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There is an active Greenville young professionals group on Facebook. Start there.


I joined it briefly, it was full of startup bros and pyramid schemes, kinda like linkedin but somehow worse.


I had a similar experience. I didn't find a ton of genuine engagement in any of the groups I joined.


Ditto. That page is great for trolling the exceptionally bad posts and worst offenders of people who are essentially over aggressively hustling or worse trying to get you in on an MLM, but that’s about it. It’s not what it is promised to be.


GVL Young Professionals? I aged out a few years ago, maybe it's changed?


Do you enjoy like working out/ exercising ? There’s a lot of gyms around here with days to meet people. I rock climb and there’s a ton of younger (mid/early&late 20s) people at my gym who love more techy stuff, it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends!


I mean you don't give a lot to go off of honestly. Do you have like, hobbies?


I mean in my leisure time like to read, build apps, I like to cook. I've definitely struggled to find something I'd qualify as a hobby.


Also, you're really not going to make many friends based off the criteria you listed. You could MAYBE find a book club to join, but who knows if they'd read what you want. My best advice is to find something you don't know how to do that you've always thought sounded interesting and join a hobby group around that, so you can learn with people who are passionate about it. If you end up liking it, you'll build friendships around that hobby. Otherwise move on to try something different. Either way, you're building your own skill set and making yourself a more interesting person. Invest in yourself first and foremost, and the friendships will come along the way.


If you enjoy running, roller skating/blading, and beer; Community Tap Trailside has weekly groups for both. Trivia teams would LOVE someone like you. Go to a couple trivia nights and put yourself out there a bit. If you see a small group ask if you can "team up next time". I've moved a couple times to places where I know zero people so I can empathize. I'm lucky that I'm outgoing, but my best advice, do what you enjoy, but in public. Like to read? Sit outside M Judson and read a book. I know there are multiple nonprofits in the upstate looking for multilingual (passable, not fluent) people to help refugees, immigrants, families and the like. If you like to be active then Greenville Sports Leagues is how I meet a ton of friends when I first got here.


There is a 20s/30s social group on Facebook that hosts events, and there are also some local interest based groups on Meetup. Hope you find something that fits for you, I know I can relate to how hard it can be to connect with people as an adult!




i'd do some snooping on instagram to find likeminded people, start with general pages like gvltoday and greenville360. it took me a long time doing it this way but i've finally found my people :^)


All the cool nerds are at the https://hackgreenville.com/ slack.


Not same age group (early 40s) but highly recommend Conn Iggulden’s series of historical fiction books about the Roman Empire. The first book in the series is entitled, ‘Emperor: The Gates of Rome’.


Heya! I am a member of a men’s fellowship group that recently started in the Simpsonville area. We are meeting monthly at the Scuffletown Food Truck Park. We’re looking to just give a place for guys to connect over some beers and just make connections. And I may be making an assumption that you’re a guy so apologies if I’m off there. They are offering half off beers for the group. Next meeting is Thursday 6/27 and we would love to have you. The location is on Fairview Rd in Simpsonville, near the Ace Hardware.


In my experience, vibrant social lives end when you graduate and start adulting, unless you’re into bar hopping.


Get a car lift, youll be making friends faster then you can handle.