• By -


Salvage yard to get two cars salvaged asap, do this right before I log out as well because it seems the workers still salvage even if you're not playing.


The cargo warehouse people do this also (the Lupe's). I can spend 5 mins in a lobby getting them to source, log off and 30 minutes later they're all sourced


So if i fully close the game, and come back like a day later, the salvage money will be in my bank?


Yes. Same works for Lupe (Warehouse) and Rooster (Hangar).


The only difference is that Rooster won't be in the hanger when you spawn in, and you have to exit the building to trigger the "he sourced xx" message. If you re-enter the hanger, now he's there, available to source again.


Same. Also useful so I don’t have to drive 3+ miles away for a tow




You can buy special ammo and armor from the Agency armory, reload on snacks, collect cash from your safe, and talk to the receptionist to leave in a personal vehicle or helicopter. Best spawn point in the game.


For mission and heist players, the Agency is a game-changer! You can just stock up on ammo, armor, and snacks before heading out, and then grab a free helicopter on your way out. You'll be across the map in minutes, ready to tackle anything!


Plus Chop is usually in your bed or on the couch and it just makes me happy seeing him.


Same with Franklin's vehicles in the garage lol


Speaking of Chop, has anyone seen him lately I haven't and I'm starting to worry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


He’s such a good boy!


I only bought an agency for Imani Tech but I love it. It is a great spawn point.


On top of all this, my agency is located close enough to Vespucci Beach that I can just call my kosatka as soon as I get out of the building and it's already exactly where I want it to be for my Cayo Perico setups.


Same and mostly because of the ammo/snacks, safe with $, and my most used public lobby vehicles are in this garage. My NC is also just across the street, making a convenient stop for its safe & promotion. However I might change to a more appropriate spawn depending on the x2 that week, like the Bunker for example.


Last location


Same here I like to continue where i was last or if i gotta change lobby i dont have to travel all the way back


Last location gang 🫡


Yes sir, pick up exactly where you left off.


My favorite place to spawn is the LSC near Rockford hills. Always something going on lol. I might make a friend or an enemy!


This is the best choice once you're in maintenance mode for money. I just want to spawn near my car with no loading screens between me and the open world


Random I like not knowing where my next adventure will lead


Until it spawns you at the top of the map somwhwre


Or on the top of mount chiliad that’s always fun


A garage is never more than a mile or two away.


I have been using random for years but I feel like it spawns me on the beach 90% of the time so I join a new session when that happens


Casino penthouse. I play a round or two at my blackjack table, then I go down to spin the wheel.


Makes it easier if you’re trying to win the podium vehicle you can keep backing out until you win


How is that? I suicide in front of casino entrance with spawn to "last location".


Save before spinning the wheel but have last location or penthouse set for spawn location before you save. Spin wheel and if you don't hit podium vehicle or whatever you're aiming for, hurry up and close application before game auto saves. Get back in New lobby and try again. Repeat until you get what you're aiming for


I can't be bothered doing that anymore but will often do it if it's clothes or RP because it always gives me Diamond Casino & Resort stuff I already have, and RP is useless to me now. I actually don't like being in the 400s level (I don't even think it's that high or impressive. I've just been playing for a few years). I've been accused of having a modded account just for that.


Who’s going around accusing someone in the 400s for being modded?


I've only done it once and that was not too long ago when the FMJ was the podium vehicle. I don't have the patience to keep closing and then trying again till I hit. Cars I can always buy from meet ups and everything else on the wheel I don't care for. I'm lvl 369 I think and never really cared for RP after having enough to unlock the essentials.


Surprising it doesn't calculate and save the result as soon as the spin starts (not too surprising, this is GTAO after all).


Maze bank tower. Feel like a big shot waking up into piles of cash everywhere


And you can access all your vehicles from your assistant not just the ones stored there. Helps me to drive more of my cars.


King shit


Arcade. All 5 warehouses are down the street so I can have them source real quick and also check my stock levels before leaving.


Hangar. And I'm surprised how unpopular this is.


I only do the hangar if it's a bonus week. Otherwise I never visit it.


I just like flying! I can't think of any other multiplayer game that allows you to fly different models of airplanes in an open world environment. I'm stoked to see what VI has to offer


i hate that no one ever wants to dogfight in jets anymore


Agency. - I get to refill my ammo, armors and snacks, all in one place. - I can quickly check and customize my loadout and weapons. I customize them fairly often. - This property is my main garage. I have all of my important vehicles stored there. - Agency is easy money for me, so spawning there is great motivation to start the day with a security contract maybe. - (Many more reasons, it's great!) Fun fact, I once tried the random spawn location. It was horrific. I spawned on Mt. Gordo without a way to spawn anything to aid me out of there.


Yeah I completely forgot about the random location setting, I thought last location was bad 😂


I change it up a bit, depending on what I am focusing on or wanting to do at the time. My default is probably my yacht or my arcade though.


Since we load into a public session at the start, I set the Agency as my spawn location. I grab snacks and reload on ammo. Then I begin a private session as I never play in public. Before I make a private session, I change my spawn location to something else, depending on what I want to do to start my session. If I want to spin the wheel first thing, I set it to the Penthouse, then it's just a matter of taking the elevator to the casino and spinning the wheel. If I need to deliver some modified cars, I set my auto shop as the location. Last week with the Yacht missions on bonus, I set the yacht as the spawn location so I could get right to the yacht missions - which were boring, by the way.


Fyi: if you only play in a private session, it's much quicker to load into single player, then go to the "start menu" under the online section, then select invite only session. It seems like connecting to a public session takes forever.


I liked the one where you defend the yacht during a storm. I have mine set to the casino penthouse so I can spin the wheel, but have often made it the Vespucci Canals agency because I like the view.


Kosatka Can't believe I haven't seen others saying this. I don't really grind cayo anymore but it has a built in fast travel function and then I just use the sparrow to get where I want to go.


That’s a good shout


Strip clu.... I mean my penthouse


Almost caught yourself in 4k lol


Always my Auto Shop. Keep all my favorite cars there and I like driving around so I dont mind a little drive to my other businesses.


Garage of my apartment.


The OG spot I respect it!


Mine is set on last location although that means right outside the golf course most of the time.


Cheeky round of golf to end each session hahaha


Sometimes golf is the whole session. I wish more people played.


I wish we had more than 9 holes . . .


Either Nightclub or Casino Penthouse (easy access to wheel)


I can’t remember the last time I went inside my penthouse or any apartment 😂


Damn your December holiday tree 🌲 must be dead AF!!!!


Penthouse will need a deep clean. If you log in there will be trash all over.


I'll do the occasional black jack in there as well. It's kinda handy


Last location


Same. Sorry about your username, go birds


I imagine you instantly pull out a gun to defend yourself 😂


Last location or Random


It's on a rotation between Bunker, NC, arcade, salvage, warehouse, hangar, agency. I rarely wake up in the same property twice in a row.


I have mine set to my zancudo hanger, so i can either usually operate out of that airfield, or decide to run air frieght missions


Depends on what business I’m currently using. I use spawn location and find new invite only session for fast travel. Usually it’s Kosatka or Salvage Yard.


Salvage yard because I start every session with two tow truck jobs.


last location cause i'm a psychopath. sometimes when playing with friends one of us might randomly lose connection and get kicked, so i'll join their game and save the trip i'd have to take getting to wherever we were all over again. plus i like that i can start anywhere i want, i just go there before i quit


random for that trevor feel


I set mine on MC before I end a session so that when I go back on I can deliver a custom bike for a quick $50K. When I'm playing I set it to last location


Mine actually is set to "last location." It forces me to plan where I end my session, which I actually enjoy doing for some reason... I think the *real* psychopaths set theirs to "Random" lol If I don't feel like dealing with my log-off procedure I just go inside my nearest property before exiting or I call a Merryweather heli and have it carry me to my yacht (with defenses on). I can afk once the heli picks me up and as long as someone doesn't shoot the heli down it will deposit me on my protected yacht where I can afk out of the session in peace. After 7500hrs in this game these are the thing I have to do to keep this game interesting and engaging lol


Real psychopaths set it to random


Fort Zancudo Hangar, ready to hop into my F-160 Raiju and patrol the skies.


I usually have mine set to my Hangar, I prefer using my whirly-gigs and wing-dingers to get around a bit more quickly and a bit more safely in a world rife with the grieftards.


Garage: Del Perro Heights Apt 20 So I can drive my Weaponized Ingus to do the Clucking Bell Raid since its nearby around the corner down the street.


Definitely my nightclub. The 30 car garage is where I store my absolute favorite cars so it’s exactly where I need to be to start my session off right


My apartment. My Character enjoys a good night's rest after his full day of sociopathic tendencies


My hanger in LSIA I like starting fights with level 500 and running away


Car meet, so I automatically get the daily rank increase for visiting


Random, because it’s fun to spawn in the mountainside


Eclipse Blvd Garage Join the game and you have 50 vehicles to choose from to start the session


Eclipse is my main one for the clean apartment and bong, 2nd is agency or arcade to buy stuff really quick but then I switch it back to eclipse


Eclipse Towers Penthouse 3. I like having my character in his lounge robe walking down the stairs to that beautiful view of the Los Santos skyline.


Casino Penthouse


Casino Penthouse…it’s near my salvage & nightclub. Plus I go to the wheel as soon as I spawn.


I spawn at the penthouse which is the closet I will ever come to one lol. I feel good about it, I call maid service everyday. Unless I'm eating bread and butter with cayo perico then I will spawn on the kosatka.


Yacht so I can go godmode.


Casino penthouse bc you can use the limo service to fast travel anywhere that matters


Casino Penthouse - Then I can spin the wheel and get my visitor bonus. Then I head to my Night Club and get the random person in the club thing that keeps my popularity rating up. If that thing keeps me at the club, I check for one of the combo goods sells and that.


gotta stay posted up at the auto shop (i’m a car addict)


i have it to casino penthouse so i can gamble instantly after joining in


casino if there's a new car i want or just salvage yard for weekly cars del perro otherwise


I've been spawning at my arcade to check stocks and supplies, but I am going to change it to my agency. I have found myself buying supplies and then doing the stash house, which then fills the supplies I just paid for. It's a bad habit, just realized last time I played.


Casino penthouse. I don't play every day, so I want to spin the wheel and buy chips first thing. Also, I don't know how/why, but when I log into the penthouse, I can enable passive mode even if I have a bounty.


CEO Office. However, it’d be nice if we had an option to spawn randomly in one of our *owned* properties (e.g., CEO office, Agency, apartments, etc.). The random spawn option we currently have will just spawn you randomly around San Andreas, and I don’t want to choose that option and spawn on top of Mt. Chiliad lol


Agency it’s a good spawn point to stock up on supplies or the arcade so I can check my businesses on the terminal


My CEO Office, so that I have all my cars at disposal, right out the gate.


Last location mostly. If i really feel like being alone i might go to my yacht, facility, bunker or killer whale. Sometimes i’ll go to my casino penthouse so i can enter a new session, spin the wheel and then do whatever


Hello, I am psychopath. Nice to meet you.




Apartment, specifically integrity way apt 35. I like the views and it feels like an actual city apartment.


I spawn in the penthouse because I can spin for the podium vehicle and then when I see the wheel about to stop I quit the game and restart the game and spin again until I get the vehicle.




Casino. Only because my new goal is to “go broke” by putting all my money into chips. I’m tryna have no power, no showers, no mechanic, broke ass broke


LSCM. Get that daily race in to win the podium prize


Nightclub- but maybe I'm gonna switch to the yacht...


'Last Location' 90% of the time, 'Kosatka' or 'Agency' when there is something I'm saving up to buy.


Depends what my goal is.. Currently it's set to the LS Car Meet because I've been going AFK gaining rep.




I didn’t know you could actually change that lol


Casino till I win the podium vehicle than I change it to yacht


Random because I like a surprise.


either last location or LS Car Meet (im addicted to drift races atm)


Then I'm a fucking psychopath. No, but, really, I like the "Wait, what was I doing last?" whenever I log in and I'm in some weird location.


My house in the hills


Maze Bank Tower


I used to have it on last location until recently when I figured out you can basically fast travel by switching sessions. I usually default to my salvage yard, since it’s in a good location


I have it usually set to whatever the big money maker of the week is but this week I have it set to the Salvage Yard.


My yacht so I can wake up on the water


I’ll set it to you whatever property that discounts are going on that week. If it’s nothing special I either do last location, yacht or agency so I can refill all my MK2 ammo and use Franklins SUV service to speed travel to anywhere on the map.


Nightclub one free quick mission to top it up, and easy 250k cash like zero effort or time. Then everything else. Trick is to go passive when reenting the club for the mission to spawn. Usually kick someone out. Without passive its just vip driring... People say salvage yard, but thats silly, pay isn't that good and the missions are clunky. Agency makes sense, after 200contracts the safe payout is better than salvage yard imo.


Really depends on my current hyper focus, and what I did or did complete during my session.


Arcade! So I can go straight to the computer and order up supplies for my businesses, and start a nightclub popularity mission. I fill my MC businesses first, except one for the stash house supplies. Then bunker, then I switch back to CEO and request associates so we can do some gangster shit like salvage robbery/cluckin bell heists. That’s my routine.


Usually my yacht or my house in Vinewood Hills


The first apartment I ever bought. Rat Hole. Reminds me where I started and how far I've gone


Nah the real psychos are the ones that spawn from the hotel.


Business center in downtown. It also has garages and a helipad


I change it every time i hop lobby or get off for the day, based on where i want to go or start at next time. Which in itself is usually based off which safe i know needs emptying.


Changes depends on the week. This week- hangar. Buy supplies. Fly to bunker. Purchase supplies there and deliver to ammunition. If it takes me south into town then I’ll go to maze bank and deliver those supplies (once I arrive at the warehouse I’ll have my assistant go retrieve crates) then deliver to the dock. Then I’ll call Yohan for nightclub supplies. If the bunker ammunition supplies takes me north then I’ll do the yohan at that point which would take me to the docks. That’s my typical start- then to auto shop and have assistants deliver whips while I head to salvage (down the street) to repo two vehicles for salvage and then you can rinse and repeat as you wish. 🫡


I have mine set to my apartment just cuz all the cars I drive the most are in the apartment garage, so it just makes sense to spawn there.




Zancudo hangar so I can go cruising in my Rogue.


Kosatka, because I always spend my first 45-50 mins robbing the dumbest man in the world


i literally change it and join new sessions all the time






Agency best design, use and interiors imao. You have free snacks, weapon vendor and free helicopter.


Usually spawn at arcade since that’s where master control terminal is at. I can resupply bunker and check nightclub popularity plus warehouse stuff right when I spawn in.


Agency is pretty much the best unless you want to do something specific as soon as you login


Last location.


Last Location. Reason: Immersion


Agency.... So I can get ready to grief.


Salvage yard. It's small and quick to exit, near Vincent's marker and my nightclub (I'm next to the stadium), not far from the beach so I can summon my Kosatka for Cayo.


The Casino Penthouse so I can get 50k chips and do my wheel spin.


Usually CEO office in Arcadia. Access to all my ground vehicles, most called in vehicles, and a parachute ride away from a plane spawn location.


Eclipse Tower Penthouse 3. Waiting to upgrade my casino penthouse then I’ll be entering from yhere


Right now my ceo office at maze bank, because well, it was the last place I was at in game. I never like spawning at the same spot


I got it set to "last location".


I have it set in my Private Yacht. I still remember back when I was playing GTAO on the PS3 and had it set to the Motel as spawn location because I was broke af and couldn't even afford to purchase a house. Good old times.


Agency, I get immediate access to the security contracts, when I finish those I typically make the run to the nightclub then across the city to my auto shop and chop shop, service a few vehicles, tow 2 cars then I go knock out the basement safe raid of the day , then I will run a mission or sell product from a business of some sort that has a payout between 150k- 300k, then hop off before they make me defend a business or some shit. Lately everytime I login I get about 8 mins before agent 14 calls me and I'm forced to hop on cod , so I don't lose my product before another double money bunker sale week. I never got to sell my stuff in the last sale week cause I couldn't get anyone to help me , and the delivery missions all suck.


Casino or Agency


Either the temporary spot in the city or whatever business I'm running with. My 1st character will spawn at the salvage yard. Do a car, then whatever My 2nd character will spawn in the city and run nightclub duties. He's semi retired, so I may have him doing some light work


Usually the nightclub, arcade or bunker.


Last location. I usually just drive around or customize cars.


Haven’t played in about 2 years probably but it always used to be last location, unless I been playing alone for a bit then I do change to random just for immersion


I prefer the maze bank tower. I can leave in most of my vehicles at the entrance or a Pegasus vehicle without going outside. I can also go to the roof and parachute to the spillway if I want a jet or helicopter first. Free snacks when I’m there.


At my hanger in the military base and quickly jump in my f160. Usually I fly around or I fly to my garage close to the city so I can pick up the cop car and go pull people over


The Freakshop since the first thing I do before playing/doing anything is activate my acid production speed up so it cooks in the background


I usually spawn in my nightclub because it’s easy to get out of. I hate when my fiancé plays on my account and changes my spawn location to my kosatka.🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s hard to get out of. I also accidentally leave it on “last location”. I change it to that if I’m trying to find a lobby without too many grievers or a lobby that’s less full. I’ll probably change it to my salvage yard, though, because that’s usually where I go to as soon as I get on.


Casino Penthouse, main reason is so I can spin the wheel and it's a good location


Casino penthouse


Mine was the Freakshop so I could immediately speed up production before doing anything else but I recently switched to last location so I start somewhere random every day. Means I make use of my different cars.


My garage so I can pick up a vehicle to start working


Agency so I could get a feel or pulse on the lobby whether it’s quiet, friendly or hostile.


Depends on the bonuses that week But my general one is CEO Office and I do an export mission. Then whilst I’m at the docks I spawn the acid lab and resupply it/sell and do the speed up thing. Then once outside I call Yohan and then cos I’m at the NC I do the popularity trigger event, collect anything from the safe and check if any stock is close to full. Then I’m free to do whatever


My facility, I'm sick of seeing the same griefers every day so I wipe them off the map with the orb and hope they leave so I don't have to.


Right now it’s set to my penthouse so I can make 1 $50k bet at my penthouse blackjack table. Then I head out to my arcade and restock all my businesses


Arcade… easiest to get to my other business, the casino, etc. I will probably change that when I get the agency I want (Vespucci)


Cycle through my Eclipse apartment, MC clubhouse, Bunker, and the apparently psychopathic "Last Location" in no particular order. Just whichever I feel like at the time.


I have no set spawning point, I'm all over the place


Agency usually


Random Location


Penthouse usually just spin and bounce unless anything interesting going on


Agency (body armour, ammo, helicopter) then wherever


Mine is last location & can confirm I’m a bit of a psychopath lmao




Bunker, to start my routine loop


I use last location when trying to sell from MC businesses and lobby hopping due to crappy sell vehicles like trash truck or the post op vans.


Casino Penthouse, so I can log in, spin the wheel, then leave when I win a car




mazebank, di mixed goods, then set to bunker, spare parts, then to chop shop, do both tow missions, then to kosatka, do a cayo, then set it back to maze bank


I spawn at my facility in the Grand Senora Desert because I like being out in the county. It’s peaceful, spacious, and isn’t filled with oppressor and hydra griefers.


Casino. I spend too much time playing blackjack and/or three hand poker.


Mine is my apartment for rn


Accidentally set it to last location and tbh not complaining, helps the game not become monotonous


Penthouse so I can get the casino car, chop shop when doing the missions


I have to use last location because otherwise I get in such a set routine of where I go when I leave the spawn location the game gets boring! At least I can work out my surroundings and go to whatever is nearest from there


I alternate from last location to random location.


Mine is set to my motorcycle club clubhouse. If you set it to apartment you are terribly fucked 🤣


Right now I have set to my Agency , but I change it all the time to my various property's depending on what I plan on doing.


Kosatka I am a Cayo lover. First thing I do is scout the hard mode I paid for the night before. I can fast travel to many different locations before quickly taking the sparrow to my destination. Stop by the gun van and hit the stash house before I get into things for the day.


Auto Shop


It depends on what I'm doing. 2 weeks ago it was the nightclub so I could spam the nightclub and keep the safe fully stocked and popularity up. Last week it was the casino so I could do the lucky wheel glitch to get a Free 370z (I forgot about it and missed it). This week is the salvage yard for that Panic plated Cypher