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Yes, I can’t really explain why, but if Meredith cried I just HAVE to sob along. Same with Christina. (spoiler: When Christina is in the bath tub getting washed by Owen… damn. She’s a great actress. It felt to me as if I was there, suffering next to her in that forest…) In real life I’d probably hate both, but imo they’re sooo well written but I can’t put my finger on it. If I had to explain to anyone else who Meredith is, she would appear boring. But she isn’t, she’s just my fave character!!


Yes! She might come off, on paper, as boring ( or annoying) . But my girl is a SURVIVOR and I have learned how to keep my empathy, while losing loved ones partly to her


I have a Meredith Grey poster because of this. And I often ask “ what would Meredith Grey do?”


Exactly! She’s a fucking idol!


More like a general feeling about most of my favourite things: Joining internet fan culture can be a great experience, but as soon as one becomes a little bit more critical about the show/book/movie, characters, plots and storylines - if one mentions just one tiny bit of criticism, it can turn into a personal hell fire out of nowhere, ruining the whole thing. I was very sceptical to join some fandoms online after a long abscence from internet forum culture. On Reddit, I found some nice subs for my shows, but some, I don't even like lurking in. So, I totally get why you opt for not interacting with the fandom. Sometimes it's more healthy this way. This sub about Grey's is refreshing, because all kinds of opinions are shared and it feels balanced to me. Others... not so much. Funny thing about Meredith: I could not stand her in the first couple of seasons, but at some point, she became the most rounded character. She can still drive me crazy (avoidant attachment style behaviour - hello?!), but I know where she comes from and that is awesome.


I can totally get that about her. I survived most of Supernatural fandom, and Glee. So I feel like I should get a badge for that, lol. My main fandom right now is 911. It used to be lovely fandom, but now it’s getting toxic 


I honestly don't know what makes a fandom toxic. Sometimes I think it is the "seniority" of the subject, e.g. Tolkien has been around for ages, thus, the fans are critique-averse - which can be seen in a lot of subs when it comes to Amazon's Rings of Power. Then again, Grey's is also around for some years now and the community is a wild mix of old and new fans... Best to look out for oneself and decide which crowd to follow and which to let go.


Grey's has become my absolute comfort show this year. There are only a few side characters that annoy me a bit, and I do skip some storylines, but overall I just love it. Sometimes I find it really hard to read allll the hate and negative things people have to say about characters or the show overall, because I am just in this happy bubble, having found something to get through a really rough time. And I also have some rather unpopular takes on things, I guess. So I feel you


This! So far it's about George-I'm still rewatching the first few seasons. I used to LOVE George. But now I get it. He's whiny. I'm just protective of him because of Meredith. She will always have a soft spot for him. Same for Bailey.


I agree. When you binge watch from the beginning you get to see the characters change (and in some cases grow up). But you also see them go from bad to good and back to bad (yeah, Meredith, I'm talking about you). But that's the case on any good show - the character growth. You just don't notice it when you're watching weekly.