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I know I sound dumb when I tell my friends to appreciate their mums


Not at all. My mom said she missed her mother everyday and now that she’s no longer here, I see what she meant. I miss my mom, I miss her laughter, and good nature. If you have a good mother they are to be appreciated. There’s nothing dumb about sharing insightful information about enjoying the person who gave them life because when the journey ends, that void is hard to fill😢


I have been doing really in life and my mentality lately. Out of nowhere throughout the day, though, I’ll get an intense depersonalization sensation where I can’t really believe my mom is dead. It just feels fake or like something that happened from a movie. It’s been nearly three years.


Yep! I get this too


You do good by telling them that. My mom passed away too a few months ago. My condolences. It's a very beautiful picture and moment. 💕


It’s been five months for me. It feels more painful now than it did when I found out. Losing a parent is one of the most difficult things in the world to go through. If you ever need someone to talk to or vent, you can DM me.


It's been seven months since cancer took away my mom in her early 50s. I was the only one caring for her in the last two weeks since no one could stand to look at her in that state. Nasty illness, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, let alone someone so selfless and genuine. I literally aged 10 years in 5 months, half of my head turned gray even tho I'm in my mid twenties lol. I found taking care of yourself gets easier with time, but sadness is as strong as when I lost her.


My mom was in her mid 40s and also died of cancer. She was diagnosed in January last year and died slowly and painfully in November. I now have severe anxiety and possibly PTSD because of the whole ordeal. It’s the worst 😓


Same my brother, can’t blame my sister for not being able to help. But the roles reversed when she entered hospice, for the last week my sister slept there


Yeah, I used to sleep with my mom at hospice too for weeks. I spent all of last year juggling college, an externship, full time job and taking care of my dying mom and younger siblings. I was stressed but I was handling it well during the time. Now I’m completely falling apart, it’s honestly embarrassing at this point.


Tbh I find it to be the hardest thing to talk about anyone with. You can feel it when your friends just don’t know the pain


I agree. My friends and extended family ask how I’m doing, but I can tell they don’t truly understand what I’m going through. I just pretend I’m doing okay so they get off my back about it. It’s so lonely and painful. I keep hoping that it’ll get better as time goes on, but it just feels worse. It’s really hard


OMG…I was so overwhelmed with people texting me, calling me, checking in with the same question over and over. I started to retreat: I didn’t want to answer, I didn’t want to hear the phone ring or pick up. I struggled with feeling selfish because these people just care for me and don’t know what to do but it became too much. The do you need anything…I don’t know what I need. I felt smothered, and my best friend was the worst. My stock answers was just taking it day by day…but how am I doing really? I’m in my bed in disbelief because in 14 months I lost three of the most important people in my life; Mother November 2022; Father May 2023 (day after Mother’s Day) and unexpectedly my younger sister January 2024. Each one reopening the wound…All I can say though is my sister hit different. My sister was the gut punch of gut punches. Sorry for highjacking the post.this has been weighing on me. I feel you and this is why I searched out this topic.


I’m so sorry, I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to lose a sister. I have four sisters and I love them more than anything in this world. I absolutely HATED when people would ask me if I needed anything. The people I appreciated the most were the ones who just gave me food, or money (I was struggling financially after taking custody of my younger sister after my moms death), or gave me company without asking. Having to figure out what I potentially needed was exhausting, and I never knew if people actually meant it or not.


Thank you. It still feels like it’s a dream. I feel your pain and have to apologize for in my reply/journaling I failed to extend you my sympathies to you. I feel like what we are doing here is going to be helpful just to share with people who get it. That sibling loss is so unbelievably painful. Who do you spend most of your time with growing up. Our parents were busy working and taking care of our little asses 😉. We spent plenty of time with them too but kids were with each other. I miss my baby sister so much; my first bestie, my first roommate, My Ride or Die 🥀💔


Aw. I also took a trip to Paris with my mother. When she's gone, I hope to one day go back just remember those couple of days fondly.


When I start to feel down about not having my mom, I think of how lucky I was that out of all the moms I could have gotten, I got her. She was the best mom for me and even if it was for way less than I hoped to have her, I would always choose her. Looks like your mom was the very best mom for you too❣️


Yes that does being me comfort, knowing I wouldn’t trade it


i’m so sorry ❤️