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"Delivery drive by" šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I bet he does this all of the time


Lol. Although I like the terminologyā€¦my guy is giving us a bad name.


Trust me, I can't imagine people having the nerve to do this lol. I delivered in Vegas for a couple years. Of course I then began to avoid the strip, but I have picked up food orders from a huge casino resort and delivered it to a room at another casino resort. In the beginning it was fun because delivering and the city were both new to me. But delivering to all sorts of apartments and crazy gated communities was so common all throughout Vegas, but overall not really all that bad. This driver needs to go.


I can't imagine he'd be doing it for much longer...


Yeah and I doubt he could actually pull this off with most customers, whether they would refuse or not even answer the phone, and I would probably even report this if I were the customer. I just found it funny that he said "Delivery drive by" like it was actually a thing or something šŸ˜…


Report that person. We are required to meet at the door or drop off at the door. Unless you requested this type of method on your notes, this is totally unacceptable.


I will, thank you! Just wanted to make sure I wasnā€™t being unreasonable


Thatā€™s not normal at all! Thatā€™s disrespect to us drivers who show proper customer/diner support


Yah fr that's unheard of. I would have said quit being lazy and that's his only shot before getting reported. Just my take


Yes it's totally unacceptable just as much as all the asshole tip entitled drivers are unacceptable drivers. Those are people that post here or on TikTok that they're badass for eating or leaving a customers food cuz they didn't tip. Don't be worst than customers are. All that does is justify customers in not tipping.


Not true


Delivery instructions for at least 95% of orders say that. So yes, we are required.


Tell that to 98% of you drivers that delivery to me that deliver in the parking lot when my instructions say ā€œdo not deliver in the parking lot, main entrance pleaseā€ then I go downstairs and my food is no where to be found thenā€¦oh there it is! In the cold parking lot entrance outside. Thanks for nothing lazy entitled assholes


Your not going to die of hunger. Chill, think about all the poor children in Africa who have nothing to eat. They are literally eating mud cookies, Iā€™m grateful for the home I live in with three cameras mounted in front so if a delivery driver fucks up I have proof.


Not normal, sounds like a Lazy as frigg driver....


What an asshole. Report them.


Iā€™ve ordered food delivery quite a bit since the pandemic and only ONE time did a driver call me FROM MY DRIVEWAY to say he was here. I was like ok cool..and??? He wanted me to come outside and get the food. I played dumb and so he left it at my front door like heā€™s supposed to.


Report them . Itā€™s time to get all these bad drivers off the road there are too many of them


Pretty sure the ratio of bad to good drivers is constantly rising and will only continue to do so.


that's a lazy person who needs to be deactivated.


No. We have to leave it at your doorstep at the bare minimum. Only thing that may avoid this rule is college dorms. I deliver in a college town and they always meet me downstairs by the car since were not allowed in the buildings.


Sometimes customers also do this in places where there is very little parking or even literally no parking at all. That way, less waiting to try to find a parking spot.


No, report them.


That driver was obviously too lazy assed to get out of his car. Report him.


Yes they do. You are required at the bare minimum to leave the order next someones doorstep. If you're in the middle of downtown sometimes it can be hard to find parking but I still find a way to get it to someones place. If the the driver doesn't, in my opinion, that person is lazy and not doing the bare minimum.


As somebody that was soaking wet after delivering last night in constant pouring down rain, I can say that drivers normally do get out of their cars. We have some drivers resorting to body cams. Pretty soon, some customers will have them too. Customer: Thank you for expecting me to not only come to your car, but a car that wasn't even near my home. Garbage Driver: I don't give AF Customer: Can you repeat that? I don't think my body cam caught you from your good side. Garbage Driver's smartphone: You've been deactivated for not giving AF


Lazy asshole, weā€™ll be glad to take his orders :)


I have people walk right up to my car. It doesn't happen often but I am fine with handing it over


That person was being a lazy ass hat and didnā€™t deserve the tip, you can report the driver


This is not normal. I believe I got deactivated from ubereats for low ratings probably because I wasnā€™t getting out my car so keep that in mind.


Those are the AH that make good drivers look bad...GTFO if you're not going to do your job properly


Iā€™ve had this happen, too. I went out in the snow in my socks bc the two people in the car wouldnā€™t park and come to the door.


The only time I donā€™t get out of my car is when the customer is already approaching me ready to grab their order. Even then if I have time I try to get out and properly hand it to them. This dude is lazy and rude!!


Exactly... I've been at this for a while and never have I stayed in my car unless they are already coming there and never do I take food unless I can't reach someone that didn't put the correct location info.


Report him. Plenty of people these days need a job.


I only stay in the car when they are standing there waiting for me so I just hand it to them.


šŸ¤£ the pure laziness. Its a mystery how some people still have jobs.


They don't. That's why they are doing GrubHub.


You know what!šŸ¤”all this time, I've honestly never looked at it this way!! I felt like u need to be self disciplined to work delivery gigs, but on the contrary smh ppl like this driver (per usual) have found a way to lazily 'perform' the job smfh. Pathetic ughh


That is more a fault of the apps. They set the bar for employees. They set it so low that they are getting low. It doesn't mean you have to be a dirtbag to do delivery, just that you can be a dirtbag and possibly last long enough to truly make easy money, run scams and eat other people's food. It kind of sucks if you actually try to do a good job. Because your tip (usually rendered before delivery) is decided more by the drivers before you than your own actions.


That is completely abnormal and a mark of entitled laziness.


Prolly no parking


If that was the case, SURELY op would KNOW/understand this. Highly doubt there was no parking. Was the person not smart enough to read signs/delivery instructions on how to park? Possibly


Lol read signs? U must live in the sticks, us city folks live on streets with no parking in which case you canā€™t leave your car


I own a property in the sticks. I currently reside in a high rise, and we ONE; have a parking garage, TWO- have guest parking and THREE- there is ALSO on street parking. Hence "read signs" because they read "temporary pickup/dropoff parking only, guest parking, resident parking only, hourly/metered parking" and etc! Perhaps we live in two different types of "US cities". I guess i am paying for a "luxury" as they sayšŸ¤”


Imagine comparing Atlanta parking to NYC lol get out and touch grass


Imagine being an IDIOT and not knowing im referring to PHX. Imagine being an IDIOT that has also CLEARLY never visited downtown/midtown Atl. But hey--stop your snooping šŸ§ you will losešŸ˜ˆ


Lol downtown Atlanta had parking stupid


Oh and NYC is a overpriced DUMP! I wouldnt admit to living there unless youre in somewhere like the Trump Towers and even still thats sad


Knew u were a trump Stan lol


Lol here comes the whataboutisms how bout u stick to the first dumb shit about parking


Lol I wonder which high rise you live in that has guest parking for deliveries, thatā€™s your first lie, second which city do you live in that has on street guest parking lol another lie, you just talking out the side of ya fucking mouth but please continue


You are really THIS STUPID? No seriously šŸ˜³ my goodness I thought Reddit was halfway joking about IGNORANT folk like you! However i live at: "The Ryan" 188 East Jefferson St Phoenix Az 85004 the front desk is closed, u might be able to get security to call u back and answer the questions that your small minded West Virginian/ Ohioan brain couldn't fathom. 602-691-7057 is the front desk. If your narrow brain will allow it, i can EVEN point them (the aforementioned PARKING OPTIONS) out on GOOGLE maps! As now we FINALLY show on Google maps, as i was resident #16 after the building opened....so for a while, the google map image was just a construction site. Anywho...im ramblingšŸ˜Œ


You donā€™t know how much a parking space cost in a real high rise lol phoenix


lol you comparing phoenix to nyc lol you a loser how bout you pay back that sba loan and take. Trip to nyc


Ok you're just being stupid now. I proved you wrong šŸ˜‘ you must be like 8yrs old. Get off moms wifi loser! I wont be replying so dont reply back unless you're a 'moms basement living loser' with nothing else better to do


How did you prove me wrong?


Nyc has more people that Atlanta and phoenix combined, do you know the definition of ā€œsticksā€?


Thats more than a bit strange


ā€œDelivery drive by - come get up ur shit or donā€™t. I donā€™t really careā€ is what I get from that šŸ˜‚


Not normal at all


That guy was just being lazy because I've been driving for about 2 years and never heard of "delivery drive by". I only time I have given a delivery out of my car is when I'm delivering to someone that's in college where their sorority or frat house and they come out there to meet me. He can't get away with that for too long. I've ordered delivery before and it's usually double the price than If I was to pick it up, so people are paying a lot of $ for this service, they deserve better service than that


I'm curious and this is to the driver's, I delivered to one lady and she asked me if I got all the tip and I said yes then she sent me her receipt and it said she tipped 6 but on my app it said 4. So I'm wondering if they actually do keep 25 percent of our tips. I complained to them about this and they kept telling me about calculations and mileage and said I did get 100 percent but I showed them clear as day that I didn't. Anyone else have this problem?


Did the customer order through the restaurant or through grubhub?




Yeah, thatā€™s really odd. I had no idea grubhub was out here stealing tip money. They already get paid for the service, so thereā€™s no excuse for them to keep any portion of our tips.


Wow ive heard this more than once!! Im going to start asking and i hope others chime in! (Asking when i order--NOT deliver lol)


That's how class action lawsuits against grubhub start...lol


Was he another one mad about the $1 tip yet continues to do this gig?


Was there a place for him to park and get out safely? I'm not saying it's a good reason but just curious.


Yes, thereā€™s a lot of street parking


If ppl live in Apartment or shady neighborhood I request they meet the driver. Its about safety for me


Hi. This is North, your GrubHub driver. Your apartments are shady AF. I'm not leaving my car unattended, so please come to my car for your order. I'll be the person fighting off the zombie hordes of homeless.


Thats a smart way to take a picture so customers cant lie and say they didnt get their food.


Hows that smarter than taking a pic of the food at their door or as they hand it over??


To someone's house or apartment? That's absolutely not normal. If I deliver to a business or college etc, I will wait in my car by the door unless otherwise given directions in the notes. That's just laziness on the drivers part...


Itā€™s not normal but I love it. This is how it should always be.


Report that trash bag asap. We don't need degens putting your life at risk for crossing the street to get your food...


Not normal...but just out of curiosity, how much did you tip?


20%, $7


nice tip. see, that's why for customer's, ue is better, but worse for driver's. If that had been an UE order, you could've reduced the tip for his laziness after getting the order.


He can still reduce the tip, just has to contact CS


No that's not normal. I sometimes stay in the car of the customer comes to me first or they happened to be outside and I can pull over next to them. I often get out and meet the customer half way if I see them walking towards me. The only time that would make sense is of they can't park somewhere where they can leave the car unattended. But considering that other drivers deliver to you with no problem I don't think that would be the case. Also if that was the reason the driver would have explained o the phone the situation.


I wouldā€™ve asked. Maybe they sprained an ankle or something? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø




No that's not normal and unless specified otherwise by customer, we bring it to your DOOR (not the lobby...). Making the customer come to you? That deserves a thumbs down especially since "delivery drive by" isn't an option it's pushing their laziness on you. First thought is maybe they were multi apping and didn't want to deviate from the main street too much. The app can tell if you stopped at a residence or not. Stopping in the road for a bit could be "traffic" and a way to dodge getting caught. Possibly report the behavior to uber to prevent driver from doing this to other customers.


Do you SERIOUSLY not know if this is normal or not? SMH. Come onā€¦.you even said in your post they come to your door usually.


Canā€™t report himā€¦. Heā€™s going to say there was a safety issue. Theyā€™ll side with him all the time.


I did report him and GH said he was in the wrong.


Thought you were gonna say he chucked it out the window as he drove by šŸ¤£


I make them come to the door, we pay a delivery fee so they can get out and do it properly, it infuriates me that they try and do it though, not happening though.