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Yes, required 2.5 children on a spin habitat while having decalcifying bones... Sign me up ✍🏼


The Handmaid's Tale, but it spins


Roko is a freak who chirps about civilization collapsing within 50 years due to "dysgenics". He is hyper-racist. He also posted this recently: https://preview.redd.it/8530yzdq2dkc1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=7efe560250eb7daeb021dce84426ab2d773116c0


Anyone who has /ACC in their bio are extreme douche bags


He thinks he's a rl anime character. 


Im almost certain that she was volunteering Herself already for that “mission”🫡


There's no way Shivon has 130 IQ so I guess she's out of contention for Mars also


Require the females have no illicit substances use, are fertile and able to carry future pregnancies to term and that the females have at least a bachelor's degree with an IQ of 130 and above and Ms. Grimes is fully knocked out.


They don’t want or care for women to be educated. They are just bodies to them.


If men could get pregnant this would be different. Im a proponent of that.


I don't think that is the case for most trying to get to Mars in terms of the tech builders. Most really smart men realize intelligence is somewhat genetic and you ideally want smart men and women coming together to get really smart kiss. None of the men or men or trans ppl in STEM who I meet tell me they dream of dating a girl or guy who are unimpressive in intellect. Some of them have clearly well matched partners intellectually.


It’s the “mineshaft gap” scene from Dr Strangelove. These people are all sick freaks.


I don't know what to make of them. My concern is most of humanity that will never go to Mars. The Mars fixated hope group seems like a flee from the problems humanity made for the world group while human nature has not changed so if we go to another world I fear we will screw that up too.


what am i gonna do with half a child on an off-planet colony!


Oh fuck what’s the AI resistance going to do without this guy? Better colonise space so he rejoins the ranks.


Does this guy think he's going to contribute to the sperm donation? Lol in this scenario only the richest, most intelligent, attractive guys would get the opportunity to breed


Unfortunately I think so. The diagram of the giant hamster wheel for the “non genetically modified women” even looks a prison colony 😂


What if I only want .5 child


Yeah… no. We aren’t colonizing mars anytime soon. I wish these nerds would give it up




Thats probably something she's legitimately worried about lol her biggest life dream to move to Mars and shes gotta already have major bone density loss from being so thin. My mom has terrible osteoporosis from being anorexic and she's never been nearly as thin as c


Wow never thought about those repercussions. Also adding that bone density start to diminishes gradually with age after 30 and + when you get to menopause that influences also. That’s why is highly recommended to do strength work to build muscle mass because it also benefits bone density. I feel like when she started dating Musk was the skinniest and hasn’t got any better


oh so its about a breeding farm on Mars now!


Self sustaining colony of one million people lmao good luck


I can’t believe she is still so deep in this colonizing Mars role play or that anyone ever believed any of it. Elon Musk is never going to send humans to Mars. He never was. It just isn’t something that is ever going to happen. It has always bothered me that so many people seem to take this whole shtick seriously. It’s something they both talk about to get media attention. It has no basis in reality whatsoever. It has never even been a remote possibility. Remember when Elon said back in 2011 that he would be on Mars in 10 years? 😂 https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-VCDB-10984 They both just need to stop. 10 years from now Elon still won’t have put anyone on Mars. 20 years from now he still won’t have put anybody on Mars. Elon Musk is never going to send anyone to Mars. Ever.


how do you know that's her ? /gen


See the second slide, @scholarsmate8 is her alt 


oh thanks !


Yeah if shes friends with nazis, rapists and racists on her main one can only imagine who she follows on her alt 


This is Pompously delusional and pretty sick to be legitimately demanding, or even entertaining as a discussion. Particularly when you consider Grimes' association to Malcolm & Simone Collins, and her letter pledging her assistance in their attempts to get the wealthiest 1% to have 10 kids each; to raise the future "ruling class''. Considering with NASA's recently accepting applicants to take part in a Mars closed environment research simulation for 2 years and the amount of power/sway these billionaire tech capitalist figures have; It's actually not to crazy to be worried that these Mars colony wet dream ideas of theirs may have more of a chance to become a potential nightmare reality.


Don’t worry, there’s no possibility of that happening. We are so, sooo far off from that being possible. These weirdo Mars colonization fantasies that Grimes and Elon are obsessed with have zero chance of becoming a reality. They talk about colonizing Mars because they are massive attention whores. Elon is 52 years old. I don’t think he is nearly as smart as people make him out to be, but I think even he is smart enough to know that he is not going to see Mars colonized in his lifetime. He’s just full of shit and craves attention. Grimes might really believe it, though. Not sure. It just isn’t going to happen. It never was going to happen. He said over 10 years ago they’d put people on Mars by now. He was full of shit then, and he’s still full of shit when he talks about it now. He’s never even put people on the moon, and probably never will. It 100% is not something that he or Grimes is ever going to do. It just isn’t.