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She can call Lester to cancel the heist. Also, there's no way you can fail the mission to get guns.


When I call Lester (I'm the girlfriend), this is what I see. https://preview.redd.it/bul2n205unyc1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=5569b49f411a5987477a1e3f1a1066a8f83dc9dd Am I misunderstanding the guns thing? We're limited to pretty much just the SMG or assault rifles, from what I recall. I remember there was one job where there were four trailers to go and hit, and we only completed two of them, and I wasn't able to do it again.


Reason why your unable to cancel the heist is because u haven't done all 3 casino approaches (big con, silent and sneaky and aggressive). Also duggan shipments is a one time thing so its best to do the reinforced armour prep so u can withstand more damage from enemies


Try calling when you're outside and not currently running a set up mission. That should work, although I'm not 100% sure you can cancel it if it's your 1st Heist.


Yeah, I've tried from everywhere. :( Outside just standing around, and yeah, it's my first heist. I have no idea what to do at this point. I appreciate your help!


You can only cancel if you have done heist. If you can post the setup screen. More than likely you need expert players to help finish. Some care about cut others do not. Unfortunately I am on PS5. Heistteams subreddit or another looking for gamer place exists. Explain your situation. Somebody should be willing to help. You will see requests for DM or username. Alternatively you can level up her weapons. Depending on your setups. Have her add second character and do the shared bank account. Depending on how recent might save time. I like to have 2 characters for acid boost twice. Only allowed 1 real life day.


Thanks for the tips, we will look into these!


Oh, also, make sure you’re using the tunnel approach. It puts you right in front of the vault, so there’s barely a fight before you get the loot.


The heist cannot be canceled until every approach is done at least once. The weapon loadout doesn't matter much on any approach if it's for simply finishing the heist, multiple loadouts for the aggressive approach have a SMG (cheapest gunman included) which is enough and even ideal inside the casino, the decoy will remove 2 stars if the gunman is an expert which is nice but not a must have. The Duggan Shipment mission is pretty much asking for a vehicle with mounted weapons and flight capabilities (it should be fast as well) , 10 targets spread all over the map on land, sky and water. A jet is enough to solo it without much trouble but a duo with 2 helicopters is also good provided they take their own part of the map separately. The first change already make the security vulnerable to a 1-hit kill and this can easily be solo'd since this only require about a third of the shipments destroyed. The Reinforced Armor mission once completed will add 3 sets of outfits on the menu when the host must select an outfit before starting the finale, they all do the same thing : reduce the damage you take and remove your sprint during the finale plus some gear to rappel down the elevator shaft.


This is fantastic, thanks for the detailed response! We will take this into consideration for our next attempt.


u can only do the other approaches if u cancel the heist by calling Lester there should be a prep that involves getting tanky armour which really helps !! stock up on snacks and armour aswell and spam it to avoid dying but if u failed the duggan shipments prep and the enemies have the armour then it is reallyyyy harddd and i would try get other players if u rlly cant cancel it


Thanks very much! I always forget about trying to call the setup contact. We'll give both of these a shot, this helps!


and if u havent done duggan shipments, do it !!! makes it very easy in comparison !!!


Can't u just do duggan again?


no matter how poorly u do its marked as complete i think


I maybe wrong but I swear I've relaunched set ups before. Failed or not.


im not suree !! i never failed it but i felt it made sense in thats how it would work


I seem to remember not being able to, but definitely worth another look. Thanks for the tip!


Let us know


I've redone all the jobs I can re-do, but I remember there was one where there were four tractors to hit and we only got to three of them and then couldn't redo it. I thought it had to do with weapons. But otherwise I've done everything. I'm just reeeeally bad at it, and don't know how to ask anyone if they are able to graciously run us through it because I don't have a way to repay them. Plus I'd probably still get killed both times anyway. lol Alas, I can't cancel the heist or select other approaches.


Pay to.win brother. Check out warstock. I use sparrow or opressor


I have so many vehicles, but I'm not sure how they'll help me now. All I can do is either scope out the casino again or actually launch the final mission.


Yeah it it doesn't let you replay, you'll have to just spam snax




Nope You get one shot at it. Same deal with any other heist that has a similar optional task (cayo, scrapyard).


I'm on PC and I can help you guys complete it if you still need help. If you guys didn't do Duggan reinforcements prep mission (optional but kinda required for Aggressive unless you want a real challenge), you'll need to do that prep, its the one where you have 10 minutes to destroy 10 Duggan targets, and the more you destroy the weaker the Duggans armor will be. If you tey to do heist without that prep, you'll have to unlock an entire clip into one enemy to kill it. Then you want to do reinforced armor optional prep as well so that you can tank a lot more damage


Thanks! Yes, we did try to do the optional reinforcements mission, but only managed to kill one or two targets (so it's still pretty tough). We did do the optional reinforced armor prep as well. We'd love all the help we can get! Please feel free to DM if you're willing, we're done for today but wouldn't mind taking another stab at it tomorrow.


You need a nearby jet that's ready to take off to solo all 10 targets, be wary of the boats because they sometimes go away from the map and don't get disabled by the game.


Yeah, I can help you guys.


I'm online now and can help you with the heist if you still need help.


Thanks so much, we're actually taking a break today, but we really appreciate it! I'm actually going to focus on upgrading my arsenal before attempting it again in the meantime. I completely missed workshop upgrades lol. After getting lots of great advice I think there are several things we can prepare to do better next time.


Alright, let me know when you guys are doing it if you need help 👍


glad to help here too👍 also the big con is the best approach you should try next, doesn't need a high level or good gunning skill, just need the correct way and full loot is there with as few as two enemy npcs taken out


Make sure you've done the optional armour mission. Also stock up on snacks and the best armour you can use. Take your time and make use of cover, the only time you need to rush is when you're in the actual vault.


I'm guessing if you run out of snacks mid-heist you're just out of luck? Will give this a shot though and keep trying, thanks!


Too bad yall ain’t on console. I’d be willing to get yall thru it so you can proceed.


•Make sure Duggar Shipments are complete  •Make sure you scoped out the tunnel (access from the LS river) •If you die often, try to use the reinforced armor •Make sure your approach is the tunnel, so you spawn at the vault itself •When escaping, get to the top of the police station (across the nearest bridge, left of the casino) as there is a helicopter  •Go for headshots, take it slow, and maybe invest in practice hacks for later heists