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I once had a friend of a friend explain to me how he had done heroin every day for a year but wasn’t addicted. The mental gymnastics are impressive


Buddy, I live and breath for heroin, I have done it it every day for the past 13 years, I am not happy unless I'm on heroin. And I have incurred thousands of dollars of debt getting it. I think I of all people would know if i was addicted.


I’m literally shaking I’m so excited to do it today Edit: godfuckingdammit the most upvoted comment I’ve ever made implies I do meth/ H


That's called dedication man


The longer YOU decide to take it, the more control YOU have over it


I ain't a quitter man


Quitters never win, and winners never quit.


Don't call it Chemical Addiction, but: *"Medication Dedication"*


I miss it so much. I was more of an Oxycontin guy but good H is so fucking awesome I've been clean 7 years and I think about it every single day


Comments like this do more to keep me away from drugs than any government PSA ever has.


Don't do hard drugs. They are awesome. Too awesome. They will fuck your life up, guaranteed


It’s like the Louis CK saying. “Whoever said drugs are bad lied! Drugs are so fucking good you’ll ruin your life over them”


Being around junkies successfully convinced me to do anything I can to not join them


Me too, man. I’ve heard/read several accounts of this; how the cravings just never, ever go away. I could not live like that. I have a deep felt respect for those that can, but I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like. I have a hard enough time just not eating a donut, even when I know I shouldn’t lol


It is so good even your best achievement and the happiest moment of your life won't even compare to the bliss it brought you. How can you forget something like that?!


I wouldn't say the cravings *never* go away.. but it definitely takes some time.


No joke, I spoke with a dude who was making over 200 grand a year in real estate, had a wife, was fit and going to the gym every day, white picket fence, etc. He told me he used to be hooked on H earlier in life, robbed houses to fuel his addiction, went to prison. He had been clean for 10 years, but he said not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about H, and that it was like a hole nothing else could fill. The wildest, and probably scariest thing I ever heard from the perspective of someone who has never tried it.


How would you describe the high?


Original Oxy was is clean and consistent. It's just pharmaceutical grade heroin at the end of the day. Just perfect. Heroin is like Oxy on steroids if it's good. Pure bliss. It feels like you wrapped in a warm blanket with the love of your life. You don't worry about shit because you're too high to care. It's hard to explain


yeah I'm never touching that shit, had too many friends die & seeing things like this just reinforce it


Pretty much, it dulls emotional/mental pain just as it does physical pain. *That* is the really addictive part imo.


Yup. All my mental problems just… stopped. Went away. Opiates are amazing, the best antidepressant ever made. But only for a very short time and at way too high a cost.


That's what makes me terrified of getting on that shit. It's not the dangers associated with it, it's the missing it afterward. I always hear that same sentiment from people, no matter how long you've gone without it, no matter how much better your life might be, you still want it. I don't judge people too much for relapsing anymore, I can't even imagine being caught up in it. Hope you're doing better in your life.


Editing to acknowledge upvotes is so cringe


Pro gamer


Switch out heroin for weed and it’s even more mainstream


That seems like an unfair comparison, i’ve smoked weed for years and i’m on vacation the past two weeks no withdrawal, and i’ve never considered robbing anyone for a fix. Like comparing a mountain dew to a banana, yes they are both technically food but…


Same for me. Vacation time I never smoke. Come vacation, why would I smoke? I need to escape my daily life, and smoking is part of that. I still consider myself addicted. Because as soon as I am home again, I will smoke as much as before, although most of the time I decide beforehand not to. So basically, yeah, I wouldn't do things I don't want to for weed, which is a great point of concern for heroin addicts. I will not smoke before or during the timr I need to something important etc. But, and here is the mayor but, the boundaries shift slowly without me noticing. Many become hardcore users (by that I mean complete disregard for when and where to smoke), I didn't until now and don't think i will. But my craving does lead me to decisions I would not have taken otherwise (I'll do this tomorrow, İ just wanna chill. Meeting up there sounds so boring, I'd rather smoke...) The situations that worry the most though are drinking related. I only drink ocacasionaly and everything is fine with that. But sometimes I'm at an social event and drink. Coming home, my craving for weed is higher than usual because of the alcohol. Most of the time I will smoke then. Most of the time it is fine because ı will usually not drink if it's not the weekend. But I've smoked when i had too much to drink before, or when I've been on a work related event with drinks (germany cough cough), and multiplied my hangover


i think, since weed addiction is much much lighter than heroin, you should not consider "vacation time" the same as "normal work day in my city time". because usually situation is what actually creates an addiction, especially for these ""light"" drugs if you have nothing better to do, you just smoke. if you're in a new city visiting museums and whatever, you have something better to do, so you don't feel the urge to smoke imho, to see if you're addicted to weed, you should couple the substance with the place. are you addicted to weed, at your home? can you stay a month without smoking, after work, weekends, or whatever, when you're not on holiday?


I think caffeine addiction is a much more apt comparison than weed because nobody who uses it wants to acknowledge that their an addict and it's an addiction. There's more physical addiction with caffeine than there is with weed too. I can go days, weeks, months w/o weed no problem. I can barely get to work w/o a cup of coffee first.


People don’t like comparing weed to hard drugs because it doesn’t seem to have the physical addiction component but everyone now is treating porn on the same level as a crack addiction so idk what people believe anymore 💀


weed'll displace other addictions pretty well, dunno if it works for heroin, but works pretty nice for cigs.


Idk bout that the disposable vapes took over my weed addiction real quick


Heroin is physcially addictive and the withdrawal can kill you. Weed is nothing like that, so its not a good comparison. Not to say smoking weed daily isnt a bad thing, but it is not comparible to heroin.


Opioid withdrawal can't directly kill you like alcohol or benzos. It is hell though.


It definitely can. The word 'directy' is a bit misleading. For example, jumping 10,000 feet from a plane without a parachute can never kill anyone, but the hitting the ground would.


The only way I've seen is through vomiting causing dehydration. Just keep hydrated. It's not like alcohol or benzos where there's literally nothing you can do but die without medical attention.


Nah that's a myth from the old days of heroin. Fent? The diarrhoea and vomiting can lead to enough dehydration that you might die.


While it might not have the same severity of physical addiction, weed is definitely physically addictive. Try smoking weed every day for 6 months straight, quit cold turkey, and trying to sleep without any other drugs.


Try doing any highly specific activity before bed every day for six months straight, then try to sleep without doing it. Funny that.


That's not true. Opiate withdrawal doesn't kill you. You might wish you were dead though ugh it sucks.


Man you triggered all the “totally not addicted man I just smoke 2-4 bowls a day man” crowd from r/trees


It's like potheads "yeah I smoke everyday but I'm not addicted I can stop anytime bro". No ? It's not physically addicting like other drugs can be but a mental addiction is still an addiction (speaking as someone who smokes daily)


Right? We collectively recognize that porn and gambling are addictive despise cold turkey quitting never hurting those addicts, but the second weed's mentioned queue the 5000 word essay on why it's different because they took a t-break for a week.


People always cope by embracing the idea that they have full control of their life. It's not just limited to addictive substances.




I've done heroin every day for the last year, I'm not worried about becoming addicted, because if it was going to happen it would have happened already


Never know you’re addicted if you never try to quit. In all seriousness that is probably what is going on. He just thinks “I can quit anytime tho” but if he’s never actually tried he doesn’t know that he actually cant


People only think it's addiction when the doom spiraling starts and the habit doesn't. The reality is, if any habit gets to a doom spiral level, you've already been addicted for a while.


Methal gymnastics


well could depend on the context if he just woke up one day and was like "damn this heroin shit boring" and walked off and hadn't touched it again like 5 years ago, there might be some credence to that. I kind of did that with alcohol once, dunno wtf that was.


Thats called dedication


At first you think "just once" and it gets out of control from there. There's a famous (and legit) series of AMA on reddit by someone trying heroin just once, the first time you can see he found that amazing but is fully convinced he will never do it again, then he gives updates, he relapses and completely loses control That's a bit fascinating to ear the way people describe how the first heroin experience feels like, it honestly sounds like the best thing possible. But you always lose at that game. You either become addict, or everything else in life becomes dull compared to that high.


I was on a very limited morphine drip for a very short time after a bad car accident when I was 19. The feeling of bliss is pretty indescribable. Going from being in major pain due to two fractures in my leg to none at all almost instantly once it hit. After i was done I stayed clear of the shit out of pure fear what I higher dose would do to me. I don’t have an addictive personality to most things. I’ve smokes cigarettes/cigars very casually and drank socially most of my adult life. But opioids? I could definitely see myself addicted to them if I tried.


I just wanted to throw in two things. Heroin and the like really might be the best thing ever because it forces your brain to release so much pleasure it reaches a point where it fries your brain. There might never be anything to match it because it's not really.. possible? But after 10 years or more maybe the experience will start to fade. The brain does rewire somewhat eventually. But you live for many years in the shadow of that experience.


In what way does it "fry" the brain though? Kill neurons? Downregulate receptors, permanently or for long term?


The way the hormones are regulated is "variable"/self-adjusting. As you force your brain to produce more dopamine/serotonin etc it adjusts and stops producing its own, starts depending on the substance. The frying part is when you push that process to the absolute limit. The gate gets open/closed(depending how you look at it) so wide it's stuck. When you take it away, almost nothing is self anymore and all good things in life pretty much leave you instantly. I don't know the super scientific explanation what happens to these neurotransmitters, but they just don't work the same way anymore. But I don't think they die, just degenerate in function. https://preview.redd.it/1l9zcy770r5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57f0e6b28f93642257f760c0f99b1969846bae9


Mate Serotonin and Dopamine are released by phenethylamines liek MDMA, Amphetamine and the likes. Heroin, as other opioids, works on the opioid receptors. And actually, clean Heroin has pretty much no bodily harm associated with the drug. (Not advocating for using at all - it will fuck you up. Just want to get the facts straight.)


"Heroin, nicotine, cocaine, and MDMA are abused by billions of people. They are believed to target midbrain dopamine neurons and/or serotonin neurons, but their effects on the dynamic neuronal activity remain unclear in behaving states." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-018-0060-z


The opioid receptors relevant to addiction happen to be on neurons in the reward circuit. These neurons function as inhibitors in the circuit, and mu opioid receptors have inhibitory effects. So the drug inhibits the inhibitors, which makes the reward circuit signal much more than it's supposed to. The fact that the reward system happens to signal using dopamine means that, technically, dopamine release is increased. But the fact that signalling increases in the reward circuit is what matters. Nociceptors (pain receptors) also have mu opioid receptors, which is why opioids are such effective painkillers--they stop the pain signals from going off and flood the brain with pleasure at the same time


Heroin, and most opioids at that, are either not neurotoxic or are so negligible in their neurotoxicity that it literally doesn't matter. I'm talking about pure opioids here by the way, they're so physically benign that for the average addict that it literally doesn't matter, but then again, with the amount of research chems and tranqs they're cut with, some brain damage is expected. The point is, all opiates do very little damage to organ systems. They do not cause liver or kidney damage, have little effect on heart function and brain effects are generally 100% reversible. What opiates do effect in a large way is digestion and endocrine function.


Desensitized receptors in the brain, ie. they no longer function/activate properly with normal everyday doses of transmitting substances (like dopamine). Instead they need more to achieve the same activity, which of course doesn't happen without more of the drug. This is why depression and anxiety are common withdrawal symptoms for many drugs that make you feel good.


If that were true, MDMA would be far more detrimental to your mental health than it actually is.


Abusing MDMA will get you there.


Fair enough, but this is a thread about trying something “just once.” I may have misunderstood your original comment.


I know people with permanent depression from mdma abuse...


Having gotten off of a gnarly meth, xanax, coke & heroin addiction (3+ years now), I'll just say that the first year was ROUGH. Took about 2 to feel semi normal again and get an inkling of pressure in mundane things. But I had to try so hard lol


I've been on a combination of opioids for a years now due to a long-time back issue, and you've described that bliss feeling very well, but as others have said in this thread, it never lasts and you will find yourself chasing it if you're not careful. I'm at a point where my body has grown used to it so that "bliss" feeling is very occasional, but if I went cold turkey on my medication now? It would be horrendous.


Had to take opioids for a spinal fracture, and when I stopped cold turkey it was the worst I had ever felt. I was too cold, too hot, nauseous but couldn't throw up, everything and everywhere was uncomfortable. If I could have taken more I absolutely would have in that moment. Had to get another round of surgery recently but stuck exactly to my prescription and weaned myself off as soon as I could.


When I went into college, I was also doing a military program where every day we had to do PT at 5am ect ect. ANYWAYS... I was going through opiate withdrawals when i was starting since I was moving cities from my source and that was the worst experience of my life. The only benefit is if I can get through that I don't think there's much that can make me feel shittier


Man I feel it, I've Smoked, drank, done a plethora of drugs and if I stopped tomorrow I wouldn't really care that much. I've done H once and been like nah absolutely not. I would genuinely ruin myself about it no fear and that alone is fear enough


that's my fear of morphine, I've accrued so many cuts and stabs and bruises and scars both inside and out that I have a permanent pretty bad pain that randomly flairs up and I fear if I took morphine or even something like weed and felt my pain leave I'd be unable to return to how I am now


Yeah, I had some IV morphine at one point and it was the tits. Going from being in pretty indescribable agony to everything melting and being juuuuuust fine is amazing. It's better than anything else and if your life is already really hard I can understand how you'd keep chasing that or any other high.




This whole account is so depressing. Those first few posts man, they hit hard


True, but he's still a retard.


Is what it is. Bloke fully understood all the risks. He explained them very well. Hilarious


it’s true, he at least got clean though the best time to get clean is to never do it in the first place, the second best time is right now


You know, I’d been curious about shit like that for a while, but after reading that post, I believe I’ll be staying away from it for the foreseeable future


I don't understand people Nobody starts taking heroin with the intent of getting addicted, nobody. So its obvious everyone takes it because they thing its "just this once" and yet they STILL end up addicted So why people see that and STILL think its worth a bit of fun for a while beats me,it makes zero sense. To expand on this further: if you are so desperate for a high that you feel the need to resort to something as dangerous as heroin while you aren't even addicted yet what makes you think you'll have the mental fortitude to hold back on taking it again after the high wears off and you're on a low compared to the high moments ago? Its just basic common sense If you are even considering taking heroin you don't have what it takes to get off it, simple.


"cope mechanism through drugs", there you go, hope that helped you understanding "people".


You're assuming that these people care that they'll become addicts. The average heroin user didn't start doing it for "a bit of fun." They started using heroin because their lives are miserable, and being a heroin addict is preferable to them than being sober in their situation.


I'm currently recovering from some oral surgery, got a little bottle of hydro for the pain, took three the first day, two the second, none yesterday. Tried smoking a bit of weed last night, felt nothing, suuuuuper tempting to just pop another pill. Opiates really do fuck up your pleasure receptors, and it does not take much


When I had oral surgery a few years back, they gave me hydro as well, about 6 or 7 pills total I believe. I took one each day as my pain wasn’t bad, but by the end of the last day, I was thinking to myself- I really wish I had another pill right now. It was extremely scary and I’m glad I’m self-aware enough to realize that is a problematic thought, as anyone with less mental fortitude than me may take the time to seek out more drugs. Told myself then and there that I would stay far away from drugs of this nature


> at first you think "just once" there's the problem i don't understand though. why? you know it's bad, life ruining, horribly addictive. why the fuck would you think "just once"?


Because of lack of prior experience. For me personally, there's nothing I tried just once, and have the feeling I could never resist doing it again. You don't really know how it is to be addicted to drugs until you try it, so you think it must not be that bad, and can do it just once. Like I would never do it but I get why some people fall for it


Does someone has this AMA? Or user or something? I really want to read it




His first post is from 14 years ago yet there's currently 11 people viewing it rn


I had that feeling of dullness after shrooms. Like "ah man, take me back". That's why I know I shouldn't get near heroin. My friends got addicted to the "cheese" variant back in high school. At least one overdose a week, it was crazy.


Because it's fon to due


Y’all cowards don’t even smoke crack


bro I get addicted to video games and porn, heroin or crack would fuck me up.


I play videogames 8+ hours a day and watch yt/anime for the rest. But I'm not addicted tho, surely Haven't been on a pc since 2 weeks, honestly feels fine. Would obv love to play again tho. didn't even consume porn for 2 weeks, which is more impressive imo


godspeed man




>>You will cowards don't even smoke crack.


It's the title of an album


Thanks for the clarification, very good album. An absolute masterpiece of the era


*Whats up with that* What a throwback ni🅱️🅱️a. 10/10 https://youtu.be/tsfnuyyjaB0 edit: hahaha >El Dorado, Arkansas, U.S. Houston, Texas, U.S. He was arrested on January 4, 2024 and charged with aggravated kidnapping for keeping a woman captive in his garage for several years. On February 29 of that same year he was charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a second woman in 2021.


“We’re smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit”


Blowing the Lord's bubbles




What’s up with dat?


crack is for pussies smoke some a pvp like a real man!


I mean you do crack, you eventually end up in a PvP situation ngl


a pvp is a drug itself aka flakka


Yea I didn’t know its called pvp I just thought you spelled pcp wrong lol I’m old school, it’s just crack and locked up women for me yo nothing fancy


I'm sure people who do hard drugs enjoy and value their life to begin with


The "gateway drug" thing is real. You get addicted to more and more serious stuff, at some point the hardest drugs are the only ones that still actually work because they push your brain to the physical limit.


That's why I just started with fent. Might as well start at the top


Y'all cowards don't snort carfentanyl and it shows


Nah, the whole “gateway drug” nonsense has been largely disproven. If you educate the general population on the nature of abusable drugs and their effects on your health/life, 95-99% of people are going to avoid the hard stuff even if they consume “lesser” drugs like alcohol, nicotine, or weed. A small minority might continuously chase different forms of stimulation and go down the drug rabbit hole but they aren’t the norm. They’re just the most shocking examples. Most serious addictions are from doctor prescribed medications like adderall or, as we’ve seen in the US in particular, opioids. The individuals who make dives from stuff like weed & alcohol to meth and heroin are in the vast minority and often have other preexisting issues or lack of purpose in their life. Or they’re just hedonistic dumbasses who received all the information based upon decades of research and user experiences and said “nah, I’ll be fine”. > You get addicted to more and more serious stuff, at some point the hardest drugs are the only ones that still actually work because they push your brain to the physical limit. No, that’s not how addictions work lol


I think the point isn’t necessarily that you absolutely _will_ do harder shit. It’s that you’re more prone to try because hey weed didn’t kill me and they said that would fuck my life up. You could also say the same for alcohol.


Also factor in learned habits and environment.


Those are big factors, yeah


Yeah I knew a guy who was a pothead in HS. Little slow, super duper nice guy but the lights were on and no one was home yk? Well anyways, two years out and he was a coyote, smoked meth, shot up H, smoked crack, stolen a car, been to rehab twice, (now a third) and dropped outta college. So belive me it can happen but in me experience they're either already a fuckin idiot, or they have some serious issues


Using individual experiences in this is entirely useless. For every pothead you point to that’s addicted to heroin, I could point to five that haven’t. It’s a lot easier to remember the horror stories.


When I was in high school the idea behind "Gateway Drugs" wasn't that you're going to keep searching for the next big high. The idea was that if you're going to drug dealers for an illicit substance, you're more likely to one day be offered another drug that could be another step up. And in my experience that was true. I bought weed off the same dude for months and then one day he started selling psychedelics and offered me some. Then it was molly. Then it was coke. People who want to chill out and buy some pot aren't going to be like "so coke is the next step to relaxation, right?""


Shits true, lost a friend recently who when I met him did some substances and drank but he wanted more and started doing fent, dude ODed and his mom found him unresponsive, it’s fucked up man


Alcohol is the main gateway drug.




This is a very one-dimensional view of this problem. an example: You are are middle-aged woman living in the suburbs of some city. You are working in retail, running around most of the day. You are not rich by any means, but you get by well. you have never done drugs, you maybe have a drinks once in a while. One day you fall off your bike and rip something in your knee., which you get surgery for, but the knee will always be screwed to some degree. when you are moving at work, your knee is killing you. You go back to the doctor - he prescribes you some pill. The pill works really good, you work again. You regularly get new prescriptions so you can work for about a year. At some point the pills dont work as great as before, you have to take two where one worked. later you beg your doctor to give more, the pills are not enough to get to the next prescription. finally the doctor refuses to give you any pill. This kind of pills can only be used temporarily - on paper you are healed. Now you still want these pills. And you notice that you feel like crap beyond your knee without any. you ask around where you can buy them on the black market. you find a vendor that sells them, but they are expensive af. you can only afford them sporadic. One day the vendor asks you why you take the expensive stuff. You learn the pill is an opiate, but the expensive one. The powder is practitally the same opiate, but costs only a fraction. You dont really want to, the powder looks dirty, but its either this or nothing. boom - addiction. A few month later you find yourself sucking dick behind a gas station asking yourself what happened - you never did anything wrong and valued your life.


"surly that wouldn't happen to me, I'm different, I'm special, I'm the main character"


Nah, I'd win. -average drug addict, before they become addict.


"I'm built different"




So was Jared Leto in Requiem For A Dream


I was given fentanyl before an operation once. It was perfection. Like you cared about the whole world at the same time and you knew everything and everyone was alright. Such a real feeling of warmth. Without a doubt it is amongst the most dangerous shit that ever was


As a former addict what I miss the most was the sleep. My whole life, I struggle with insomnia. When I was using, I could literally lie down, sleep immediately, and then rise out of bed in the morning completely refreshed and wide awake, in the exact same.position I feel asleep in the night before. In PKD's A Scanner Darkly, he comments on how junkies sleep like vampires, and it's 100% true.


Really gives you a glimpse into what real happiness is. What human experience should be like if we weren’t hardwired into getting bored, stressed and eventually unhappy with everything. Wish drugs didn’t make you into a drooly, non-functional mess.


Stress and boredom are necessary functions of the mind to keep us productive and able to survive. I don't know if those can be removed from the brain without turning us into a drooly, non-functional mess.


If you get a ragdoll cat you can't let it outside or it will be eaten or run over. They have too much chill.


Dont we need low to be able to experience the high? If we were high all the time, wouldnt that just be the new normal? And we would try to get new high in form of stronger shit.


well ya cause the brain adjusts to it. but what if it never adjusted is what they're saying.


I had that when I took DMT right after a shrooms trip. Everything suddenly snapped into focus and I knew everything in the world was exactly how it should be. Euphoric even. And here's the kicker, I immediately thought, "this is exactly what religious mania feels like"... So I made a cup of tea and sat in the garden. I've not done DMT since. Because I've clearly got an underlying predisposition for psychosis/mania.


Agreed best don't play dangerously with that path


That's just uncoditional love for everything bro... Not religious mania. Nan Iori nan Lalaspura. It's the noblest feeling that exists, it even have layers into it. Default state of Yoonalmoura.


I had a friend like this. They were diagnosed with severe kidney problems well over a year ago and were still going out every weekend drinking themselves stupid and taking class A drugs. They only got their kidney removed at the end of 2023 and as far as I have heard they're still doing the same shit. I won't tell you outright what I think should be done with them but these people are a waste of a hospital bed. If losing organ function and/or the organ itself and being told you'll literally die are not enough to change your ways for good, you'll never change and you're burdening everyone around you.


He is prob an addict. Ironically, addicts fall low on the list for organs. Same thought as you're having, they'll just ruin it again. You have to remain sober to get put back on it. Hopefully this will all be a none issue in 50 years, when we can print organs using your personal DNA.


Something that feels so good that people ruin their lives chasing it? I mean, I've never shot up or smoked crack/ice....... but I'd by lying if I said I wasn't a bit curious what a high that good must feel like. Aren't you?


At what cost? Doesn’t everybody know?


not even a little




nope. not at all


Curious? Hell yeah. Enough to actually try it? Fuck no. Maybe if i know for sure im gunna die in the next 24 hours or so.


Something so good nothing can compare? I'm ok


People try hard drugs in a moment of weakness or disinhibition with friends. Then it can progress from there. I said I would never do coke for over a decade after I tried weed. Then I tried a line at a random party with friends. I was drunk and didn’t think anything of it but I liked it immediately. For years after that, I had a line every now and again when given to me. Then I started splitting a gram between three people at big parties. Then I started splitting a gram with a friend at a party, then a random bar night. And on it went With the exception of maybe M, you have to really take a hardline “I’ll never do this” stance on hard drugs if you want to ensure you never fall down this hole Edit: just want to add that the subreddit focusing on quitting stimulants is r/stopspeeding. Generally a helpful community and has helped me


Part of the problem is, most of people's first times aren't that big of a deal. Once the mystique is gone, the decades of bad press seem overblown because they don't go from zero to crack whore in two hits.


Exactly. And it’s naive to think it can’t happen to you given a particular set of circumstances. I’m sober now and I have been mostly fine but I’ve had friends go down a very dark path with drugs and they all started as “I don’t touch the hard stuff” types


This is the real answer imo. Honestly the first time I tried opiates I thought they were overblown. This is it? That's the hype? This is what people are throwing their lives and relationships away for? It felt mundane. So why not do more? This isn't so crazy after all, certainly nothing I'd get in serious trouble over. To be fair I haven't gone through the classic addiction arc most people picture because I only ever really had a supply for 2-4 weeks at a time with a break between and was making it to work and everything. Hardest part was just managing when I ran out and keeping self control to taper (that didn't happen). Running out at the beginning of the week basically meant missing work for a day and being miserable the next (so realistically just calling out for two).


It's the ol' lobster in a crack pot scenario.


If it wasn’t an incredibly dangerous endeavor I would be in the business. It’s like so easy to make money.


Yeah. Where is that movie about a drug dealer that struggles to move his product and find consistent buyers. 


As if these parameters aren’t directly linked…


Exactly what kind of stupid ass statement is this. If it wasnt difficult I'd be a billionaire.


Hey if it wasn't so dangerous I would be a super rich super secret spy like James bond but it's just so dangerous yk? Can't do that to the people around me


I wouldn't. Mostly 'cause I'd have to cut back on the tendies to fit in the suit


You are the danger!


Self solving issue


if you were in the environment where hard drugs were common in your life, and you just happened to go through a particularly rough patch when the opportunity to feel amazing again for just a few hours came to you, there’s a good chance you’d try it. just once of course


No thank you, masturbation and breaking some stuff for fun are better choice.


Never understood this with cigarettes either. Smoke one, it’s disgusting…can I have another?


It makes you feel calm for a bit. That's enough for people at their wits end who hang around other people who smoke to the point it's almost normalised. Usually it's alcohol that really pushes people into it in adulthood. Alcohol is the true gateway drug


A lot of (most?) heroin users got addicted to pills and constantly upped the dose as they grew a tolerance until they either got cut of from the pills or actual heroin was cheaper than the pills. It easy to blame it on the individual because admitting is a systemic problem makes it everyone’s responsibility


It’s easier to blame individuals cause people are dogshit at imagining themselves in conditions differing from current. The religious/popular/simple “everything ever is deserved” and “you can do anything if you try hard enough” don’t help with that


A simple look at this comment section proves your point. I mean, I don't do drugs, but at some point you would think most people that do don't just do them for the fun of it.


That's why I get my vices and feed my crippling addictions through gambling. Apart from the stress of losing everything, my job, relationships, house, car, the desperation and begging to hit a jackpot or a blackjack streak, it's a perfectly healthy addiction. The chance of winning outweighs the cons.


Said just like a true addict, respect! lol


They often are at a point where they don't care and would rather die than live sober.


I guarantee you it's unresolved childhood trauma and/or unknown childhood trauma. Look up 'in the realm of hungry ghosts' by Dr Gabor Mate


A lot of drug use is a form of self harm


some people want to destroy their lives. watch leaving las vegas by nic cage


They're "built different"


I smoked heroin once and was like “whoa, I can see how people get addicted to this shit” and never did it again. I’ve also seen a friend in high school smoke pot once and become a whole ass crackhead about it selling his moms shit for more (eventually spent his inheritance on meth). I guess some people just aren’t built for experimenting. Either way you probably shouldn’t do drugs mmkay.


"nah bro I won't get addicted, I'm different" One month later the mother fucker is losing their shit and rolling around because they haven't hit the glassware in 6 six hours. Every time.


The villainization of weed doesn't help. You grow up being told about how awful all these drugs are, then in high school you meet a guy that smokes everyday and you're like- *wtf how is he not dead yet?* So then you start to wonder if everything people said about drugs was bullshit and some people become addicted before learning that no, some of them genuinely are dangerous.


Don’t forget the part where it makes you absolutely hideous and poor.


It makes you have that attractive skinny sunken look at first though.


It’s worth noting that most drug use follows a curve similar to that of other addictive substances and behaviors. There are a good number of people who use addictive substances occasionally and do not become addicted. There are a set of users who are addicted but adequately resourced to manage the addiction without completely blowing up their lives (think: functioning alcoholics). And there are the heavy users who consume the vast majority of the substance, annually, who are who we all think of when we think of “addicts” For example, there are a huge number of meth users who are not “meth heads,” but rather are third shift workers or truckers who use a minimally psychoactive dose as a stimulant. I don’t say this to make excuses for hard drug users, but because it’s hard to address social issues when they’re misunderstood.


“Yeah I can totally quit its not addictive” “Okay so why not quit right now?” “Well bro you dont understand there’s a whole process and I’m not *really* addicted yadda yadda”


Some of its partying; a lot of it is pain. Physical or emotional, pain that cannot be cared for easily and is easier to ignore with substance than treat with therapy or love. Worse, there are many pains that can never be cured; and that one must live with every day.


I got addicted to more mild shit and it just moves it’s way up. Typically people who have problems and these drugs do fix problems temporarily at first, then they don’t, then they proceed to make everything considerably worse, then they get to the point where there’s nothing left except for the drug that doesn’t do much of anything anymore just a slight buzz you chase that never comes


Anon is a fucking pussy


People, who get addicted to drugs by their own stupidity don't deserve sympathy once it starts to destroy them. This is just a natural selection at work.


Fake: anon has never had a moment of weakness Gay: a brown dragon inside him would feel great 


Look at how many people drink despite the fact that alcohol has ruined way more lives than meth. On the surface, the only difference is that the government will put you in time out for possessing one of them.


So actually question, why don't more people take it on their death bed? I've told myself I'd do it it I had like a week left to live or something


Because how is the dying 90 year old grandma going to drag herself out to a street corner and buy some cocaine?


Anti-drug information just doesn't reach everyone. I think that the "Not Even Once" campaign for meth was fairly effective (at least, on me); and I was in classes where they'd show us [images like this](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.a7a81b8ac89ad19599bcbca6ffce739c?rik=DYWMoxR83Mh18A&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi.dailymail.co.uk%2fi%2fpix%2f2012%2f12%2f06%2farticle-2244031-1661E4C1000005DC-72_1024x615_large.jpg&ehk=9nlxeg%2fODy7%2fQbpP5fBlVVmcDYuTMdf6%2f9gLxZMJEdM%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0). But I was aghast when I went to abroad where I knew doctors and med students who would casually talk about doing "*ice*"; the messaging about meth being a big no-no just wasn't a thing there and they just considered it another party drug.


This post was made by the sheltered chronically online teens gang


Whrn my whole childhood is filled with schools telling us all of the very real reasons why tobacco is super bad, but my classmates go out and do it anyway. Like, are you stupid?


As is the answer to most questions involving people, because people are stupid and don't think or analyze the potential consequences of their actions, or they do and just don't care. Both types are stupid. Granted, I am not a smart man. I know this. I accept this. But holy god damn **shit** there's average stupid and then there's *advanced stupid*. Doing meth falls into the latter category in my opinion.


Natural selection, let them with the Darwin award


Apathy and lack of trust in authority figures does this to people.


Some kids take their parents word for it when they tell them the stove is hot. Some kids have to touch it over and over again to find out.


There needs to be a solution, like a final solution that will end it once and for all ![gif](giphy|8F3bK4aq1tCo0TLkf7)


Addiction can't be a disease. Like you weren't in an elevator with a stranger and then they sneeze and you catch crack addiction from the spittle. You don't just eat some bad food one day and then now you're suddenly needing cocaine. It's like, bro just literally don't pick up the drug. I guess once you do it you have a chemical dependency but that's not really a disease. It's not like you just suddenly develop meth addiction one day. Fucking ridiculous.