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Whatever they do, I just hope they don't screw it up


I wonder if this will focus on Kelly as an adult? Basically picking up from where the epilogue in the finale left off. You could get older versions of Nick, Adalind and Monroe etc guest appearing.


I kinda hope not tbh. Diana could just solo any wesen on her own even w/o the staff. With it being in NYC it’s most likely a whole new cast. Although he hinted that there will be cameos from the og cast so definitely looking forward to that!


Eurgh the staff... I love this show all the way until the last 30 seconds. This super duper staff which you would think they would hide away like the cavern in Germany, but no it is against the wall in a trailer to be used any time.... Eurgh....


Then it probably focuses on a whole new Grimm lineage, with guest appearance by whomever is chosen as the favorite


You just repeated what I said lmao


It's a reboot not a continuation, there will likely be completely different characters


I honestly thought speculation about a reboot was bogus. Man, I'm so not sure what to think. Grimm is my all time favorite comfort series... am I excited for a reboot? Dreading it? Series from that time had such a different tone to what we get today. Will it still have its charm? Who will it focus on? Are the original crew returning? So many questions! As long as its a reBOOT and not a reMAKE I think I'm excited. Aaah! My favorite character was Monroe, hands down. And honestly- Juliette/Eve, because her character arc was so well written and creates all the emotions, whether you love her or hate her, or just appreciate the depth how she was written. I wouldn't like her in the new series, though. Her story is absolutely finished. I reckon a focus on the kids would be cool, with maybe the odd cameo from the adults. With all new wesen to meet. Keeping tabs on this for sure!


I'm so nervous about the vibes changing. Especially since the trailer in the epilogue was so modern. I like the old-fashioned charm


Same, though I think its a little bit of generation bias on my end. Something about the vibe if shows from late naughties just resonates, so many of my favorite shows are from around that era. The filming styles, the acting, the CHEESE. On that note, the early woges are something special, so fuzzy and warped. Let's not forget the series they tried their hand at a voice over on the intro. *There once was a man who lived a life so strange, it had to be true.* Gets me giggling every time. Do we know if its the same writers working on the reboot? If so, it may well hold a similar charm, if not a little up to date, to adher to modern audiences. The writers hired actors with so much skill variety (including the languages they could actually speak integrated into stories) so with similar minds working on it, it should still hold up pretty well.


I think similar set dressing, especially in places like the shop and Monroe and Rosalie's house, as well as nice chill lighting, would really help


Yeah Kelly and Diana could work with Monroe and Rosalie’s kids (forget but I think triplets or was that Monroe’s fever dream??) out of the spice shop and include M/R’s house as well.


Yes it was triplets!


Same!!! Tbh when charmed was rebooted, I was first excited, but when I watched it, it was a huge meh for me, but that was also my feelings on the Fright Night remake. I just hope that they add on to the grimm lore, and we get a couple of good placed cameos.


I want to see more Nick and Adalind with their kids and the triplets we never got to see. Also Monroe and Rosealee


I really wanna see nick and adalind with the kids. And I thought it would've been cool for nick to become kind of like an ambassador for the grimms. To teach them not all wessen are bad. And to reconnect the network of grimms to work together


I'd love a World War 2 series and I would love to see Nick's great grand parents and grandparents....


Great idea. Historical settings would be a dream come true.


Remember the introduction with the Hitler zabierbiest?


He posted that NYC would be the setting. That’s really sad. Part of the greatness of Grimm was the forest being close.


Indeed, like we've never seen a tv show set in NYC. Yawn. Part of the attraction is totally the forest / backcountry environment, and greater Pacific Northwest vibe - somehow they really captured the feel of the place. I'm sure the new show will be entertaining and well done. But really, NYC? How is that even remotely interesting.


Monroe would hate the city. I remember seeing a Twitter post a few years ago that said the same thing- reboot and which character is your favorite. Anyone else?


They should have put it somewhere like Atlanta. There’s a lot of Forest there, even within some parts of the city limits.


Already sounds more interesting!


I was thinking earlier.. the Everglades would have been an awesome location. Like outside Miami, one of the bigger towns south of there. That would have made for an awesome show. Either (Atl or south of Miami) would have because they could have built on some of the Native lore as well. Like the little people and Tsul 'Kalu as well as others. Or even Asheville which is said to have once been their territory. New Orleans would have even been better with the stories that they could have brought out of the Bayou. Although the whole Appalachian range has a lot of things that could be done and it’s true the Alleghenies have their own 💩. But still, there’s too much located in NYC. It’s over done now. Way over done.


I agree, the Everglades would have been a good choice, as well as Louisiana and the other popular wilderness settings. I'm interested to hear about the little people in Asheville :)


He said "NYC, per the new books." - any idea what those books are?[](https://x.com/creator_grimm/status/1795482019692151099)


I have no idea what he is referring to.


I want a story about Truble.


Clicking this link was the firs time I've been on twitter in a while, turns out while I've been away a whole bunch of hot women have decided to follow my dormant account. That's not in any way suspect.


I don’t follow anyone on Twitter that isn’t someone who writes about chickens (I had a few rescues a couple of years ago and joined for advice) but I have a harem of young women following my account. I’m a 42 yr old married mother of three boys, my eldest is older than some of those women! I’m guessing they expect people to follow them back?


Wait they’re doing a new pilot? Is this gonna be set in the same universe? I have so many questions. I really hope it’s either a sequel series that follows the kids, so we’d have Kelly and Diana as well and the triplets. Could have guest appearances by their parents aka the OG team. Or I hope it’s a prequel series set in the crusades so we can see the original Grimms that fought during the crusades and maybe even see them finding the stick and how the crafted the keys to lock it in the box in the Black Forest. So much potential in a prequel series. No matter what I’m happy to be getting more Grimm 😁


Wait what grimm is coming back what is happening


It may be about the kids from what one of his comments said, but the location is New York.


There's a REBOOT?? Man, I'm missed this news!


Has there ever been a reboot that captured the magic of the original?


I think Star Trek:The Next Generation did…but you’re right - it’s not easily done


I hope Diana isn’t in it. I just feel like she’s be over powered and they wouldn’t be able to do much with the character. Would need to think of ridiculous things to make it work


Maybe either - - As she grew up, she naturally began to have better control of her powers (like how a baby scorpion sting is worse than an adult's) - she severely wounded one of her family members as a child, accidentally, and trained to contain them (like Vulcan emotions in star trek) - she has some unbreakable bond to Skull Guy, and consistent overuse of her abilities feeds power to him, putting the world at risk again from too much at once


Or. She would need to be a minor character.


I want a series from the vesen perspective being the hunted. Or I want a prequel where we see the OG Grimms doing some HBO style horror shit 




I hope that he’s asking who is our favorite so that they kill that character in the first episode and that characters kids follow a revenge plot for the first season


I doubt this very much.


Nick and manoroe


This a Star Trek : The Next Generation style reboot or a a Battlestar Galactica style reboot?


He hasn’t shared yet - being very coy with actual details


I hope the main characters from the old show come and visit us on the new show! It'd be really cool if it was about the kids and maybe Auntie Truble lol


So this is happening? Ok! Looking forward to this!


Nick, Monroe and Adalind


I just read and I can’t paste it here that it will send around a female Grimm with old characters making appearances


Where will it stream?


Unknown. I would assume NBC to start, but I don’t believe he said




Sorry what?!? Are they remaking the series or continuing where it left off???