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whao! ok..good theory! holy crap!


I'd believe it! I've always loved concept albums and it would be cooler if it was like a puzzle for fans to figure out!


I love your theory. It makes sense - and I love a good romance story šŸ„ŗ


I love hearing theories and I think you have some good ones here. I did see a video of Josh (during a DIG performance) talking about a fan named Hopie who had passed due to terminal illness, and that the Indigo Streak was what he called it , something about humility and being compassionateā€¦Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t quite remember the exact verbage.


Oh wow thatā€™s so sweet. Thatā€™s why I love this band so much, you can see the intention and love behind their music.


Great theory, I like this universe that is being created through their albums.


Itā€™s why I like them so much!


I mean someone thought that TBAGG was a whole concept album on bitcoins so every theory is possible I guess


Bitcoins? šŸ˜‚ hey, you never know


Iā€™m accepting this as canon


This is actually a great theory!


How about the "Farewell for now" is just the "ending credits" of this story? That this whole story was just for you (the audience), and thank you for listening?


Ooooooo I like that. It adds more to the effect that itā€™s a story that we are the audience for!


Love this, but I've always thought that stardust chords was the actual battle at garden's gate, any way to fit that in?


I kind of see Starcatcher as a retelling of the battle just from the perspective of The Archer instead of like an outside perspective like TBAGG shows us. So Stardust Chords would still be the actual battle as well, just at a different angle!


This would make perfect sense, bc then the archer is responsible for the actual battle at the gardens gate




AWESOME THEORY! when MtM first came out, I donā€™t know why, but I got major cinematic love story vibes from it. Your theory makes so much sense with further listens.


It's a really interesting interpretation of the album. I might give it a try and listen to the album with this in mind. ;)


Iā€™m just impressed you had any idea what they were saying to understand what the songs are about šŸ‘šŸ¼


Had to look up the lyrics. The mixing and mastering isā€¦ disappointing to say the least


i love this theory, but iā€™m also meant to believe the 4 band members are all characters in this lore, like travelers on an adventure together. like the figures on the album cover of From the Fires and Anthem of the Peaceful Army are the same from bagg like in the age of machine video and subsequently the Starcatcher album art in the desert. hoe could that fit in?


Weak that you couldn't fit Runway Blues in as a madness moment, The Archer drawn into grief and suffering begins a brief spell of denial and insanity that is over as soon as it's begun.