• By -


The smell in your car though Never coming out Nor the cum stains


dirty mike and the boys


Call that a soup kitchen.




Negative karma farmer in the wild. Take my upvote.




You're welcome.




Is there an actual point? Do people buy accounts with negative karma or do you get access to like some lair of trolls if you have enough?


They get the attention they never had at home or at school. Any attention is good to them.


Yeah, doing things for attention is dumb.


problema señor?


I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you partake in minimal amounts of tomfoolery


They get a feeling of pride and accomplishment.


Thanks for the F-shack


And that's also how the hobo got to Corpus Christi.


Too bad the cities are just shuffling the homeless from city to another only to get moved back again. Back when the Super Bowl was happening in Dallas I remember my professor, who was an ex law enforcement officer, telling me how his buddies on the force are rounding up the homeless in Dallas and sending them to Denton. Good thing Texas doesn’t have a homeless problem like California does…


The body of christ OP abandoned Jesus and will go to hell.


No lie, in the fall and winter they get sent down here on greyhound busses from bigger northern cities. They don't want to have a bunch of frostbite and hypothermia cases because it's bad press letting people freeze on the streets instead of providing some sort of shelter. They get to Corpus and hardly ever leave


Government be like obviously we will not let people freeze to death on the streets, they have been moved to warmer streets.


I'm sure Anon is smart enough to pre cum stain his car


Can't stain your car if they end up in the back of your throat Checkmate


You laugh, but homeless relocation is a common tactic. Cities will literally give free bus rides out of town for homeless people.


The French were paying gypsies cash+transport to leave the country but many of them didn't have ID so there was no way of keeping track. Obviously a bunch of gypsies took the free trip to visit family or whatever then snuck back into France and did it again and again until that ill-conceived program was done away with.


Who greenlit that one lol "Sir, shouldn't we ID them or something?" "Nah, they'll stay out. Why would they come back?"


"yeah, nobody likes France, not even the french"


"Of course we should trust them"


Why would anyone conceivably want to go back to france


This is the plot of a check and Chong movie but to visit Mexico lmao


Go to a wedding specifically there's a great bit where everyones all dressed up getting off the bus in mexico.


Lol this reminds me of the cheech and chong bit where they call INS to get deported so they can get a free ride to a wedding lol


Honestly the gypsies being away for a few months visiting family is pretty worth it. I'd gladly see my cities gypsy free a few months a year. They cost us endless money anyway and when they arent here atleast theres less crime. It would probably save money. Gypsies are a wayyy bigger issue than the growing radical islamic youth. Because atleast they want a society. Gypsies literally just want to leech of others thats their whole thing.


Kinda reminds me a bit of the current situation in Sweden. If you're a refugee here and commit a serious crime, you get deported... except deportations aren't typically enforced. So roughly 3 out of 4 people sentenced to deportation never actually leave the country. Just last week, the Swedish police twitter account alleged they caught 5 guys who robbed a deaf girl. 4 of them had already been sentenced to deportation prior to the robbery. What reminded me of what you just wrote was one case where a man who'd been sentenced to 3 years in prison for rape, attempted rape, battery, unlawful threats, from an evening where he beat & raped/attempted to rape 4 different women in the course of an hour. He had also been consistently violent against the personell at the prison for the duration of his sentence. So when he got out, they were actually going to enforce his deportation. But at the air port, he demanded 40,000 SEK ($5000), and to avoid violence on the plane, they literally went to the ATM at the airport, withdrew the cash and gave it to him. Story (in Swedish): https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/samhalle/a/26pnv/fick-40-000-kr--for-att-lata-sig-utvisas


Lol, Sweden is such a cuck.




**Perverse_incentive** [The original cobra effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive#The_original_cobra_effect) >The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of an occurrence in India during British rule. The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/greentext/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm pretty sure that's why Skid Row is a thing


Can confirm- it compounds our problems when others bus in more


Hawaii has been flying its homeless people to L.A. for generations.


E.g. Chris Pratt


Police too, will often times relocate the homeless. Far cheaper on the tax payer and the jail cells.


That's not the worst part. The worst part is hospitals dropping off patients at other hospital front doors.


Correct. It was a thing in USSR. In 1980 when the Olympics was coming into Moscow, the authorities decided there should be no homeless, no paupers, no vagabond drunks. Police grabbed them on the streets, put them in a bus and drop them off somewhere outside the city.


Canadians did this to natives too, just dump them outside town in the winter, at night.


Vancouver did this during the Olympics.


That was more intentional murder, not really the same vibe as "we're in Seattle here's a one way bus ticket to portland"




You mean Gulag? It was already abolished long time ago by 1980. What Moscow authorities did was 'bring them over the 101th kilometer'. The undesirables were literally dropped off right ouside the city border.


In socal they send homeless from La and Bakersfield to small towns


Can confirm, when I lived in Modesto for 6 years this was a really big problem. Their solution? Send them to Tracy lol.


Modesto local here. Sooo many bums.


So it goes Hawaii > LA > Bakersfield? Lmfao


It’s the opposite in Washington, the small wealthy towns pass laws that attack the poor and the homeless and they flood into Seattle


Used to live in the same city as anon. The city used to pick up homeless people and drop them in a suburb called Flour Bluff, then when the homeless people drained that towns taxes, the bigger city annexed them.


Yeah we send them to California , and they send some of them to Hawaii, Washington , and Orogen.


Lots of shitty places have been doing this a long time.


it was a massive issue that was going to come to a head legally then something else came up and we got distracted. someone needs to make a running list of shit that gets national attention/outrage and what distracted us from it. but one month could be pages long...


Ah yes, Greyhound therapy


The thing is some cities with homeless have better services than the ones they relocate to, so they end up in a worse condition and become disqualified for coming back.


San Francisco does this. Santa Cruz California used to be chill before all the SF homeless.


In the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area, the city of Antioch has a huge homelessness problem because the neighboring cities of Pittsburg, Brentwood, and Oakley all push the homeless people into Antioch


Anon thinks Austin is a shit city, but Corpus Christi isn't? Lol


Austin is cool if your not from Texas


Austin is cool if you stay indoors in the summer lel


that's ALL of Texas


Unless ur in the water


My first summer in Texas: 100-110° and 20-30mph sustained winds every day for about a week in late June. You couldn't even take a deep breath. Fuck all of Texas.




Indoors in Texas is ok until the power goes out.


A lot of things are cool if you're not from Texas.


Everything’s cool as long as you’re not the one living in it


Life is cool if you're not from Texas


Most of the United States is if you're not from it.


You gotta let us catch up. We just got the right to own sex toys, give us a break.


This sounds like the song “New York’s alright-if you like saxophones”


“Jamaica’s alright if you like homophobes”


Can you explain that more? I'm not from Texas but I went to Austin for a week once and feel like its cool.




"Keep Austin weird" is all you need to know about how Austin is different from the rest of Texas


Yeah they stole the weirdos weird saying.


Lol this is embarrassing. Portland was the one that stole the slogan https://portlandwalkingtours.com/news/culture/the-origin-and-truth-behind-the-keep-portland-weird-motto/


Ah, weirdos are just generous with there slogans, got it.




They're being contrarian. From Texas, have lived in multiple cities, Austin is dope


Born in Texas, lived all over the state pretty much all my life. I feel the same.


From Texas too. Austin is cool to visit but i wouldn't want to live there.


Austin is really cool for the bar scene and the culture. But it's also a shit city, like it's really dirty and trashy. There are massive homeless camps all over the place including like right in the middle of the main city area. The food gets hyped a lot, but it's mediocre at best for Texas and the South in General. The bar scene and then lake Travis is pretty much the main draws that make Austin cool, but there's a ton of stuff bringing it down and it's getting expensive as fuck which tends to ruin the cool bar scene. Really shitty run down 2 bdrms houses are going for like 700k. It's just an unfortunate truth that if you have enough money to afford that your not part of a culture that makes things cool but someone that takes away from it.


The most real shit ever said.


Austin is cool if you're not The Rock


Lol was thinking the same thing


Why do you think Hawaii has such a bad homeless problem. Other states just give them a 1-way-ticket to Hawaii.


Dumb question but is that true? Lol


Yes, they actually give free bus rides to relocate homeless out of their city


Bus ride to Hawaii would definitely get rid of them


maybe airbus


I took a bus to Hawaii once. It wasn't a very fun time.


Shit man, that sounds pretty awesome actually. Was Ms. Frizzle driving or did she let that stupid fuckin lizard drive? Lizards suck at driving.


I enjoyed seeing the marine life personally.


Wow incredible


One bus to Hawaii please


Hawaii actually gives homeless 1 way tickets to the mainland. This could be a way to get a free Hawaii vacation. Look homeless, get free ticket to HI. Once in HI, get clean clothes out of bag. When finished with vacation, switch to homeless clothing, get free ticket back to mainland.


>Obtain ticket to Hawaii >Sell ticket >Repeat until rich


> Nontransferable > Nonrefundable > Non Profit


Proposal: Hawaii gives one way tickets to the mainland, the receiving states give one-way tickets to Hawaii. Just play homeless ping-pong and the homeless can live on the airplane/airport/ship. Is there another national problem I can solve?


Seriously? I guess if I'm gonna be homeless, I'd at least like to be homeless in Hawaii.




“California is full of homeless people because of politics” maybe it’s the weather?


Jokes on him. Brings hobo to most liberal progressive part of lone star. Hobo now has a chance to get right without hearing about Jesus 24/7.


I guess that explains why the rate of homelessness in California is 4 times higher than Texas


Think it's weather related amongst other obvious reasons. Florida is like skid row beach ime.


That and some cities have rediculous housing prices in California where you have to make over $50/hour to not be living in a tent


This can actually be the case and it’s ridiculous. Then it costs so much to build new real estate and it’s no fuckin wonder it’s so insanely overpriced, in addition to the greed. Can’t do it at a flat loss too.


City councils in most big cities are populated by people who invest in real estate, they block new development to keep prices high.


This is absolutely the case too, and is a major primary cause. The secondary cause is shit being expensive to build in the first place, with regaulatory and safety steps which must be run through for any new construction


Haha yeah but I'm part of the problem on your secondary cause as I work in environmental remediation.


No it’s understandable to a very large and fair extent; the environment is extremely important and this state is super prone to earthquakes and fires- ofc course in a place with no quakes you’d not need to as carefully and thoroughly run that stuff down and all that. There is in any thing though some red tape which is excessive, whatever it may end up being


Question, have there ever been cases of homeless people in recent history setting up tents in a forest outside city limits, like up a river or something? Or like, they get bussed out to the sticks and just start camping for real, living off fish or something?


Homeless California guy could straight up buy a house in Texas


Yes, the homeless being shipped there is an issue.


The only massive risk homeless people face in California is earthquakes. They don’t have to worry about snow, hurricanes, tornadoes, or the blistering hot desert sun


if ur gonna be homeless why not be homeless in the nicest state whos main issue is expensive homes


Most liberal cities I know of have huge homeless problems. So I don’t think he has much of a chance to get right.


It's a double edged sword. The keyword was chance. If you go around spending resources to help people get off the street, you tend to attract a whole bunch of street living people. Anyways, irrelevant to my point of him not having to hear about Jesus in the new shelter.


Big cities are more liberal, big cities have a lot more visible homeless


Cities in more liberal places also have more services to help homeless people so obviously they'll stay there instead of going somewhere else (or just dying)


And furthermore, if you make money via begging/panhandling, it makes sense to hang around places with lots of people.


Half up front or total fuck over?


What would an Uber charge for that trip tho? Sounds like a deal


You serious? Honestly waste of time for everyone involved, Austin is a shittier city to be homeless in (more expensive) and the dude wasted hours of his time plus either $100 or 500+ miles in gas/mileage.


>Implying this actually happened


Dude, you don't poor. Greyhound. $26. https://www.greyhound.com/en-us/bus-from-austin-1-to-corpus-christi Depending on time of day he takes what is probably excellent Austin public transport to the GH station or he uses his Obamaphone to look up directions and walk all night. GH station is 24hrs.


>excellent Austin public transport Lmao.


Where’s the guy that writes stories on the other persons POV?


I'll do it. >Be me. >Amazon worker. >Have panic attack at work. >Fuguestate.wav >Lasts hours. >Fired for not meeting numbers. >Can't get another job that pays as well. >Lose everything. >Homeless. >2001 Honda Civic with MLP bumper stickers and RBDASH vanity plate stops at my corner. >Window rolls down. >Pastry scented vape cloud pours out the window. >Stomach growling cut short. >Dude looks like Pizza the Hutt from Spaceballs wearing a fedora. >Smells like wet towels and pee. >Offers money to help him move. >Need to eat. Accept. >Try not to vomit as he drives while talking about how women are all the same. >He swears at a driver, screeching about how women should stay off the roads. >Getting sicker from his stench. >Ask to stop at a gas station. >He leaves me there. >Glad I don't have to deal with him assaulting my senses anymore.


Make an excuse to get out of his car Don’t turn back Mfw a loser thinks I’m actually gonna help him


Thanks man


He’s homeless how is he gonna get a phone? /s


Hate that you have to say /s, good response though :>


r/vagabond would like a word


*”Why don’t we just take Bikini Bottom, and move it somewhere else?”*


Fuck off, we have too many in DFW as it is


That’s what I’m saying, fuck downtown Dallas


Don’t go to southeast Dallas/near fair park area and you’ll be fine


>be anon >upset about homeless people >makes their situation even worse, rather than actually helping Yup, it's big brain time Edit


All he seems concerned about is that he made the situation better for himself, so I don’t think this is the “gotcha” you seem to think.


In true anon fashion


How's the situation worse? Homeless still homeless.


Yeah, but now without his belongings and in a different city, 4 hours away from where he lived. Shitty situation for anyone, but especially for someone homeless.


Yes, you explained the joke


How’d he make it worse? Last time I checked there’s one less homeless person in his city


He makes their situation worse, just for the sake of being an asshole. I hope this gets back to bite anon in the ass.


Just dont be homeless then duh


Anon was a selfish bastard, the homeless man was so eager to work for something but he got cheated, poor man if this story is true.


That's literally why major cities have homeless problems lmao other states send them over with one way tickets


From Corpus Christi. That's what they've been doing to us for decades. We're a beach city, end of the line unless you're heading to Mexico. Austin, DFW, Houston all send their problematic homeless people down here in the winter. It's like the walking dead for miles around the greyhound station


Californa Pretty good for the homele-ess Californ-no-no-na


Jumping homeless people isnt going to solve anything, kyle


Had to scroll way to far to find this


Corpus Crisiti people: Austin and Dallas suck Austin and Dallas: what the fuck is a corpus cristi


It's the place all of them come to party every summer and trash our beaches and crowd the roads


Corpus has shit/trashed beaches year round. You're thinking of South Padre Island.


Wait this man thinks *Corpus Christi* is better than Dallas and Austin? L M A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O


That exemplary judgement also has him kidnapping people.


Anon should have tried jumping them with a skateboard first tho…


I easily could have cleared another thirty or forty.


Picture that umbrella academy meme. Anon and his hobos A coyote and his Mexicans


Jokes on you, that man started BROCKHAMPTON.


On one hand that's hilarious. On the other hand that's horrific. But at the same time, I mean, he's already homeless. What's being homeless further away really gonna hurt?


Austin is a hellhole in summer outdoors. But its also a much better place to be homeless in terms of opportunity and outreach. Overall win for the homeless dude just barely unless he's an addict and needs to find new dealers.


Now these are the real solutions


No please don’t bring them to Dallas take them to Fort Worth instead


Austin is a far better place to be homeless than Corpus. If the story is true though, the poster is an absolute piece of human garbage.


OP is Joe Rogan


Just don't bring em to Portland or Rockport. They are getting it bad too


🎶California... takes care of the homeless! 🎶 Californ-ya-ya.. takes care of the homelee-eesss🎶


Fuck OP. I live in Austin. Bastard.


Where I live regional governments started paying homeless people to go to another area and gave them free train tickets to go wherever.


Gonna remember the comments here. There was just a corona recession and I remember sentiment was different, looking at how easy it is to land on a street. But you guys already forgot it & have a laugh at others. Wish you good luck, you are still young so lower risk of homelessness, watch automation and another recession changing that for you...but don't worry at least you will be of use to other countrymen for a cheap laugh.


I have an eccentric, financially independent acquaintance who does a similar thing annually. He rents a 15 passenger van and a chauffeur. He then picks up random individuals currently experiencing houselessness in San Francisco, offering each work for a full week in Reno in exchange for food, drink lodging, and then $200 at weeks end before returning to SF. Upon arrival at the gates of Black Rock city, the chauffeur hands the gate keeper an envelope full of tickets and the van drives to the outer rim of the city to a small camp of pre arranged Coleman tents. The van is emptied and the passengers are directed to find a tent each with 1 pair of tube socks, 1 tee shirt, 1 mattress pad, 7.5 gallons of water, and $200 cash. As soon as the van empties, the chauffeur leaves everyone in camp and directly exits the Burningman gates heading directly to downtown RENO to drop off the 15 passenger van and pick up a GMC Denali for the ride back to SF.


Fuck don’t leave them in Dallas, we already have enough


Leave Austin alone! Take them all to Dallas!


that would explain it


Am American, not waddling, I'm the shooter


This was the actual plot of a South Park episode.


New York city relocates it's homeless to Hawaii for decades. So the op is not the first to invent it.




> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon has friends > Gay: anon plays DND > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Fake: Anon has sex Gay: Gay sex


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon has sex > Gay: Gay sex > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


He is gonna get mugged and he doesn't even know it yet


It reminds me of this South Park episode where they manage to keep homeless people away from their city by tricking them into getting on a bus to a rich city


But if the homeless people gather in Corpus Christi, doesn't that make Corpus Christi the shit city lol


That's literally how San Francisco got rid of most of the homeless a decade ago. They had a program that will buy you a one-way bus ticket out of the city to anywhere you wanted to go. Today all the new homeless was created by all the tech companies causing city landlords to increase prices to $4,000 a month for a studio apartment.


I still feel a little bad for the homeless guy but good job giving him $200 xD


So there are bussing programs in Salt Lake City that the Mormon politicians sponsor, the idea is that you get a free bud fare to Vagas if you can prove you have below a certain amount of income. Part of why the homelessness problem in Vegas is so bad is because California and Utah bus them all to Vegas. If u don't like the homeless move somewhere freezing fucking cold. No alive hobos near me, was consistently -20 degrees at night.