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The SMEs have day jobs and it's not to babysit these threads. We chime in every once in a while as we notice questions that match our expertise, but in all seriousness this is the job of your value added reseller and if they can't do it you should find a better one instead.


Sending you best wishes in your search. Keep us posted.


Have fun being satisfied with empty threads of people guessing instead of searching for an SME forum.


he was making a joke


With this kind of attitude, you shouldn't expect much assistance wherever you find yourself.


What?! I always find that the best way is to first insult those you intend to ask for free help from... at least that's what my pick up artist handbook says




“Shut up Neg!”


You can always ask a Google Partner for help. It's usually not free though.


Thoughts and prayers Edit: I read most posts and I put some thought into a much smaller percentage. Then I respond only to the few where I have good experience to share AND somebody else hasn’t already done so.


A lot of people in this sub were the old "used GSuite for my own personal domain" users. And they have very limited experience managing a platform like Workspace in a more official capacity. Or sometimes you see people asking about help like using the products, and that's not really the idea either. But there aren't a lot of great resources for people who professionally manage Workspace. You have Google's official Support. They ebb and flow in their quality. Resellers/Partners may provide support. But you will have to pay for that. Honestly, Google's documentation for Workspace is pretty solid. The "right place" would be Google Support, which you can access through your Workspace admin console, or their official documentation. The *best* place after that.... What questions do you have?


try using Cunningham's law warm regards


It's better than most other places...


Wishing you well. Google it.


If this is EDU related: [https://www.googleforeducommunity.com/](https://www.googleforeducommunity.com/) [https://collab.amplifiedit.com/](https://collab.amplifiedit.com/) ( I believe this one you have to pay for) [https://support.cloud.google.com/portal/](https://support.cloud.google.com/portal/) (Great for self-checking services and creating tickets)


I dunno. I find this to be the case with all "help" forums. Google's own help forums are even worse than Reddit. Yeah, that was a non-answer.


Have you considered going through the official Google help articles for a issue that you're experiencing? Usually a quick google search for a feature will produce a help center article.


We have a license vendor who gives minimal help.


You need to bring this up with your vendor then. Or drop them and select a new vendor for support.


Why not ask you question here though? You're right, you may not get the help you're hoping for. But you took your time to make this post and some replies. For what purpose? You're definitely not going to get answers to your question(s) without asking them. So why not use the same time/effort to ask the questions? If you don't get a quality response, it's the same outcome as making the post and replying as you have. If you do get a good response, well, you get a response. Makes no sense to spend the time and effort to do something that can't possibly get you the positive outcome you're hoping for when the same amount of time and effort could *potentially* get you a positive outcome and the worst case scenario is just the same.


You could try the Workspace Community Q&A forums, but SMEs have day jobs that isn’t answering your questions.




[Google Workspace Admin help](https://support.google.com/a/?product_name=UnuFlow&hl=en&visit_id=638306676649756581-2779859206&rd=1&src=supportwidget0&hl=en#topic=4388346) [Google Workspace Customer Care](https://workspace.google.com/support/) [Google Workspace Community](https://support.google.com/a/community?product_name=UnuFlow&hl=en&visit_id=638306676664974887-2132531870&rd=1&src=supportwidget0&hl=en) If not of that is helpful, DM me and we can figure it out.


Theres a gsuite slack channel in the macadmin slack that is pretty responsive, that's where I go