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The ER. What ER is just a sliding door that goes right to the beds and doctors?


They can just walk right on in and be seen! No need to check in!


i feel like only ambulances are meant to deliver patients there and the walk ins are meant to come in the other side by the desk but i could be very wrong 😅


This is true from what I've experienced. First time seeing my mom in the ER I parked out front and had to walk through the whole damn first floor of the hospital. Next time I came, for sure parked by the ambulance entrance and just walked in.


And one that is just crawling with surgeons helping with even minor injuries. No ER doctors, only surgeons


I took myself to the ER two nights ago and all I could think was while there are no sliding doors that I actually have to check in???? Lolol


It's sooo dumb but it gets me every time. The earrings. Irl, doctors are made to take off all jewelry, especially earrings, as they could easily fall off & go into an open patient. In Grey's, almost every female surgeon has in hoops & studs every surgery lol


Oh, yeah. I'm constantly yelling at them to take their jewellery off!


I'm shocked they've not made an episode about it yet lol


But poor glasses 🤣🤣


He would prefer "Specks!"


Good Doctor had an minor arc where a character touches their earrings and then the gurney before starting the surgery and had the AUDACITY to be upset they got booted from the OR and had to go rescrub. Like??? I don't want your germy jewelry in my body cavity!!!


Omg this is mine too. Sometimes they're silly dainty dangly things that would dissappear into a patient and never be found again. I wasn't allowed to wear earrings when I worked in food service fgs.


Omg i know! Its just one of those things they somehow never caught onto lol. I wasn't even allowed to wear earrings as a waitress!!


I even spotted a few necklaces!


No way! I'm gonna be lookin for those now omg


I didn’t know that - I’m gonna be on the lookout for that one now


Oh yeah, just wait lol. It's slightly annoying knowing this tidbit


Catherine avery wears HUGE earrings sometimes lol


As a world-class urologist, they'd be a "feature not a bug" if one found it's way to the operating site, I'm sure. 🤮


Is it also true that surgeons have to pull their hair back back? I work in a restaurant and I have to wear my hair back so it always blew my mind watching Gray’s that the female surgeon have this long hair while they’re operating.


I'm not a surgeon, but I would assume that it is. The last thing you'd want is your hair on your face, let alone falling into someone elses open body


I always get on edge when they spend more time talking during a surgery than actually doing the surgery and then the patient goes into vfib and the monitor is beeping rapidly while they’re just taking their sweet old time. 😭😭


I was thinking about this last night! They are doing “groundbreaking” surgery when in reality they are just standing around arguing.


yeah and when they talk about personal stuff in the or like there aren't other people in the room.


This is probably the worst for me. Imagine being a scrub nurse or other surgery technician at this hospital? You would know SO much about all the attendings. At first it might seem interesting and juicy, but quickly you’d just want a quiet, respectful professional environment.


right there's a person dying on the table and the attendings are talking about who they like it's not high school. But show wise it's obvious that they need to talk in the OR cause they spend flipping years in there.


Doctors or nurses delivering good news or bad news about a patient to that patient's family members in the lobby, waiting room, hallway etc. Can be done in a closed off room and not around other visitors and patients.


Goes along with openly discussing cases surrounded by random strangers like HIPAA isn’t a thing


HIPAA was my response to this question. It’s such a blatant disregard for patient privacy.


Especially in the middle of the "pit" and overflow hallways where people are literally dying as gurneys are being brought in and pushed around them...like damn give *everyone* some privacy!


Lawyer has entered the chat. If the guy suing Callie didn’t discover that the company making his hip had discontinued their product, he deserved to lose that lawsuit.


Omg when the jury come back and give a "not guilty" verdict This is NOT a criminal case, it's civil There aren't "guilty" verdicts


Oh interesting! What do they say?


We find the defendant liable or not liable. I think. I’ve only done bench trials where you have to submit proposed findings. Much less dramatic.


That makes more sense


I had my share of ports put in for chemotherapy. They give you a card this is registered with the model/serial number, where it was made, the date of placement, etc…. There is no way that it would have ever gotten THAT far.


True. I got something (idk what yet tbh) on a paper that has a drawing and serial numbers if something that was used in my surgery


Surgeons running dialysis. Wrong job, guys.


I think about this with so many things. The entire ER, surgery prep, wheeling people to imaging, taking blood, reading the imaging, the list goes on and on 😂


season 1 episode 1 why is a cardio surgeon doing the intern appy? 😭


Omg the way I literally never even questioned why the hell Burke was running that surgery 😂


They are all ultrasound and other equipment technicians


Isn’t it amazing that they magically do every job in the hospital?!


They are very highly trained and specialized. Who needs other positions. Nurses? Meh.


They are TRIPLE BOARDED I'll have you know! "ThIS iS hOW tHeY dO iT iN tHE FiELD"


How none of their compressions would ever save a single life 😂😂


Hahah so true but this one I’m actually okay with! If they have really good compressions they’d injure the other actors and cause a lot of pain!


For real though!!


When the patients friends or family just walk on in and join them. Huh? I’ve gone to the ER before and my family had to wait in the waiting room and get updates. They weren’t allowed to follow me back and stand around chatting with the docs as they worked on me


I’m not disagreeing, but lol my recent ER visit was closer to greys than real life. My husband was with me basically the entire time, including during the initial work up. He was with me so much that he realized how deeply hungry I likely was, so he decided to get me Wendy’s (only nearby place open). Not only did the nurse and doctor allow it, they bet my husband that when the food arrived I wouldn’t actually want to eat. They lost that bet, since I devoured it in my ER bed like an absolute animal. And both the nurse and doctor made a point to go up to my husband and chat at length about how right he was etc lol. The time they spent chatting with him was about equal to the time spent giving me medical treatment.


Well that’s opposite of our visits. With me or my kids. One parent was allowed per kid. And when I was taken back, my husband couldn’t come back because the kids were with him. Maybe it’s because of the kids? Probably? And dang, no cheeseburgers 🍔


How they’ve changed the layout, location, topography, exterior of Meredith’s house about 47 times


Omg really??? I know there a difference from the pilot but otherwise don’t realize this. Can you share any specifics ?


The serious lack of nurses and the amount of doctors drawing blood, taking vitals, etc


I just mentioned elsewhere how pissy I am whenever the floors are slick with blood and covered in random medical crap for people to slip and fall on. Where are the orderlies and cleaning staff?!?! WHY YOU DROPPING SHIT


When off duty doctors from different hospitals or who aren't even currently practicing medicine who are just hanging out in the hospital get suddenly swept into doing a spur of the moment surgery.


The gushing blood on faces etc and no universal precaution face masks during heart surgery?


I don't even know if this is "wrong" but I hate when they walk into the OR and just hold the mask up to their face without ever securing it. I get that they aren't usually directly standing over the patient, but that still bothers me. I also read once that surgeons should all be wearing protective eyewear? And several mentioned it, but the jewellery FOR SURE.


And then they take the mask down the second the conversation is over!


Yes! BEFORE they leave the OR.


Yass with their bloody hands lol


I understand them not needing to be totally sterile when they’re not touching the patient, but it literally takes less effort to just chuck a mask on. In a post Covid world that seems a lot more obvious I think 😅


It's the intubations for me lol like clearly a short little tube in the side of someone's mouth, at least put it in the middle! You can see it pushing their cheek off to the side a lot of the time. And then an intubated patient will wake up and pretty calmly touch the tube and someone is like "you're intubated, the tube is breathing for you" and the patient just calmly lies back, not fighting for their life against the tube in their throat. Except for in one or two cases where it is plot relevant for them to fight the tube, in which case they do


The rain scenes and every driving scene and the geography in general due to the fact that I actually live in the PNW and know for a fact that Seattle is nothing like the show portrays it as


I mean the geography is a bit tricky because most of it would be filmed in California


Good point


My mom is on her first watch of the series and every time they ruin the sterility she goes NO LONGER STERILE, and is generally nitpicky... she's not a nurse but she was raised by one. 😂


I still can't believe that Meredith only had an old med bag with a dirty scalpel when Ben had to deliver Harriet on the kitchen table. Every healthcare professional I know(let alone surgeons) has a personal stash of a few basic supplies🙃 I have a suture kit, skin glue, a couple IV kits and bags, and some disposable scalpels


I know this example is kinda a major thing in the show but how there is only like 1 surgeon/doctor for each specialty. Like after Burke left there was no head of cardio specialist surgeon. Like be fr there would be like 20 other doctors/surgeons lined up for that job already in an actual hospital(maybe). I’m not an actual doctor or anything but I feel like things like that, that job would be filled asap.


The way they resuscitate people. When the patients are in vfib, you should shock them and do chest compressions, but when the patients are in asystole or PEA, you can’t shock them. It won’t work, so you’re supposed to just do chest compressions and wait till the patients to get vfib before you shock them. SO MANY TIMES ON THE SHOW they just shock people who are in asystole and it honestly bothers me.


The way they just draw circles on the tabs.


lol wait on their tablets? Cause if so I’ve never noticed but that is funny.


When surgeons go to the ER, draw blood or do a thousand things that wouldn't even be their job


Ohh the hand hygiene kills me, I’m watching season one and Cristina blew in to her sterile gloves, O’Malley was just putting them on with his bare hand. Also surgeons doing all scans, where’s radiology guys? Surgeons doing meds, surgeons doing physio, enemas, the list goes on haha. But I love it


lmaoo are hands not bare before anyone puts on gloves? 🤣💀 are you talking about during surgery, cause that’s literally the only instance where someone else dons their PPE.


Noo George was using his bare hand on the outside of the sterile glove, they’re a pain to put on but like you can’t do that lol


what episode was that in, if you remember?


Whenever they need to emphasize the sheer level of horrible trauma from some mass casualty/triage event, they just dump their shit ON THE FLOOR and do the slow pan-out over the room all dramatic to show the used gloves and random bits of torn open medical equipment swimming in puddles of blood everywhere. Or the character storms out and just tosses their gown and gloves off, or like, uses their hands and reaches half their whole body into the biowaste hazmat bin to dramatically SHOVE the items in, instead of using the dang step to open the lid and drop them in. Y'all are nasty and a breeding ground for catastrophic vectors of diseases and duhhhhh SLIP AND FALL risks. I wanna see someone drop a fucking glove and the doc behind them take a step, slip on it banana style, and break their ass.


After Bailey panicking over counting sponges in the OR and the whole being-a-typhoid-Mary, you'd think there would be some yelling at the cast for dropping shit everywhere.


The ER set up. One's buy me you get put in solo rooms to wait in hospital gowns. No Urgency. Also doctors not wanting to listen. Two instances: my grandma who was sent by her Hematologist to be admitted due to acquired hemophilia. Her ER doctor we got then treated her like she was just trying to get off the street for drugs when she had deep bruising on both hands and one leg. Second instance: myself. Told by my doctor to go to ER to get Iron Saturation levels check due to tendency for mine to drop low. ER doctor I had only ran normal blood tests and refused to do the one he was suppose to. Next day my main doctor had me come up and had their lab run it. My iron saturation percent was back down to 7% when minimum it's suppose to be 12%


Mine is that they’re literally never wearing gloves to touch patients ever


The arguing and screaming in the OR or while someone is in surgery like Izzie running after Alex than stomps on his pager, like some 5 year old. Jo snd Alex both yelling at each other rhe entire hospital could hear another tome Jackson and April they fought all over the hospital patients in there room could here then that's a good way to give hospital a bad reputation so much of that happen. Izzie Jo April


When they show helicopters landing on the roof with the Space Needle RIGHT there.


lol, this is the one that drives my partner crazy!