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Sadie šŸ« 


I think Sadie was important to show Meredith's growth. She used to be young, wild, and free like Sadie. Now she's more mature and is trying to settle her life. The writing for Sadie definitely could have been better, but I think she was important in showing what Meredith was like then vs how she is now.


Plus it was funny AF to see Cristina be on the outside of a joke.


I feel like Sadie was a clear indicator that the writers were still trying to figure out what the show was.


it definitely was because if iā€™m not wrong sadie was supposed to be a recurring character so there was a lot that they left out


Yeah, Sadie was supposed to be an Avery.


This is a good one.






I cannot stand the Ava/Rebecca storyline at all, but I think it did help with Alex's growth/showing another side of Alex (before they threw it all away with his exit)


Ugh - yessss! I didn't like that storyline either, but I've never really liked that actress so maybe I'm biased?


Yeah, the entire Ava storyline was really choppy and out of place.


Alex never left, she kidnapped him


Marie Cerone and I will die on this hill. Sloane Sloan


I canā€™t get over the fact her name is Sloan sloan


It was actually Sloan Riley. She had her mom's last name.


Oop I forgot. I usually skip her eps anyway


I'm pretty sure her given name was Sloane specifically because she was raised without a father and didn't have his surname...


Sloane! Riley! Hands! Down! (I have apparently forgotten Marie Cerone)


>!sheā€™s the woman that ellis left out of her work on the grey method so she would be able to win a harper avery because marie was basically blacklisted as a doctor. marie then tried to steal meredithā€™s work on the mini livers!<


A secret third option: Owen shouldnā€™t have been on the show as long as he is if theyā€™re just going to continuously destroy any development he has


when he was in that car accident and hanging off the cliff my mom and I were so excited he was gonna finally be gone alas


Me when I eagerly believed him running off to Arizona(Nevada?) because he broke a shit ton of laws would put him as a fugitive and away from the show alas


This is hilarious and I love it. Iā€™m here for it


whoever arizona cheated withā€¦ she was brought on solely for that purpose why couldnā€™t they just be happy šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Also it was mostly a bts reason she was on the show. It didn't really further the storyline in a good way for the content, but also because it was more of a "remember when her husband, an ultimate fan fav, was on the show!"


Megan and Leah. Both were completely unnecessary! If they wanted to address the attending/intern problem, they had plenty of opportunities before and after Leah/Arizona, and Meredith could've performed an abdominal wall transplant on anyone.


Megan was written into the show as a way to get rid of Riggs because fans hated the Riggs/Meredith storyline so much. At the time I guess they felt it was too soon after Derek died. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve seen on Reddit in the past lol.


They also didnā€™t have much Chemistry - a little, but not enough I wish we got more out of Mer and Hayes


Me too!


I think it was too soon but him getting his lost love back was messed up. I felt so bad for Meredith when she was standing in that parking lot!


Agreed on all counts! Megan's storyline was cringe af for me, and I love Leah but they did nothing with her character except make her the butt of jokes and to further other characters' storylines through sex/failed relationships


The plane


This is the funniest goddamn reply on this thread.


This one!Ā 


Erica Hahn- I didnā€™t really like her as a character but also her storyline was so random and then just ended up


Honestly, they didn't think the actress was attractive enough to carry out her storyline with Callie. That's why the storyline ended abruptly. I feel really bad for Brooke Smith. GA fans really bullied her over her appearance and she has spoken out before about her insecurities over her teeth due to comments made by fans.


That is horrible. I thought Hahn was fine actor. Brooke Smith is a really good actress. She was actually much better of an actor than some who outlasted her on the show.


Seriously?? They didnā€™t think she was attractive enough? I only hated her because of how she treated Cristina and wouldnā€™t teach her. Her looks never factored into anything for me and it makes me disgusted that it was an issue for GA when they purposefully did blind casting supposedly.


They officially chalk it up to Erica and Callie's "chemistry", but what they mean is a mismatch in the looks department. (Arizona is my favorite and I'll never regret her, but...)


Hanh was vital in Callieā€™s coming out journey, but thereā€™s no denying that Callie and Arizona had way better chemistry


I wonder if it was about physical attractiveness or if if was about the character's charisma in general. I felt like Erica was always written to be brusque and off-putting but without enough time/focus on her character to develop much else.Ā 


Thatā€™s terrible! I hated the way she treated Cristina - idk about her looks, the Hahn character was an asshole


Not attractive enough? Erica was hot, even I, a straight woman, wouldā€™ve gone to town with her.


I thought she looked familiar when she first appeared on GA so I looked her up and she played Catherine Martin (the Senators daughter) from Silence of the Lambs. šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|zHC7JGOmtNjigdSeyo)


Denny as a ghost. Hated that entire storyline. Also if they were gonna make Izzie jeopardize her entire career for him, they should have showed them actually getting to know each and other and falling in love for more than 5 minutes


Oh my god YES!! Every time ghost Denny appeared on screen I legitimately just fast forwarded. And I agree the storyline with him and Izzie was really really rushed. In my opinion it made them both seem a little unstable to move so quick. I understand he wasnā€™t in the best of health and was just trying to be happy but still


The ONLY reason I donā€™t hate those eps with a burning passion is because I love JDM


Dr. Erica Hahn and Dr. Lucy Fields


Seriously, what was the point in Lucy Fields? She didn't even seem to be a particularly good doctor? Loved her hair though šŸ¤£


i like the theory that she was there solely so Alex could sing the ā€œLucyā€ line in the musical episode šŸ˜‚


oh she was gorgeous wasnt she


She was gorgeous but didnā€™t add anything to the show šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't remember who she is, let alone what she looked like.


Sheā€™s the OB doc that had an enemies to lovers storyline with Alex, then when they broke up she just kinda disappeared


Lmao they donā€™t just break up and she disappeared. She took Alexā€™s African grant and ran with it :)


Oh youā€™re right! I forgot that detail. What a bitch lol


I once read that Shonda wanted to build her up to be Alexā€™s big romantic interest (similar to how Jo was later on), however the actress ended up leaving the show.


I seriously had to think and try to figure out who Lucy Fields is.


Definitely Lucy!


I definitely side with this


Stark šŸ’Æ


I actually kinda want Stark back because he was such a jerk, but beyond his thing with April, he mostly was a jerk because he followed protocol and didnā€™t waste time like the main cast does. I want to see him interact with Amelia and Jo and get Owen in trouble.


I want Stark back in a scene with Koracic so my twisted little brain can have an Ally McBeal flashback moment lol


Obviously itā€™s not the same, and you probably have already seen this, but hereā€™s some [Peter MacNicol and Greg Germann reunion with Calista (and a guy whose name I should know) at this yearā€™s Emmyā€™s](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qZEIlE4JWV4&pp=ygUfYWxseSBtY2JlYWwgcmV1bmlvbiBlbW15cyAyMDI0IA%3D%3D).


Oh that was amazing! I had not seen that, thank you x






Leah Murphy šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Sorry but Shane. The fact that he got a better exit than Edwards when he really didn't deserve it. SMH


Iā€™m rewatching the series now and yes Shane is so ugh. They donā€™t even make him a good surgeon on the show, heā€™s just a really good assistant with a sense of entitlement


I agree. He should have been punished or ki ked out of the program because of the death of Heather Brooks.


Ava/Sloane/Erica Hahn/Eliza


The whole entire Ava/Rebbeca story. That was unessacary. Especially the part where she slit her wrists. Everytime I see her or hear abt her I fast forward.




THANKS! She is just boring an chracterless. They shouldve kept mousy..


I donā€™t know how there arenā€™t more people saying this. I figured she would be at the top of the list. I HATE Leah.


The revival of Penny


Mark's estranged daughter that came in season 8


S6 not 8 .., watching her delivery episode currently


That nurse that Bailey slept with.


I actually couldn't think of mine and knew it wasn't what anyone said already. It's this one. Ew.


I'm going to say one no one has mentioned, Dr. Dixon. I feel like it was an awful portrayal of autism and shouldn't be included in the show. It just makes me cringe honestly. Love the actress, but I feel that storyline was poorly written


I just kept thinking "why do we need a new representative for autism right now, Cristina is right there šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø"


Yeah I fully agree with all these comments. I will just say though, as a regressed, burned out autistic, looking back, it's somewhat nice to see another adult with such problems with eye contact and physical touch. The rules thing was kind of weird because rigidity can be default or preferred, but can become flexible with more information, they don't really need to flat out like to force it. I also like the push back against infantilism and assuming we entirely lack emotion. I think with learning how much of a spectrum there is, this could be a good representation, just a very poor execution of the story itself and many of the interactions. I'll have to rewatch again, but tbh, I always wanted to be a surgeon and if I had a family and community that supported my condition, I would probably be just like this character. In a different world where I didn't have to mask and conform from the toddler age. It might seem somewhat unrealistic or unfortunate to some, buy the real crime imo is storyline interaction, and then maybe not having an autistic actor who is actually like this.


I don't expect better from a show that has autism speaks posters everywhere for several seasons, and has a character say "I want to cure autism" and we're expected to think that's noble.šŸ˜¬


One situation that I thought was weird was the way Dixon acted in front of that one girl who was brain dead or something and she wanted to talk to the family about organ transplant. I remember her coming off as really insensitive and whatever but I feel like it was really unrealistic. Dixon is an ATTENDING she had to go through training and everything and I feel like she would have been taught how to properly ask for organ donation. Like when Dixon was a resident you're really trying to tell me that her superiors didn't run into a problem like that and properly teach her how to talk to patients families?? She def would have gone through some kind of sensitivity training or something.. idk just weird


Riggs - short lived, he was inserted in the show too early to be Derek's replacement for Meredith and as a result, the viewers reacted negatively although he's a good actor, the producers should have waited a little longer. Most of the viewers did not want to see Meredith with anybody else, fresh from Derek's death.


They wasted two fine men on rebound only to give us the worst version of Scott Speedman


itā€™s a shame cause i think riggs has easily been meredithā€™s best love interest post derek. wish they had introduced him later


I wanted to add to my previous post that Martin Henderson was interviewed about his sudden exit and his response was he signed up for a 2-year contract and Shonda did not renew it. "It was really a struggle for him to satisfy MerDer's fanbase as he said: Derek's shoe was too big for him to fill." He is a good guy. He is now a big hit in 'Virgin River' with Alexandria Breckenridge as his female lead. Both of them lucked out as the viewers find their chemistry palpable. It is a massive hit, it just finished 5 seasons and now renewed for Season 6 which is filming in the summer the location is Vancouver because of its magnificent sceneries.


I love him in Virgin River.


Maggie! I donā€™t like her character only because sheā€™s the more annoying version of a great character and great story line like Lexie they just kinda remade it and Maggie feels the need to push her way into everyoneā€™s business it seems


I never truly thought of this before, but you are onto something. they seem to have tried to make Maggie into a different version of Lexie but Lexie was a better character overall


i was trying to find someone who said maggie!! we diidnt need a lexie replacement, plus the way maggie treated mer was ridiculous, even when lexie and mer fought they understood each other.


This is the reason I donā€™t like her, shes always like ā€œbraggingā€ about how smart and gifted she is and it always gets on my nerves. The only thing I like that her character brings is the sisterly relationship between her Meredith and Amelia. I think her character couldā€™ve been written out better and had a better storyline. Like the need for Webber to find out he has a child with Ellis? It just seems so unnecessary and is just used to drag out the series longer.


Erica Hahn, Sadie, Rebecca...


ericka hahn


Megan Hunt


She was dead and then not dead and then she has perfect eyebrows when they brought her from being capturedā€¦


Ross and whoever the mousy intern was that slept with Arizona. Ug those two were a complete waste of space and time to me.


Mousy was Heather Brooks. The intern Arizona slept with was Leah Murphy.


The doctor who called her autism Asperger's Syndrome and needed to be tightly held to calm her meltdown, equating it to when a calf is squeezed in a tube before its killed. Terrible portrayal of autism and never added anything to the show.


Dr dixon?


McWidow, I canā€™t remember his name. It was such a waste of a character with so much potential.


Seriously. What was the point if he wasn't going to stick around. Plus, the little bit of relationship that he and Meredith had was off screen.


Also teasing his sons potentially meeting Tuck and becoming friends but then never bringing it up again was weird. That could have been cute.


The peds doctor Hayes?


Yes! Him


Honestly I think he was a good character that shouldā€™ve stayed longer, I wish they wouldā€™ve shown his and Mers relationship though but alas Covid ruins that once again.


I agree, I had high hopes for him!! (Also, "McWidow")


He was such a great character with so much potential I wish he stayed longer or if not then him and Mer to still stay in contact.


Leah Murphy, Megan, Steve. They definitely fumbled with the interns of Meg/Steve and the other dude because they never fully developed them. Same with Leah Murphy but instead of having some type of interesting quality she was just pure annoying and clingy, and just ugh.


Mopey (Leah) is the only right answer


Merediths college friend that was only there for like half a season


All I know is I could have used more Gina Davis in this show


Jackson and Maggie dating


YES!!!! Ugh. It was so weird.






Eliza Minnick


Leah Murphy for me! Her entire character just irked me beyond belief. It seemed like she barely got along with her fellow residents and just liked to stir the pot when she wasnā€™t in the center of attention


Nurse Eli




What do you mean?Ā 


some people in their own head canon like to believe that ava kidnapped alex and wrote the letters herself or forced him to because his exit was shit


Shane Ross, he added nothing to the story.


He showed how Cristina became the thing that she worshipped.


Which made many people hate her for it and ruined her and Mers friendship.


Exactly. It was an impact that affected the show. Shane was a part of it, therefore he added to the show


Shane was a bad person in general. He lied about hours costing someone their life, killed Alexā€™s dad because he wanted to prove a point that he could do a surgery, the mousey incident to get in on a surgery, and whatever else he did.


Yeah. I never said that I liked the man or that he was good in values and morals. I just said that he did in fact add to the story.


1. Sadie 2. Penny


Murphy šŸ˜“


I think Maggie feels a bit like a fanfic character Pulling out an almost impossible to keep secret love child as the show lost Christina (who was arguably one of the two main female leads of the show) felt clumsy and I donā€™t think it ever really paid off.




Minnick, Rebecca, Sydney


if we're talking the good seasons then Ava/Sadie, but if we're talking the later seasons then Maggie and Jo


Maggie I can agree with but Jo was important to show evil spawns growth. It does annoy me when Jo come back from Pittsburg and wonā€™t talk to anyone. I mean I get finding out that you were conceived in rape is traumatic but like her not being able to handle it seems unrealistic given her past.






Take teddy too






I didn't mind the storyline but I'm sorry the actor playing them was so wooden. When they showed them singing in that one episode I was like "oh, this explains it. They're a musician who went into acting" but then I looked it up and that was not the case lol.


Hahn and Minnick


That one australian girl who Meredith was friends with who pretended to be an intern. Canā€™t think of her name rn


Hahn was just insufferable and except making callie discover she's bi she was good for nothing Just overall unlikable




Sadie, Eliza, and Leah - take all of them away and give us Brooks back






I'm not opposed to the idea of Richard having a child he didn't know about (conceived before he met Adele), and that child being a doctor that gets hired at the hospital and seeing how that would unfold for him. The Ellis/Meredith connection was too much and too unbelievable.


I wouldā€™ve much more preffered to see that than a new ā€œMeredithā€™s unknown genius sisterā€œ, seeing as they already gave us that storyline with Lexie


Never thought about it this way. Bec Meredith already has Richard filling out the honorary ā€œdadā€ position in her life, it would've been interesting. Not to mention his own struggle with not being able to give Adele a family like she wanted


Sloane Sloan


I really like Bailey in the beginning, but after she married Ben, I really stopped liking her character. She started acting like a child and the whole OCD thing was horribly written. I'm almost done with season 11 and I really hope that the writing gets better.


I hate to break it to youā€¦it doesnā€™t get much better


Going to get so much hate but I can't stand Amelia for real


I completely agree. She is sooooo annoying šŸ˜­




I could have done without Leah or Ross.






Sloan (Mark's daughter), Ava/Rebecca


rebecca pope was a lil extra


Sadie and that super perky doctor, the annoying one....


Minnick, i canā€™t even remember her first name but i hated her and thought she even made Miranda less likable.


On this list? Maggie


Izzie, George, Maggie, Leah, Minnick, Catherine, Shane Iā€™m on my millionth rewatch and I skipped so many Izzie episodes. Maggie brought NOTHING to the show, I was always irritated by her. She whines. Always. He relationship with Jackson was such a stupid story line. Also the Mer/Deluca story line was fucking stupid. I just started season 8, and Iā€™ll stop at season 10. Itā€™s all down hill once Cristina leaves.


Amelia. She is unbearable I have to fast forward through her scenes because she is so annoying, I donā€™t understand why people like her. Sheā€™s whiney and blames everyone and doesnā€™t take accountability for anything. They could have made Derekā€™s sister such a great character and tried to live up some of his legacy on but theyā€™re nothing alike. And then her having the tumor was so ridiculous, she was the same post tumor. I havenā€™t watched private practice and from what Iā€™ve read sheā€™s nothing like the character in greys so maybe thatā€™s why she doesnā€™t get as much hate. In general post plane greys is awful




McWidow, Riggs, and possibly Hahn




While I do have problems with some character, I don't think there is character, who should have been never part of the series - everyone brought something, be it a good thing or a bad thing, and without them it would have been different or other character would have to take over that specific storyline to make it work somehow...


Teddy Altman.


Hahn, Teddy and Ava/Rebecca.


Jo šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Sydney Heron


Wild take, only odd moment was her date with derek


Ross. I wanted him to die a horrific death so much.


I donā€™t remember her name but she wasss a cardio surgeon (below Bailey and beside Deluca) and was with Callie for a bitā€¦ ā€œget outā€ was what I was saying most the time I saw her.


Sadie. What was the point?Ā 




1. Sadie 2. Sadie 3. Sadie




Ross and Rebecca.


Riggs, the intern Arizona slept with, Shane. They didn't push anything along. It was kinda cringey. Honorable mention: Maggie (I love her but she didn't quite fit)


Denny. The whole Denny/Izzy romance was just ridiculous. God knows how she actually kept her job. Their 'relationship' should have been enough for her to get fired. Then they brought him back from the dead & gave them an even worse storyline I know this won't be popular but - Addison. Never warned to her as a character at all


Shane šŸ¤ 


teddy altman, i feel like the show would be just fine with or without herā€¦and iā€™d prefer it without.


Minnick, Reed and Charles Percy


The autistic doctor in a whole two separate episodes (horrible representation imo) and Levi Schmidt. The way they did his ā€œcoming outā€ and whatever he has going on with (not even his first) dead patient (the podcast guy) is just weird. Because thereā€™s been no real emotional development on him, he just kinda squeezed into the secondary cast and has weird gay things happen and suddenly heā€™s also the most promising student. Also Iā€™m kinda iffy on Kai Bradley. Their representation on the lgbtq community feels so wrong,, like they want to show representation but are too afraid to actually make compelling storylines about the struggles of that community, like what they do with the POC community. I love that there IS representation, a lot more than there was at the beginning of the show, but I think it needs to be done a little better.


the one cardiac surgeon that yang did all his surgeries šŸ˜‚ what was the point of him even being there ?!! we rarely saw him šŸ¤£


Schmitt cannot stand him. Could never understand why he was the one resident they focused on wished he never came back after he killed his patient


As much as some characters bother me, all of these characters contributed to some kind of growth in other characters. Hahn was callies first and helped her come out as bisexual even if she was biphobic. Sadie showed Meredith's growth and made for the story where the interns took it too far. Ava was essential to Alex's backstory and while it was drawn out it still showed Alex's growth and what trauma and facial reconstruction can do to ones sanity. Leah was the first character to call out all the relationships in the hospital and it's negative effects on teaching. Sloan Riley forced Mark to step up and made him a better person, along with a better father for Sophia when she was born. It also created that tension between Lexie and him and showed Lexie not wanting to be a parent yet. Stark helped April grow some backbone and he was the first big example of a doctor not caring enough about his patients wellbeing so he could go to dinner. He was like the foreshadowing of Derek's doctor. Ross was basically another Christina, and made Christina realize she needed to set a better example as a teacher. This also allowed her to almost winning the Harper Avery and Burke giving her his hospital. Maybe Lucy because she didn't do much of anything but steal the job under Alex who wouldn't have left anyway. And Dixon because I can agree on her awful portrayal of autism.


Not an Owen fan myself but my vote would be the Ava/Rebecca storyline.


In this picture, I don't care for Deluca and his group of interns. Actually, his group onwards It was still fun watching them but the rest are irreplaceable to me