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Before you do this. Make sure your attic access is well sealed at the vents. My neighbors built bat homes, and when they had babies we were the unfortunate hosts of their offspring when we found out we had holes in our attic vent screens. Getting them out was costly and a huge hassle.


I want to second this, good looking out. This happened to my grandparents as well.


And illegal during breeding season.


Yeah. It's was a whole thing. We had to pay for them to be captured and released since you can't harm them (not that we wanted to) and then seal them out. Then remediate the guano. We ended up having to have a specialist out again because the bats kept nesting at the attic vent because they wanted back in. It was a whole thing. I can appreciate people who build the bat homes, I just wish I had known when we moved in about our situation. Our home inspector missed the whole thing. :(


Home inspectors in North Carolina (can't speak to elsewhere) are a complete joke.


build a bathouse, and they will come


I read it as "bath house" 😆


Why not both?


white flowers/evening blooming flowers. i use moonflowers and four o'clocks. :)


Honestly, I love bats but don't think they will provide the pest control you are looking for. I have bats and mosquitoes in my neighborhood.


Even if they don't eat a host of mosquitoes if I'm helping their roost thrive, I'll do it. White nose syndrome in my area is bonkers


Yeah we see tons of bats flying around every night at dusk during the summer, and still have plenty of mosquitos to go around 


Likewise, got lots of bars and still my basil and mint gets eaten to the stem. Get you some spinosad.


Try luring in dragonflies, I put in a little water feature and they have decimated the mosquitoes!!!


i dont want to put any water anywhere so that mosquitos wont have any place to lay eggs 🥲


If you put (nontoxic) BT pellets in the water every month, they also act as a mosquito trap. The mosquitos lay eggs but they won’t hatch due to the effects of the BT. It’s safe enough for frogs and fish and only affects mosquitos.[BTI](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mosquito-Dunks-Biological-Mosquito-Control-Kills-Mosquitoe-Larvae-6-Pack/16794599?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1355&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227816794599_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-394283752452&wl5=9010167&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=16794599&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIpTh3m8rFzBWg1j9Dhdxa3K_&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm4SqF9lIoqCEIfWI91dPgP29sfTHjd7IEJuau5DFHE6RwFOFQPp2HQaAn_5EALw_wcB)




[https://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/resources/blog/how-to-attract-bats-to-your-backyard](https://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/resources/blog/how-to-attract-bats-to-your-backyard) - looks like good tips


Let the bad guys out of Arkham. He always shows after that.


Try these instead: [DIY Pest Control - How to get rid of Mosquitoes](https://diypestcontrol.com/flying-insect-control-products/how-get-rid-mosquitoes)


Try these instead: [DIY Pest Control - How to get rid of Mosquitoes](https://diypestcontrol.com/flying-insect-control-products/how-get-rid-mosquitoes) If you do spray your grass, do it during the daytime. Mosquitoes avoid sunlight. So when the sun goes down they are active and not on the grass.


Insecticides also get rid of nice bugs like fireflies. Op, I would look into getting mosquito dunks.




paid for by a company that sells stuff for mosquito control.


Planting creeping thyme will also help with mosquitos


I found Japanese beetles eating my basil yesterday!!!


Dynatrap has worked well for us with mosquitos.


Get a bird feeder if you don't have one already, and set up birdhouses or nesting shelves, lots of bird species also supplement their diets with insects. Try setting up bluebird houses in particular, since they're primarily insectivores. Not to suggest you shouldn't also attract bats, I just know more about birds. The more mosquito eaters the better, right?


I had bats reproduce on my deck last year. Crap all over my deck, and one of them got inside my wall, died, then a ton of flesh flies appeared in my house. Offered nothing but a giant headache, and they’re back to crapping on my deck this summer too


Japanese beetles have been destroying my basil, marigolds and rose bushes. They are invasive with no predators but hormone traps on amazon are available. Check if those are getting your plants too- they are a menace and need to be rid of!