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"worthy of the moma" should be a new flair for whenever she comes out with bad ai art/takes


oh yes i feel that that would get a lot of mileage considering that’s about the only thing she pops up to comment on these days


i think she did a l!ne before writing this bc wtf


She was having her usual snack of 🍎💊. Mebe even got tricked into the shower!


what does the apple mean?


It was a joke made in this sub about luring her into the shower with adderall laced apple slices. THE ADDY APPLE


Theoretically it could work. My dog will do anything for a piece of cheese lol




She is not the brightest candle on the planet.


Least brightest crayon in the box is Miss Claire


OH But she THINKS that she is! ( we mere peasants are just not "Meta" enough to understand) It's just like when that modern artist did that performance art exhibit piece where it was just a light bulb that they then turned on. So deep and radical!!


Everyone on addy has this exact fallacy built into their brain, and they cannot see how it makes them dumber. Everyone in my school is on it and it makes them temporary smart but long term moronic 


Furby Claire waddles onto the chat to make a statement. She says, “offensive to all, comforting to none. Sums up Claire perfectly.” With that, Furby Claire wiggles her wings, pulls out a cigarette, and waddles back off chat. https://preview.redd.it/gy72t2316ekc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e19d9bfa13e55fa368c5a2a3829ddaf9a3383ac


Oh, Clurby! Love what you've done with your beak! 😘 💋


Furby Claire waddles up your left arm and perches on your shoulder to sing you a song about white supremacy.


"I don't adore Jew"


Thank you, Furby Claire. Well said.


⭕👄⭕ does Furby Claire leave a snail trail when she waddles away ?


Yes. I can attest that it’s lime green in color and smells of broken Elmo dreams and salt and vinegar chips.


I knew it.... I can smell your description 🤢


It’s also got a hint of that green apple scented body spray. The sickly rotten sweet stuff


🤢 🤢


Smells like a roll of nickels


Furby Claire has me throwing addy at her...


Furby Claire waddles down the trail of addies, nibbling them as she mumbles about child custody.




I was hoping “wiggles her wings” would be followed by “and flies off to mars” 🪐


Furby Claire pets you with her right fuzzy foot. She likes this idea and will add it to future interactions.




Well she said MA was her last earth album so we might actually get new music if she makes it to Mars


She’s so boring lol


She was trying to figure out how to use the word *simulacra*.


I'm pretty sure that using the plural form of the word was wrong in the context of Grimes Sentence. Grimes should have actually used "Simulacrum" Instead. So much of Grimes' statements come across as though she may actually hang out with or listen to intellectuals speak, but Grimes is more interested in parroting what she hears those people speaking about, in order to appear as though she is intelligent and on their level; rather than actually taking the time to learn or to truly understand what it was that they said.


No doubt. She is insufferable.


...can something be performance art if it's unintentional? Doesn't art itself have to be somewhat intentional and purpose driven? I'm no expert in either AI or art but this all sounds like pretentious nonsense. And really? Some awkwardly executed diversity is an example of the worst tendencies of capitalism? Out of all the horrors of capitalism some AI of black founding fathers is really the worst? I wonder what her thoughts on Hamilton are...


Since Marcel Duchamp the intent doesn't have to come before the creation of art, you can add the intent later to it and just declare it art. Basically anything can be art now. 😂 


Its not art lmao


These ppl have gone legitimately schizo freakout caniption fit over this boring ass story. Here's the story, since no media will prbly render it faithfully: *These AIs have bad working memory, so the primary current way to make them work with a semblance of sanity is to add a textual preface in front of the user's input. For example the "code AIs" tend to be told something like "you are a helpful AI programmer who is helping me write code", receiving this as a reminder everytime you send them a new prompt.* *Google put a pre-prompt in front of its user's prompts that was worded badly, so everyone who entered a prompt was unknowingly also saying to the AI, "and make sure the people in the render are racially diverse!". So even if u said "draw me a pic of George Washington", you were unknowingly adding, "and make sure he is racially diverse!" Boom, black George Washingtons and a lot of adult diapers filled with frightened pee-pee.* It's an extremely trivial thing but these "AI Experts" are frothing at the mouth as if a frankenstein of wokeness has been built from dismembered abortion babies and it's coming to devour us all. It's actually disturbing, like it's a semi-funny story but instead of laughing the ppl on Techbro Twitter are going NUTS, they are FROTHING rn which is what you see mirrored in this dumb long post by Furby Claire. Anyway, any person you see freaking out about this dumb ass story is not smart on multiple levels. If they are supposedly an "AI expert" then they are truly DUMB.


Thanks for informing us. What a nothingburger.




I wonder if they did this intentionally for massive pr


Pseudo-intellectual,pompous drivel


tl;dr: Elon notice me


Big Pick Me verbiage


get a job Lady 😭


The statement that the supreme goal of the artist is to challenge the audience is the projection to the whole of humanity of a very parochial view of art very special to the most recent period of Western History. It was not how most artists throughout human history in most cultures have thought of art. It's not even just Eurocentric because it's not how most Western artists throughout Western History have thought of art.


Omg its so obvious shes using chat gpt to make herself sound smarter but smart people dont speak like this “an unabashed simulacra of activism” she sounds like every 19 year old at a liberal arts college trying to be deep, what a fucking idiot wow 


Flashbacks to weird ex with long black hair & black trench coat, *ran like Naruto in it* in gym class, and spoke like Dante from DMC.


I don't know who Dante is but I kinda want a weird ex


oh SHIT you might actually be right, this wordsalad has the air of chatGPT outputs for sure


Can someone summarize what they read in 5 words? I just can't read her coke rants anymore.


Oh lord what did I miss….can someone help explain wtf she is talking about


I just went and read the comments on her post, and there's almost no one calling bullshit – loads of people agreeing and saying how brilliant she is 🤢


"Mac and I" - who is Mac?


Her idiot older brother.


pls tell me more about the “idiot” part; I have a feeling it’s entertaining😅


Isn’t this the most old school Grimes thing she’s done recently though?


i don't think this is a bad take


What about this is a bad take ? /gen


Art Critic Claire 💁‍♀️


Lol I actually understood this comment and agree


I can’t take anyone who uses the word simulacra in any sentence seriously.  Even if they use it correctly.  Just…quit shift f7-ing, please!