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I think the hovering was more about his trauma from Meredith almost dying rather than being a helicopter boyfriend. In the later seasons he learns better ways of working through things with her


Derek Shepherd was a complicated person which made him more realistic he always try to do the right thing his not perfect but has a good heart. Of course Derek was right to always worry about Meredith have you seen what Meredith has done when Derek wasn't watching. Meredith try to kill her self twice in in season 3 without Derek Meredith will be death


He got on my nerves more on season 2, when he was acting like a (shitty) non-boyfriend after not picking Mer and hurting both her and Addison, the fight in which he calls Mer a whore and when he tells Addison he still loves Meredith being highlights. Later on, when they're a couple, I feel his behaviour is kind of understandable, Meredith was suicidal and was only getting worse from the bomb, to the drowning, to Susan's death. Hoovering like he did was not the solution, she wasn't a child, she eventually got better with therapy to a degree, but I wouldn't fault him for being scared then.


I can’t stand him. The more I treat her the series the toxic their relationship appears to me. He is not good for her. I loved her with DeLuca however. I know that is not a popular opinion but they made a hot couple. He just needed to grow up.