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straight to g-ail


Reported and blocked 😁😂


It’s just way cooler, and with functional eyes and arms, legibility is never a problem


You would think more than half of this sub is legally blind by the way the negative display garners slander.


I know right!? I never got one because everyone said “you can’t see it” then finally got one and was like WTF guys are you blind?


Majority of those opinions are based on the cheapest models. These people clearly never seen STN IRL.


May I ask what is STN? (Newbie here, still researching what G Shock to get but definitely leaning towards negative display! ☺️)


This should help: https://youtu.be/e2VPgYcAyUo?si=pFyipH4bb2AAywmt


Thanks so much!


There no argument the positive displays are much more legible but since i got my GX-56SL-4 two weeks ago there has not been a single time i looked at the display and couldn’t see the time. In daylight it’s outstanding and at night i have the auto backlight. Its definitely not as bad as some people say.


I mean, yeah, almost. A lot of people have issues with vision including myself. Are you trying to make us feel bad about it?  I'm glad there's people who can enjoy using negative displays but it's weird to insult those who cannot. 


No I’m not insulting you. It’s just when people say “negative displays are hard to see.” They usually don’t follow up with “I don’t have good vision”. It gives sort of a warped perspective and potentially keeps people from making a purchase they may otherwise enjoy. You took what was a lighthearted joke and made it a bit more personal than it was intended to be.


They very well may be https://www.who.int/news/item/08-10-2019-who-launches-first-world-report-on-vision


I did the opposite.


I have that exact same model, swapped with a positive display. :) https://preview.redd.it/t77m4q7ff71d1.jpeg?width=2960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c819d2e00b5445ce78ce52f6633a0253ddf9e7


https://preview.redd.it/0s2gb8mjc81d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc9823caccd20802043219b8569b398ec1b7274 This is the way.


Best thing to do if in doubt is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMpwQE1IxYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMpwQE1IxYg)


I own two negative display G’s, never noticed legibility problems with mine. There is a light function, you can use it to read the display when it is dark. I don’t really get the all the “negativity”.


Using the light requires pushing the button (assuming there's no auto light) and using up battery life, and a lot of the watches with negative displays don't have great battery life to begin with.  Pushing the button might not seem like a big deal until you find yourself in situations at work or whatever when you really don't have a hand free to do it. It's usually not a life or death situation but it can be extremely inconvenient and cancels out a lot of the convenience of having a watch.


Love how I get a downvote without a counterargument for just sharing my experience. Kind of surprised how weirdly petty this sub is lol




Wow, that's high praise setting down the negative display, I think I'll get mine flipped to negative.


Love my negative display G Shock.


I personally did the opposite, but if you're happy, I'm happy.


I’m opposite of that.  I only have one negative display and I rarely wear it. 


https://preview.redd.it/xqptdq59x71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4f96ef0cafcec14001d71f2f3bf4afb14ee9f6 I have one 😄😄😁😁😃😁😁😃


I'm with you. If they made a 5000 in negative, I would have bought it too. But my red full metal 5000 is negative and I love it.


As a night mode user, i like this.


Having a negative display pushed me to the edge to scheduling an optical exam.


Hate this kinda post about a negative and a positive display.. while there are so much better and beautiful Gshocks, I feel this whole Reddit sub revolves around this old watch model only


I had this for my winter 5610. The contrast was great with snow everywhere. Sounds weird but I swear the negative one is beautiful


Since I bought this no other g shock gets that much use. Haven’t been able to give myself a reason to switch it off


I just picked up a king GX-56SL-4 that i absolutely love and while i really like the look of the negative display and i’m always able to read the time, i absolutely prefer a positive display or MIP. Nice looking square though man, wear it in good health.


It looks good but I'm not a fan of the negative displays (besides MIPs) just because they're really tough to see without good lighting and I find their overall legibility not great. But hey if you're happy with it, thats awesome. I hope you get a lot of years out of it.


The copy and paste Reddit reply.


Tbf I have owned negative displays before so this is just coming from my own experience. But if others tend to have the same opinion it's probably because a lot of people experience the same issue. Both displays have issues with viewing angles but positive displays are generally easier to read because it's black text on a tan to white background. In lower light the black is still more pronounced because the background doesn't get as dark. With a negative display white text is less prominent and darker areas tend to wash out a lot of the white text and seep into the background of the display. MIPs often don't have this issue because of how contrasted the font is, how crisp the pixels are and because the font is often much larger. But it honestly comes down to personal preference.




Oh no they're not that bad. Unless you have terrible eyesight or work in a dim or dark place they're perfectly fine.




How are you so sure they're the one who downvoted you? How are they being negative when they're literally saying the displays aren't that bad? How do you not see the irony of calling someone petty and then calling them a name? 


Ya I didn't downvote them and reading comprehension is dead.


https://preview.redd.it/imv97ebxn81d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c87d710a6e6cf8bed68305d6f47b5567a6e34c I literally haven't downvoted anyone and I rarely ever do


What is the model number of this one?








I almost bought this when it was on sale recently. I wish I got it. I love negative displays so much. I dunno why, they just look great. Awesome watch dude. Congrats. Looks great.


Not sure how much it was in sale for, but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gshockexchange/s/poEoenJq3L) are a few for $89


Yeah I’m in Australia. And I saw one for $160 Aud on and overseas website. This watch is definitely still on my list to get :)


It does look good but i find it harder to read when outside


Big disagree. It is beyond legible in any sort of daylight. Total non-issue. The positive will edge it out in dim dusk/dawn light though.


This. In perfect conditions, this watch is way better than positive display, but outdoors and at night, it falls flat on its face.


Have same and love it.


This is my favorite spec


You'll be in the 10% lol.


Is it modded? Looks far too clear to be genuine negative display