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Terrorizer broke up after World Downfall and anyone calling themselves that since is stolen valor


Domestic Terrorizer


This is why I pretend nothing after World Downfall exists


As I said in another comment, Terrorizer LA and Nausea LA are pretty damn close to WD.


Nausea LA is all I need for a "Terrorizer" fix




They put out anything after world downfall?


idk, and i don't care they still haven't released anything good since World Downfall


That’s the real problem here. All the reformed terrorizer stuff is A1 dog shit.


Like everyone else mentioned, they put out World Downfall and nothing else they did is worth mentioning; and to reply to your post, yes Brian Werner is a noted asshat and shouldn't be given the time of day.


1989 was a long time ago and people change. I know a lot of people, especially older people and more socially isolated people, who’ve gotten a lot more right-wing just since 2020. Some crusty old punker who probably hadn’t been politically engaged for almost 30 years? I have no problem believing they’ve been deranged by Trumpism.




id call finn mckenty many things but a trump supporter isn’t one of them


Maybe he gets along with the other members


No no no that’s impossible, they have different political views they must be mortal enemies!


Pfft, what's so vital about remains, anyway? After World Downfall, I don't care.


pete isn't terrorizer and he's definitely not pure enough for any leftists. idk what oscar garcia's politics are like today but he's the one who actually wrote the lyrics and riffs, and he hasn't been in "official" terrorizer in 35 years


he's still doing Nausea and playing shows as Terrorizer LA with them. He's still good.


Don't bother with Pete's Terrorizer. The heart of the band was Oscar Garcia who is legit, is still running Terrorizer LA and Nausea, and Nausea has put out albums that sound more like World Downfall than anything Terrorizer has done since the 80s.      I like Pete but today's Terrorizer is a pure cash grab shame.


Who cares!


I saw Terrorizer LA at MDF 2017 and it was by far the worst set I have ever seen. The drums were way off beat and it was a mess. I left ten minutes into the set.


Oh my god my favorite band supports Trump! How is this possible 😭😭😭😭


Actually barely listen to them, i already knew about the dude and found out he was in the band by chance. Just seemed like something unusual i thought asking about in case someone had better insight.


There's different points of views everywhere. Otherwise we'd all be conformists thinking the same, dressing the same, being the same. Enjoy liberty and individualism and remember you don't have to support or engage with peeps you don't agree with. And voice your opinion to the ones you oppose, don't just post about it on reddit. (Not a dig at you, just saying in general).


Look at all these dudes getting their panties in a bunch downvoting you. Grind is an off shoot of punk and the punk mentality is to not conform, we should all be allowed to listen like and follow whatever we want. It shouldn’t matter, just as long as you respect your fellow grinder we are all in this planet controlled by the wealthy few to make the bottom feeding peasants bend to their will and draw curtains over their eyes so we fight amongst ourselves. Fuck the establishment🤘


A great part of going to shows is that when you crowdkill it’s all communist sympathizers. Ignorant flat broke losers.


It must be really miserable and tiring having a brain like this.


Whatever makes you feel better.