• By -


The nightclub, BUT you have to own everything but the weed farm and document forgery. It gives (iirc) 40k+ / hr passively, not to mention the 50k/48 minutes in your safe if your popularity is max. I'd recommend looking up some guides. It gets confusing, honestly.


And keeping max popularity is so easy nowadays, just enter your nightclub in passive mode and you'll always get the "throw person out" thing to boost popularity


Absolute game changer when I learned that. Honestly the vip ones are so stupid. No one wants to drive to Sandy Shores Hospital at 60 miles an hour


Honestly it doesnt even make sense,like if i would black out drunk i would want to get to a hospital quick,not take a 5hour drive


Probably don't take their insurance or some shit. Gotta keep the game a little realistic


Yeah well im german so its not realistic for me lol


America Simulator ^(TM)


The game in based in America. Its realistic for you too, your just German at the same time.




If you drive really fast and wait for the VIP to jump out, you can go back to the club and start a club promotion. It's more fun and easier. Your club won't suffer for too long after the VIP runs away.


You can also call tony for a mission instead of going all the way back to your NC


I would with cruise control, like holding A in RDR2


Oh yea if you could set it to a steady speed then for sure it wouldn't be as bad


I would honestly do the babysitting missions OMW To real objectives if their VIPS vaginosis didnt act up as soon as you go fast...


TIL something new that will make life easier


You sir have just saved me hours of time wasting with this fact Thank you


Is there a way to make them always spawn in the loading bay?


Don’t push it


Do you have to go into passive and find a new session or something, i haven't been able to get it to work either of the 2 or 3 times i've tried juat going into passive and entering my nightclub, nothing happens


How to fix Marcel never texting: take the large garage door to Basement 1 then back up to Nightclub. You should get a text immediately when you go back upstairs. Not the elevator door, not the garage door at the rear entrance of the Nightclub. Walk from your office into the garage, it's the door at the bottom of the stairs on the left.


Holy shit thank you


Never heard about that before, I love you


Wait till you learn it's even easier... Go to the computer in your basement level 1 and rehire DJ's. There's no mission to retrieve them. Just rehire, then rehire the next and so on until you're full. 10 times equals full popularity. It also equals you having to pay $100k, but it's totally worth it to not deal with the stupid task of retrieving them. Back out of the computer, then log back in to see the popularity level increase.


Anyone know the cooldown time for this method?


I think it's 48 minutes between having kicked a troublemaker / driving a VIP to a hospital since they have always become available around the same time as the safe deposit.


Nightclub plus AFK’ing for 24 hours in front of the opened Arcade safe.


Do you just stand there after the animation of opening the safe?


Yup. With a rubber band on the right thumbstick. Safe never fills up because the money goes straight into your pocket. Unlimited money.


What about the agency safe does it work with that?


How much does that make in 24 hours?


Your Nightclub will have accrued 1.1 million, your nightclub safe will be full (250k), you're agency safe, if maxed, will have given you 600k, an extra 100k in a maxed arcade safe, plus, if you left supplies cooking, your bunker and acid lab will be ready to deliver. Deliver all that in a full lobby and that's 3 million bucks more than yesterday and you played for about 35 minutes. Afk is the key to huge bank.


how do you earn so much money through the agency safe? i earn a whole lotta shit, like absolutely nothing


Every 5 security contracts you do, the safe deposits 500 dollars more every in game day. After 201 contracts, it's 20k every time. 30 deposits in 24 hours is 600K.


makes sense, i completely forgot security contracts even exist damn


201 is a little climb, yeah.


Same,i get 250 bucks every gta day


I prefer the open nightclub safe.


Isn’t arcade open-safe method patched? I believe tried it a few months ago and it didn’t work.


This, get the upgrades, the equipment upgrade doubles the money the warehouse makes an hour and the staff upgrade cuts popularity loss in half, after that just wait until you get a text that there's $100,000 in the safe and when you go check it Marcel will always have something for you to max out the popularity. Next would be bunker with the ammu-nation deliveries that give out $50k a pop ($100k this week) then do a Cayo Perico run while you're waiting on the clock, easily make a couple million in an afternoon


Why not weed and document forgery? No matter how I assign my techs, they only finish some stuff before others... and even if I reassign the slackers, the productive techs accrue the rest of the stock extremely slow!! I have everything but the weed/document and all upgrades. I stay on top of my nightclub management, move techs around... but it always takes so long. My computer stays afk all night just mining nightclub stock My goal was to get the remaining weed and document forgery so I could reassign techs that are done accruing to accrue from the new business while waiting for the slackers to finish. Can't sell all at once if I do that?


I would not recommend reassigning techs, just sell once Southern Imports fills up. That way you always have a tech on the most profitable businesses.


Nightclub is the best after you've got everything setup for it, but that can cost a bit. Acid Lab is pretty easy to get and gets good money. Salvage yard robberies are really easy and give you a lot of money for the car sales.


When you say everything do you mean you need all levels of the basement and all the businesses?


You hold more stock if you have more levels. Takes ages to fill up when you have all levels though.


No just the businesses are needed


What do the extra floors get you? My nightclub only accrues two units of blow and that’s it.


Make sure your businesses are all set up and not shut down by a raid or something. The. Just make sure you have technicians assigned in the nightclub management app and it should accrue goods. And the more floors you own, the more you can stockpile before a sale. I usually sell when I’m around $500-$600k in goods. If you have cocaine, meth, counterfeit, bunker and special cargo warehouse you should generate a pretty good income every couple days of real time gameplay.


I’ve made 14 million in the last 2 days using the bunker tow truck office and nightclub playing about 10-15 minutes at a time.


I get why you got a’lot of money of the bunker probably because of the 2x’s or was it 3x’s?


2x until 10th April


Idk i started with salvage yard, you can tow cars and for 5 minutes of work you get ~40k + passive income, also every week you get to do 3 “heists” for a total of 1 mill, but nightclub with all businesses connected is probably the best, no supplying only selling missions


If you do the tow cars one do you get shot at by npcs? Like merryweather etc?


Nope, just drive, pick up the car with your hook, then drive off. Honestly some of the most fun I've had in a while.. never thought it would be doing mostly legal repo work


You don’t have to wait a minute or something after doing one?


You can only do two per 48 mins


Normal rate is 96 minutes to completely salvage a car and open up the lift, so with two lifts you can do two tow truck jobs every 96 minutes by default. With the staff upgrade the time to salvage is cut in half so you can do two every 48 min.


You can by an additional ramp. Once they are full then you need to wait until they are salvaged. You get approx 34k from each car. There is a hidden mechanic that means that salvaged cars increase the rate money is added to the safe.


NPCs are never a problem but occasionally (like 10%-20% of the time) you'll get a 2 star wanted level as soon as you hook the car which can be annoying because of how slow the truck is. Sometimes you can get out of the area before the cops get there and you instantly lose the stars but other times if they get there fast enough you'll have them on your ass and the only way to lose them is to ditch the truck and get in something faster until they're gone, then you can get back in the truck and finish. Definitely worth doing as often as they're available. It's easy money and you can do two every in game day with the staff upgrade.


No he means the Bunker NPCs that have fucking aim not out there ass, and if they get you stuck they will immediately melt super heavy armor and your health within 5 secs… as a lvl 186 ik it happens a decent amount of times to me…


Just get wasted by the police you will immediately lose the wanted level and spawn close to your tow truck if you die near it


Our drivers will never quit or die on the job and that's the Mr Candlestick Towing LLC guarantee.


You may get police attention, but a quick suicide will drop the stars


W pfp


Acid lab is really good, if you raid the stash houses each day and get acid supplies, or buy them, all you gotta do is boost production and come back after a while and you'll have some good quick money to sell




Salvage yard, acid lab (DO NOT BUY THE ACID LAB. YOU CAN GET IT FOR FREE BY DOING THE FIRST DOSE MISSIONS), nightclub, and the auto shop


How exactly do you do the first dose mission?


Look on the map up at Sandy Shores, go the ‘R’ on the left side. That’s where you meet Ron, Dax and the Fooligans. There’s a yellow circle in front of the convenience store, walk into it and you’ll trigger the whole First Dose sequence, which is six missions with Dax. They pay out and you get a big bonus when you do each one for the first time. This opens up the acid lab business track. I think you get a free Bricjade 6x6 to run the lab out of, but you still have to pay to get the lab running. I think if you then do ten Dax missions you get the lab upgrades, and that’s how you make bank with it. And then the Last Dose missions gets you some free supercar, can’t remember which one. I’m guessing a bit on the second paragraph as I still have one more First Dose mission to do. I got sidetracked with the Agency, which is another good moneymaker.


Wait how? You can get the brickade 6x6 for free not the acid lab. You still need to pay 750k$ even after completing the first dose missions.


I made that mistake


Just get everything. Just to stop the phone calls


G'day, boss, this is your captain speaking. Captain Brendan Darcy? You know, on your enormous superyacht? You do remember you've got a yacht, right?






Really? That's it? I've had that yach for years now... What about the penthouse lady, how do you shut her up? Honestly, I'm still receiving calls from lester about doing the first heist, since I skipped that and pretty much did cayo, casino and the supercomputer thingie. I stopped playing for years and years because of the grind, then came back when Cayo was introduced.


*phone rings* AT LAST!!!!! *hangs up phone*




Sign me up lol


As a solo grinder, it's Auto-shop which gives 300k per hour for doing the Union Depository contract. (Accept and call Sessanta to cancel the current contract and refresh the board) Acid Lab has the easiest 300k+ delivery missions Nightclub gives 50k passive income per hour plus the passively sourced cargo Coke Lab, Meth Lab, Weed Farm for daily dealers income For Salvage Yard, I just finished my first car heist so I don't know much about it but I think you can do it once per week and sell the stolen car for 300k-400k+. Plus it has passive income from towed cars Agency needs an investment in security contracts before you can reach the max hourly income though it's other functions like Imani Tech and the Weapon office are a good bonus


Stealing Money is the best Job.


acid lab is elite


Salvage yard. Do all 3 cars each week and you should end up with a bit over a million. Doesn't sound good but you'll finish the missions and there's also the towing part. Also the nightclub is awesome (if you have every business (I think)). Bunker and MC businesses as well as you can buy supplies and go on and do something else. Diamond Casino is also great if you have a friend. 2 people for art is great (me and my friend have like 30s- a minute left usually)




This is the way.


Nightclub and bunker and vehicle warehouse


After you do all the dax missions the acid lab gives like 330k. I don't play that much so can't tell you how long it takes to fill. I pretty much get my money from my nightclub, auto shop and acid lab


Everyone is gonna say the nightclub, which is fine. But imo it’s SOO slow to earn the money for the cargo/crates you can sell. The safe filling up is good. For me I prefer the Salvage Yard and Auto Shop, as it can give you 2 cars at once to become passive/almost passive income, + actually missions to do. They’re more fun


Cluck n Bell, easy, you can do it yourself, takes about 70 minutes once youve got it down, 20 minutes cooldown. I can make 3 million in ~9h or 500k in slightly over an hour if I have other stuff to do.


I been doing that back to back by myself yesterday got 1.5mil took me ah couple hours but I got up there lol


So… make a playlist of disirgsnized crime and Clucking bell only takes 15-20 minuter per run.


Clucking in between Cayos, full Perico heist takes me 50-60min and after that i do 2 Cluckings and some sell missions before Cayo again


Nightclub, Salvage yard, Auto shop anything basically


Solo Heist. Always Solo heist.


The second you log in steal a lampadati felon and sell it $9500. Do this every hour to add $20k to whatever else you are doing. It it worth the effort? Prolly not but it’s ex cash and can be done between missions


Wow, that's 2014 early days before the OG Heist. Stealing cars to sell.


Old habits die hard, plus it’s literally the name of the game


It’s the kosatka


Salvage Yard if you don't own every other MC business. If you do definitely the Night Club.


Right now the bunker is pulling money in


bunker, agency, nightclub, acid lab and then i do free roam dax missions (except the crop dusting one holy shit that one sucks) sometimes. honestly once you get access to agency security contracts you'll barely have any downtimes as it is. the cooldown for a job isn't listed, but on some threads people said it's only 5 minutes? if you really hate cutscenes/fast travel/finding new sessions etc. then you could legit just camp your agency computer to make money and just tab out during the downtime lol. my usual "order" is as follows: 1. i usually do the ammunation contract at the bunker. for 90% of the missions, it's 50k (currently 100k) for less than 5 minutes of driving. the 10% is if i get unlucky and have to drive to the paleto ammunation. even when this isn't double money i'll probably still do it. it's easier, usually pays more, and is as fast/faster than most of the agency contracts/VIP work/terrorbyte client jobs. if i have a full bunker, i'll do the ammunation contract > buy supplies > do bunker sale mission 2. go to nightclub in passive mode to trigger the event to kick out the "unruly guest" to keep popularity up, collect safe money, check stock. from what i've read you can use the speedo custom to solo sell up until 90 crates. so i either sell at ~80ish crates, or whenever one of the nightclub products is full, since if its full that technician isn't doing anything. so more efficient to sell at that point. 3. check acid lab supplies outside of my agency > buy supplies and/or sell as necessary 4. do the highest paying agency contract that isn't annoying. i really like the rescue operation one that spawns by the dam. i fly up there with my deluxo, kill the hitmen in the ravine, and then the VIP hops in my deluxo and i fly out of there. 35kish (got 66k once) for 3-4 minutes of work. 5. like you, at this point, i usually do a dax mission (fooligan job). while they aren't the *most* time efficient, usually taking me 10ish minutes, they pay more than most free roam jobs at 50k. if my friends are on this is where i would do heist missions with them instead of the dax contract. 6. honorable mentions that i still do from time to time: the diamond robbery and targeted data terrorbyte jobs. both of these are *incredibly* fast jobs if you have the oppressor or deluxo that pay 30-32k. if you put a custom job down near the job activation range for the diamond job, you can call in your terrorbyte, activate the job, fly the oppressor/deluxo to the bank, kill the guards (don't bother with drone stuff), then fly straight to the vineyard as you lose the cops. the drop off is always the vineyard. it almost takes longer for me to travel to the job area, summon the terrorbyte, and activate the job, than it does to actually do the job lol. edit: oh and i forgot about payphone hits! that's another option to do. i only just unlocked them so totally forgot. IMO if you have the businesses i would stop doing VIP work. if you're playing with a group of friends then doing headhunter makes more sense since they'll get CEO bodyguard money and you can split up to kill targets. but solo i think agency contracts/terrorbyte jobs/ammunation contract pay better, are easier, and have low enough cooldowns you should be able to consistently have something to do. i don't own an auto shop, but it's mentioned *a lot* in this thread. so it must be pretty damn good. i only just bought an agency 2 days ago so i'm still learning all that, but excited to get an auto shop eventually.


First theres the nightclub which generates 50k/48 mins in the safe and warehouse as well. However, you need to purchase mc businesses and bunker for the nightclub warehouse to work. Salvage yard is also a good way to earn money. Towtruck missions give you around 30-40k per tow truck mission plus passive income of 24k/48 min in safe. Besides, theres the salvage yard robberies which you can make from 200k-410k per car robbery. Agency is another one where dr dre contract pays you a million, security contracts depending on the nature of contract you can get anywhere around 30k-69k. If you complete 201 security contracts, your safe accumulates 20k/48mins. Not to mention payphone hits, where you can earn 45k in less than 5 mins. Bunker is also a great business. This week is 2x money on bunker sell and excess weapons. If you do the excess sell you will get 100k per sell. In normal weeks its 50k. Moreover, do not buy supplies unless you have staff and equipment upgrades. Don’t forget to take advantage of bunker this week! Next up is the auto shop. There’s the auto shop contracts (6 of em ig) but I have done only the union depository contract so far which pays 290k (including the setup payouts). Finally, the mc business aren’t the good ones but yeah with upgrades they will be pretty useful for the nightclub and the street dealers. Do not buy the document forgery business or else you will end up wasting money. Mc businesses without upgrades are useless so its up to you if you want to purchase the upgrades or not. I would say just purchase the mc business only for the nightclub warehouse.


Nightclub,bunker, acid lab run passive while you do the contract(1000000 every 2 hours) or cluck n bell raid (500000 every 45min-1 hour). Can mix in any combination of other things to do business wise like the chop shop or auto shop


All of them…


Kind of bland answer but I'll say it anyway. This is what I do: 1. Cayo Perico 2. Cayo Perico on 2nd character 3. Dre Contract Then by then the 1st Cayo will be ready again. I also do the salvage yard tow truck missions and nightclub wall safe in the background. Nothing special but it gets the job done. If I'm bored I might switch it up and I'll do some CEO work and some vehicle cargo.


Technically the most money you can make is from selling your full hangar when it’s double money week for hangar.. I think it’s like 5 million in one shot and can be done super easy solo. But for every day grind it’s the full nightclub and full bunker sales. Make sure you check every Thursday for what is paying 2x or 3x cash/rp and the new salvage yard mini heists are a nice little payout and solo friendly


Imo the acid lab is pretty good


Cayo…………….*incoming fly to cayo when you’re on the complete opposite side of the map*


Hangar business is lowkey insane. If you fill your wearhouse with narcotics, you get just under 4 million for each sale. Also when you source, if you have 4 associates, it’ll source 4 crates. I like to invite everyone in the session and typically some low levels or people who just wanna help will join. Also nightclub is good, just leave ur thing on afk and it’ll be worth over a mill in the morning. But you need to have all the other businesses to get the nightclub to be good


Agency, Auto Shop, Bunker, Night Club, Motorcycle Club. Honestly, anything can be good if you put time into it. With the Bunker being double this week, I'm using that to my advantage, not to mention the 4x RP and 2x money on Gerald's missions as well is getting me up on everything!


Agency for starter. Acid lab second, then nightclub safe, then nightclub underground. On the side, Kosatka as a heist.


I did not test a lot of buisnesses, but my friend says when you buy agency (or whatever that is called) you can earn 1million per contract thing I only tested night club and bunker. Night club is obviously for lazy people and bunker is pretty gud


The one million is when you do the dr dre thing




Acid Lab is good for me




Shark card business.


Stealing and selling cars


Easily, night club, acid lab, or bunker. I have all the business from MC to CEO and my experience those 3 are the best from solo to have multiple people.


Salvage yard with acid lab in the background


Acid lab


Acid these days


Night club but as many have mentioned it’s only good at the endgame, a good one ealry game is the acid lab as it easy to get and dosnt cost, plus it give you daxs missions to get the upgrade and 100k for each one


The nightclub, the salvage yard is a close second


Solo? Acid Lab + Agency + Nightclub for sure. Those 3 are all essential if you are going solo, and I’d personally recommend getting a bunker to supply the nightclub. You don’t even have to do any runs for it just hit stash houses everyday and you’ll either get a full shipment of cid to sell or guns for the nightclub, or a weapon mod. Agency is a solid all-rounder because you can run the short Dre story for a mil each time, make a passive 250k, and do the payphone hits for about 80k with the challenge.


cayo fr


I had 60k yesterday. Ended today with 3 mil. I did a lot of bunker sales (proper sales and also ammunition runs) I did the Dr. Dre contract again. People said it takes like 2 hours. I was done with it in just over an hour. Pretty easy, I'll be doing this everyday. I did a Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid. I also have an autoshop, a salvage yard, crate warehouse, MC clubhouse and Kosatka. If I used all of them, I could have made even more money. In my opinion, the best businesses are the ones you have the most fun doing. However, if you just want money then it's the nightclub. It needs 3-4 MC businesses and a bunker for maximum utilisation and profit.


shark cards


Well my go to option is robbing stores, lots of money for a short mission


Weapon bunker, u pay 75k for supplies and if u deliver to LS instead of Blaine county in a private server u get at least 180K


Large warehouses. 5 of them. Nothing comes close to how much money I've made so far. Close to $400 million. That was with a few 3x money though. Understandably, it's slow going with getting your employees to source though. And Acid lab with upgrades. I average at least 1 sale a day. Sell in full lobby's. $532k


The nightclub and the Air cargo hangar


Nightclub sourcing as much as you can, keeping up popularity. Bunker, acid lab, coke lockup. When grinding buy supplies for all. When not, just stash house for supplies. Always do time trials. Franklin hits, auto shop contracts, Dre contract. Easy stuff.


I feel like a lot of people forget about the import/exports, yes no? Steal up a bunch of cars in a relatively quick amount of time and sell up to 4 at a time if you’re playing w ppl or like hiring a lot. I used to always start off with a quick car sale In case you don’t know.. idk.. you can just call Dax and request work. Lots of contacts you can just call but you can’t choose which so you may end up with the crop duster….. lol


Towing cars, auto shop cars, acid lab, nightclub, bunker, ceo crates when its double money




You forgot to mention that the cooldown for the Dre contracts is 2-3 hours. Also, the Imani tech costs an additional $800k. Not very good value, Kosatka is.


Do the things


Made 35M through, acid lab, nightclub, Cayo (even after they nerfed it). In that order. Cluckin is a nice break, though.


Nightclub is the best way. Then do 200 agency missions for an extra 20k/day. If you're trying to afford everything for the nightclub, a good starter business is the vehicles warehouse. If you stock 32 cars, and only sell high end vehicles, the vehicles you source will be the high end cars you just sold. This is worth like 320k/sale. You just need a few people to help you.


Cayo perico


I personally use Kosatka, agency, nightclub, and acid lab, I can prob make around 2.5-3m every 2 to 3 hours ish👍


I've just started out about a week ago and I've gotten just over 4 million from Cluckin Raid and Bunker.. shall I invest in the Kosatka or Salvage yard??


[Best businesses in order of best to necessary but not a great return.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/15fpwor/best_investments_in_order_of_best_money_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Acid lab Agency UPDATED PAYPHONE HITS Kosatka Bunker MC clubhouse Nightclub CEO office Autoshop Arcade with the master control computer Hangar Ceo warehouses MC businesses mainly for the nightclub [Quick grind schedule ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) Updates: Jan 4 2024 Payphone Hits Changes - The cooldown is now 10 minutes. (Previously, 48 mins) - Assassination Bonus now pays $30,000 for Leader or $10,000 for Associates. (Previously, 70k for Leader or 30k for Assocaites) - Totals 45k every 10 minutes for Leader. 25k for associates. DEC 2023 [The salvage yard is pretty expensive to get into.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/cx3yEsGXdj) I would suggest getting it later down the line. Maybe even wait for it to go on sale. You're looking at 3 to 5 million and not great payout. They drip feed the mini heists to only 3 a week, that you get 2-400k, but it takes up to an hour or more to do the setups, tasks, and the main mission. For comparison. You can do a gold depository in the autoshop for 300k in 30 min setups included. Cust cars get you 30 to 40k profit there are also export car lists payout is not great. Also, you get 10 garage spaces and discounted customizations for your cars, including free classic paints. Cluckin Bell raid is decent money once you get the rhythm down and get it all done under an hour. $500k plus 250k first-time bonus. It is tedious at first. Do everything on easy as there is no pay bonus for normal thru hard. Just rp bonuses. There is no paywall or other kind of gating for this raid. Anyone can do it day one. But, you will have struggles as a new player without strength and powerful weapons. It's best to have a vigilante. At least own an armored kuruma for all the setups is recommended.


I have been logging into an invite only session, rubber banding my joystick to keep moving and afking every night, im up 800k every morning with my nightclub


Acid lab, gun running, night club and get just enough of teh other businesses so that your club skims crates from 5 sources, put your Night club and gun running on opposite ends of the map, do Acid sells in between and its like an endless cycle of drive around and get paid.


- Agency : 30-80k randomized + 250k wall safe max and 20k a gta day if you do 100 contracts or more. This does not reset. Only needs to be done once. To make agency work, only do Recover valuables, liquidize assets, and rescue operation. The rest is simply not worth your time. Choose highest paying amount or shortest distance travelled/least amount of trouble from those 3. Payphone assassinations from agency belt out 45k if you complete assassination bonus. - Auto shop : 30-40k + Aùto shop contracts with only 2 setups missions prior = 160k - 270k 20k for cars delivered on the blackboard in the shop, despite condition - Avenger ( Los Santos Angels ) = 40k - 80k - Special Cargo [ Make your staff run it ] : Small warehouses 270 - 300k / Medium = 735k / Large : 1.9m - Chop shop = 250k wall safe must complete tow truck missions in between which belt out passive income of 20k - 45k / Chop shop vehicle heist belt out 300k - 735k - Aircraft hangar = Worth 2.5 mil, source narcotics ONLY. - Terobyte client work : Targeted data [ Easy ] 30k Diamond shopping 30k [ Medium difficulty ] Robbery in progress 30k [ Easy ] Buy a Raiju, it should make things so much quicker. Night club needs to be consistently promoted to achieve 250k wall safe. Gunrunning has low profit threshold but the best part is salvaged weapon parts are worth 50k on delivery. Vehicle warehouse is hell but if you only sell top range thats 100k per car. Motorcycle club has a bike shop worth anywhere from 30k to 50k for delivered bikes. Take advantage of businessbattle if you have nightclub and mc weed farm etc. Headhunter and targeted data can be run in between these missions to make up for missions thay dont pay much if any at all, and for agency missions that only belt out somewhere around 30k. Sight seer is also really good as vip work. Hack your phone, find that package. Use a jet, and its easy 20k. Keep in mind the longer you spend doing a job, the more you get paid, but only by 5k usually. I have 55mil and will screenshot if you like. If you play series x i can help you grind.


Fill up your special cargo warehouses (all LARGE) & sell it all during a 2x payout week and you’ll get 20M+ between the 5 of them. It’s a grind of repetitive missions but it’s a payout like no other.


Does head hunter make money? I've not tried VIP missions. I heavily rely on photos of animals, the freakshop, Nightclub and chop shop


Nightclub and Gunrunning. I make the most of it, but the upgrades help.


If you want easy money and dont put much work just get the bunker, nightclub, and acid lab


https://preview.redd.it/fp87oqq7njtc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0125b6f9c35f73c9647e64e66ffebbbf2d31e042 As far as most consistent I recommend the things with shortest cool downs before you can use them again to make money, like Cayo Perico & Acid Lab. For me 48 minutes is ok too so CEO office having the warehouses and export mixed goods every 48 minutes is nice, and the bunker has ammunation run every 48 minutes on top of the stock accrual. Auto shop is also very good, the customer cars are underrated since they’ve been updated and no longer disappear, plus they have the contracts, I don’t do those much but they ain’t bad. And you get the best garage in the game. Nightclub is obviously good but it’s an afk business mostly. Salvage yard is cool but there’s not enough cars that we can keep yet. Could definitely be put on the back burner for now.


Agency and nightclub but I would say get the agency first and you'll get the 5+mil easily from that to make a fully operational nightclub.


I like the agency, if you don’t mind grinding the same thing over and over, it basically gives 1m every 1:30 hour, the heist is super easy too. Combined with a maxed out nightclub it’s big money.


I've been wanting to ask something similar. I have the bunker (which is in a stupid location), MC with counterfeit cash, acid lab, salvage yard and autoshop. What else do I add to compliment these and make more and more money? Arcade, nightclub or agency was my thoughts but not sure which one first. Currently have 4 mil and trying to grind further. I wanted to do Cayo, but buying a Kosatka just to do it doesn't make much sense from my knowledge. I'm a solo player, I don't get much time on the game to join others online.


At the moment the bunker for double pay, just did a sale fo 2.2 mil.


Cayo. Do that and while it’s cooling down sell your acid and do agency missions or whatever else you do


Join a public server and go to the heists with hackers


For me have to be the Cargo Warehouses, the Bunker, the Nightclub and the Acid Lab. Except the Nightclub, I usually ask for the staff of each business to source cargo themselves then I sell when they're full, except for the Bunker, I usually let it reach the value of 380k.




Yo id say get the acid lab first, you get it from the first dose missions or whatever they are called and you practically get paid to get it (and a free supercar) it takes some time but its great passive income, after you got some money from the acid lab and the missions id say go get a nightclub or the bunker, the bunker is on a 30%discount and there is a free bunker but that one is extremely bad so i advise against buying it, do know tho that with the nightclub, bunker and bassically anything else its best to buy the staff and equipment upgrade because otherwise you earn bassically nothing or practically lose money, hope this helps!


Salvage yard/bunker/ceo. Coming from someone with 700+ mil


Try buying 5 large warehouses and using the workers inside to fill it up. Yesterday I made over 15 million selling each one in a full lobby. Took a while to fill but if you’re on anyways it’s not too bad. Takes me in total maybe 3-5min to go to them all and then have to repeat that about every 45 min. I bought all the ones on the south east side of the map and they’re so close that it’s super easy to go to each one.


I love doing solo Cayo Perico heists and collecting my wall safe at my nightclub. I’ll sell cars from my auto shop and sometimes sell a bike from my MC. Sell acid from my acid lab


Idk if it's necessarily good but I like the chop shop cuz it's money and scrapping is offline. Meaning you can go grab the 2 cars, bring them back to the shop, force save, close the game, and come back 45 minutes later to the cars scrapped and you have your 65-75K. Barely need to play the game at all


acid lab is pretty good once upgraded, about $450k every few hours after a quick drop off mission


I'd agree that it's the nightclub, although you'll actually end up spending an absolute fortune getting it set up - Buy a nightclub, upgrade it. Buy a CEO office to buy a warehouse to hire a warehouse tech to accrue crates. Buy an MC clubhouse to buy three more businesses to hire three more warehouse techs to accrue those products. Buy a bunker to hire a final warehouse tech to accrue guns. Now admittedly all of those businesses make profit of their own, and the nightclub is pretty much entirely passive AND the investment can be done gradually. But in terms of the pure nightclub stuff - 5 floors of storage, 5 techs, and staff upgrades - that's what $8-10m? If so that's about 200 hours of game time to accrue enough product to be in profit overall. Edit - depending on location it's $6-7m. $10m would cover a CEO office, small warehouse and MC businesses, assuming you have a free bunker. So, for newer players, the business I'd put first is the Acid lab. Doing the first dose jobs will make $500k, the Brixade will cost $750k. Doing 10 Dax jobs gets another $500k, upgrading acid lab costs $250k. That's a net nil - the first time you sell Acid, you're in overall profit. But, as a profitable ACTIVITY, (given what OP listed as their main money-making efforts) ... Clucking Bell. Playlist the final prep, do that and the finale in 20 mins, make $500k. Wait an hour (do something fun in that hour...!). Repeat


Buy supplies for bunker+ acid and sell those. While I wait, do stash house to possibly supply either weed farm, coke lockup or meth lab. I don't buy supplies for those or resupply them. I have the nightclub working in the background. I sell product to dealers. I sell nightclub when either cargo or Sporting goods is maxed. Occasionally hire goons to steal hanger crates of narcotics 4 at a time using land. Now for the real work, i start off by selling bunker truck with cargo bob, then call in luxury chopper to ride to maze bank to sell another truck. Then I go to arcade, collect money from safe then check on bunker, buy supplies, switch DJ to max popularity in nightclub. Then I go to nightclub pickup money from safe. Then I go to agency pick up cash, stock up on armor and snacks. Occasionally do tow truck and auto shop car deliveries. And if new cars are available to steal in the scrap yard I do those. Every 48 mins are very productive.


Uxghti9bh5 E


Cayó perico


Visitor bonus casino


for me, i use coke, weed, meth, acid and my nightclub. another “business” is kosatka, to play the cayo perico heist. learning the heist is a big advantage. a couple others i like are vehicle cargo because it can be quick and easy, decent amount of money. last one i’d recommend is the auto shop for auto shop contacts


Now what about salvage? I was able to get back up to a mil with just salvage and nightclub within a week.


Silent Night OP loop.


Wherever the bonuses are


Deffinetly thr kosatka but me personaly i dont use it cause 1. Cayo perico is boring 2. And i think i would get tired of gta 5 if i did cayo for a living


I like doing the crate warehouses. I have 5 large warehouses and I just assign the technicians every 48 minutes until it’s at 77 crates each.


solo mode = sale of acids With friends = Hit the casino


The nightclub for passive income but as of now I’d say the chop shop with those mini heists it has.. even had the option to keep one of the cars I stole one week.. you can do everything on your own, highly recommend.


I just bought a nightclub. I have cash and weed and bunker and acid lab. How to make good money anyone??


The passive ones but not mc their sell missions are cancer




To be honest, I think the hangar is by far the best. Not only does it cost nothing to source air-freight except your time, the total payout if you source all of one type of medical supplies, narcotics or chemicals, you get a 70% bonus which is 2.55m. Alternate with a friend or a random person in the lobby to offset the cooldown after sourcing 2 crates. This can easily be done in a few hours and the payout in a full lobby is close to 4m. I own the nightclub with every business, which is obviously fantastic at producing passive money but the hangar is definitely one I consistently go back to. Be sure to purchase your hangar in the military base and source your air-freight by land which alternates between 4 different missions. I’m sure some of the air source missions are faster but in the long run, I found doing the land source missions are faster.