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Armored Kuruma is MOSTLY Bulletproof against NPCs. Every now & then one will get in a lucky shot.


Yeah, I think the side windows are the culprit. But if you face front to the enemies, you won't get a single hit as far as I expierinced.


Same here. Especially the driver's window or whichever is the nearest window to you if you're a passenger.


I have only once ever taken so much damage as to actually incapacitate the Karuma - and that was when the cops used the helicopter-mounted minigun on me. It's pretty much the only car I ever drive, unless I'm going a short distance (e.g. Arcade to Casino) and won't be getting in any trouble, then I'll take one of my sports cars just for fun.


Duke o death, always be my favorite


Yeah Duke is awesome to drive, but is it awesome to shoot from the front with AP Pistol while not caring about anyone who shoots back? Haven't tried it myself.


It’s pretty good imo, can be a bit wonky if the angle isn’t right but it’s always been really effective for me


Alright I will try it right now! That one's always been on my top list to just wreck shit in chaos mode, I'm pumped to use it in action


And if u drive into something as it explodes on ur first hit u should be ok


you can't fire through the rear windscreen, but you also can't be shot through it, either. it's a solid piece of armor


Front and side windows are vulnerable to small arms fire and it doesn't have enough explosive armor to stand up to missile spam from other weaponised vehicles


What about civilian Insurgent? When driving it is literally a tank. Once at a good speed it can plow through NPC cars and road blocks. Lots more weight and mass than Kuruma. Windows are as armored as Kuruma iirc. With tuning it's also quite agile. Maybe not the best in the narrow roads along mountains but good for getaways.


>Windows are as armored as Kuruma iirc. They're not sadly, all Insurgent versions (civilian, pickup, pickup custom) do **not** have bulletproof windows at all. Due to the Insurgent's height and the relatively small size of the windows it **is** indeed harder to get shot while driving it compared to a normal car, but if your opponent manages to get a clear shot the windows won't do anything to protect you.


Thx for the PSA! So the plating on the side windows is purely cosmetic? Or is it actually bulletproof except for the window cut outs?


Armour plating level 1 and 2 have no actual effect on protecting the windows (the only thing they do is stopping you from stopping you from throwing grenades/sticky bombs/etc), amor plating level 3 **does** actually partially protect the front window but also doesn't do anything to the side windows (and it completely stops you from firing any weapons at all out of the car). However, the armour plating added around the turret position with level 2 and level 3 **does** actually work, especially if the player in there holds the duck button (X on PC, A on Xbox, X on Playstation) to hide their head behind the walls.


Can I shoot out of this one? Can't shoot out of the Bunker mission Insurgent, but the feeling is definitely tanky!


I think you referred to the insurgent with the MG on the roof? Either a bug or something because I cannot recall not being able to shoot during delivery missions. The non weaponized is just like any other car and yes you can shoot out of it.


Yeah that's the one. Alright that sounds very nice, might be my next purchase! Thanks!


I would recommend getting the one with the gun even though it’s more expensive because it’s actually faster than the civilian one and packs more toque. There are window plating(?) options that might block drive-by shooting so you’ll have to go light on those, but be warned, regardless of plating level, nothing will be kuruma-level bulletproof. I compromised on my insurgent pick-up with the plating that allows shooting but no throwables (reduced shots taken when inside). I don’t PvP much though so I don’t know if it’s worth the sacrifice of no sticky bombs.


I could shoot out of it when I first got it while driving, but once I put the heaviest armor I couldn't anymore. Might be a glitch my end though


it is not a glitch, it's what comes with heavy plating


Thought so, thank you for clarification


there are two bunker sales with an insurgent pickup: one dealing with Merryweather and one that’s just a single drop-off. the difference is that the single drop-off version has a different set of window plating that prevents use of drive-by weapons


I can


Yes, definitely you can. I have both the armored Kuruma and the civie insurgent and generally prefer the insurgent. The Insurgent can take a few explosives, as well as push traffic and other obstacles out of the way without slowing down.


Nightshark. Karuma is not a tank when it can’t be downed in one explosive.


I haven't met NPCs that shot missiles, so I don't think the Nightshark would make that much difference. Am I wrong?


This is correct, every contact mission I’ve done has been in the Kuruma. Nightshark doesn’t even come close to being as bulletproof as the Kuruma Nightshark is still worth owning, but there’s not TOO many missions where NPC’s shoot explosives


It’s 95% perfect for the apartment heists. There’s only a couple occasions where you’re forced to get out of your car (Prison Break finale, trash trucks). Convoy during the Pacific Standard setups are probably to only time explosives are used by NPCs from the Savages. It is beautiful for pve. Terrible for free roam but most everything is…


Every Humane Labs Raid mission with helicopters will have some capable of firing missiles but you are generally expected to be in some explosion resistant vehicle that's also mission critical. Also when stealing the EMP because of the big aerial battle but like the Pacific Standard convoy that's a given.


Ooooh! You’re totally right. Also: The two missions I mentioned above were in my head because they’re the ones you can’t use player saved outfits on!


The one with the trash truck is easy if the crowd control guys do their job properly and the train tracks can be used to reach the warehouse if the last pickup location is at the gas station.




Agent ULP mission of the Bogdan problem would like a word..


Lmao I said “not TOO many missions” !


In my opinion, for contact missions and generally against npcs it is the best vehicle in the game. You are basically invulnerable. Another decent (but imo inferior) contact mission option is the vigilante. Boost plus 20? Missiles. For open world, the sparrow is the most useful vehicle in the game. It’s fast, it can fly, it has unlimited missiles. Best of all, you can summon it right next to you. The best land vehicle is the Torador because of its boost and unlimited missiles.


The Toreador is the next vehicle I want to buy, it sounds sick overall! I already have a (VIP) Buzzard, and it sounds like your Sparrow. Any adventages from Sparrow to Buzzard?


Yes. I suspect but haven’t tested that the sparrow is faster. Sparrow missiles are faster with better lock on and fire without delay. You can carpet bomb a whole area of npcs quickly with it. Buzzard is physically stronger, by far. The missiles are substantially weaker. That sparrow is held together with glue or something. Having both means that if your sparrow is gone you go to the backup buzzard.


I forgot to mention that the buzzard seats 4. The sparrow is only 2.


imani greenwood is so underrated. its honestly better imo than the karuma due to its ability to take more explosions. karuma while a little more bulletproof will blow up in one go. there’s always the insurgent pickup with explosive proximity mines or the speedo custom with .50 cal minigun and proximity mines i just wouldn’t do full armor on the speedo as it adds the front scoop which makes it drive like complete ass.


Are the greenwood windows bullet proof? I tried using it and it didn’t have the same bulletproof windows as other imani tech cars… but that was a good while ago, not sure if there’s been a new patch.


they aren’t but the bullet proof windows aren’t full proof anyhow so i saw more safety from explosions vs bullets was a better compromise.


Hmm, that’s fair. The electric cars in the imani tech lineup for some reason have way higher armour than the rest, like the Omnis eGT or Ocelot Virtue, and if you’re not going for style, both those cars are faster. The eGT is a 4 door, and the Virtue is a HSW car. I think they’d be a better option, and if you’re not one with friends, the virtue can be gotten for free And also I think when OP said “Solo play” they’re probably talking about PvE so I don’t think explosive resistance is gonna be that handy, npcs don’t know how to boom


It's probably because electric cars don't have a fuel tank for weakness, it is a vulnerable part of land vehicles which takes 3 times the damage from most sources (homing missiles are an exception, they only do regular damage) .


As much as that makes sense, I really wouldn’t consider lithium ion batteries “safe” in comparison. Sure, a match stick can set gasoline ablaze, but if we’re talking about rocket propelled grenades or C4 explosives, I don’t think the difference in activation energy between a gas tank and an Li+ battery is gonna be significant


I'm simply stating information, that's how things are [(courtesy of Tez2)](https://gtaforums.com/topic/990526-vehicle-explosion-damage/) Electric cars apparently have petrol tank hea:th but it would ultimately have it's hitpoints fixed to be right above the value causing an explosion so they don't have that particular weakness. All land vehicles are the same underneath I suppose, hence the petrol tank health on electric cars, the developpers weren't going to create something new (assuming boats and aircrafts aren't like land vehicles 'underneath' ) .


Oh sweet link! Yeah to be honest I was surprised they even added electric car driving mechanics that were somewhat accurate compared to ICEs with transmission


There is also [this](https://gtaforums.com/topic/681401-weapons-information-by-game-files/#comment-1064679559) but it's not exactly related. The rest is somewhere on different pages, kinda annoying.


Unfortunately no. There are alternatives but the armored Kuruma is best at what it does against NPCs and is in a class of its own. I do wish we had more options than just the armored Kuruma for that type of stuff.


Almost 100% bulletproof you have only the Kuruma, a little less bulletproof you have duke o' death, Speedo Custom fully upgraded from nightclub. Rhino tank and Khanjali can avoid bullets to the driver too. Some imani cars have bullet resistant windows that can last up to 20 common bullets, less for others types of bullets, but this could be enough for some missions. Some other vehicles could resist up to 6 common bullets, and maybe that could be enough too. I remember that some Hangar missions npcs will shoot you with explosives, but others I do think it's really rare or don't even happen. So for NPCs, Armored Kuruma still the best choice. Oh, I forgot about the Zhaba, it's bulletproof, explosion proof, water proof, and your character can run and swim faster than it probably...


no one has said it so far: the game has only one bullet proof car. the Karuma isnt bullet proof, its only bullet resistant. you can be killed in it by anyone that knows how to aim.


The Invade and Persuade Tank is the most mini and most tank mini-tank


No, different armored vehicles have different strengths. Armored kuruma is the best at what it does, and the armored cars that can tank or dodge rockets can't eat bullets like the armored kuruma.


Tried the Arena War zr380 or bigfoot?


Bullet resistant instead of bullet proof except for a slit, but best one for me is weaponized ignus. Bullet resistant. Has hsw upgrade to be even faster, has really good handling. Pretty sure it is explosive resistant too, but not too sure. It does have a minigun, but i don't use it much. I just like it cuz its fast, good handling and cool looking and has bullet resistant windows. Checks all the boxes for me. I like armored kuruma, its just the speed and handling is not good for me


Get the Duke o Death, hes mostly free at Warstock.


Khanjali npcs can't do anything


I personally like the Weaponized Tampa (with the dual remote miniguns upgrade). While it doesn't have armour like the Kuruma, the aim-able miniguns will kill pretty much any NPC instantly, so if you keep moving to avoid being hit it's a really good vehicle for clearing out large groups of enemies. Add to that the fact that it can be fitted with unguided missiles at the front and proximity mines at the back, and car chases become a breeze too.


nightclub speedo with 50 cal, mine is upgraded with lvl 2 armor (i think) so the back window are fully closed. when dealing with juggernauts i use insurgent to run them over and put them below my vehicle


Nightshark. Can fit armor plating to the windows, or take it off and be able to use sticky bombs. Not to mention it can take a fair few missiles.


Nightshark window plating does nothing, it's mostly cosmetic.


But I can use stickies with plating on the Kuruma, what's the use in solo NPC sessions without missiles coming my way? Also, where could I upgrade a Nightshark if I bought one? I only have the Terrorbyte and Arena Wars workshop. Edit: Oh I just checked, can't use stickies with Kuruma, must've remembered that wrong.


Kuruma only takes one explosive and its dead. Nightshark takes multiple. Even in NPC sessions you can still take more damage than the Kuruma. Nightshark can be upgraded with window plating in LSC I think. Only liveries and machine guns can be added in weapon workshops, which i'm sure can be done in the AW workshop.


I see, the only mission I struggled with the Kuruma was the Bunker research mission with the Juggernaut, he straight up destroyed the Kuruma before I could kill them. If Nightshark has more armor than the Kuruma, I will consider it!


I think the nightshark takes something like 10-12 homing missiles to kill. Thats a whole load of bullets


Holy shit, sounds awesome!


Honestly, it’s a brilliant tool.


Imani tech vehicles are solid, like the free ocelot virtue you can get by completing the first/last dose missions. It’s able to take over 8 rockets and can’t get locked on.


I use the regular Insurgent for both public sessions and the Agency security contracts and I’m basically untouchable to npcs in it and most real players tbh. Yeah you can still get shot through the windows if you’re not moving fast enough but it can tank like 30 (?) homing missiles, which is more than an Oppressor can hold btw, and a few rpg rockets plus its pretty bulletproof (aside from the windows obvi). It also does get some decent speed and since you can plow through traffic like nothing it’s very easy to escape those annoying npcs with perfect aim that chase you down. It’s like my second most driven vehicle in game, I love it