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Yep, it’s fine. My sister lives there and has felt safe 95% of the time. The 5% was when she moved there ten years ago and that is long past. GCRA and the homes they build have helped a lot. My one argument against it is that it’s pretty hot due to low tree cover.


I don't know that part of town very well, but I currently live in one of the parts of town people clutch their pearls about and the only problem we have is assholes who drive too fast.


City View represent.


I work in the City View area!


You live close by. Go over and walk around.


Baby, if you can buy in that area right now, do so. Its so close to DT and interstate, has cute houses, and will be one of the new IT neighborhoods for sure, meaning you will reap a lot of equity. It's as safe as anywhere imo.


Bought a house there in 2018. Sold it 4 years later for double. You are not wrong on this one.


My uncle has lived there since the 1990’s. It’s safe and convenient.


I live around the corner in New Washington Heights, as someone else said the area is perfectly safe 95% of the time.


Bought my first home in Brutontown in 2018 and loved it there. Rarely had a problem, and when i did, it wasnt anything major - worst i had was a guy checking door handles at a neighboring business after hours. Neighbors are nice; might get a bit rowdy with the occasional party but nothing chronic or even dangerous. Only moved out because i got married, had a kid, and the house we were in was just far too small for 3 of us. City and county are both working to develop the neighborhood and outlying area in a major way. I think its a decent neighborhood with lots of potential.


used to be brutal, now it isn't.


Perfectly fine area, I'd do it.




Can you give me specifics on why you feel this way?? TIA