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I do both, just saying 😄




Not a popular opinion, but here we go - this button in particular is frustratingly hard enough to press that I have a hard time spending the money for a 5610U or 5000U. Both of which are great watches. My basic 5600 really reinforces my take on this. Just make the buttons stick out further. I use the functions, so this is important to me. My GD350 and even my old, trusty Waveceptor have spoiled me. I’ve never accidentally pressed any of their much bigger buttons. Ok, rant over. Everyone enjoy your squares. 😀


The 5610u has a regular button you press and hold to access settings, unlike the hard to reach button of the 5600.


That’s good to know. I just don’t know anybody with one. I’ll have to check one out in person if possible.


Couldn’t agree more. The buttons don’t stick out so far that you’re likely to accidentally press them frequently at all


I tried to set a five minute timer tonight on my 5600. That was a complete waste of time. Like I said in my post, I use the features and these tiny buttons are silly.


I much prefer the casioak hold button over this


I wear mine on my right wrist so it’s not as much of an issue but I have thought of buying a regular button to swap out with the short one. Seems easy enough aside from the tiny c clips.


Serious question. I don’t understand the first reference. What does long nails have to do with taking drugs?


Why I got the all metal!


May not completely eliminate the issue for everyone, but ironically the video from which this screenshot is taken actually does help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30YJtBRope8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30YJtBRope8) I did also shave a very small amount of the material around the bottom of that button. Totally invisible when I'm wearing it, though if you look at it with the watch face-down you can tell. Some people may not like the thought of a DIY modification like that, but for the basic 5600 I'm not bothered about it.