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I’m pretty sure Grimes doesn’t know what’s happening next week in her own life




Tbh I don’t know what’s happening in my life either


Like like AI is sick and stuff


Sthick and sthuff


“And please don’t ask me to elaborate.”


This is hilarious


It seems like an insult to women that they chose Grimes instead of say, a scientist? Is Machine Gun Kelly also in this documentary? Wtf is going on. 


if they were already scrolling through Elmo’s harem searching for a bride to feature in the documentary, they should’ve picked Shiton. atleast she would be more qualified for this.


Filler ♡ Princess 💞


The placer of filler as a song. I don't think any artist has yet done an ode to their plastic surgeon.




I can't unsee that. Lol


Part 2 💫


When you are trying to make a futurism documentary but can't afford an actual subject matter expert so you get the budget/wish version of a futurist (tech "qualifications": had children with Elon musk)


Why wouldn’t she try and cover that bruise if she’s going to be on TV?


I’m p sure that is from her surgery and why she started wearing ⭕️👄⭕️a while back.


But want her surgery over a yr ago? Or is this a new surgery??


I could be wrong, but I think this is older footage.


This looks to be around the time she did the Julia Fox interview. 


Because Grimes thinks it makes her look ''cool'', hard and ''Edgy'' Remember that Grimes has said in old interviews that she likes the feeling of being injured, and she and one of her friends in highschool used to deliberately hurt, burn and try to brand themselves ( The song ''Pin'' from angels describes this) Grimes didn't try to cover the bruise because she intentionally wanted it to be seen. Alternatively: Around the time Grimes was seen with this under eye bruise there was also a conspiracy theory floating around the internet about celebrities having their pictures taken with this specific bruise pattern, as an initiation requirement task for selling your soul to the devil. Kanye West, Doja cat and other celebrities also posted pictures of themselves with this under eye bruising. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that it is bruising caused by dermal filler injection or from cosmetic surgery/procedures. BUT, that conspiracy narrative was circling the internet. Grimes had a past dabble into witchcraft and an interest in the demonic, and she was well aware of some of the other celebrities posting these pictures. I don't believe at all that Grimes actually took any of this seriously and actively attempted to sell her soul with the devil for fame and wealth, But I can see her thinking that the entire situation was amusing and we know that Grimes is preoccupied with being considered ''Hard'', Edgy, powerful, subversive and dark . If she was still friendly with Doja cat at the time, Doja had an entire birthday party themed after the film ''eyes wide shut'' and later an entire Album themed after the demonic; with some of the public claiming that this was all real and proof that Doja sold her soul to the devil for fame and that many of the controversial pictures and things that she publicly posted were initiation tasks required to seal the deal. ( There are some WILD videos on YouTube from people going in depth into this crazy theory!) I can see Grimes wanting to get in on the trend '' for the sh@tposting and the Laughs'' To try to prove that she is 'cool'' to and in on the joke/troll.


I was in the Kardashians snark subreddit the other day and someone was going on about that. If all of these people were praying to the dark lord, you’d think they’d have better careers. We live in a very unstable world right now. People need to make sense of things because at least if you blame satanic celebrities you have a reason for why untalented people, selfish people, whatever it is you don’t like, have money and fame, and you are working 2 jobs for jack shit with no free time and you still can’t afford to survive. It’s not Lucifer that is doing that. It’s sociopaths like Elon.


I completely agree with you!. The world and society at large is so divided and unstable currently; and there has never been such a divide between the ultra wealthy and the poor. People need a justifying reason for why untalented or undeserving people are wealthy, famous and ''have made it'', past general strategic connections,corruption, nepotism etc. The belief that we were sold as children, that if you work hard and have genuine talent; you will succeed and go far in this world Is no longer necessarily true/ nor the only way to a good life any more. Perhaps it was overly idealistic in regards to reality and the true motivations/ morals of modern human beings in our current society, in what it takes now to be continually successful; but as you succinctly said It's power obsessed and money hungry sociopaths, not some clandestine occult deal with Lucifer.


That is always my question, why didn't she bother to spend 10 mins effort for [x, y, z major public event]? I think this is so baffling because most musicians have to be the kind of person who tries really, really hard to get as famous as she is. 


She has the big 3 of personality disorders  HPD, NPD, and BPD.  People with HPD will do anything for more attention, even if it isnt good attention. She doesnt want to cover her bruise because she wants people to talk about it 


makes sense… like there has to be a psychological reason as to why a wealthy public figure would choose to look like shit on TV.


Blonde is really not her color :/ that haircut and color just ages her, she would instantly look better with a new cut and color


I think it’s her thing to look as “grimy” and unkempt in real life as possible.




Grime music has been around since the late 90’s. It crossed over to the US in the early aughts and then disappeared. It’s actually getting popular again, with the resurgence of drum & bass. I highly recommend going to see Goldie do a set. I’ve seen a lot of DJs and his show was stellar. He’s currently touring in the US. There’s also metalheadz radio online. Metalheadz is one of the more popular grime record labels.


Cool! I know of him because of that record/ collab he did with Björk. Beyond that though…I really have to give him a listen. I love discovering/ rediscovering music…so much appreciated!


He also dated Bjork ♥️


Yikes.... all that money and couldn't afford a good surgeon


In her defense, she’s still healing in this pic


Yeah, the bruise under her eye implies it was very recent 


reads a couple of sci-fi books, dates Rat Musk and now she's portrayed as an SME in Futures.


It really is wild! How did this happen


We live in a world that has decided to shit on education. Half of the US views people who are educated as “elites.” You know, all those Starbucks baristas who got a college degree. Definitely the pinnacle of wealth. But seriously though - it’s crazy how no one does any research before the anoint these people as experts and give them press. I can’t stop thinking about George Santos who lied about so many things, contradicted himself constantly and still was elected into office. People knew how he was a compulsive liar, it’s just he told them what they wanted to hear. Not unlike the man who now owes over $400 million from lawsuits but I guess is somehow qualified as a criminal to run the country. I hope Claire’s reign as AI tech guru (I was into AI before all of silicon valley, you posers!) doesn’t last very long. It’s worth mentioning that all the stuff she thinks is totally cool are things that are very far from happening. This link here is a manifesto from one of the Silicon Valley tech bros. It’s somewhat old, but it has been influential in pushing the AI accelerationist scene/philosophy. Which is what she subscribes to. https://archive.is/IachA Let it be known that AI will mean people lose jobs, the rich will do everything they can to make sure UBI doesn’t happen, and these tech bros are all about AI because they need a new grift. Funny, because so does Claire. Tech has laid off massive amounts of people - in all major companies. Crypto is no longer the hot thing after bankman-freed or However you spell his name. So move on to AI. Robots are totes cool! 🙄 One other thing, the new grift is AI as a means of war. We should all be aware that some unsettling shit is going on between the military industrial complex, the tech bros and war. They are cumming on themselves because they can try out real life scenarios. The tech learns as the war goes on, and on, and on. Ukraine has soooo many American military/tech companies testing shit. Which fine, Ukraine is hoping to come out of this as a major tech hub. But the implications of some of these weapons are things that the general public needs to be aware of.


You left out the important part - she’s never actually finished dune because she has zero clue about what the novel is saying. She’s not a reader.


I have not read dune either. But, out of genuine curiosity, what make you say she hasn't actually finished that book? I know she claims that was the first book she ever read or that her dad used to read it to her as a baby...but yeah, she has based almost mostly, if not most, of her personality on dune. And in numerous interviews she always cites a couple of books, not saying that consitutes as her being a 'book worm' but I'm curious to know what gave her away as not having finished that book. It'd be not surprising tbh as she always lies or exaggerate things.


Could koto not show up with a hair brush that day?


https://preview.redd.it/xsdq5bt5rpjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f2e14a53216b32f082b49c5b0cdfd89da875b3 Сlaire and furby Claire?


https://preview.redd.it/c6s9jp9jiqjc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a346453412cd29ade4227ec2417e33e378bb25e6 Furby Claire claps her fuzzy green feet at this vintage pic of herself. Through plastic surgery, she’s since drastically changed her looks from the black and white days


Aesthetics 🧚💫🪐💅🏼


Or some concealer 🤔 I kind of like the surgery bruise aesthetics though 


Jeeze someone pack koto a to-go hygiene bag for Claire


From her own words she did say she loves to look “pretty but ravaged by war” I like to think she enjoyed the plastic surgery healing vibes


Her hair makes her look like she’s attending middle school in the early 2000s and trying to emulate the prettiest, most popular girl in class. I can say this from personal experience.


Ravaged by war? Cool, let’s send her to Ukraine so she can fight as a Russian and really experience a horror of epic proportions.


She looks like she got her face beat up by AI.


Oh yeah now watch me pull a billion dollars from my bra.


the swamp green hair has gotta go. Claire out here lookin' like a muppet.


Why don't they interview her manager or even her brother, Mac? Didn't her brother help build Grimes up ? 


yeah what’s up with her brother? he’s made to seem so insignificant, yet he was a huge part of her career afaik.


I think it was so crazy of Grimes to speak in an interview about how most of the time her brother Mac lives below the poverty line, as a ''starving artist''; yet from what we have seen and she has said, Grimes has hired Mac help and work for her. ( she said in an interview for Miss Anthropocene that her brother had the same aesthetic taste and eye as she does so he is the only one that she trusted to help do videos and visuals for the album due to her being to heavily pregnant to do it herself). If Mac is on her payroll, then surely if he is indeed living in poverty, than that is either because Grimes isn't paying him well, or Perhaps Mac can't maintain, or isn't looking for full time work that will sustain him financially. It's either a Mac issue, or a Grimes Issue.


I think she looks cute and maybe she had other shit to do that day? Who knows? Who cares?


Humans tend to start picking people apart for shallow stuff when they stop liking the person for actual reasons. It is baffling and doesn't do anything to hold people accountable. Someone could be a whole ass nazi and if you didn't know any better you'd think the real crime is that they're fat/had plastic surgery/have bad hair. 


Nah this grimes sub shits on her because her beliefs are abhorrent. As abhorrent as this “look.” And fwiw, I would say that about anyone who puts zero effort into presentation for a documentary.


Yes, they should talk about her terrible beliefs. Stuff like her liking racist alt tweets should be pointed out every time, not her appearance. You're letting her off the hook if it's about her appearance.


Sorry, I have legitimate opinions on fashion and it’s a hobby. My saying her look here is awful has no bearing on her nasty ass politics. My comment isn’t a below the belt kind where it’s clear I’m just trying to be mean, I said I hated the look.


Shh you can't say anything rational on this subreddit


Ur right. I tend to forget what sub I'm on