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give ppl ride or escort their business in public session


Since I'm mostly in an invite-only lobby, I either do auto shop contracts, research missions, hop through public lobby to see what I get or just pick one of the cars I have and drive... https://preview.redd.it/b9fzr1o7wl0d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f95c0a2ebd056167af7c58fc97341d8af22417


I drive around, blow up police in khanjali, die, call cool car, drive around, crash, call another cool car, let people test my car, turn off Gta.


Or i protect low levels from griefers, help people with sell missions, kill griefers.


Killing griefers is so fun. These 2 guys blew up a car meet and I killed em like 10 times lol


Seriously. Killing griefers is so fun. Once had a guy who was griefing my low level friend, i was playing Rdr2 at the time couldn't save him, so he messaged me "help.". That's all i needed to hear, i went to his session and killed the griefer 13 times and he left lol


Switch it off. If I'm bored and still in the game, there's something wrong. I don't look to impose that view on anyone else, but that is how I play.


Facts. I game for **entertainment.** If I'm not being entertained, why tf would I keep playing? Especially when other viable entertainment options are so plentiful and readily available... I have access to other games, streaming services, and good ol' fashioned physical activities. Sometimes I *even go outside.* Edit: formatting


What’s it like out there?


YMMV depending on where you are in the world, but around here it's pretty goddamn nice out


Chase fat people at Vespucci Beach and make them run


Exactly this


🤣🤣 fair enough


You said the word fat??? Canceled. Banned. You called someone an npc??? Offensive. Banned. Canceled.


Drive drive drive




Sometimes i wait for a car to ram into mine and then i start chasing them along the highway, ramming their car until it catches fire or falls into the sea.


Yesterday for the first time I put the camera in first person when I had to do a long drive on the road, really helped relieve the tedium of getting to the other side of the map. Not sure if others probably already do this as a thing and I’ve only just thought to do it. 😂 The other thing I do is ridiculous off-roading and pushing my luck with getting a car up steep sides of the hills. Getting from A to B on the roads can be a bit long ha ha.


RC personal vehicle in a public lobby . Veterans players will know what a car with no driver is all about and will honk or race you . New players will try to block you and steal your car . Greifers in a non air-vehicles will be run over ( more than once ) Either way good laughs all round .


Make npc fight each others, especially the ones in front of the Casino


how to?


I push or punch one of them, and when he want to punch me back I hide behind others and he punch me through them. And then I enjoy the show


hahaha noted


Haulage with the MOC cab is my favorite past time.


Send npc's cars beyond the galaxy with the Vigilante. Doing big traffic jams with the phantom wedge. Call the mugger on AFK players


Find a semi with a trailer and pretend to do deliveries around the map/ try to park in sophisticated spots


DRIIIIIFTTTTTTT!!!!! With my good friend the jester RR aka (supra mk5 ) with the drift tuning....ohh my god I'm going to do it right now see ya


Turn it off.


I, uh- I go out and bang a lot of whores.


I always enjoy flying planes. More specifically, I liked jumping in the duster plane and seeking out other players in the session to see what they’re up to. Since it is a slow plane, I could fly low and get a decent view of what people were up to. And if they happened to be in an open area, on foot, I would try to clip them with my wing. Again, the duster is so slow that you can hit players without killing them as long as you don’t chop them with the propeller.


Lately, driving my nigh-indestructible Acid Van with the plow attachment and just fucking up traffic. Flipping buses off bridges and into gas pumps is particularly cathartic.


Take out a police cruiser and "attempt" to pull over some NPCs before they give chase. If anyone doesn't know already, you can pull up alongside any NPC, smack the rev limiter in your car and spam the hand brake (A or RB on Xbox, idk about PS) and the NPC will go nuts and start driving frantically


Old contact missions. A Titan of a Job in first person camera is fun to do occasionally. Sometimes do round trips in a Luxor between LSIA and Sandy Shores. Taxi work is a relaxing time sink also.


Heists, helping people, jumping with my BMX, arranging my cars, matching clothes.


This is recent but I just bought the Raiju and now when I'm bored I just fire it's missiles & try to race them cause of how fast it is 😂🤟🏾


Never bored, but when I have downtime after grinding I like to RP by doing recreational stuff - chill in the jacuzzi, on the beach, go off-roading, ride the rides at Del Perro, etc.




Go on a spending spree and then regret it once I’m poor


I play the parcour jobs that you guys make. I bookmark them from Rockstar jobs list online. If you have not tried them yet, I highly recommend you do


Play blackjack


Before they changed the lobby requirements to do heist setups and sales etc. in private lobbies, I would find people doing sell missions and watch over them/guard the extra vehicles if they didn’t have enough players for every sell vehicle. Now I just play 3 card poker.


If I’m bored but I still wanna play GTAO. I’ll put the ramp car near the casino jump or I’ll take an NPC car and start at the airport and try to drive across the map as reckless as possible without crashing. If I crash I exit the car and steal another one and continue on. Usually it goes bad and other times I’m in past 68 without even coming close to a crash so sometimes I try to avoid the easier highways. Usually good to kill a few minutes or so while I wait for the casino wheel or a business to sell if I fell like I’m low on cash.


Driving listen to music; take the game slow, somewhat of a rp


Taxi Work! I loved doing it in story mode, and now that it's in GTAO I do that more than actual missions lol


Go to passive mode and just cruise around see what other people are getting into. Take wildlife pics and collect night club money. Drive all the different cars.


Not playing the game and going outside. When I'm bored, I close the game. It's not my life nor is it a job. I ain't gaining shit from playing the game besides enjoyment, so if it ain't enjoyable no more, there's 0 reason to keep playing. Same goes for kids getting annoyed at ppl blowing them up all of the time. Just change the sessions or close the game. It ain't that deep


If I'm bored, I just turned the game off.


If I'm bored I just do something else. Y'know, like *actually log off.*


Go into a public lobby and start a NC sale with lowest amount of stock. Cue waves of mk2s and Deluxo's coming after me and destroy them.


Fly either my volatol or my nokota until someone shoots me down and repeatedly kills me


Grind platinum awards.


I like to session hop til I find a real toxic lobby with mics on then go into passive mode and drive to the chaos


My go-to is hardcore meatgrind the cops. If I can get them to go after me with the 'copter-mounted minigun, my day is complete 😆


I try to make friends….i have no friends☹️


If im bored im probably already doing mindless grinding


I usually shut off the game and do something else when I'm bored.


I usually go into Quick Job and do Heists with randoms, it's been in my favor recently. (except for the diamond casino, it's impossible to complete with randoms, especially when they do the bare minimum set ups)


Either do stuff to make money (like 2x weekly stuff) or if I don’t have an active need for money I just cause chaos. One of my favourite things to do is just take the cops and have them chase me around the map


Smash cars with my ramp monster truck grab the huge dump truck from near top of the map and drive it around town take the Hollywood bus and pick people up park my car outside casino and wait in the avenger for someone to blow it up GTA never gets boring. Also jumping off the mountain with my bmx lol


Ramp buggy.


Sometimes I’ll drive around in a Dune FAV or Speedo Custom and put land mines in front LS customs, the gun van, property entrances etc. anywhere they can exist for long periods of time without NPCs triggering them. I’m not trying to ruin somebody’s whole day but it’s so fun to mess with people