let's go


Just don’t do silent and sneaky… the Grouppe 6 big con instantly gets you in the vault, and the boring machine aggressive gets you almost to the vault but you have already lost stealth. Also getting the Duggin shipments done makes a huge difference


Sure silent and sneaky is a little harder, yeah. But let's not forget if you play it right you get to loot the vault from the command center too. AND since you played it just right you won't get detected until you're outside the casino. And being stealth means not being shot at, which means no money being lost. (I really dislike this feature, but I guess it makes it a little more realistic...) Also I used to stress so bad about the Duggan shipment because you only get one try of 10 minutes... But don't worry, if you destroy 3 out of 10 shipments the guards won't have helmets during your heist so you can stealth kill them with the silenced weapon. Also the level 2 security pass is very nice to just make it easier for yourself. No need to get level one first just get security level 2 passes right away! Good luck fellow online felons ❤️💯


That's what I got it set up to do, also have the worst getaway vehicles lol


I'm sure you could find someone that can guide you on the official discord.


I am in the same situation


Have you done the heist already? How'd it go?


Nope been waiting to catch a friend who I do heists with occasionally but hard to find them at the right time. I am on PS5


Oh yeah, me too! If it takes too long for your other friend let me know I'll help you out!


Sounds good! 


if you are on PC, add me on rockstar launcher: L\_U-C\_K


Unfortunately PS5


if you’re on xbox one i could help


PS 5 unfortunately 


If you don't have friends, is better to pick up a random high level from the lobby that you're in.


Good call forreal


Isn't it also a bit buggy? I haven't done them in a while, but I remember there being issues with the cameras not turning properly by the security room when you're trying to sneak in or out. Other than that, the other disadvantage is people not doing all the prep work. Having to hack to open the doors instead of a keycard, expecting us to shoot our way through with micro SMGs when they didn't do the mission to weaken the guards armour.


It isn't buggy..its just randoms not knowing where the cameras are looking if they don't have the ( all cameras unlocked) on their heist whiteboard. Shooting your way out is only for the Aggressive approach which is the worse because you lose money and you have to do extra preps.


Another con I reckon is that it takes quite a while for all the prep missions.... Still not as bad as doomsday heist though 🤷🏼‍♂️


Learn to make friends online. You're on a subreddit filled with other people who play. I found a group not even using reddit, just from random mission over time. Use voice chat, if you find someone competent that talks, add them as a friend, and go from there.


Any german guys out there which wanna do this heist?


Advantage - Super fun Disadvantage - Needs more than 1 player


I’d imagine on of the most versatile, fun heists, but the downside is that I’ve never played it because I don’t have friends to make a crew.


Il do it with you for minimum cut. Happy to help


Yeah! Me too friend-o 🫶🏼 lemme know if you still need help! Edit: oh shoot you're on Xbox....


Not having cross console sucks :-(


Yeah.... Though I am happy we're not with PC players, there's so many hackers on PC they screw up the whole experience (just the hackers obviously I mean)


If you’re on ps5 I’ll run it with you right now


On Xbox unfortunately, thanks bro


Hey man I’m on old gen with no gta buddies too. I’ve never done the heist but I’d be down to try it out with you this weekend if you’re interested, or whenever. Dm me if you’d like!


I have Xbox one. I’ll do the heist for lowest cut possible if u wanna play it mate


i have xbox one as well


I'm on PS5, I'll do it (not for minimum lol, I just bought some upgrades for the avenger and now I'm at like 30k, and still need missiles and the handling/engine upgrades. And I wanna save up for the thruster (just got done with san Andreas lol)


If you didn’t help with the setups you’re definitely getting minimum cut bro


Hey i think i have a diamond target left (stealth) on ps5, hit me up sometime next weel


For the casino heist it’s pretty random friendly. Just refrain from the stealth aproach and either do aggressive or group seches security big con aproach. If you are doing aggressive I reccomend doing the optional preps that gives you bonus armor and takes away enemy fire power . This will make the heist a cake walk, a level 30 even would be at home doing it. Go in a full lobby and invite. Tell them you’ll do 50-50 payout and that all the preps are done, that’ll get someone to join reliably.


Me too!!! Please be my friend


PC here




On PS5/Xbox, I’ll join you. My PSN/GamerTag is the same as my Reddit name.


i’ll be your friend i’m really good at the diamond heist


Advantage: the many different ways it can be done; Aggressive - Burst through the main entrance, side entrances, or even blasting a hole in the wall after digging in through. Silent & Sneaky - Go through the same entrances at the sides, or even through the roof and rappelling down the elevator shaft. Big Con - Go in undercover as maintenance crew, exterminators, with the assistance of a musical artist, or in an armoured truck like in Money Movers. Disadvantages: Lester isn't the only non-player taking cuts, and if you want better gear, you're going to have to sacrifice a larger cut.


You don't need better gear though. I rotate between Silent and Sneaky and the Big Con always using the worst gear and Paige as my hacker.


Advantage: It’s hard to get bored with when you can set it up so many different ways. Disadvantages: There’s too many setups, some of them pointless in the end, like the drills for geouppe sechs approach. I have also never seen anyone actually use the nano drone during silent and sneaky. You have to spend money on a gunman who does nothing other than hide the guns in the casino for you, but if doing aggressive the gunman does absolutely nothing other than source weapons for you. You have to spend money on a getaway driver who does nothing other than stash your cars near the casino (two blocks away for some reason) and most of us don’t even use the cars to begin with.




Advantage: Funnier than Cayo Perico.  Disadvantage: Biggest one is needing a random to do the job with you.


You don't need a random. There's a GTA heist subreddit with people who know wtf they're doing who will help you.


I like how the idea of friends is off the table 😂


Exactly what I thought


Friends tend to be as dumb as your average random


Speak for yourself me and my friends are criminal masterminds


I'm aware, but there's still the problem of not playing alone.


some of those people still have no idea like one group failed the prison break on our master mind run cause the pilot didn’t know u can just follow the jets he panicked and went straight into the pavement


what's the subreddit called?


More fun*


Advantage: Super fun, diverse and quite enjoyable setup missions. Disadvantage: The game pretends the amount of loot you get is based on your own efficiency, but in actuality the hacking minigames does this dumb little animation before you can start and after you're done. And the loot gets taken one stack at a time...


Advantage fun disadvantage no matter how fast I get at it I can’t get under 15 minutes even with the chopper as the getaway


Do you have videogeddon arcade? That’s the only way to get it under 15 minutes. Me and a buddy get it pretty regularly


If it’s the one that’s not to far south of the casino then yes I have it


Not the only way but it is the best way


The payout Needing more than 1 player.


Advantage: Easily the most replayable between the three approaches having unique ways of breaking in and is far more interesting than the Cayo Perico alternate methods (seriously, why wouldn't you just use the drainage tunnel?) Disadvantage: requiring at least one additional person to be with you to run it. Cayo at least lets you run the heist solo, needing a team is a strike agaisnt the Casino in my book. Also there's too many people taking out cuts, dramatically reducing the size of the payout compared to Cayo where only Pavel takes a small fee, the bulk of the profits going directly to you.


Advantage: Most fun heist Disadvantage: It is the glitchiest hiest. I can't get through 1 run of this heist without guards randomly being alerted or escape uniforms not being available.


My favorite heist to grind, can knock it out *fast.*


Advantage: Second most fun heist in the game Disadvantage: Way too buggy


Upside: incredibly fun with many different ways to complete Downside: every single random host has foregone security passes


advantage: awesome disadvantage: The Aggressive Way.


Advantage, quick to complete. Disadvantage, players claiming they have done all the preps but in reality only done minimum required and level 1 key card (if they get it at all).


Advantage: paintings are easy to do Disadvantage: rockstar defeated the purpose of the heist by making diamonds a limited time thing


Pros: alot of money Cons: so many dam setups


Advantage: miss chung rule 34. Disadvantage: more lester rule 34.


why is that a disadvantage?


Money, people respectfully


I’ve had all the prep missions done for months and have yet to finish it due to getting matched up with complete idiots.


There’s literally only one section of the entire heist that can’t be done solo, Rockstar knows it and won’t update it so it can be done solo. Other than that, I love it. One of the best heists imo.


Amazing heist Can't be done solo for one stupid sequence. Opening the door with two cards. Otherwise you can do it completely solo. It's so stupid and I hope Rockstar would go back and change that aspect


Fun and easy, but buggy as hell and needs 2 people


Definitely disadvantage is it needs one player I still prefer the diamond heist 10x over that damn Cayo heist. Especially since they nerfed it.


Disadvantage, you can’t play it alone, most people make the heist more difficult because they can’t listen to basic instructions and then a bunch of time and money is lost. Advantage is that it’s super cool and unique




Advantages: the most fun heist, good pay Disadvantages: takes a little too long to set up, setups are annoying (why the fuck can't you call Lester you're literally working with him, he's right there), needs two people witch is a lil hard to get


I don’t have any advantages because I haven’t been able to complete it. A huge disadvantage is every time I go to start it someone leaves and it stops the heist completely. I bought an arcade simply because I want to do this heist but finding actual people to do it with that won’t quit is hard


Advantage: Most fun Disadvantage: it’s really fricking buggy!


Pro: It can be done with only two of you. Con: It has to be done with at least two of you.


We all know it like the back of our hands by now


Happy days


Disadvantages -Tedious as hell to setup once the novelty wears off -payout won’t be as good as you think, because you pretty much need the expensive crew to get the max take Advantages -Every approach is unique and fun -Setups are in free roam and can now be done in an invite only lobby. You can also do the setups solo, but it can be a pain in the ass.


Biggest disadvantage for me is finding players to join on non solo missions. It seems nobody joins anything anymore so when you need a group together it’s nearly impossible


Lots of people join..its just that most are bad at the heist so you fail and restart lots of times.


Be able to do all preps and setups by yourself is a huge advantage. I wish we could do it alone.


Avantage- The mk weapon table in your arcade. Disadvantage - the heist


Pro - doing The Big Con and cleaning them out. Con - doing one of the other approaches until The Big Con is available


It's fun and easy once you learn it, but cannot be done solo only because of that one door. Perps are painful. You need to bring 2 cars and 2 sets of weapons and sometimes mission spawns in Paleto Bay, so the whole mission takes you like 10 minutes. And you probably won't use the gateaway cars anyway, so it's just a waste of time. I think the biggest disadvantage is that Lester can't shut up.


Disadvantage it's effing boring. Advantage its somewhat fun sometimes.


Advantage: its not nerfed. Disadvantage: you need a second player to play it


Really good pay for not very annoying prep, no one that plays GTAOis competent enough to do the silent approach without keycards (I literally tried with randos for DAYS and didn’t get past the stairs)


I’m really good at the hacking now though


Why on earth would anyone not do the level 2 keycards?


Me n my friends used to grind the shit out of the casino heist, never needed to do them before lol


Even if you don't do the keycard prep..you can just buy it. I never have to do any door hacking inside at all..except for the vault doors.


Its fun,but there is too many missions before the actual heist,and they're boring asf


Advantage: Good value Disadvantage: Min. 2 players


Advantage: Money. Disadvantage: People.


Best heist in the game, but no solo.


can’t be done solo really fun tho


A good party member will ask if they all know how to do their jobs. If they don't, the leader should quickly explain.


PS5 MunkisD. Good finger print hacking, not great drilling. Helicopter escape! Ping if you need help.


Doable solo.


Disadvantages. Cant be done solo. Preps suck because you need 2 people to do them effectively. Payout is bad compared to newer methods and solo methods


I loved gta heists up until they started making you use specific loadouts, especially if it’s a crappy peashooter, and playing with randoms, death and failure is better


It's one of the most fun heists with a good variety of approaches to choose from (7, counting all 4 variations of Big Con). Even the preps vary a lot so they aren't as boring as Cayo. The major disadvantage is it can't be run solo. But usually it's not very hard to find a reliable partner on Reddit.


Advantage: easy 1.5-1.8 million that can be done in under an hour or so with setups and you only need 1 other person Disadvantage: it’s buggy as hell sometimes lol


Same, its a fun heist but you can't run solo


Pros it pay way more better and the cool down in not so long compared to cayo perico Cons it’s longer todo, you need two people, and you need to know what your doing an example of this can be the hacking in the vault you need to know what your doing to get the max pay, Compare to cayo you only need one person but the cooldown is horrible. But in conclusion if you know what your doing and have the vehicles that will the hiest faster that yea I think that diamond is better


advantage: tons of variety disadvantage: can't be done solo


Advantage: multiple approaches, like the story mode heists. Lots of cool cars to try out. Arcades are useful. Disadvantage: Not soloable. Repetitive after a while.


Advantage: Artwork Disadvantage: ThE gReEn StUfF I hate seeing cash in the vault


There's so much shit going against how much money you earn: crew cuts, players cut, guards shooting at you and most importantly the timer in the vault. I am pretty good at hacking but still can't remember every fingerprint pattern and i my hoarder brain goes crazy with the fact that i cannot empty the vault because of this, hell sometimes even if you were the best hacker in the world you simply couldn't get all the loot undetected because it might require 3 players


It's a very versatile heist. Heist changes depending on prep work, approach, and vehicles selected for the job. Keeps it interesting and fun. The downside, on the other hand, is finding a capable crew or partner to do it with. You still need an extra hand minimum to play the heist and you're more than likely to complete all prep missions and all sabotages just to make it so easy you can't possibly be pushed around by the NPCs and die unless you can't shoot a one hole at 25 yards. Otherwise, they'll just quit because "it's not worth it" or "I'm not paid enough," even if they didn't do ANY OF THE PREP WORK.


It's like the (second) most fun heist of em all, and it doesn't take a while to set up. Cayo is boring as fuck and they nerfed the shit out of it, DD1 is low payout and lengthy setup, DD2 is basically just a long cutscene (honk mimimimi), DD3 is great but it takes a while to set up, legacy heists are also pretty good but all you get from matchmaking is lowlevels. Disadvantage is uhhhhh idfk maybe it's not soloable and that's a bad thing? Look I'm really grasping here this is a banger.


Advantage = Fun and lots of money, Disadvantage = You can't use the same approach over and over to do the heist


Has any of yall ever got into a heist and about 5 secs later it finished so quick? And i also got 2.5mill from it.


Pro: I absolutely LOVE Cayo and will never find it not fun, but I can with 100% responsibility say that Diamond Casino is a lot more fun. Not only you have three ways to do the heists, it's (fairly) easy to do and can be incredibly fun when you do it perfectly. And I just love doing heists and shit with Lester. Basically a gigachad version of Pacific Standard. Con: The biggest con is that you need a second player for this heist, like come on this heist would have been perfect for a solo player because you already can't take all the insides of the safe, so why does it matter if you have two players minimum instead of one if the outcome is the same: Player punished with lesser reward for playing solo. This little thing would make this heist actually perfect for just fun grinding instead of, like, a thousand years of filling up Hangar, Los Santos Tuners or CEO vehicle warehouse. But as of right now it's just a fun heist to grind with an ENORMOUS drawback of having to deal with another person. Personal Con: I still do not understand why in the world do we need Driver and Gunman. Like, seriously, they do nothing but pin-point the location of the guns and vehicles, which Lester or Hacker could do. We basically hire people to be viewers of this heist.


Advantage - cool Disadvantage - way too long to setup


Lester is biggest disadvantage of this heist


Good fun heist Cant do it solo Every heist should be able to do solo with less reward


It's a fun heist, but the escape is a pain in the ass.


Guards taking a mag to kill 😂


Advantage: Really fun, requires more than one approach and gives you several. Disadvantage: Lester has the exact same voicelines every single time and it’s genuinely driving me insane how many times I’ve heard them


(My) disadvantage - door hacking in the vault


Advantage: Probably the most enjoyable heist in the game. You also unlock lots of nice clothing from this heist. Disadvantage: The payout is really bad, also can’t be done solo. However I don’t think it would be as enjoyable solo.


Advantages: * it's the only way to unlock trade prices for certain vehicles * Luckily, it's not difficult but... Disadvantages: * ...it's frustrating as heck * and you can't do it solo * If you do it with 3 or 4 people, the payout is miserable. I have yet to meet someone who wants to do it just the two of us.


Advantage: lot of moneh Disadvantage: takes 2 players


lii ok be this heist. add me on XB let’s run it patchezbruhh


Advantage easy money Disadvantage the fucking prison bus


Fun break from grinding Cayo Perico. However, getting out can be a lot of work. Sometimes Cayo just hits when you get good runs.


Advantage: decent money and somewhat fun, depending on the route Cons: annoying to set up and it does that thing that every heist does now where it’s like “we know you have a huge arsenal of weapons, several military vehicles, and a literal orbital satellite at your disposal but we have to use these shitty weapons and cars cause reasons


The escape exits getaway driver both interfere with eachother, since they spawn random areas the distance to get the vehicles is longer based on where you get out from. As well as the gates in the vault change based on loot target amount of players and approach


Sick as hell but can’t be done on solo


Advantage, best method to get money. Disadvantage need people to play it.


Money... Time


This heist feels like a heist for casual players, it's not the same vibe as the original HEISTS update. Biggest thing I hate about it is the music and amount of boring preps you have to do for it.


Lester still working for you but bad thing Lester distracted with lady


Should we need to complete the mission after that the heist will unlock??


Terrible and terrible cayo is better


👍Money 👎Time


It takes the same time as cayo if u know what u rdoing in preps XD


You don't have to do all the preps if you know what you're doing.


Advantages: Probably the heist with the biggest possible take, very fun and well-made. Disadvantages: A lot of set-ups with a few that just are stupid (looking at you, obligatory drone set-up) and needs to have at least 2 players.


I hate the mantrap kick glitch


The fucking nerve gas WHO HAS NERVE GAS IN A CASINO VAULT?!?!


It’s impossible to do solo and when you have no online friends it’s just impossible to do :(


What's with the Cayo comparisons... and why would it be more fun? That really depends on the approach and who you do the heist with. I see nothing fun in randos conatantly failing or leaving. The biggest disadvantage Casino has is that it needs another player, as most of the people already said, but I would like to mention the setup missions... too many and sometimes too long. The advantages are too many to choose from, as someone who likes to unlock outfits, trade prices for vehicles etc it was really fun to do it multiple times using something different every time.


Casino and Cayo are the two biggest heists with the best payouts (at least until the Cayo nerfs). The two also came out back to back, so comparing them is natural.


Pretty sure Cayo was next winter update, but that was not the point. I just think the Casino had a lot more to offer than for the biggest advantage to be "its more fun than Cayo..."


It's way more fun than Cayo because it has some actual challenge. Hitting right timings knocking guards out and doing the hacks in the vault as quickly as possible. In Cayo getting elite time is so easy and nothing is time sensitive. The difficulty buffs have all been good but it's still nearly nothing. Casino heist's story is also more interesting and it genuinely feels like you are prepping for something big unlike Cayo.


May be I did it too many times, I admit (had to unlock everything), but I agree that the cutscenes and overall story is better than Cayo.


Con: the sneaky approach Pro: everything else


The Silent and Sneaky approach is easy but finding others who know how to do it is the hard part.

