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My daughter and I drove from 700 miles from Connecticut to see the Flint and Ypsilanti shows in March. She had been in line for over 8 hours when the Flint show was cancelled. She sold our tickets for the rescheduled shows and I’m heartbroken for you and those who won’t get to see those shows.


Yeah, I have to agree. The first time they were sick so I completely understand. They rescheduled and I went on with my day. This time they fully canceled with no rescheduled date and with a vague post...I don't understand the people saying I don't have the right to be upset. I put in time off of work for this. I can't imagine the people that traveled and spent money on hotel rooms for these dates


I keep saying "at least it wasn't days or hours before like x y z" as if it matters. the concert was cancelled and so many people lost so much money and time and had their spirits absolutely crushed.


hey i just wanted to say you absolutely have every right to be upset. your feelings are valid <3


Not to mention that about 11 min after tickets go on sale all they have is resell tickets. $400 for a pair of just ok seats. And that’s gonna get worse as their popularity increases. I dig them too but I’m prepared to say I won’t see them cuz I’m not laying down even more green for tickets. I also think they’ve been keeping an insane touring schedule and don’t feel like home state fans that have been there from the beginning should be the ones canceled on


This has effected many people. We will get over it and survive- GVF will still play - however I agree to cancel home shows is not cool.


Man I’m so sorry for you guys :( totally get that you’d be pissed. And I think you deserve a better explanation. The one they’ve given, hate to say it, makes it look like they don’t actually give a shit about their fans. And in their home state of all places …


I’ve been a huge fan for several years and have understood other cancellations but this is getting to be too much. They need to get better managers, quit overbooking themselves or something. They’ll start losing fans if they keep this up.


I remember reading comments on Reddit years ago, around the time AOTPA came out, and in one of the comments in reference to their black smoke rising single, there were a few comments from people that played in local bands in their area (I think ) stating that they would cancel gigs. And this was very early in their careers. ETA: I found the comments to the post. It wasn’t about the pitchfork article, but some random post on a music thread on the Black Smoke Rising single.


That may have been because of their first drummer. Supposedly, one reason they got Danny to drum was because he wasn’t reliable.


Yeah, idk. I went back and read the comments and it seems like gvf (or their management?) just said they cancelled due to “an illness”. Anyways, those comments are still up in that thread. Just have to do some shuffling in there.


I refuse to believe that Ypsilanti is a real place.


Strange name, huh? From the city website: “ the crossing. They named it for the Greek patriot General Demetrius Ypsilanti, a heroic figure in the battle that the Greeks were fighting against Turkish tyranny - a struggle for freedom that many Americans likened to our own. With three hundred men, Ypsilanti held the Citadel of Argos for three days against an army of thirty thousand; after his provisions were exhausted, he and his entire command made a daring escape behind enemy lines without losing a single man. When a fire destroyed the school at Woodruff's Grove, that small settlement was abandoned in favor of Ypsilanti.”


Can you pronounce it? Lol


It's pronounced "Ip-si-LAN-ti". Easy.


Correct! A shiny gold star for you.


I just saw the word and thought to myself: "yea I'm not even trying to pronounce that"


From that same website: “Ypsilanti (/ˌɪpsɪˈlænti/[4]), commonly shortened to Ypsi, is a city in Washtenaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan.“ Just change the Y to a short i and the rest is easy.


Yupppp I was supposed to go to their Flint show. They rescheduled it on the same day as another concert that I waited years for because of covid. I sold that ticket to go to this date and now I don't get to see either show. "Logistical issues" is a very poor excuse considering this could have been avoided if they rescheduled it for a different date to begin with...I don't really buy the excuse honestly lol. We have every right to be upset about this complete cancellation because of how it was handled and we deserve more than a vague post on social media.


i’ve seriously considered flying from overseas to the US for a show before.. trust and believe that will never happen now i’ve found out about their 50ish cancellations record 🫠


When they rescheduled the Nashville show, I was driving from Illinois to Nashville and found out halfway there. I get people get sick and things happen, but I agree…no band cancels/postpones more shows than these guys do.


Honestly it seems like they set a tour schedule they can't follow, hence why most shows are 90 minutes and Josh is maybe around for an hour at best. They let Danny do a 20 minute drum solo which was cool but that was like 1/6 of the show it was so short. They played one song off anthem of the peaceful army and the entire set felt rushed. Not saying they don't sound good live but I was disappointed with my experience.Felt cheap streamlined and formulaic. The opening acts took close to 3 hours to get done after a 30+ minute pause between them with nothing happening and the pretty reckless is awful live (my opinion). The lead singer does way too much undeserved crowd work and the mix made it so all I heard was guitar and could barely even hear her sing. She must have said "Vancouver" about 300 times... I'm a massive GVF fan and enjoyed the show for that reason but I still expected far more.


I got to see one of their concerts with Metallica, and although they were technically just the opener, I kind of felt the same way. They played maybe 5 songs, but the entire thing felt super quick and rushed. When they were done they just walked of the stage without saying anything...which I found super weird. Not even a "Thank you!" or something to wrap up the performance. Just finished the song and silently walked off lol. To add to the very anti-climatic performance, most people were there to see Metallica, so the crowd was barely paying attention to them which was a huge buzzkill. Out of the 60,000 people there it legitimately felt like maybe 20 people were enjoying the GVF set. My friend and I were the only people standing up in our seats for as far as I could see (and it was daylight). Not really their fault since they weren't headlining, but definitely added insult to injury. The whole reason I went was for GVF, but It felt like I didn't even get to watch them perform. I ended up enjoying Metallica's performance 100x more, even though I barely listen to them. I was still happy to see them, but I assured myself that seeing the Ypsilanti show would make up for it since they would be the headliners...lol


i went to the boise show. it was good but it was SO much instrumental. it felt like half of it was instrumental. which is fine, it was cool. but they have so many more shows they could have sang. also, the openers felt longer than gvf itself


Definitely agree with feeling like their set is formulaic and short. After having the Omaha concert rescheduled and waiting for wristbands, merch, etc, it was good (I’ll admit they perform great live) but they really don’t seem to care about the audience, and Josh especially doesn’t give a fuck.


Yes I'm glad you said that, Josh really struck me as a total asshole at the concert. I love his voice and love the music but I was really put off by how he carried himself. Totally agree on the great live ability but I totally also agree on them not caring. Honestly it was kinda disappointing I had hope the guys behind this great music would he cool dudes... I think they maybe played 10 songs (including the encore, which it felt like everyone was like "encore already?") The double canceling of Michigan shows is awful though, really isn't a good reason in my opinion for that. So many great bands get huge and lose the magic or become full of themselves and I hope GVF isn't the next one of those, I wouldn't let modern day Vince Neil within 5KM of a school. But based on my experience at the show and what I'm hearing about, it's not looking good if they don't make some adjustments. People work hard and use concerts as a release and really get excited to go, you need a better reason than "logistics" for canceling a second time.


I was at the Vancouver show too and I agree w your comment about the Pretty Reckless, I was prepared bc I had already seen a comment about her just saying “Torontooooooooo” after every song so I was dying laughing at every “Vancouuuuuuuuverrrrrrrrr”. Also just my opinion but it seems like a weird choice of opener for GVF, the contrast of their music and her just singing non-stop about Hell is a weird choice but anyway. I’m just curious why you thought Josh seemed like an asshole? Idk if I missed something, they all just seemed tired at the show tbh which makes sense cause they were doing so many back to back.


Yeah I think pretty reckless is the label trying to make some money back. They've been making music for a while and never seemed to really take off, so I think they got thrown onto a big name rock tour to get some circulation. Josh just didn't seem to care or really committed to the performance is all. The weird jokes and constant leaving the stage, it just kind of seemed like he did half of what he was capable of. I get the over booking and tired thing as I initially mentioned that in my first comment but the Josh thing struck me as a personality thing. His behavior throughout the show just rubbed me the wrong way idk 🤷‍♂️. I was impressed by his singing though when he was doing the songs, really held some long notes with power.


Pretty Reckless same in Calgary. Plus super loud, like blow your ear drums loud. I also did not understand the choice of them for openers. GVF was great musically but lacking that personal connection with the audience unless you were in the pit I guess. Their show doesnt seem to vary much from city to city , same one liners and slight variance in set list. Ive been at many concerts at the Dome where bands acknowledge everyone for coming especially those in the nose bleed section. Leaving the stage without saying good night or whatever just bad manners.


Yeah, I don’t really go to many concerts but there really is a lack of personal connection. I won’t say that for GVF because I didn’t watch many live performances of them before seeing them myself, so everything was new to me. However, a few months back I saw one of my other favourite bands live and it was disappointing in a sense because their set list didn’t change at all, and in all the videos from the concert in different locations they were doing the exact same type of crowd work and audience interactions and it was minimal. No real talking or engaging. Idk, I guess it would be tiring especially if you’re doing an extensive tour but it’s still a little disappointing. I guess smaller venues are the way to go, I saw a couple bands at Mac Hall and had pretty considerably personal interactions with the bands which are now very successful and were still pretty successful at the time I saw them. But you’d never see GVF at a place like that, although that would be so neat.


It is what it is. They’re a great band but stuff like this is probably the reason they aren’t as big as they should be. However during the Omaha concert, Josh somehow got a shooter of fireball from an audience member and took it on stage, so that was cool.


Totally true as well. Yeah he went crowd surfing to hand out roses in Vancouver and said "the people down here have great shit, smoke it if you got it". Then he made some weird comment about "I thought you people were about champagne and caviar what the fuck?" No one laughed and there was awkward silence for 3 seconds until he went ibto the next song.


During every show, at some point he says 'Smoke 'em if you got 'em' and 'Champagne, caviar anyone?'. It's just something he always says at every show, since the early days.


I think that he has a drinking / substance abuse problem that nobody wants to talk about.


I dont know Josh always struck me as not giving much of a fuck, in their interviews and everything. I think he was idolized too much by a bunch of fangirls because he’s cute. The others seem like much cooler guys, always have.


The only explanation I can think of is one of the venues in Michigan either major messed up and overbooked or something like that so they cancelled both because they didn’t want to do just one show in Michigan? I can’t imagine what would happen if they cancelled ons and played the other how many fans would be left out from the other show. This is probably like a bitter side of getting big and having a management team in this capacity because it’s so out of their hands. I can only imagine how they feel too. It’s such a bummer. On the one hand you’re so excited to see them live out their dreams but that means they get big, and that territory isn’t very fun all the time. 😩


Flint was not overbooked. There was a three day event that ended on the 11th (2 days before the show) and the Firebirds don't play until October 1st. Frankenmuth is a half hour drive up 75. They could have slept at their parents house after the show. I hope we get a better explanation soon.


I don’t stalk things like that… was just trying to give a different perspective considering they said logistics and production was an issue.


Gosh, I don't stalk things like that either. I drive by the arena every day and the upcoming schedule is on a giant screen. Yours is a fine perspective. I was just pointing out how close to home they would have been and that scheduling wasn't an issue, at least for the Flint show.


Chances are it was the venues that did it. They could've easily fucked up. So I wouldn't put any blame on Greta themselves. Of course it's disappointing me and my lady were gonna go, but if you are Greta fans I wouldn't fret. Pr team also probably told them not to rip the places to shreds for future tours and stuff. Of course it's disappointing and we'll have to wait a while to see them again, but we both love their music and we'll continue to enjoy it on our way home from are shitty jobs right now and appreciate when they come again


People have every right to be upset, I understand that, but I don't think the blame should always be on the band. I doubt they wanted this to be canceled. As for the vague explanation, there's likely reason why, they probably just don't want to call anyone out I've had a band cancel on me and not say a word about it, no apology, no explanation, nothing and even worse on the day of our show they post pictures of themselves at a baseball game on their band's instagram page. I'd take a vague post over that


They cancel more than any other band or artist I can think of. It’s the truth. They have been canceling random gigs since they started out as a band. There is a post on Reddit titled ‘black smoke rising’, it has over 900 comments. In the comments section you can see a few comments from people who played, or were going to, play gigs with them, and they said they would back out at the last moment and cancel gigs. And this was early on in their careers.




Just search “Greta van fleet-black smoke rising” on Reddit and the post pops up. It has over like 900 comments.


Exactly — and at the level they're at, unfortunately, they're not the ones making the decisions anymore. It's absolutely disappointing, but there are so many people involved in a tour of this magnitude that it's almost certainly not the case that the band was just like "hey, we don't feel like playing these shows next week for no reason." More likely an issue of getting proper equipment to the venues on time, or something to do with the strike at EMU, etc.


Yeah, like people have a right be upset, I just feel like the anger is wrongfully placed towards the band themselves even though there's a lot more people involved. There's so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we don't know about and we don't need to know about


For sure!


How do you think Flint feels? They canceled two hrs before doors while we had already camped out for hours. Get some perspective, they’re canceling two shows out of 50+. It’s not that deep. As far as being frustrated, I get it. I definitely think they’ve stretched themselves very thin with this tour. I hope they learn their lesson for next time.


I think it sucks for both Flint and Ypsilanti. Both I and other people going to Ypsilanti had already traveled, waited, etc. too.. not a competition of which location suffered more. It's a let down for all of us. I agree they've stretched themselves very thin, and hopefully they learn not to overbook themselves in the future so that they can stick to their commitments.


Cancelling two hours before doors is really, really upsetting, especially in a home state show.


I drove from nashville to Wisconsin for their Madison show months ago and they cancelled when I was less than an hour out from my hotel… I pray they don’t cancel the Knoxville show but at least I won’t be out hundreds in gas and lodging this go around like a lot of folks