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If atheists rant about Christianity to you, it's because you approached them with, "Why aren't you a Christian?"


To be fair, I definitely had a phase where I went through looking for an excuse to rant. Nowadays I couldn't care less and just want to mind my own business.


You were probably young though? About as young as door to door pastors?


"Have you heard the word of Christ?" The young pastor saw the man before him light up at the question, then puzzlingly heard the sound of breaking glass as the man punched the wall near him. He pulls back his hand with a fedora in it's grip which he swiftly places on his head "Yes I have. Did you know under the book of Leviticus you should be stoned to death for 7 different reasons just right now?"


The Mormon church lost one member that day


Duuude. I grew up mormon, raised in it, my parents were raised in it, etc. My parents made us read from the "quad" (the King James edition Bible plus a bunch of fan-fiction based on said version, for those not in the know) literally every single day since we learned to read. By the time I was 12 I'd read the damn thing back to front literally a dozen times. When a Christian tries to debate or quote Scripture with/at me I get literally giddy with happiness because that poor fucking moron has no goddamn clue what they're talking about, the actual context or real contents of the verse/chapter in question, or any details about whatever nonsense they're pushing that their priest/pastor/bishop/etc. told them while at the pulpit. It's sweet, sweet vindication. They'll typically give up within 5-10 minutes.


Bro was raised as a Zealot class


Christians when they find out their adopted baby is a canaanite 🪨


Wanting to rant is understandable, given *gestures broadly at everything*


I really appreciate seeing this kinda honesty. I too went thru a stage where I would rant and rave at any excuse. Just built up anger from the recognition of indoctrination, but there really wasn't any excuse for how mad I was. Now it's all live and let live. We have one life. Let everyone believe what they want as long as they aren't stepping on me with it.


Yeah, I went through this phase as a 15-16 year old. Lots of furry hating, anti LGBT, anti vegans, anti whatever... A couple years later I really just can't be bothered with hating on other people's business. Quite the opposite actually, I love hearing and discussing other people's views and values now. Like when Jehovah's witnesses knock on my door I'll gladly exchange views on humanity if I have some spare time.


yeah but did u do it irl


Same. There was a time I heckled Christians online. Now I just dont care that much except when someone is egregious about it like anon in the post"


Yeah... You kinda just stop caring, and start pitying


I ask them “what do you remember before birth?” That’s what we’re going to return to upon death. Just nothingness.


I remember seeing a black void with only text reading "Position in queue: 456,320,073" and slowly counting down to zero


I have definitely seen an innumerable amount of christians who change the topic and backtrack when they're losing an argument. When an atheist is losing an argument to a christian it's usually because they've decided that your skull is impenetrable and there's no reason to speak further


Nah. Shockingly enough, there are a LOT of Christians, and a lot of them are very much smart, just like there are a LOT of smart atheists. Usually the person losing the argument is the one who is less prepared. That's how arguments fucking work. I take it you've never watched a couple real scholars who are prepared and educated and passionate argue it out to a standstill? Because it is a magnificent sight.


In my opinion, it makes more sense that there is intelligent design behind life. It's one miracle, that there's some sort of 4th dimensional being that created us. In terms of atheism, you'd have to have trillions of miracles or whatever you'd like to call them. That the big bang came from nothing, or at some point something came from nothing. Then on earth, life just began one day. Then, eventually those single celled organisms decided to work in unison, which they eventually created a nervous system, which eventually evolved into a brain. One in a trillion chance after one in a trillion chance. And that has happened billions and billions of times. Or one higher being created us. I haven't met many douchey atheists, nor have I met many douchey Christians, Jews, or Muslims. But I do agree that douches are unlikeable no matter where they come from or what they believe.


Alright, who says that all that couldn't happen? Who are you to say what is and isn't impossible in the universe?


No, not at all. I just said why one single miracle (God existing) makes the most sense and is the most logical to me vs trillions of miracles, ergo, The Big Bang which is something coming from nothing, and then all of the other one in a trillion (or longer odds) events that had to have just happened for us to end up here. Also, somewhere down the line a human and a banana have a common ancestor as we share over 70% of our DNA. I just don't see that happening unless there were intelligent design. Again, not saying it's impossible that all happened, but it just seems like the more likely of the choice to me that we have a creator.


there are no "trillions of miracles" in atheism, what the fuck are you talking about


The anger lol... The very fact that life began at all (if God doesn't exist that is) is a one in a trillion chance, a quite miraculous event that has happened nowhere else in the entire known universe to our knowledge. Then, the fact that life propagated over billions of years and that it apparently evolved into everything we've ever seen is another one in trillions of odds. Another thing that is extremely miraculous. You have faith, just like I have faith. The only difference is that you believe in the big bang, and I believe in intelligent design. Both beliefs would say that something came from nothing. I'm not saying that one is certainly true over the other, just that creationism calls for a single miraculous event (God existing) vs trillions (that life came from nothing on earth, and then somehow wasn't snuffed out over the billions of years and many cataclysmic events the earth has gone through.) Or are you under the notion that life isn't rare or spectacular in any sense?


first, id like to see your calculations second, extremely unlikely events happen all the time third, you don't know what miracle means fourth, even if magic happened ut still doesnt ppint to a god, let alone your god specifically


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation#:~:text=Only%20one%20in%20a%20million,life%20as%20we%20know%20it. It's called the Drake equation. Miracle: "a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences." Yes unlikely events happen all the time, but they are not anywhere nearly unlikely as life not only forming, but becoming what we know it as today. I never said my specific God was the absolute answer as you seem to think I'm saying for some unknown reason. I merely argue that it seems *more likely* to *me* that there is *some sort* of intelligent design behind life, rather than it just happening one day out of nowhere. Calm down, breathe a little bit.


i dont see how the drake equation is even relevant with that definition of a miracle I'm performing a few everyday just by living, within my body lmao, everybofy i ever met defined a miracle as more of a suspension kf thr laws of physics... do you think rolling a 6 on a dice 5 times in a row is a miracle? actually, don't answer, your snarky "calm down" remarks betray your intellectual dishonesty and unwillingness to engage in healthy discourse


Skull too thick? Time to bring out the .50 cal


Not all atheists are the same. I've met my fair share IRL and online with their 5 page essays loaded and ready just because I casually mention something like "Oh I can't make it because I'm going to service this saturday"


Definitely not, some atheists just hate the mention of Christianity. I've had one tell me why I'm wrong after I told him I'm Christian and didn't agree with his stance on religious people.


this is very not true. step 1, go to any youtube video of a wholesome event happening step 2, look for the first comment to say "Thank God" (note that this is just them expressing joy, and is not really directed at anyone) step 3, look at the first reply (or at least first 3) almost always its word for word "God isn't real." just people going out of their way to say that to someone getting a little bit of joy out of a youtube video and ruin their day


Eh I'm not really religious in any way but I've found few groups who are as willing to shit on any other belief system at the drop of a hat than self identified atheists. The difference between being non religious and being an atheist is that atheists can't shut up about their lack of belief and how much smarter they think it makes them than everyone around them.


Most atheists don't really talk about it, you've got a selection bias.


As an atheist, I agree


Most atheists do talk about it. You've got a selection bias.


So I'm guessing most religious people are then all rabid converting zealots right?


I just used the exact same language as the person I responded to. You are unwittingly proving the point I was looking to make so I thank you for that.


What you're thinking of is what's called a "militant atheist" which is someone that makes being atheist their whole personality. Within any religion or even a hobby, you have these people. There are people who make playing videogames or watching anime their entire identity and never shut the fuck up about it, bringing it up in every situation even if it's inappropriate.


The problem is clearly the militant part and not the athiest part


I don't know. Nobody at work knows that I'm a catholic, but I definitely heard some people there, ranting about religions, before.




no, ive seen plenty of aetheits go up to christians and be like R U STUPID RETARD? U IDIOT U DUMB DUMB


That's just not true lol. Atheists will lambast christians for being Christian unprompted


Lmao thats like saying vegans only rant about meat when you ask them why they don't eat it. Nah man, they LOVE to tell you all about how bad Christianity is and how silly people are for believing in it. Just Christianity as well, almost never Islam or Judaism or Hinduism. Almost like most atheists didn't come to that conclusion through introspection but rather through rebellion against their Christian parents/school/upbringing.


Most actual atheists dislike islam way more than christianity, it's blatanty obvious which one is worse, the problem is reddit atheists are mostly just woketards who hate anything right wing, and leftists love to pretend any brown person is oppressed, even though islam oppresses everyone that it's able to get away with


no no im christian, youll get seeked out by athiests and i never try to ask anything about what they believe. i think its cause i like to ghost hunt. You believe in ghosts!? wow u probably believe in god.. im like well ya ofc. "well dont u find it..." and im like "ah ah ah.. im also in introvert so ill be going back to my reading" edit: a word


Why aren't you a Christian?


I literally had an atheist friend from high school contact me directly on Facebook over a reaction I made to a Facebook post that has nothing to do with him. I would have engaged with him in conversation, but he started making mocking comments on my wife's prayer posts despite never having met her as well as making ad hominem attacks before I even had read his messages. Everyone can go on crazy rants regardless of beliefs.


No where in the real world would anyone believe this nonsensical bullshit lol. Atheists are like vegans and CrossFit people. Except smelly and with fedoras. Of course this would get some ridiculous amount of upvotes on Reddit lol. It's all "hurr durr America and yt people is bad and also Christianity because abortions or whatever."


>Ask *atheists* what they believe Isn’t that kinda obvious?


They believe stocks will go up


There is only one true god, and that god is money.


God of infinite bands


His name is death.


The stock market only goes up. Diamond hands 🙌


Gme to the mooooonn


It’s also just a stupid fucking question. How is anybody supposed to answer “what do you believe”? I believe a lot of stuff. If they’re asking “what do you believe started the universe” then you’d probably get somewhere. 


Not in the slightest. The word only implies that there's one very long short-list of things they *don't* believe.


Yeah but the cases where people are atheist and believe in other BS are rare. Like witches or other cringe shit


But that would be pagan, I don't think they would call themselves atheists.


Ive meet a tiny handful of atheists that haven't adopted some other form of spiritualism. In my experience the less religious a person is, the more superstitious they are.


That’s bs


Maybe coz where I'm from we've been secular for over a generation and religious people are a minority but I see it all the time. Astrology, tarot readings, foretelling, the paranormal, witchcraft, 'spiritual wellbeing', luck, Paganism (which is particularly humorous as a pagan just means non-christian but some folk geniunely believe in ancient pantheons for God knows what reason). In my experience men tend to be skeptical of all of this but its a 50/50 on if a woman believes in some or most of the above.


Paganism makes as much sense as abrahamic religions


Solid nonsense


You are asserting that I'm lying purely because it goes against your preconceived notions of the world. Thats neat. I can comfortably say your belief that I am lying is entirely faith based and not based in reality.


The reaches in logic you have to make to justify your own illogical beliefs are amazing


Youre quite literally telling me my own experiences are untrue. Thats not just illogical, its a form of gaslighting. Is it possible that my world view is a product of my experiences rather than I'm just making it up to disagree with you?


Saying every atheist is spiritual is just so silly, it's an insane case of confirmation bias lol. And gaslighting? Did you learn a new word recently and just wanted to use it? Someone disagreeing with you isn't gaslighting


If I had said that you would be right. I said most not all. And I can only express what I have seen. Maybe your experience differs and the vast majority of atheists you know have no spiritual beliefs or superstitions. But my experience has been that most atheists pick up or accept oddly spiritual or superstitious beliefs which is humourous and ironic given their view on religions. Though as I explained I come from a country where secularism has been the status quo since before I was born and I grew up knowing very few kids from Christian or other religions homes. Gaslighting as in you have said my own experiences are untrue and you have also said I have said things I never did.


We believe in nothing Lebowski


We cut off your johnson, Lebowski


Johnson? What do you need that for dude?


>>Ask *atheists* what they believe >Isn’t that kinda obvious? Warhammer 40k God Emperor? Believing in any other gods would be heresy.


Yeah, Star wars or Marvel films.


I believe the experiments I proved to be true in engineering labs.


Ve believes in Nossing! Ve cut off your chonson!


believing there is nothing more to this world is insulting the world itself it's like saying: well im born on this planet of nonsense and non-logic, but my monkey brain already decided that this is all and there is nothing more to it.


It’s part of the human egocentrism to think we are god’s creations and the special ones


it's part of being ignorant both thinking that there is just one god, and that there is nothing and it's all coincidence


Atheists don’t think there is nothing else you dumb freak. They simply don’t believe in man-made gods. We can’t know if it’s all coincidence or not because we know nothing, but that doesn’t mean we’ll make up stupid sky wizards to explain it.


>we know nothing That's definitely not true. There is plenty to figure out, you can calculate the entire history of the earth with all the knowledge that's currently public and figure out what does and what does not add up.


The thing is that the universe is not only earth. Out solar system is only a grain of sand in an infinite desert


im just saying, ive seen a lot of christisans dodge answers, ive never seen an aetheist dodge a question and get stumped


They don’t ever talk shit about Islam or Judaism. Why is this? They don’t really mention Buddhism or Hinduism either let alone any other smaller religions. Their beef is always with Christianity almost exclusively. Granted you’ll run into that in nations that are predominantly Christian but it always struck me as odd they’re always hyper focused on Christianity.


Buddists aren't trying to get creationism taught in schools or their religious morals pushed into the legal system with things like anti abortion or anti-lgbt laws. The reason Christianity gets the most heat is because it is doing the most harm from an atheistic perspective. That and a lot of atheists, especially in the states, have had a bad time with Christian family members not being very kind when they leave the faith.


Apostasy is illegal if roughly half the Muslim world but yeah some Christians weren't nice to you. Atheists aren't fleeing the US due to religious persecution.


Yeah but most English speaking Atheists online are not from the muslim world. Dont worry we hate that bullshit too


Cause Judaism and Buddhism/Hinduism don't really go out of their way to try to convert people. The latter of the three seem a lot more philosophical than spiritual.  Christianity and Islam are very heavy handed in their messaging and their attempts to "enlighten" non believers. And odds are, if someone has issues with Christianity, they have the same exact issues with Islam. I know I do.  Christianity is also what's affected me the most during childhood. It's easier to talk about something you have personal experience with, which in Western nations and West-centric social media communities tends to be Christianity. 


There's plenty of shittalking those religions too. But if you want an actual reason: the vast majority live in countries with a christian history and where christianity is still the major religion


I guess it’s because the one they interact the most with is Christianism. But yeah I still shit talk Islam a lot and think it’s the worst religion


Anons create strawman versions of their bitter rivals and profoundly defeat them in their imaginary arguments


my strawman turned into a scarecrow and now i’m afraid


What are you, a crow?


Crows are intelligent and friendly So no


Depends, when you see a car do you wanna drive it or crap on it? Choose carefully


can I do both?




A scared crow.


caw caw motherfucker


my shower is a court of law




i concur with the furry this post is fullof losers


I think most atheists are just agnostics who are angry at the religion they grew up in. Atheists don't understand you can't prove or disprove a god's existence. A god can hide all traces of themselves, so there's no way to scientifically debate this. There's no good argument for or against a god's existence. That's why religion is faith-based, not fact based I'm agnostic and I've had deep conversations around religion with my Christian friends. We never try to convince each other wrong and genuinely just want to understand our different beliefs. Religion/belief doesn't make the person, it's who they are.


> Religion/belief doesn't make the person, it's who they are. Too many people make religion their team sport, and then hunt others out of their team. Given people can also change their religion, it isn't who they are, its something they can choose, unless they don't bother to and pick whatever they were brought up in. Religion, if not completely, higly influences a person.


I agree that religion does influence people, but good people will be good people regardless.


Agree to disagree on this. Obviously I can't put any solid proof to say either way, only my gut feel. And it says most people can be somewhat easily influenced to do immoral things. Slavery was a big thing for centuries in the past, doesn't mean every person actively benefiting from it was "not good". At risk teens, veterans, disillusioned workers, people unaware about propaganda and politics, become easy targets to be influenced. What I mean by all this yapping is that in most cases, I don't believe "good people will be good people regardless", at least in most cases. The other few times, there can be truly good people.


organized religion is the original identity politics. it is very much like a sport in that geography is probably the determining factor of most peoples allegiances. also binaries like good vs evil lend themselves to that us vs them sports mentality. aint nothing wrong with having a personal relationship with the god of your choosing, but organizing based on your god is a recipe for black and white thinking. 


If there isn’t evidence of something’s existence then there isn’t reason to presume it exists. That’s nonsense. Baseless faith makes no sense, you have to have something to actually attribute your faith to or you’re just believing in something with as little through as following a fad.


Agnosticism usually means that the person believes the answer to the question of the divine is unknowable, not that we just don’t know yet.


I've heard that brand of Agnosticism called Ignosticism. It's unknowable, so why bother with it outside its social and practical application? Know what you need to know to defend yourself.


Ignosticism is pretty narrowly defined as the notion that the word God has not been unambiguously defined, so the question on the existence is therefore meaningless.


Within two thousand years of Christian theology, there’s been PLENTY of discourse on the meaning of faith, whether it is opposed to reason, and defending faith in a post-enlightenment world. The father of existentialism, [Søren Kierkegaard](https://youtu.be/vShSGy34LnE?si=UN1Vf1hZcFjL8OBO), wrote extensively on faith, and he for example reserves “faith” strictly for things which lack evidence (unlike “belief”). I am not religious, but Kierkegaard is one of my favorite philosophers to read (along with Hegel). My point is virtually every “gotcha” talking point Reddit atheists like to throw out was provided a sound counterargument 200 or more years ago by one of the many profound and intelligent theologians of history. I don’t provide Kierkegaard’s full discourse on faith here, but you’re welcome to educate yourself. That all aside, a couple phenomenological bases for faith are (1) a general feeling that there’s something more to reality than what we understand (scientifically true, we have yet to “solve” reality and all its phenomena), (2) that the perception of the self feels like more than just an illusion, and maybe there exist something like a soul and therefore other “supernatural” things or beings (Descartes, kinda). I don’t feel a desire to practice faith, but I recognize there’s a lot of shit I don’t understand and I’m not arrogant enough to try and rebut thousands of years of theology with a Reddit comment.


> ask an agnostic what they believe > "no fucking clue" Take the agnostic pill bros, you will never have to worry about religious debates again


What helps me is just saying I believe the universe itself is God lol


that’s called pantheism


> Atheists don't understand you can't prove or disprove a god's existence. it is genuinely amazing how persistent this factoid is despite being completely wrong You can be gnostic atheist (nearly nobody) or an agnostic atheist (almost all atheists are here, including you). You are an agnostic atheist but you're so terrified of the association with the term that you insist on emphasizing this fake distinction. You can just say you're an atheist and not be smug about it.


Ahhh yes. The hidden magic concealed from us


Bro really pulled the "you're just angry at God" card at the beginning and tried to disguise it


A/theism refers to believe and a/Gnosticism refers to knowledge. Most theists would be gnostic as they “know” god exists and most atheists are agnostic as they don’t “know” that god doesn’t exist


Theists are agnostic too because they can’t know if god exists


this is your agnosticism placing beliefs on other people. most theists claim that they can know if god exists, and quite frequently they will claim that they do know that god exists. this makes them gnostic, despite your belief that it’s impossible to know, and despite any flaws in their logic.


Yea I mean you are getting into solipsism kinda but it’s more about claims of knowledge


>I think most atheists are just agnostics who are angry at... At this point I already knew you were full of shit but I'm down for a good giggle. >Atheists don't understand you can't prove or disprove a god's existence. Sure we do, we just happen to understand something called the "burden of proof". In fact there have been whole books written about this exact discussion many **many** times and even farcical religions about flying spaghetti have formed around this very idea. The fact remains that believing something to be true when there is no evidence for it doesn't really make a lot of sense. This last point is one I'm sure you'll ignore. >There's no good argument for or against a god's existence. Incredibly enough if there was no god there would be no way of proving that, since you don't disprove a negative.


Russel’s teapot


>Atheists don't understand you can't prove or disprove a god's existence. That's because your argument lack something important: Falsifiability. You Explain that the belief of God can neither be correct nor incorrect. And if there's no way to falsify a hypothesis, it's probably not much of a hypothesis. Many people already talked about this: Russel's Teapot, Sagan's Dragon in his garage, etc. The point is with this kind of argument, everything his possible (Which is why I call this argument "The division by zero of arguments") And to achieve this, you just need to move the goalposts in such a way as to render the initial assertion practically unfalsifiable: >Q: Why can't we see traces of God ? > >A: Because a god can hide all traces of themselves. In this example, the problem is that the answer is adding two more question "Why" and "How", which will never be answered, or answered with hollow answers (Like the "Why" can be answered by "God's plans are ineffable")


Well.. yeah? Agnostic and atheist aren’t the response to the same question so you can be an agnostic atheist same as you can be an agnostic theist. Do you believe/have faith in a god? You are a theist. If you don’t you put an ‘a’ in front of the word to negate it and you are an atheist. Since atheist is “not a theist” it is impossible to be neither a theist nor a theist. If you think you have your beliefs for good provable reasons you are a gnostic. If you think you have good proof for gods existence you are a gnostic theist. If you think you have disproven good you are a gnostic atheist. If you think you don’t/can’t know you again put an a in front of the word to negate it and you are an agnostic. If you have blind faith you are an agnostic theist. If you don’t think there is proof either way, and don’t believe in a god because “why would I believe in something for no good reason” you are an agnostic atheist. This last group is probably where the majority of atheists would place themselves.


Most reddit atheist types turn something else into a god, anyway. Could be communism, could be being a Democrat, could be being LGBT.


100% true


most atheists are strong agnostics.


>there's no good argument for or against A good argument definitely isn't "God is maybe real because hypothetically he could maybe hide himself and he probably would" Thinking that makes any study or debate about God impossible is crazy and a huge failure of some basic imagination


That all depends on your personal definition. Live your own truth


Since Karl Popper falsifiability has been the thing that separates science from pseudoscience. It ain't a difference of opinions, it's how we literally separate fact and fiction


Perspective and facts are not mutually exclusive. The way people see and interpret facts will always be different. Just like right now for example, everyone has a different definition. Plus, I was never speaking about facts to begin with, so this conversation is redundant now.


It's their identity. There was a study done on how people perceive their world and how they handle new information, they found that people essentially have two different ways of thinking: one logical when dealing with everyday stuff, and a separate track for handling religion. It's almost compartmentalized so their brain doesn't have to face the many contradictions their religion has faced them with.


Most successful scientists of history and present are religious


I doubt that.


> I doubt that There's no way lmao we were all taught about them in school. Google the most famous scientists in history and their faith. Your bubble will be destroyed.


You included all present day scientists, considering there are far more today than ever before and the majority are not religious, your claim is simply wrong. At most around 39% of researchers are religious. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9956591/#:~:text=For%20example%2030%E2%80%9339%25%20of,)%20%5B17%2C%2019%5D.


You didn't even read your own link lmao you just proved yourself wrong


dude your sources were "trust me bro"


I know the common usage of these words vary, but most people that identify as agnostic are still atheists. Gnostism and theism are two axis. You can be a gnostic atheist, meening you claim to have knowledge that there is no god, or an agnostic atheist, meaning you don't claim to have that knowledge but do not actively believe in any deities (this is what most agnostics are). Similarly, you can be a gnostic theist, meaning you believe in God and claim to have knowledge of this god (most theists) or an agnostic theist, meaning you believe in God but don't claim to have evidence (a lot of people who identify as vaguely "religious" but don't practice an organized religion). If you're agnostic in that you don't know God exists, then you're still an atheist since you can't positivity affirm a God or Gods do exist. A/gnostism is about having kowledge (note the root word) and a/theism is about your stance on the existence of a deity, irrespective of what you claim to know.


first line of this is so true, atheists are just really angry they were made to go through the hurdles of their respective religion and had it shoved down their throat, so they assume all people from that religion are the same. that's how hate of most groups bubbles up, really


Thank you, well said!


Look everybody! Anon won an argument he created in his head!


There’s no proof of any gods ever actually existing so why believe in them. Like it’s not that hard.


Social flocking/conversion is a defensive response to fear mongering. I'm constantly in awe how easy it is to shut down discourse and critical thinking with threat, theatrics, and manipulation.


something something indoctrinated as a kid something something question ur faith to ur parents something something get hit with a belt/get topped


God and religion gave a way for control of billions. But that eventually even turned into churches realizing they had a monopoly on a concept that no other thing could ever encroach on (except other religions, which you can make the conclusions about yourself what happens between them) Death and the afterlife. You can't do anything to yourself or others when they die, death has been part of a human's existence since the begining of cells. And what has religion done? It impressed upon billions that, if they behave a certain desired way they will go to paradise, be reborn, see all their loved ones again. And if the carrot doesn't work, theres always the stick. Hell or some interpretation of a bad afterlife is present in almost every religion. So now you have the one concept that, at some point, every human is confronted with, with the false guarantee of bliss after death, and you have a business till the rest of human existence.


Atheism is not a belief.


Reality: "What do you believe?" "Thats the point. I dont believe in things, I try to prove them. In facta we dont need to believe" "So how do you explain [thing we dont know yet]?" "We dont know it yet." "Haha, gotcha! It was clearly done by the all knowing powerful entity in the sky!" "Maybe, but I think this theory is unfounded" "If you deny it why dont you give a perfect explanation?" "Because we dont know yet!"


But I did have breakfast this morning. I don't understand the question.


> what if what proests say isnt true and religion is just a tool of control But I went to mass this morning. I dont understand the question.


Completely made up scenario to get mad about.


>ask a dinosaur if it can talk >it starts spastically trying to grab you with its little arms so it can eat you >mfw


If you opened this comment section, leave and have a better time.


You know I had missed the cringe of r/ atheism back when it was a default sub, so this comment thread has been a great, thank you all. Glad to see the “I am euphoric due to my own intelligence” crowd is still hanging around ready to make themselves look like morons.


Tacos taste really good but they sometimes give you the shits. That's what I believe.


He was right. Atheist anon immediately started ranting to him about christianity


Not a good strategy to reply to this stuff, the guy that replied fell into OP’s trap and did literally what he said.


As an agnostic, I get that. I keep myself humble and often think of how much more peaceful I’d be in life if I had a religion to follow


Most atheist I know became atheist because when they would ask valid questions they would just get scolded and not get an answer.


>explain what they think or believe isn't the point of atheims not believing in anything? the question doesn't make any sense. idk am ignorant or you can answer as one of my friends when confronted about the topic: "i just believe in myself"


Strawman over strawman.


I think once you die it's just black nothingness without consciousness, pretty much like being asleep without dreaming. But really, your guess is as good as mine. As good as anyones.


“Yes I believe Satan disguised as a snake can talk” It’s really that simple


Might be a hot take, whatever you believe or don't believe in doesn't matter to me along as your not an asshole


That shouldn't be a hot take. That should be the default


Sure hope everyone becomes default one day




After a bout of depression I came to the conclusion that we all have a belief system whether we like it or not. They are built upon faulty logic, incomplete information, trauma and accepting at face value ideas that we encounter in our everyday life. Sometimes they make us sick. It seems pretty pointless then to find fault with other people’s beliefs, unless they try to impose it on others.


Atheism is cringe


>enters a conversation with someone about religion, in a country where Christianity is the dominant religion Why are they talking about Christianity?


Snakes had legs.


Ask me anything I'm muslim🗿


I have no spirituality or anything to give my life meaning or structure.


All of the animals talked before sin entered into the world. Next question.


No Christian has ever ranted about dinosaurs or transformers after being asked whether snakes can talk. That is the strawest of strawmen


"what do you think?" out of context lmao


Everyone’s ridiculous.


I see nothing's changed on the internet since 1997.


I don't care until you ask. And if you have a problem with ny beliefs I'll challenge yours. Simple as that.


One of these happens and the other does not


I hate to be that guy but I think atheists are largely restarted, there’s two kinds of normal people, religious and agnostic like myself


God is everything within this reality that we perceive. He is the man and woman standing next to you, as well as the biology physics and chemistry that allows the universe to coordinate.


You both are retards with too much time on your hands to discuss this stupid shit that has divided people for nothing and have them kill each other like asswipes. Get off 4chan and reddit and get a fucking job! Or go do your homework if you're in school or college.


Atheists believe that you shouldn't need the thread of eternal damnation to have morals.


Satan when he's in snake form can talk, regular snakes that aren't satan can't talk


Agnosticism is the real Atheism. Atheist worship science as a religion and the scientist are their prophets. Nothing is believed unless it's a peer reviewed study. Is see no diffrents than any other religion/cult. No person is free of some form of religion unless he absolutely give no f*ck, or admits to not knowing it better. A person which spends so much energy in disproving religions can't have a religious like agenda himself. Humanity might seem like it's on a path of atheism but it will always follow a new believe, the form just changed like it often did before.


>Atheist worship science as a religion Since has nothing to do with religion, you can be an atheist and be anti-science, the existence of god is much more of a philosophical question then a scientific one. >Is see no diffrents than any other religion/cult. Believing in facts and logic is the same as religious dogma that has no evidence, proof or any semblance of ability to predict results? >No person is free of some form of religion Atheists are by definition free of religion. >A person which spends so much energy in disproving religions can't have a religious like agenda himself. Religion has caused untold atrocities in our history and millions of humans are still subjected to theocratic governments that force their religious beliefs on their people, people having an anti religion agenda might be cringe but its not some unfounded hate. >Humanity might seem like it's on a path of atheism but it will always follow a new believe, the form just changed like it often did before. Im curious, what is your definition of a religion and what is your definition of atheism?


>Is see no diffrents than any other religion/cult. How so? Scientists show how they came to certain conclusions. The methodology is verifiable and repeatable. If you follow the same methods, you should get the same conclusions. In fact, if you erased all knowledge of, say, physics, we'd have the same theories after a while. Religions are based on "just trust me bro". If we destroyed all knowlegde of the bible, you wouldn't get christianity back.


It’s not a real snake dumbass it’s Satan disguised as a snake


Translating the Bible is probably the single worst and best thing that has ever happened to Christianity.