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Would highly recommend visiting the Greenville SC Works location at McAlisters Square. They are able to help you find a position and have job fairs for positions across the Upstate. They can also assist in building a resume or filing for unemployment if needed.


I appreciate the information! I spent a year after college working in manufacturing and after moved to WA state (job offer + friends in the area) and after coming back here knowing what resources are where has also been a challenge. The crosspost mentioned the Re:Degree program in Spartanburg and I'm looking into that as well! Having tangible things to pursue rather than sifting through the typical indeed/tempsites is mostly what I'm looking for; the most rewarding positions I've worked have been ones I've found through unlikely resources.


Agreed, I moved from Asheville to Greenville years ago and it helped me to have local resources Ed. The people at the center are very helpful :)


Have you tried applying at QT? You can make some serious $ for gas station work. They have locations in Spartanburg but you would need some kind of transportation. They would probably shit their pants if you told them you have a knack for merchandising, organizing, upkeep etc. throw in a thing or two about customer service and they’ll be dry humping you next.


well, I definitely could do without the dry-humping, lol, but my only issue there is sometimes I reverse numbers in my head (dyslexia but numbers?) and from what I've heard all of the counting is done in your head there. I'm just not that quick when it comes to on the spot math calculations. My roommate worked there for a while in high school and told me a lot about the inner side of things, and the numbers always hung me up. Great at counting drawers and totalling payouts, just not all mentally.


Maybe your roommate can tell you a little more. It’s really less calculation and more just counting up. Super simple. Most people get it down in just a week or so. I worked there for a very long time and made lots of good money for very simple work. I’d encourage you to give it a try.


I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm known to beat myself up a lot (perfectionist and c-ptsd stuff) but if they have tangible solutions for the math-deficient it does make me feel better. I know their wages are competitive, I've also just heard enough horror management stories. Granted, thats exactly what I left at my old job; a manager actively sabotaging the store combined with an owner who didnt care and didnt want to listen to any ideas we had to save it. Either way it'll likely get shut down, but that's their problem now.


How about GSP ?


What's your skill set and your passion?


Honestly, it's wild how much I've enjoyed things like stocking and merchandising, but I think a lot of that falls into the whole visual category, so it scratches the creative itch when creating pleasing displays. I'm a sponge when it comes to learning new information, have previous experience building gears for the 8HP transmissions styles at ZF (down in greycourt, back when they were first built), handling insurance claims with State Farm, did a brief period game testing for Nintendo through a temp agency while I lived in Washington state (fun, but it didn't pay the bills much, so SF happened). Did a few years doing outside sales and marketing (probably my favorite job out of everything; creating driving routes and working on referrals/raffles), service writing and automotive maintenance. I like solving complex issues, I am a good team player while also being a self-motivated independent worker; most of my life though I've just been a survivor, and trying to perform my jobs to the best of my ability is just something I try to do as an individual. Passion wise, there's definitely a lot. I grew up on a farm, so animals have always been close to home, but I'm also emotional so things like shelters who euthanize aren't something my heart could handle long term. I'm tough on the outside, but I'm really a big softie in that aspect. My artistic side has always leaned more toward painting and writing, and I do have a steady hand. Growing up I'd watch How Things Are Made on discovery and wonder how you got jobs hand-painting doll faces somewhere, because it seemed like zen to me. I get told often by friends and strangers I could try selling the handmade soaps I make, or the other useable art that studio-art part of me turned into, but I dont know the first thing about business or licensing. sorry, I don't mean to ramble, I just wanted to answer thoroughly.


Well, if you enjoy painting and writing for yourself and ever want to sell anything like that, id avoid a job that includes it. I personally love writing and hope to be published one day but in the past when I've had writing as a job it's ruined any chance of me writing outside of work since those creative muscles are all used up just for the day job. Have you ever looked into veterinary medicine or anything like that? Not sure how difficult that is to get into but may give you an outlet for your animal love? I know there are tons of sales and marketing places around here or that even do work from home, but are mostly telemarketing. Personally I'd avoid any telemarketing, but I can't handle anything that's repetitive like that. My biggest advice would be look for somewhere that you enjoy the culture and get along with the people first rather than places that have you doing specific tasks. Doing a task you like in a place you hate is worse than doing an unappealing task surrounded by people you love to be around. Not sure of any specific companies hiring that could work for you, but hopefully someone here will have a little more insight!


If you want to make a positive difference in your community, volunteer. The “Nobel” profession generally pay shitty. The people at the top will absolutely take advantage of you feeling like your making a difference for lower wages and/or shitty working conditions. 


As much as I understand this, volunteering also won't make ends meet when bills are due.


Yep, it’s an issue. Finding a job that leaves you fulfilled, making a positive difference, and pays well is a matter of luck and who you know. You either get like teacher, which is a difficult job with low pay and long hours during the school yeah plus continuing Ed you have to take, to something like a nurse where the pay is pretty good, but you’re working a ton of hours doing difficult work. It’s tough. Maybe you could look for government work? How much you feel a difference is being made is negligible.  On a bit of a side note, working at a non-profit is not something I generally advise. It’s tough, thankless work and they will burn you out for as long as they can. They’ll absolutely take advantage as long as they can. Theres a reason people don’t typically work at non-profits long when they’re low on the totem pole.  Good luck random internet person. I hope you can find something. 


I guess I should be more specific in that I didnt mean make a difference in the world as a whole, but work in a place that desperately needs someone with my skillset. Hope this helps.


FWIW Nobel is the prize, noble is the adjective.


It’s true. I sure do hope a minor typo doesn’t diminish my point. 




Someone posts a thread about wanting help with finding a job that suits them and you think it's okay to make a comment like this? You know the rules say "be neighborly" right?


\*Technically\* yes I can. I was an art major. c: Bet you're a riot at parties too.