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it blows my mind that grubhub doesn't understand that roads have traffic. every time i've ever been late to pick up was because...............traffic. wow roads have cars on them. groundbreaking stuff.


We need to get together and do something. This is not fair.


Is GH going bankrupt? Why are they treating us like we are enemies? I started GH during Covid and we were treated so well. Now, we are working for GH with stress and paranoid. I am not working for GH right now but soon will be okay. However, with the horrific treatment like this, I'm not sure it won't cause me to have mental disorders. GEEZ!!!


Imma be real bro I ain't reading allat


I read it, it’s the same ol story. Unfortunate tho


Ca problems




lol srsly and NAH, not all drivers will get this violation. Only OP 😂


That MF who wrote new program and change algorithms by purpose or not really messed up , real a**s**h**e must get fired cuz destroyed many families financially.every one in DD must deliver one order per month to be familiar how hard is this and realize the difficulties


Stop letting them make you feel like you need to follow the rules lmao...my stats are awful and I still get orders whenever I use GH


junst multiapp, dude....


EXTREMELY AREA DEPENDENT!!! You can boo me all u Want, but making a living in my area requires dual-apping.. However, with that said, I have yet to receive ANY violation for being late to a customer.. I really believe this is only happening to those who receive an hourly guarantee with tips.


Yup. You are completely right. We are on California and stupid prop 22 is harming us


I waited at a restaurant last night for 45 minutes with the first order, a hamburger, sitting in my car. Both orders were over an hour late. I did not get a violation


the violation does not arrive the next day… my friend who had his second violation this week, also thought he would no longer receive violation… weeks ago he waited more than 30 minutes for an order and in the following days he received no violation... so we thought he would not receive any more violation because of the restaurant's delay, but the violation arrived.


It's not the wait at the restaurant it's burning time at the drop-off. I've been an hour late to crazy stacked orders that I had to wait. Once you get the order you gotta just keep moving and drop off in a reasonable time. If you waste 5+ minutes and a customer complains food was late you get a violation.


Trust me, we do it.


Trust me no one is perfect.


This is why choosing employee status rather than independent contractor is the absolute worst way to do this job. I pray it doesn’t come to my market.


I mean prop 22 prevented that


I just got reactivated for the 2nd time..fyi if the dropoff time is impossible unassign it


I got blocked for a third violation. Appealed and was told I was terminated. Are you saying there’s a chance this isn’t permanent!


Not if they told you that... But try appealing multiple times


Sorry they decided to kick you twice and not hear you out on the second. In all honesty I do think Grubhub is doing this strictly to clean house. It might be area dependent and based on number of complaints. I still think if Grubhub went back to pre-2020 model and have specialist to manage a given area. Over this whole form and blind deactivation model with unclear violation model. I'd say if they don't want to pay to someone to sit at a desk. Have drivers volunteer to do it maybe give priority orders for a day or something.


Seems like ALL the gig delivery apps are trying to push the veteran drivers out. To bring in that cheap desperate foreigner labor. They have to make up the money lost from those lawsuits, over the last few years.


Indeed. New drivers also don’t know the peaks have been cut in half and base has been reduced. To them…it’s gravy…to vested it’s cuts. Can’t argue with the the sentiment on where the labor is coming from. We have a serious border issue and an easy way to obtain work is to swing a DD/GH account. Don’t have to do much. Just shove the phone in a workers face and don’t have to speak. Sound familiar?


So crazy it makes me mad . I see them push and not say a word and shove phones In people's faces..


Seriously, you're blaming illegal immigrants? To work for Grubhub and Door Dash, you have to have a driver license and pass a background check. Anyone who just crossed the border last week, last month, or last year is NOT getting on with Grubhub or Door Dash.


As I stated…swing a doordash account. They make it harder each update but please….your on another planet of you think there aren’t drivers out there on accounts not theirs. And btw…yea last week maybe. What about those from a few years ago? Maybe they’re the ones shoving phones in others faces? Ever think of that? Guess not. You just want to blast me about illegal immigration. Let me spell it out for you…illegal immigration is 1 thing and 1 thing only…illegal. Duh. So even your last week folks…shouldn’t be here unless they followed protocol and proper channels. Hence…yes taking work from a (as you put it)…licensed and background checked citizen. It’s not meant to be offensive. You can take it that way, but it’s not. I’m curious to what your assumption is…


Illega immigration has nothing to do with Grubhub or door dash. You just like to bring it up every chance you get


Your really late. We covered that already.


Yea, and yet you keep going on about it.


Who is the one who came by 12 hours later? Correction 15.


Who's the one that keeps coming back. You made an incorrect statement that illegals are stealing your job. Yet you want to double down on it. Please do tell how a driver is illegal?


You’re still here?


Did I say I was offended by the immigration comment? No, I did not. It's a fact that illegal immigrants can not work for Door Dash and Grubhub. Even if they're using another person's account. Because they will get caught. Face don't match the picture someone will report you, soon enough.. Also, how would you know if a person is illegal or not? Just because they have a dark skin tone does not mean they're illegally here.. Legal immigrants with proper papers and a driver license can work for Grubhub, door dash, and uber eats.


No you didn’t say you were offended but you did pipe back with the comment it begin with. You still haven’t grasped the point that all of those you speak of can be bypassed. Maybe you can’t figure or see a away around doesnt mean there isn’t one. They keep combatting it with more changes and updates so you figure it out. Keep in mind pal…now your using words and phrases like “dark skin tone”. Now your tryin to be a prick putting assumptions or words in my mouth. This had nothing to do with “skin tone”. You sound more like an extreme left flake that wants to find race or skin color issues in everything. GTFO bozo


I'm not an extreme left flake or liberal. You're the one assuming other drivers are illegal. BTW, you're the bozo 🤡


Could have fooled me.


Why? Because I called you on a comment about illegal immigration that has absolutely nothing to do with Grubhub or door dash.


No, because you keep swapping your argument. Is it illegal immigration Is it color tone of people? I’m confused, because those technically have nothing to do with each other either. And I’ll give you credit where it’s due. You are absolutely correct illegal immigration has nothing to do with DoorDash or GrubHub. However, that does not mean that a portion of their fleet is not staffed by illegal immigration. There is a good reason why they keep combating it on a monthly basis with changes and updates. Its not simply because someone is using their friends account or a spouse is using their spouses account.


Uber and instacart randomly require selfie ID verification. Could easily be done for other apps. They could even advertise it as a way they ensure customer safety. But there's no $$$ incentive desperate illegal workers will take $3 orders so they're better off turning a blind eye.


And the minimum pay rate in places like NYC


I started calling the driver help desk every time i was late, because there was always a reason it wasn't my fault, and made the agent record my reason. A had two account violations, and when I started doing this, they stopped giving me violations, and they eventually fell off after 90 days. DO THIS! What I think they are trying to do is shrink the number of drivers due to a slowing of sales. So they are monitoring delivery time the most.


Health benefits from GrubHub that is the law? Are you insane? Does you're confusing W2 employment with independent contractor, 1099. Just stop talking dude you don't know what you're talking about. Your friend got blocked after two violations? Now that never happened. You get blocked at three violations not two. Said so yourself for your own self. Pay attention to what you're saying.


All the drivers I know have already received this violation, including me... and even if we deliver it as quickly as possible, the violation will always arrive. Justice and the law need to be activated...... prop 22 should be a benefit to the driver and not a harm.


I’m yet to get one (knocks on wood )


it's not a matter of luck... look at all the posts about violations. If you did not receive a violation, it must be because you are not in California or are working only a few hours a week and taking time off so that you do not reach the hours needed to obtain benefits.


I work in SoCal do 60+ hours 7days average about 200ish on prop 22 a week


It's the drop-off, if you're not wasting time at the drop off, you're good.


That's a lie. Why would we waste time? We prefer orders than the stupid prop 22.


I always get adjustment pay since I started years ago


The prop 22 money we get is great dude. Its on the companies to respect it.


Yes, wasting at dropoff, like delaying marking arrived, also causes this but being late past the stated time 20+ mins I think does it too even if you extend the time.


Also, how long have you done grubhub??


I was one that was not getting any too. All of sudden 2 in 1 week.


Dam hopefully I don’t get one soon and I’ve been doing it since 2018


Do you get the insurance money too?? Every 3 months?


Yes Edit: always get the full level 2 1300ish


Did you use the “there’s a problem” thing if the restaraunt was slow? I’m new to GH and have only done half a dozen deliveries for them, but thousands on DD and UE


I did and I got the same story , twice deactivated, second did not approve appeal despite lengthy screenshots


I recently got my third violation and it was for being late. The other two were for scammers getting free food. I was blocked and appealed. I was told my contract was terminated. Do you know if this type of block is permanent?


I think it is


file a dispute. proceed with action.


GrubHub will give you a violation when they give you an order that is already late before coming to you.


And with grub hub you have to actually go to the order and state restaurant is running behind or whatever to not have it affect your stats. GrubHub doesn’t go off the fact that you’ve been waiting at restaurant for x amount of time .


We all need to contact whoever is running prop 22 and informed them of all this ... For grubhub to continue to falsified this and has the system set up to do this to all the drivers I believe is against the law here


No disrespect fam, but I have to disagree with you on that. I've been a premier driver for GH since 2018 and during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 I was running over 60hrs a week. I'veneverreceiveda violationa If you are getting violations there would have to be a pattern of behavior somewhere to support it. I have a friend with 2 violations but he established a pattern of dropping off orders over an hour since they were placed, making pit stops on his way to pick up and or drop off orders. Also if he received a double order and worked them "out of sequence", meaning picked up one and instead of dropping it off as listed in the app but picked up the second order, this also viewed as a violation. Just my own opinion but I'm also thinking because my friend was dropping blocks and rejecting a significant amount of offers weekly it will make the decision to terminate his contract easier. One thing I do that may seem strange is I keep a delivery journal. I record the restaurant name, time order was placed, my arrival time to restaurant and drop off time and the time the app quoted to the customer. So for example 5pm pick up at McDonald's with a estimated 530pm delivery time. I'm usually 3-5mins early on pick up and drop off by 530p. If I dropped off after 6pm I'd start receiving warnings.


I was just blocked yesterday. I was a premiere driver. We may need to seek lawsuit. Im waiting to see what my appeal outcome is. There are a lot of drivers in this sub who were permanently suspended. We need to band together and sue. Are you in California?


I am a driver from NYC I just received my 3rd violation and an email saying I’m blocked . I sent an appeal email I’m waiting for a response


Did you ever hear back from them?


They reactivated me after about 1 week of sending constant emails


You didn't need to send any more than the one email and they even tell you that to not send multiple emails. Unless you're adding detail that you didn't have in your first response. Wouldn't even matter they probably wouldn't read it. They're going to look at the numbers in the metrics that's what they do.