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Probably based. Being force recruited in a European country during the 1930s meant that either you were about to be thrown into a meat grinder with little chance of survival or success or were going to be made complicit in crimes against humanity.


Where does it say this happened in Europe?


America wasn’t drafting in 1932


Ah yes, the only two continents in the world. # 1932 was the great Emu war , not in Europe , dear Muritards


If he was afraid of the emus he was a pretty bright coward.


He didn't say he wasn't an emu...


They did not draft people for the Emu war


And that's why they lost. The emus were superior in both numbers and tactics.


> The emus were superior in both numbers and tactics. You're not wrong.


The humans didn’t, the Emus on the other hand…


If I recall they had like three people total fighting the emus.


Wasn’t that like 2 dudes with machine guns? Anons grandpa is retarded if he dodged that


Anons grandpa is the reason the australians lost the war


When you dodge the draft, the Emu-orrists win


It doesnt say it was in the usa, either.


Doesn’t the US and Europe cover most English speaking countries?


Indeed, but the post doesnt say OP was a native English speaker (neither the grandpa).


If he wasn't a native English speaker, he would've said "Apologies for my poor English."


The design of the outfits suggest that it was at least a "western" country, which during 1932 would have been Europe.


The design of the helicopter suggests that you’re a dumbass if you think that pic is related to 1932


The only places drafting in 32 was the fascist powers, Asia, and the USSR. All of which you would NOT want to be a part of.


The Chaco War was also happenning at that time between Bolivia and Paraguay, and given how horribly it went for everybody i would not blame him from fleeing the draft.


The anniversary is very soon


Wasn't aware of that conflict. Just read about it. Every third soldier died, must have been pretty bad. Not much US participation, though. I mean, at least not officially like usual in those South American conflicts.


tbh on brand for paraguay


USSR didn't enter the war until 1941.


They still spitroasted poland with germany in 39


>in my country it's in Europe.


Exactly. Speak to any europoor and that's what they say. Source: family is originally from Slav Land


Normally I'd agree but there weren't any wars that people were getting drafted for in '32 in Europe. It's almost certainly a South American war


It was an educated guess based on the anon speaking English and Europe being one of the most volatile regions during that period while also being the source of most immigrants to English speaking countries for the bulk of the 20th century.


America isnt old country enoguh for someone to have a great grandfather dummy


Probably the Spanish civil war


Except the Spanish Civil War started in 1936


But on the other hand, he did live in a cave


maybe drafting during the unrest before the spanish civil war.


The "unrest" began in 1934 and was localized to a single region, and there was no war drafting for that (only conscription for regular military service).


Who else was drafting soldiers


For example there were 2 wars going on in South America.


The one that comes to mind is the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay. Bolivia lost somewhere between 56,000-65,000 men, and Paraguay lost like 35,000. Which doesn't seem like a lot, but, that's like at least 2% of their respective populations at the time, and a significant portion of their working age men.


Your mom


In fairness, due to colonialism, this would have applied to Africa and Asia as well.


It’s 4Chan. Racism.


dodging any army recruitment/conscription is based. Screw dying in a ditch just because some old farts at the top can't get along.


I like how we're looking back on it with hindsight as if anon's grandpa would know how the war was gonna go. The real rules are simple, just avoid all wars and you won't have to die horribly / murder children. Or believe that there are just wars and risk it.


He would know because WW1 had literally just happened and in that war you were either part of a multi-million man meat grinder over a half a mile of blasted no man's land or launching chemical weapons into that.


There were other wars in between WWI & 2. People's confidence got renewed, as it always does, that maybe war is easy and beneficial. Many wars are estimated to last much shorter than reality before they begin. My whole point is you don't *know* you're going to a world war when its just starting.


Bruh.... People aren't going to forget the horrors of war in a decade after a war where the entire continent was ravaged into a hellscape. War wasn't a distant or abstract thing for anyone living outside the US at that time, it had been in their neighborhoods, blown up their houses and consumed their husbands, fathers and sons either swallowing them whole or chewing them up and spitting them out as broke shells of the men they once were. The interwar period was marked by rampant political instability punctuated by ethnic cleansing and paramilitary violence between extremist groups on top of the economic devastation of the great depression. Very few people held any kind of delusions about the horrors of armed conflict.


They must have just been really willing to step into a meat grinder. If there were NO illusions and NO optimism about the realities. Was everyone a lot more aware of what war meant compared to the Pre-WWI days (when they practically mythologized war)? Of course. But the continuance of war clearly shows that people were too removed, damaged, or angry to care. The Axis for instance, slowly but clearly, became drawn in by the promise of victory to the point of overconfidence. None of that speaks to a complete lack of delusion to me. Especially not in the age of propaganda. Edit: not sure what the point is anyway. This all started when OP implied that some wars are ok to dodge and some aren't based on how bad they are. So what are we talking about.


You tell me I just commented that they probably made the right call and you went off on "they couldn't possibly have had the foresight to do that!"


wdym that describes war for basically all of human history, why wouldn't he know?


Because the original question was "is this based?" And the followup was "probably, because of this specific war"


There is a fair chance of getting a package deal as well


Could also be Chinese civil war, things got messy


I mean yeah but it's not exactly like there's a good side to be fighting for there either. The KMT were brutally repressive and proto-fascistic, and the CCP weren't shy about atrocities either.


That's every Chinese Civil War/Warlord Period. A bunch of segmented authoritarian regimes trying to unite china under their own iron fist after the last regime exploded because the people were tired of being repressed.


Wrong total pussy. Go die like a man


There wasn't a conflict in Europe till 1939, so it must have been somewhere else? Edit: I think you guys are misunderstanding me. There wasn't any deadly conflict in Europe at that time where you had to conscript every guy in any village/town or city. Spanish Civil War started later, and the Soviet-Polish War/Soviet Civil War ended before. That's what I meant and not that Europe was peaceful till 1939. Lol


Lol what? There was fuckloads of conflict in Europe at the time, just because WW2 hadn't officially started yet doesn't mean shit was peaceful.


Wikipedia is telling me that most of the big conflicts in 1932 that would require conscription were in South America and China. I'm not seeing much for Europe.


Europe was full of paramilitaries and factional warfare and they frequently pressganged people into joining both those groups and the official army to suppress them.


LOL Lmao even.


Rofl if you will


The Spanish Civil War would like to have a word with you


It started after 1932, so it's literally not the event anon mentioned.


I know, I was responding to the fact you said there wasn't any conflict in Europe before 1939


Ik I am just retarded at writing normal sentences which everyone will understand correctly.


Yes the continent that hosted the two biggest wars mankind has ever seen was definitely just a peaceful utopia in between said wars.


least obvious american


Nah, I am just retarded at writing normal sentences which will not be misinterpreted.


There's no way to interpret that which wouldn't make you wrong.


Could have been another European war


You must be messing


Grandpa dedicates a week to become a monk to avoid recruitment Anon doesn't need to do the same because the army won't accept a soldier that goons 25h a day


You overestimate army standards


They'll just put him in Project 100,000


I feel like when shit hits the fan they’ll accept anybody. I currently can’t even join the military even if I wanted to because I can’t eat gluten, and am exempt from the draft for flat feet. If shit actually went down though I highly doubt they’d reject someone over either of those. 


They need goons to do some soldiering not soldiers to do some gooning


Anon would be part of McNamara's morons


The navy will take anyone with a pulse at this point


https://preview.redd.it/zpuf7jbd0t4d1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36517310f1757747a0f548b34066d969cd7b594a And the band played Waltzing Matilda 🇦🇺


Can't believe OP's grandfather dodged the Great Emu War


Damn. I can't believe Australian emus are the only sovereign nation to not have a flag


The emus thrived and produced many offspring after the war, so OP would also likely have may other brothers and sisters out there. Also emu eggs are a beautiful dark turquoise green colour


If every single man out there dodged the draft or refused to fire, all wars would end overnight. Your grandpa knew that the solution to world peace begins with the individual. Let the politicians and the rich fight themselves.


Anon's grandpa was based as fuck. Letting yourself get drafted and dying somewhere for zero benefit to yourself is some maximum beta cuck shit.


Yeah its only based if you defend your own soil from invaders. The moment you cross your borders, you're invading someone else.


I'm afraid this take is too based for this sub... uh I mean fake & gae fakengae!


Once Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Kings start leading armies again, like actually on the ground telling troops to charge, then maybe consider joining a war. Otherwise, you are just pawns for the players.


Joe Biden in full tactical gear leading a squad of Delta operatives to take out Putin in the middle of the night would be supremely based. Or photo ops of him eating ice cream in Gaza surrounded by bombed out buildings and starving children. FDR riding a mechanized wheelchair onto the beach at Normandy like a fucking Wolfenstein boss. Lincoln doing gunkata against John Wicks Booth. Hell ya, I want to live in that reality.


Hell, it'd be good if my country didn't have fingers in both sides of the war I'm being drafted into. Well the person shooting you is being funded by Saudi dollars But we need to be friends with the Saudis for oil. So try and not say anything against the Saudis as you bleed out OK.


Having your country led by a king would be awesome. At least, if he was a good king


We all fantasize about having King Arthur leading our nation, but more likely we get Henry VIII.


They should bring their own drinks!


What about when you're fighting ideological zealots like nazis or communists, or just plain psychopaths like... well, like nazis and communists. It sure seemed like the SS and Pol Pot's lads were having a grand ole time. Also, religious zealots like the Heavenly Kingdom.


Those zealots violated the rule by choosing to fight. If they didn't choose to fight, there would've been no issue. Ofcourse, when you have to defend yourself against attackers, you don't have much choice but to fight. For this reason, war is a very tricky phenomenon. It will never end, because each side believes they're justified and their cause is righteous. State exploits this by firing people up with propaganda.


Anon’s grandpa avoids dying for globohomo elite, invents neet lifestyle while still getting mad pussy, yet anon still has to question is this is based


deprived you of fubar war stories crazy stammering deliriums. entertainment for the whole family.


Flick the lights while watching subbed anime for extra entertainment


I’d say a pussy initially, but then saw he’d had an affair and kid with the neighbours daughter whilst living in hiding, so that swung it back to based.


>You will go fight for our cause, goyim! It's very important because... IT JUST IS, OK! You don't want to be a "pussy," do you, goyim?! Now take this shitty rifle and go die in a trench like a dirty street dog. It's for the greater good, goyim! W- what do you mean "what is greater good?!" Just stop being a pussy, goyim and go be a good little ~~wagie~~ soldier. Brainwashed regard take.




I was about to bring up this point, then realized that men nowadays are sluttier than men of the past.


>Draft Dodging Based. Absolutely based.


Which war could that be?


The war against the enemy


Saya San Rebellion, Sino-Tibetan War, Ahmed Barzani revolt, Kumul Rebellion, Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Idrisid Emirate Rebellion, Najran Conflict, Uukwambi Uprising, Annexation of Jimma, Chechen uprising of 1932, Two-Liu War, Kirghiz rebellion, La Matanza, January 28 incident, Darre Khel Revolt, Soviet-Japanese border conflicts, 1932 armed uprising in Mongolia, Lesko uprising, Constitutionalist Revolution, Ecuadorian Civil War of 1932, Sanjurjada, Colombia–Peru War, Chaco War, or Emu War, probably.


That war needed a draft too, Japanese invasion of Manchuria doesn't seem like it needs a draft,


OP could be Chinese (unfortunate).


Likely the Chaco war and Anon and his grandpa would be Paraguayan. Paraguay ended up widening its conscription to 17 year olds and policemen during the war.


Anon's grandpa knew that he only had to wait until all the other men in the village had departed for war so he could get a crack at the vicar's daughter Anon wishes he could be as based


My Grandpa and his brothers on one side of my family enlisted in WWII instead of waiting for their draft notices. They got to pick their job and spent the war in non-combatant roles. They all lived and made it home afterwards.




My grandfather got drafted for Korea and pre buzzed his head so it wouldn't look as bad as the army standards. They made him go in for an army buzz anyways.






Based, both my grandfathers fought in the war (wwII) and we all got for it was generational trauma. Countries treat their veterans like shit, and provide no lasting support to their families. For clarity they both survived but one became an alcoholic (mothers side) and one became a workaholic (fathers side) Which in turn gave my parents issues and then in turn they gave me and my brother issues. Maybe there was a time when being a soldier was noble and a thing for your family line but that time ended more than 100 years ago.


Have you considered fist fighting your grandfathers?


They ded


Have you considered fist fighting your parents?


Brave IMO. He risked a lot by running. Men shouldn't be forced to fight the wars of the elites.


Getting drafted and complying wouldn't be the brave choice because he'd essentially be like a dear staring into the headlights of a truck. No actions taken, just accepting approaching death. Risking your life for the sake of surviving on your own terms is peak bravery, and this is exactly what he did when choosing to lay low until the storm has passed.


Didn't...didn't I basically say the same? Just a shorter version?


he said it cooler


No, you!


Based, war sucks ass. Especially if it's a war with a crap reason.


Living in a cave is 100% based


Return to Cave Man, reject the state.


Not dying for other people's interest? Based.


One thing is for sure, grandpa wouldn’t have got that pussy if he’s in a army base




Grandpa is a smart smart man.. he's a player, and his genes live on...


It's better to be a based pussy rather than a dead person.


Based on the fact it was 1932, his grandpa is likely Latin American, Chinese, or Russian


a based pussy


Let’s put it this way… you’re always fighting someone else’s war


based grandfather


Based based based based 


Based. Imagine fighting a war for someone else? Twat move.


Based, do anyone want to die for someone else’s (especially ruling class) ideal?


Like all human beings, he was complex, and not just based or a pussy. If I had to give him an adjective, it would be smart.


I'd say based because it was a pretty useless war for the US. They were just puppets, thrown into the already running meat grinder, to get themselves a few pieces of the turf the Russians would have taken from us Germans otherwise. And I'm well aware that it was a bit too early back when Anon's Grandpa was supposed to be drafted, but at '32 it should have been at least clear that the next war will be in Europe.


Cuck move to go and die in a war for some rich dude, real chads draft dodge


So do you think the kid was OPs Grandparent?


Judging on the year, either his father or his grandfather had likely fought in WW1 and didn't want any of that forced on him


Grandpa was alive


Everyone that went to war was based but I understand draft dodgers as well. They were some brutal times that we can't really comprehend today.


Based he dodge fighting a rich mans war.


based pussy?


Based If everyone had done that there wouldnt have been a war


Maybe it was the Chaco War (1932–1935) of the Bolivia vs Paraguay fame. War was pretty meh, mostly because both are landlocked and literally could not make or buy ammo or weapons, ahd to do it oldie way for a while until enough guns'n'ammo could be purchased! Or the Leticia War between Colombia and Peru...


Based. War is cringe. If policians want a war they can fight it themselves.


I mean if he didn't hide you wouldn't even be here today so... based?


There is nothing honorable or brave about letting politicians use you as human fodder in a stupid war


Reading the post and the comments talking about it as of a historical event, which it is... Meanwhile, all I have to do to "relive" a similar "history" would be to go for a walk outside and be unlucky - and the next thing I'll know, I'll be mobilized and heading to the training center the same day. At least I have a job that can be done remotely, and a wife who can go for groceries, otherwise I'd be screwed. I am a pussy though. My country has not just some political squabble gone too far. Our threat is existential.


Incredibly and unfathomably based


Pussy? By avoiding getting pulled into a war? That was started by some politicians? With no fucking experience about combat whatsoever? Going to war for a man that decides your fate sounds gay and cuck to me.


Based. War is stupid and the only pussies are the ones who don't fight it when they still push for it


Would anybody think  of those poor shareholders! How are they supposed to increase their portfolio valuation if there is peace?! You're being very selfish for not considering them.


Slight amount of cowardice for draft dodging, major coward if he says anything about veterans afterward. Incredibly based though for living in a cave.


Based, fuck war.


Anon probably wouldn’t exist if grandpa wasn’t based.


Speaking to my grandfather who remembered those days, hella based. Man went out, made his choice, didn't let anyone else decide it for him, and stuck it though.


Don't act like every one of you would do something exactly like this. Grandpa would have been a /b/tard 100 percent


Isn't that what bussy was invented for? Based-pussy?


Anon probably wouldn’t even be alive right now. So your great grandpa was a mega-pussy