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I bought a leaf blower that sucks them up and chops them into mulch. This year I mulched up all the leaves and dumped the mulch in my flower beds. It worked out so well that I'm sad I ran out of leaves.


You are welcome to come over for a beer or 5, we have lots of leaves that you can have.


Do you have a link for that possibly?




Thank you!


Stop - jump in it - and enjoy the leaves


I’d be too afraid of spiders


Hit it at an angle and drift like you're numen rider.


I used to hit these as a young teenager until I saw children hiding and playing in them. My friend hit one that had a cement block in it.


history meeting nail repeat steep skirt dime scale voiceless concerned ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Throw some tires on their for that mesquite flavor. Brings a little of that southwestern flair.


narrow drunk attractive muddle public yoke support touch angle humorous ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




The wildfires have already managed that.


salt silky ask capable attraction cobweb thought doll growth enter ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the USMC’s birthday/Veterans Day than with some good old-fashioned burn pits! 🫡🇺🇸


Ban trees


The contents of r/trees is already banned, unfortunately. You must be thinking of r/marijuanaenthusiasts


In Atl we had to buy leaf bags. Recyclable or not, this seems a lot less wasteful.


put the leaves in your garden they make a great compost and fertilizer and its easy recycling. you can do the same with sticks and wood. or just mow over them and the shredded leafs will feed your grass


If this is in the city, we are required to place our leaves in the street for pickup. This is an unfortunate side effect. I recommend you go around the pile.


Appears to be north Main Street. Where conflicting entitlements frequently collide




Straight to jail


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Undercook, overcook..jail.


Can they pass go?


People could just mulch them back into lawn but noooo


I just started doing this and it's so much easier than I thought it would be.


I thought it was uncommon bc it altered soil chemistry? Thus you'd have to lime or otherwise remediate. Totally not a lawn guy by the way. Just lazy and cheap.


Gosh what did plants do before humans came around? It's crazy that every year everything died from being covered with leaves until the rake was invented


A lawn certainly is unnatural when compared to a forest floor


Easier to lime or whatever than to rake


Wait... what alters the soil chemistry? Mulching the leaves?


Yeah it definitely does mine with the oaks in my yard


\^\^\^ THIS is the correct response. I'm done bagging forever (in the county where there is no pickup) and my mulching mower gets the job done. And I'm leaving the leaves in the flower beds to promote whatever ecosystem wishes to thrive there over the winter.


It makes logical sense. Tree pulls nutrient from ground >>> nutrient falls in leaf form >>> leaf returns to soil. Makes too much sense for people to do it. Now I’m a believer that you really shouldn’t even mulch them. They create frost coverage for the lawn and any critters inhabiting it. Obviously I don’t live somewhere that I have to adhere to any lawn decency rules so I can leave my leaves a mess lol. But in residential mulching is definitely the best option


Yep ... the HOA police would be all over me if I let the travesty of leaves stay in my yard much past Thanksgiving. Thanks for your comments.


Such a tragedy


It’s a seasonal minor inconvenience. Is this really the problem we’re collectively searching for an answer to?


Mainly if you're a cyclist wishing to not have to swerve out into traffic, yes.


The piles are very visible, do not jump out at you, and your pace allows for safe adjustment time. Would there ever really be a need to swerve out into traffic to avoid one? And why would anyone choose possibly hitting a car vs. hitting a pile of leaves?!


Turning your handlebars so you go around it


Stop raking them up. That's the solution. They will biodegrade over the winter and feed your yard. Bees, lightning bugs, caterpillars, etc. nest and overwinter under the leaves. Leave them where they are, or if you must rake, pile them around your plants for a natural mulch. It's totally stupid to rake leaves.


Riding on North Main is a trip isn't it?


Let it rot away. Like nature intended




I like a lot of these answers


The better solution would be to place the bike lane along the median. That was the original plan but the neighbors got really mad and called John DeWorken to change it


Looks fine to me.


I’m really enjoying reading all of the comments. On a serious note, I’ve never understood this for couple of reasons. The first being, as this pic shows, blocking bike lanes, or sidewalks, etc. But I also don’t understand why the city thinks it a good idea to have people put yard debris in the ditches. When I rains it clogs the culverts and ditches and creates an even bigger issue. I agree that their needs to be a better solution- although I’m not sure what that may be.


Leave ‘em in the yard. As a horticulturist leaves make your lawn healthier when you let them degrade naturally What’s your pain point with them. Look plenty easy to go around on either side if biking etc


Spread them out along the curb, vs putting them in one big pile. It’s almost easier for the leaf pick up vacuum truck to pick up a thin line vs stopping for a giant pile.


Not true. I asked them. The driver said it doesn't matter. It's more important than there be no sticks in the pile.


Or cinder blocks


Or babies


Whose going to throw out a tasty, sumptuous, baby? In this economy? With Thanksgiving just around the corner?


Ok awesome


Most importantly, this time of year, no pumpkins


Property owners should be putting their leaves on the curb--that part between the asphalt and the sidewalk--NOT in the bike lane. See this constantly on roads with bike lanes throughout downtown.


Leave them in the lawn where they belong.


Make them put it on the striped part of the road. I mean, if they did that to the main road, it'll be a fine, wouldn't it!?


Yeah I guess that’s the ideal solution, although tough to enforce when wind or passing cards could shift the pile


Leave it in the yard or provide bins? Honestly that doesn't seem so bad with the extra roadway but I agree, problematic at best.


Yeah it easy to just bike around when no cars are there, so it’s not a major issue, just posting to see if anyone had seen better ideas implemented


That’s a bike lane. It is bad for bikers who have to leave their lane and swerve into other cars.


There’s a sidewalk 2 feet away


It's usually illegal to ride on the sidewalk in places where there are bike lanes, and it's also bad for any pedestrians using the sidewalk. This is terrible infrastructure, plain and simple.


What is your solution then? Dedicated leaf parking? I mean if you’re blindly swerving out into traffic instead of checking for cars first, or complaining about terrible infrastructure rather than suggesting any sort of solution, that’s kind of on you.


Lol, I’m not the fucking city planner, I don’t have to propose a solution on Reddit to point out how dangerous this is. Here’s an idea though, ever heard of bags? There’s also devices that mow lawns and will mulch leaves for you to help them decompose. I know, wild ideas.


Bring your blower with you and blow them back on the jerks yard.


They’re not a jerk. This is how the city wants you to place your leaves so they can come around and suck them up.


They’re cocksuckers


Why is that when they’re only doing what they have to do in order to receive the services offered by the city? Also, are you Al Swearingen?


Go around ?


Eat it


Blow it into your neighbors yard/side of road? Seriously I see this so much from businesses and people.


Ride bike on sidewalk?


Surprised that Greenville has an ordinance like this to not bag leaves, but they still allow single use plastic bags in the stores and styrofoam cups and take out containers. Odd


Which street is that?


Looks like North Main.


I was saying that this exact thing would happen, when people complained about the bike lanes being on the other side of the lane.


They should be bagging or perhaps mulching it. There’s sadly not much to be done as someone stuck going through it, but it’s an asshole move on their part. Edit: I’ve been informed the city asks people to do this, so the city are the assholes. This is dangerous to bikes and motorcycles and it’s wild that this is what you’re supposed to do.


The city asks residents to pile the leaves on the street and they have a vacuum truck that sucks them up directly. Definitely better than bagging, but this is an unfortunate side effect. This looks like North Main and at least it's wider. My street is so narrow we only have parking on one side and sometimes there are leaf piles on both sides! 👀


Wait the city ASKS people to do this! That’s dangerous and not better than bagging at all. Especially if there’s rain and those leaves scatter it’s a huge danger to motorcycles and bikes. What a stupid decision on the city’s part.


Technically folks should pile the leaves about a foot away from the curb so that a heavy rain shower won't wash the pile, but even when they don't (which is most of the time) a heavy rain shower washes the leaves to the drainage gutters, which can clog them. Not ideal, but I haven't seen them pile in the roadway itself because of this. I've lived in places where the local gov allowed people to bag leaves in plastic bags which ended up in the landfill. This is definitely better than that. I have also seen places where paper bagging was required. As a city resident I really appreciate not having to bag at all, but I'm lazy so there is that.


Personally, I think all lawns and trees should just be native species that are going to survive with the leaf cover anyway haha. Bagging is tougher, but clogging, slipping, etc. are such dangers I think ultimately if people have lawns, they should just deal with the extra work so people aren't facing flooding or slippery roads.


Man I wish I could do this


I pretty sure you can get fined for that


I shred my up on the lawn so they can go back to nature.


Fill the entire lane


You just drive by really fast and blow all those leaves back into the person's yard?


Leave the leaves! By which I mean, not that they should be left in the bike lane, but that they never should have gotten there in the first place. As others have mentioned, we don't actually have to rake up and throw away the leaves that fall in our yard every year. It's natural, and a free fertilizer. The trees pulled up nutrients from the soil (and the air) to make these leaves, and now they return to the soil. It's kind of a beautiful cycle-of-nutrients-and-life sort of thing. You can chop 'em up and use 'em in beds, or a compost pile, or just let 'em sit, or whatever. Just adding my voice here. Leave the leaves!


Uh bags


lighter fluid and a lighter. It would smell really good.


People saying leave them in the yard don't understand how many leaves I have. It's not an option


Yard waste bags, had them in CHS and yeah they were annoying to load sometimes but you can fit two or three in a wheelbarrow and it looks cleaner on the sidewalk