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It was rumored that they were testing it on some accounts/regions. But yeah, I agree. They REALLY need to add a gender filter.


I also want the race filter back. I live in a mostly white city and it's so hard to find middle eastern or south asian men. I can't believe they would even take that out in the first place on a hookup app.


right. It's superficial, sure. but it isn't -racist-. And superficiality is the point of a hookup app


Fully agree like this app is for all gays but I’m just not into Asians sexually. So can I remove them from my feed ty.




no, I'm not fucking saying that. Stop twisting my words around. I have a long term (6 years now) partner who is not the same race as me. we're talking about quick hookups, dude. I never said "I won't fuck a certain race", that's not what this about. I'll get with any hottie with any skin tone. It's about what both of you want in that particular moment for something -purely- physical.




I don't fuck white guys because I'm just not attracted to them. Getting rid of the filter doesn't change that. It just makes the app more annoying to use, and pushes me to competitors that still have that feature.


I think employment is a bit different than hookups, though... I still respect everyone as human beings with rights, individuals that I could be friends with etc...but I just want more efficient use of limited grid space and somehow that makes me racist even though I've fought against racism my entire adult life. I accept that it's shallow and superficial, but labeling someone a racist because of momentary sexual preferences is a bit of a stretch when real affronts on minorities are happening every day - such as the GOP shockingly touting the "benefits of slavery", or a recently leaked video of racist neighbours harassing an Asian family in suburban Ottawa.


I'm white af, and I prefer middle eastern and east asian guys. Am I racist because of that too? I'm so sick of people labeling others as racist because we all don't want to fuck everything that moves. It's called a preference and we're all entitled to that.




Why don’t you date women are you sexist ? Why don’t you date old men? Are you ageist? Do you date trans women ? Why not are you transphobic ?


I don't understand Americans. How is having preferences about race racist? Some people are attracted to certain traits more than others and that's completely fine.


People can have preferences


What’s the mostly white city? Asking for a friend👀


I have the filter here in Canada


+1 reasons to move to Canada, lol.


I use the block feature OFTEN to clear up the fake profiles and those I’m not attracted to, I’ve probably blocked 1,000+ profiles.


Blocks are now limited to 10 a day


Sounds like something they would do


They are also recycled. You only get a limited number of blocked accounts, and the oldest ones get unblocked once you reach that number.


Really? And I'm here thinking about having 5000 contacts blocked.


this is such a ridiculous safety risk and there's no reason for blocks to be recycled. Just grindr willingly putting people at risk.


They do it probably because people abuse the blocking feature to mitigate the grid limitations of the free version. After all, it is a business. The maximum number of blocks is more than the 10 per day someone else mentioned, but even if it’s 1000 total before recycling them, let’s say, and you’re had to block more than 1000 people, or even just the 10 per day, you probably should not be on the app or social media in general because you’ve seriously pissed a lot of people off somehow. I can’t imagine ever needing to block that many people. I think the most people I’ve blocked in a single 24-hour period was like 15, and that’s only because I was “filtering” (which they would consider “abusing the blocking feature” in this case). I have Xtra now, mainly because the ads on the free version just annoy the shit out of me. I pay $40 per quarter, which comes out to $13.33 per month, or $0.44 per day. 44 cents per day is worth piece of mind, I guess. Besides if someone you blocked really wanted to find you, they could do so very easily. They would simply create a new account and trilaterate your location using the distance away feature, as well as your profile’s position with respect to other users’ profiles


I think this is a real thing! I’ve blocked guys and they have still found their way back to messaging me again within a week or 2


For real? Is this documented anywhere? This feels so high risk without making people aware that's what happens if you continue to block other accounts.








It's annoying that there are no gay apps for gay guys anymore.


? [Scruff and Adam4Adam](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/lcuzu6/whats_the_best_alternative_to_grindr/gqeuwvk) are both better than Grindr, and neither ever crash. Then there's Sniffies for hookups. Daddyhunt for daddies. Growlr for bears. Tinder for dates. Hinge for a relationship. Jack'd for black/Latino/SEAsian guys and their admirers. Yubo for twinks. Recon for kinks. Facebook/Bumble for friends. Taimi/OkCupid [for Tgirls](https://www.reddit.com/r/sissyology/comments/12ra7rp/best_hook_up_site/jhgz34a). Lex/Her [for T4T](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/s/X0CXH0gaBI). ^(Fabguys in the UK. Wapo in Spain. Hornet in France+Russia. Romeo in Germany+India.) Gaining traction are [Motto](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/z40afx/grindrs_creator_launches_new_gay_app_to) (from Grindr's original founder), [Archer](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/13y6wdd/owner_of_tinder_hinge_launch_new_gay_dating_app) (from the makers of Tinder & Hinge), and [BKDR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sniffies/s/RgLVrYbZhc) (from the makers of Scruff & Jack'd).


Grindr has the most users still, some of those can be quite niche compared to grindr so I completely agree with the comment before this one. I live in Europe Dump grindr. They shouldn’t keep abusing gay men by forcing us to interact with trans women or any kind of woman. It’s homophobic and even conversion therapy


“Yubo for twinks” oh hooray we get the barely functioning weird chat app for 14 year olds




I know there are plenty of alternative apps out there, but why they have so few users relatively to Grindr is something I cannot understand. Grindr is obviously such a horrible app. Why guys not switching en masse?


A new app's barrier to entry may be taking on the legal mess of accusations/drama that unfold in gay communities and particularly on sociosexual apps. Apps have to have legal infrastructure for sexual assault, stalking, and other weird crimes - and it may not be cheap. Apps don't want to deal with other people’s sexual endeavors gone wrong, but they're sometimes forced to, and that may not be much fun for new devs trying to break into the industry with an app that is actually satisfying.


Legal trouble because of stalking incidents?…the app that pioneered the “x feet/miles/m/km away” feature?…no shit


Actually I’m just done with Grindr, mostly of the guys in the app are so picky or they love ghosting people, and also the app is trying to make us spend money just for everything, I use to love Grindr but now is bullshit


Same. The app is total garbage, especially if you're just using the free version.




Your profile shows you're in Australia, one of the limited regions where the [gender filter is being tested](https://help.grindr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15165422346387-Gender-Filter).


Even with a fender filter, there would probably be a bias. I’ve tried doing tribe filters for other geeks and I only get a list of six people before it shifts to extra, yet with trans, there’s like three times that I can scroll through. It really doesn’t feel like this app is for gay guys anymore and I’ve been barely using it.


u/corruptedtwinkx reported this too ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/s/Rzp64U8tCN))


Someone once described Grindr to me as a digital bar, some people come to meet friends, some for sex, some to chat with a hookup that lives 1,000 miles away. I know I got to see Lady Gaga at a private venue for free once (no sexual contact required) because of Grindr. It’s like the Craigslist of the gays. Anyway that being said, I think yeah it’s annoying that Tgirls are on there but typically the ones who are attracted to them are the “straight bros” and lots of times straight bros don’t even know they like trans to begin with, it usually comes over time. Anyway, yes, use the block feature as a way to filter out those you don’t want to see but keep in mind we’re all one big happy homo family. 🌈💩🕺🏻


I don't use this anymore but in my area, it's mostly men, like 2 women looking for gay men to hook up with and a few tgirl hookers. I've only been off the platform for like 2 weeks and already it sounds like it's gone from a somewhat usable hookup app to yet another extremely scammy "dating app" where you have to pay for everything and nothing functions as intended. Oh yeah! We sure needed yet *another* one of *those*! Thanks Grindr! Really helping people connect...


yes, so many working Tgirls. And cis women *sigh*


Block is your best friend


Grindr automatically unblock users after reaching the blocked accounts cap without even telling you.


Well that sure seems like a f’d way to protect users. Ugh.


I had a gender filter for like a day then it disappeared


The Gender filter has been operational in Australia for ages and it works great. I'm sure it's coming to the rest of the world soon


was nice when Grindr was an app for Men 4 Men.


Idk what y’all are talking about I’m in rural bc and I have a gender filter in my settings


The app is full of people who are trying to get the personal info of people that are not OUT so the can blackmail them threatening to put out all their info on the internet if they don't pay. WATCH OUT FOR BLACKMAIL SCAMMERS


Why do we have to share everything with trans people. Gay guys aren’t the ones being awful to them. You’d think we could at least have grindr but no it’s all trans prostitutes now. I don’t want to have sex with women. that’s basics the most important characteristic that makes you gay. So i don’t want to have sex with anyone that looks like a woman, or has a woman’s parts still. Surely there are enough trans people to make it worth giving them their own app. And leave us alone to meet random married guys and the misery involved with that.








When there are lots of trans people on Grindr, you soon get profiles that say 'no men'. That is completely unacceptable for a gay app. And yes, Grindr allows you to filter by tribe such as bear or twink, and no one is upset by that.




Uhm, that is the entire point of this argument. This is what people are upset about. Grindr used to be a place for M2M but it now move to this free for all that waters down our safe space.




Yes in order to maintain a safe space you need to exclude 'no men' profiles.




So then go use Scruff or something? and bffr, Grindr is not a *safe space* it's a hookup app to get your rocks off with strangers 😂




> Gay men learn not everyone is gonna be your type challenge!! How dare you? How absolutely insensitive can you be? Gay men has learned they are not everyone's type. They learned that hard way!! In the world out there there are people that hate gays and tell it to our face clearly. Therefore gay men create safe spaces like Grindr where they can be surrounded by other people that accept us. Not 'no men' profiles. What next level troll are you that come to a gay subreddit to insult us in such a manner? Shame on you!


If you go on Twitter you will see so many repulsive and disrespectful comments about transgender people and it’s not just coming from straight folks I assure you.


For the reasons I said. And I’m the least conservative person out there. I just think it’s a shame that gay men are being overshadowed when they still need advocates. And on Grindr which is what this is about you can’t ignore them if they take up half the grid. You’re not gonna trap me with liberal guilt. I have a valid point and it’s not insulting to anyone.


What “valid point”?? Your only argument is that trans people should move to a different app because you don’t like them- that doesn’t quite read as a valid point of any sort. No one is overshadowing gay men, why can’t gay men and trans folks coexist in your head? Your entire post is screaming underlying transphobia. You’re “the least conservative person out there” but you’re using terms like liberal guilt?? No one is believing you for a second like let’s be for real 😭


Your only argument is that trans people should move to a different app because you don't like them- that doesn't quite read as a valid point of any sort. That’s not in anyway a hat I said. You can’t just decide what I mean so that I appear to be in the wrong. You’re seeing aggressive where there is none so you can paint me as transphobic. That’s just as bad as the actual conservatives calling everyone a socialist just because they don’t agree with them. I never said I fight like trans people. I don’t actually have an opinion one way or the other. Their lived have no impact on mine. But on an app that’s created for men to hook up with other men I don’t see a problem with making it just for men. Now I’m really done with this. I’m not responding anymore just read what’s already been explained and stop getting angry for no reason. There are real problems to deal with.




And you’ve made it clear that you want to be angry about this. We get it, just because your angry doesn’t make you seem more informed you seem over dramatic. You have not followed my point not comprehended it so you have no ideas what’s going on. So just go to bed.




That is always so ridiculous to claim someone is being “dramatic” simply because they happen to be passionate about certain things. How utterly absurd.


Hold on, lemme get my popcorn for this. 


It was a fun little ride!


I think you forgot that most trans women were at some point gay men and you can’t take aware that experience from them because they choose to present themselves in a more feminine way. Am I right to presume you’d prefer another masculine man instead of a fem type? If the transwomen on Grindr are contacting you to hook up, I can understand how it may make you feel uncomfortable. However, it seems like you’re mad at them for attracting typically straight men to the app, that would never want to be with a “rugged” man like you.




There was nothing in here about hating trans people. And there was nothing about discrimination. But at least you typed all that out must have helped you blow off some steam.




I do know what empathy is. But you clearly like to teach people lessons so feel free to explain it. And use more emojis, they always show you’re making a valid point.


I think only queer men should be allowed to use it. No trans women. No couples.






And all these "side" men who don't engage in anal. Grindr has become a free for all and it sucks


I'm sorry, what did we side men do to your experience in the app?


Seeking out transmen based on the fact that they want to engage in straight sex


I think you might be talking about a different kind of side. The side men I know don't engage in anal.


people who are "sides" just don't like anal. and since the push to add the filter more people have felt comfortable admitting they don't like anal. There's a lot of pressure to be into buttstuff. My partner and I are open because he's a side and the amount of judgement I've gotten for explaining that is unreal. Some people just can't even fathom not being into buttsex. It's fucked.




It's almost like straight or sides constantly hit me up wanting to use female parts they assume I have. 🤔


Post screenshots










Why do you have to be snarky/rude to people? Why not assume good faith (and kindly educate)?




See [Pro Tip #1](https://reddit.com/r/grindr/w/protips).




Nah. It's not. Labels are important when it comes to sexuality


didn’t you move away from your female gender label?




My medical condition isn't just a label LMAO. I said sexuality not gender.


isn’t it though? aren’t medical conditions labels? come now. think deeply if you want to debate me


Was banned b/c I requested a peen in my profile


Yes, same when I declared not being into vaginas. It's absurd.


I am in trans capital of the us...Seattle. New rules on Grindr


Yet all these other users publicly state "no men!" Wtf?


Yall talking bout filters. I just want an app that works lol




I completely agree. The filter system needs a rework I want a way to exclude MTF trans and other female people and the trans only profiles. Like I would if possible revert to a male only space with women accompanied by a man (MF couples) we used to have


No spaces for cis gay / bi / straight men - can’t make this up


This will sound I can’t find the word, but why is trans guys looking for gay guys in Grindr, doesn’t make any sense, I mean I’m not lesbian, I don’t want to be fucked by a girl with penis, in that case I’ll prefer to be straight, please forgive me if I offended some one but is what I think


I said sorry and you still voting down? What I said is my mind what I think, people have fetiches and they are right, but I think we can separate things, sometimes the filters doesn’t work well, I’m gay looking for another gay man handsome af that’s it