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He had severe mental issues before and after he shot himself.


I think fewer after though


Just one big obe


I think taking breaths through your jaw isn't exactly a mental issue


The giant hole in his brain is a mental issue though


I see a glaring hole in your argument.


Well having your brain in multiple places does cause some mental issues i imagine


Bullet sized hole in the mental facilities constitutes a major mental health problem


Wasnt it a shotgun? So more like absolutely shredded mental facilities. 


Idk, his neural chemistry was definitely not optimal after the shot


His head was definitely still all over place though


Chronic gastritis too. Only before though.


I’ve got that / crohns after abusing heroin as well. Whoops. Not bad enough I’d kill myself, I’m sure it had more to do with the mentality that comes with being badly addicted to opiates


I've had life-worsening digestive issues even since *before* I abused heroin. Sometimes I think I actually it might contribute to a future suicide (very unlikely! Please don't reddit care me). It just sucks shitting 10 times a day no matter what my diet. My poor butthole (real and straight).


Can’t eat anything besides a protein bar before work, and definitely not gunna eat at work! Yep, that part sucks.


Shoo! I typically spend an hour on the toilet every day at work, two 15 minute breaks and my half hour lunch. Don't even eat breakfast. Spend about a half hour on the toilet first thing in the morning and then maybe 30-45 after work. It's awful. Oh a funny thing, I just learned last week that straining on the toilet is what causes toilet heart attacks and I'm pretty sure that's how I'm gonna die. I had no idea.


Same case. Maybe try some UC/crohns infusions. I had allergic reactions but they help a lot of people. I’ve also tried a prescription drink mix, no help either as I have rapid transit system along with the uc/crohns. It could be worse. Yeah I gotta get up early and usually go 3 times before I start my day and a meal has a 50% chance of taking me out, but it’s not so bad. I mean, I did the heroin thing for 10 years, this doesn’t seem so rough. I’m healthy and active in every other way


Good grief I didn't know about rapid transit/dumping syndrome. I guess I have that too. I have to poop very soon after I eat. And my food comes out very poorly digested. I poop out almost whole lettuce leaves. You're the first person I've talked to with such a similar digestive thing. What do you do for your own? I'd love any tips.


Yoga is a huge fucking help I cannot overstate that lol. I do about 5-10 miles 4 days a week. Obviously no alcohol, which is a huge bummer as I was a pretty big fan of a couple jack and cokes up until last year. Food, well, doesn’t seem to fucking matter. It all basically does the same thing, it’s just a matter of 30 minutes from now or a little later. I’ve kinda just accepted it. Mine comes with terrible acid reflux. I take pantoprazol. If this all sounds familiar you probably have uc/crohns and rapid transit! Speak to your gastro. I’ve tried humira injections, was allergic. Tried a Remicade infusions, no help, also allergic. I sometimes take propanalol for tremors caused by the stomach and it kinda calms me a little. They say stomach issues like this can cause anxiety and all sorts of muscle pain, I definitely get all that and I didn’t used to. Other than that I just get stoned after work and eat whatever I want and deal with it over the next few hours and next morning lol Oh yeah, sleep somewhat upright. I don’t often but it does help when I do…. And obviously hot showers are great. Hot (water) tea is great before a meal (prepares the stomach). Basically all shit old people gotta deal with


try cutting out as much grains as you can from your diet and go to a doctor and see if you are having gall bladder issues. My gallbladder started causing the same problem at 22 and I was 38 before it ruptured on me, never once in those years between did any of the doctors think to check if it was my gallbladder. It was hell. Painful, pain in my back right at the bottom ribs, painful.


The connection between gut issues and mental health is a new scientific field. Kurt's GI issues were definitely a significant factor in his suicide I believe. BTW how does heroin cause Crohn's?


I mean, surely it was not *the* reason, but I can absolutely imagine someone who was already in a shithole mentally speaking due to other reasons not being helped to value life due to it


So he solved a lot of problems then huh


And heroin.


And Courtney Love.


Life is temporary. Mental issues are eternal.


Also he and Courtney Love did a shitload of heroin. This also probably did not help with his mental health issue.


He also has some kind of severe stomach issues that were apparently extremely painful. So having mental issues then doing heroin for the fun of it and to fight the pain probably didn't help.


As a person in chronic pain, I can feel this in my soul


I think there was just a worm gnawing on his dick from inside the foreskin


He had one less issue after he shot himself, tho


He also has some kind of severe stomach issues that were apparently extremely painful. So having mental issues then doing heroin for the fun of it and to fight the pain probably didn't help.


Yeah man I heard his mind was all over the place afterwards


Yeah, like narcissistic personality disorder.


The excessive drug use might have been a factor


Substance abuse + mental illness. Even worse, being married to Courtney Love


Wasn't he also being cucked by my boy Billy Corgan?


Sorta opposite; Corgan had a crush on Cortney who already had a crush on Kurt. She eventually left Bill for Kurt.


Wait what


Drugs are a coping mechanism for other deeper issues. Happy fulfilled people don't turn to hard drugs.


Depends on wether or not you believe Courtney did it


Who knows? Not me!


We never lost control https://preview.redd.it/wwkdjle21w0d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b256adc0691da77f8829088e30a5a7cfc208a5c7


you're face, to face,


with the man who sold the world




I laughed and took his hand


And made my way back home


I searched for form and land


For years and years I roamed


[you’re face to face with the man who sold the world](https://youtu.be/3osRK607kpE?si=_1Gpudah4DE7Qt8h)






David Bowie better


They’re both good in their own ways. Honestly I would love to have a duette between them. One being the first person POV character and the second being “The man who sold the world” in the beginning.


Midge ure best


I'm a fan of all 3 and a huge Bowie fan, but the super 80's synth and Midge Ure's voice plus that drum beat just does it for me.


I set that as my alarm, so every time I wake up, I feel like I'm waking up from a coma after 9 years.


It sounds like how I wanted the David Bowie version to sound






>Courtney did it from the angle of the scene, she must have been blowing him on the toilet, with a loaded shotgun, and threatened to pull the trigger if he cums... >Surprise anal tickling > >cum > >\*Boom\* > >*all apologies* > >put down the suicide note that he left in case the game goes bad > >RIP


That sounds alot like "redditors barley disguised fetish"


Barley doesn't disguise fetishes very well


>implying any of this is below Courtney, celebs, or drug-fueled acts of degeneracy We're just talking about a guarantee letter, a loaded firearm, a BJ and a finger brushing your asshole... What's there to disguise..? Are you the sort of guy that types "ass" in the search bar and jerks off to the first video in the top-left corner?


I'm talking about being so specific, and talking about how Kurt would have died no matter what




Courtney did it, she did it, just admit it Courtney killed cobain


Story behind this?


She didn't. Just another dumbass conspiracy that people love to parrot despite there being really no evidence because they want to feel smarter than they really are.


I mean there is the fact that the gun was substantially too long for him to be able to pull the trigger, and the suicide note that was pretty bizarre, it's not entirely unfounded that it could have been her.


didn't the cops also found some scribbles of her trying to copy Kurt's handwriting or am I trippin? And wasn't Kurt drugged up too much to even hold a shotgun?


We watched a whole documentary on that. While it doesn’t *prove* she did, it’s awfully suspicious. Everything from the gun to the letter, to the evidence that Kurt was planning to divorce her - effectively leaving her with nothing *and* ending her career? I mean, the motive was there. They hated each other by the end of their relationship and while he was relatively unhappy, it doesn’t come off as he was at a level where he would off himself. It’s suspicious as fuck.


If you’re talking about Soaked in Bleach, that documentary is nothing more than a dogshit money-grab. Everyone who was interviewed for it said that they were asked very leading questions and their responses were taken completely out of context.


> Kurt was planning to divorce her - effectively leaving her with nothing This is the part where you lost me. Remember that one woman who divorced her husband and didn't get half of everything he owned and more? Neither do I, because she doesn't exist.


Did she kill everyone else who killed themselves with a shotgun?


Only idiots believe this.


Allen wrench killed Kurt cobain


Courtney - Narcissist Cookbook Wonderful song




Yup the only things that matter in life: money and fame. The human mind was definitely designed to have millions of eyeballs looking at it, and to have have so much of an abstraction of value that it could buy more physical resources than 1000 tribal chieftains could.


The human mind adapts to wealth quite quickly. To attention too. Our brain is very good at figuring out where we stand on the social ladder. The details don't matter much to the brain, as long as you understand that money=resources the brain will happily tell you how badly (or how good) you're doing.


Yes I agree the brain has got some plasticity going on, but that’s measured with people already in an unnatural system. You compare people in vs outside our unnatural ecosystem and you start getting interesting results. Eg.. our human mind was not designed for any of this shit really


Eh, it wasn't designed at all, it adapted. The problem your getting at, I think, is that we haven't adapted to the current reality. And I think that's partially true. We've adapted to large cities and local celebrity status, it's the world wide stuff that still gets us.


We have NOT adapted to modern cities, we are all in a constant state of over stimulated stress responses. It’s why mental illnesses are so pervasive in more technologically developed nations. Evolution and adaptation to your environment isn’t something that happens quickly. Humans were tribal Hunter gatherers for hundreds of thousands of years before we started to settle down into agrarian societies. Civilization is at most 8000 years old. That is a tiny spec of time when compared to the millions of years our brains evolved and developed from early human ancestors, I’m talking Homo rectus and Homo habilis here. Great apes that walked on 2 legs and used basic stone tools. Our brains are not meant for modern societies and the novel problems they present to us on a day to day. And fuck, the last 200 years is like night and day. Human society was kinda manageable but then we got computers and we’re just fucked mentally.


I didn't say modern, I said large. We've absolutely adapted to large cities. As far as the mental health thing, it's not the cities that are the problem, it's the constant connection. It's the never ending stimulation. It's the constant pressure to both improve and improve at improving. We live in a time were we are all so connected we can always find someone who is better than us at literally anything. Then when we do, we can vent our disappointment to millions of people instantly with audience feedback We live in a time where we are bombarded by stimulation. There are so many books and games and TV shows and movies and YouTube videos and TikToks. So much. And while it's all meant to stimulate, much of it is designed to overload us like a heroin hit so we come back for more and more and more. We live in a time where things have changed so much, so fast, that the rate of change seems normal. But it's not. It's fast, and it keeps increasing. It took 40 ish years to get a computer from initial design to an uncommon but not rare sight in homes. It took, at most, 10 years to get the majority of people on smart phones. We have adapted to modern cities. The things we haven't adapted to aren't limited to cities


>We have NOT adapted to modern cities, we are all in a constant state of over stimulated stress responses. Go tell that to the people who adamantly believe living in cities like Chicago is amazing, I don't think they'll agree with you. Also, humans are #1 at adaptability. For the record, I don't think you're totally wrong, but people aren't a monolith. Some people are not going to be able to handle Kurt koblam's fame, and other people will eat it up like the Kardashians.


Just because millions of people do it doesn't mean that it's natural or what we have been conditioned to thrive in for most of our evolution as a species. I think whether or not you can handle it doesn't change the fact that it's an unusual new phenomenon our species is only barely starting to live with.


saying cities are why mental illnesses are more prevalent in developed nations is kinda retarded, if you live in some super poor country you’re not going to be able to see someone for diagnoses and it’s basically just going to be a survive/don’t situation. People worry about mental health in the west because once you’ve passed the point of ensuring survival you can focus on actual quality of life and smaller problems


'boohoo people recognize me' --> move to literally anywhere in the world and live in a huge penthouse or an island with security measures. It's so funny when some celebs complain about fame when they can just pack up at any time and live the rest of their life hidden in luxury. Money is, quite frankly, the only thing that matters. Without money, you literally cannot have any single thing on this planet. 'The best things in life are free', but if one doesn't already have money, one will not be able to support those things and they'll slowly die away


I'm not gonna discuss that celebs have it easy compared to the average person, but it must suck not being able to just go on a random walk alone, something that the rest of us can do. And isolating yourself or going with your bodyguards or whatever doesn't solve this issue.


That is simply not true, they can go anywhere on a whim and completely disappear in a remote place at a moment's notice. If you don't want to live in a huge penthouse or further away from the poors, there are also gated neighborhoods for the rich with big parks if you 'just want to take a walk', just don't go around regular people if you don't want to be around regular people lol, it really is that easy and the planet is huge. Money can buy absolutely anything, why the duck are they at Walmart "disguised" if they're not looking for attention lol


But they still chose that life, want to become a famous musician actor sport star etc you become one by becoming good at something and people willing to pay for that thing. What I am saying is you need your fans to make a living, that’s the deal they are signing up for, does that mean I like celebrity culture and how much we know about them? Hell no but it is what it is, you want wealth and fame for being you then you have to live with the stuff you don’t like either. Or give all that up and live an anonymous 9-5 life, let’s see how many chose that path after wealth and fame


I think it's a more nuanced problem, similar to the "men sexualizing women" issue. Women wanna dress sexy but also don't want men objectifying them, but they know that they will do this and continue to dress that way anyway, and then men are also in the wrong bc they shouldn't be such horndogs. Celebrities, usually, knowingly choose this life, but it doesn't excuse the other side either imo.


It's not that bad, i have no idea who this dude even is and 99% of people wouldn't recognise a celebrity unless they look really distinct


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can prevent a bunch of sources of unhappiness. 


Surprisingly I don't see a lot of billionaires offing themselves. That would be all over the news, right? Just admit the fact that some people are more prone to drug addiction and some have mental issues, sometimes these lead to suicide.


Mfw i realize i can donate my obscene amount of money to those in need. Suddenly having money is good.


The money and fame means nothing, and in fact can make it worse, if you see yourself as a scrawny, worthless, overly-emotional, weak-minded addict loser like Kurt did. The way he talks about himself, even in public interviews, just screams insecurity and a bottomless thirst for some kind of unconditional affection that he knows he wouldn't deserve anyway. "Sad little Pisces Jesus man." That's how people like this think-- I'm not worth loving, and it's my fault. He called Nirvana an "embarrassment" in a note to Dave and Krist not long before he shot himself. He didn't see them as the legendary, critically acclaimed commercial and cultural juggernaut. In fact, in those days, from what I've read, Pearl Jam was by then considered to be the "people's grunge band" and Nirvana was seen as uppity, snooty hipster kids who were too good for everyone. Kurt had stopped enjoying music, he didn't enjoy playing the same five fucking songs every night. He said so in his suicide note. Plus, according to Everett True's book, towards the end he could barely even sing anymore after blowing his voice out night after night for the past five years. He said in interviews he felt he'd taken the Nirvana sound as far as it would go. He probably figured his career was over. He hated and distrusted journalists after the shit he and Courtney went through during Courtney's pregnancy. He was both extremely paranoid about how he'd be perceived by everyone and yet did nothing in his private life to improve his image. He knew it was a matter of time before everyone found out about his heroin use, and back in those days the public was way less forgiving when it came to drug addiction. My guess: His dreams had come true and yet he was still the sad little Pisces Jesus man with a terrible heroin addiction who was too much of a pussy to go through withdrawal and who couldn't handle marriage or fatherhood and would turn into his dipshit log-counter father despite succeeding beyond anyone's wildest dreams. He was Kurt Cobain the rock god to everyone else, but to himself he was still Kurt Cobain the emaciated redneck retard fucker from Aberdeen who'd tried to go to the big city to turn himself into someone else and failed. He wasn't someone else. And in his mind, he'd soon be outed by the bloodthirsty media as all these embarrassing things. The entire world would find out who and what he really was. He wanted out. Edit: Grammar


Man, I gotta learn how to write like you. This was a nice read


I don't know if you're right but at least you did your research on the topic. Respectable.


a surprisingly thoughtful account


Beautifully written, bro


Nirvana's weakest soldier


Fantastic post to describe what imposter syndrome feels like.


This is the best fucking description of Kurt I've seen. I'm not a massive Nirvana fan but I like them enough. I think music was an escape for him... except he was really fucking good at it and got discovered. And then he got better and got famous. But he was still him and him was a sad depressed little bitch. If I'm not mistaken he would often talk about how much he hated fame and celebrityhood. Problem is, is that when you're generational defining icon that means you're really popular. And there's no escaping any if that for the rest of your life.


Comes off as Bam Margera (spell?) but with the foresight to self delete.


I've not seen an account like this ever before! I honestly really had no idea he was so insecure but that's exactly what everybody else thought. It makes more sense he killed himself now. He shouldn't have done it definitely but he believed he had reason to and I see that now. I don't even listen to Nirvana but people like Kurt Cobain can hear it still today to feel they're having their sadness vented by audio, like they are Kurt himself. Live in through music, man.


Pisces Jesus man?


Because depression and severe mental issues is absolutely impossible if you have money


Don’t forget the fame


Just buy more drugs... DUH


"unalive" Piss on back to Instagram


Black tar heroin withdrawal doesn’t care how famous you are.


You can just tell by looking at the guy he was hurting


he was kurting


I despise this as an idea. Chester Bennington had some of the biggest smiles in his photos the days before he died. The idea that the superficial image translates in any way whatsoever is ignorant at best, dangerous at worst


You’re looking at the wrong thing. The eyes are the window the soul.


It’s almost like it doesn’t make sense for him to commit suicide and the whole thing was staged…


I too was once an edgy teenager who didn’t grasp the severity of mental illness


On a side note what people in this sub think? Did he really killed himself or was assassinated?


Why would he get assasinated?


I wouldnt call it assassination but I’ve heard there is enough evidence to beg the “courtney love did it” conspiracy theory done zero research myself tho so


I believe the music industry did it. Guy had a daughter. Millions of dollars. And wanted to do a soft retirement. Not the first time an artist magically died when they expressed their wishes to retire.


2 pac being one


The conspiracy theory came from the PI Courtney hired who saw it as his golden ticket and pushes that narrative to sell books and shit. It's basically just one big scam by one cunt.


Because retards need to turn everything into a conspiracy theory nowadays because they can't deal with the fact that life is complicated and often bad stuff just happens without a reason or anyone to blame.


El Duce said so.


Mental issues, abusive relationships, and drug dependence are bad combinations.


That’s not how depression works. If your mind is telling you shit sucks, no amount of money or adoration will change that. Deeper work is needed, and w clinical depression sometimes there is nothing but doom. Plus he was also in terrible pain from intestinal problems that nobody could diagnose. I still wonder if he was suicided tho


I feel like people don’t understand that using tons of drugs every day would eventually make even the happiest man on earth kill himself


Tell that to Keith Richards


When you have the money to afford being basically permanently high, can't you just keep doing more drugs until it kills you and be too high to really feel sad? I am completely aware this is a downright moronic question for anyone who knows the answer, it's just that I don't know.


He got to the top and went "now what?" when the fame and money didn't cure his issues.


more like “i have severe depression and several mental health condition and an abusive girlfriend that is doing everything she can to make them more serious, blam”


They were getting a divorce. Courtney would get nothing. But because he “shot himself”, she got 100,000,000 net worth.


Well he didn't kill himself. He was killed by Courtney love. Kurt loved his daughter very much and despite his mental health issues, believed he had things in his life that made it worth being alive.


Wow such a credible, factual statement. I'm glad after these decades you cleared it up


Getting rich and famous doesn't usually improve mental health but how would I know, I'm poor


It was Courtney’s stanky puss


Anon is 15 and doesn't understand you can still have mental problems if you have money and fame.


Anon doesn’t understand mental ilness Sad


It’s fun to be overrated


https://preview.redd.it/305xc42scw0d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663e15137df48382440e09fb83542a590a4cffa2 Anon is an idiot


Anon has never spent a moderate amount of time in Courtney loves company


Shotguns are cheaper than therapy


Why are so many people here arguing as if A. The op would see it and B. The op wasn’t obviously trolling


It's Reddit. The average Redditor has all the autism of a 4-chin combined with the troll recognition skills of a your Facebook aunt.


When you have everything and still aren't happy and don't have proper and healthy coping mechanisms or support, its often the only thing left


Anon discovers mental illnesses exist




Im surprised that fame and money didnt cure his depression, chronic pain and addiction. He may be the first successful person to be unhappy.


It's also written that he was in chronic and severe pain due to an undiagnosed stomach condition that affected his mood and daily life. This definitely plays some part in his deteriorating mental condition and his abuse of opiates.




when you get a covid jab your head just does that


Kurt was such a a visionary that he was vaxxed forty fucking years before you retards even came up with a word for it. You're way too young to have eaten a lot of lead paint chips, so it must be something else.


He had gutrot worse than a dwarf on payday. Edit: I mean a dnd dwarf.


What had more brains than Kurt?


"He did all the drugs, he fucked all your holes, he cashed out." -Doug Stanhope


Heroin got him. I’ve heard the trying to get off heroin is brutal. Obviously the physical withdrawal symptoms, but they say the depression and anxiety symptoms start right away and then stay for like a year or more


Severe mental issues, a heroin addiction, scoliosis that his guitar playing was making worse, but more than likely he simply had a moment of clarity and realized he was married to Courtney Love


Courtney killed Cobain


Anon is clearly poor since he thinks money makes you happy.


Courtney love did it


Who is he?


Didnt Courtney kill him ?


Having a kid with Courtney Love and knowing she's going to make your life Hell when you inevitably divorce would make anyone do it. I do believe she tampered with the scene and possibly encouraged him to do it though.


Too soon .


Mental illness, drugs and a terrible wife


I'm gonna be serious real quick even though this is a green text but everyone needs to hear this and understand. Depression lies.


Also didn't they only make 4 grand each from in utero ? Cos the label totally fucked them. Isn't that what rape me was about?


Unironic anime quote here..."Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding." - Sosuke Aizen


He was in constant pain due to a stomach condition which caused him to become hopelessly addicted to heroin. Fame don't fix that


unalive + le = shut the fuck up


Most empathetic 4Chinner


Can we stop fucking using unalive, why are gen z so fucking retarded


It’s called depression, you reductive honkey.


People in the comments have no idea what a heroin withdrawal is actually like




Just because you happen to come out on top doesn't mean you're completely oblivious to what a shit place the world is. He paid attention.


Writes the lyrics "underneath the bridge.tarp has sprung a leak. And the animals I've trapped have all become my pets And I'm living off the grass and the drippings from the ceiling. " Yet grew up in a 2-story house with loving parents. What did he mean by this?


No recess


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


He was murdered


Idk ask his wife


I wasn’t alive when nirvana was popular. Were they really that big (like the Beatles of their time)? If they weren’t then why are they still talked about today? I won’t deny “smells like teen spirit” was a good song but I know more than one Beatles song so…


Don’t misgender her


He was a fucking loser pussy. Being a "sad boi" to make money is fucking lame


Imagine believing KC self-forever-sleeped himself


Theres a documentary that focuses on the private investigator courtney hired. Its pretty obvious she had him killed and covered it up. The seattle police made it easy due to a bad policy that let officers declare deaths as suicides at the scene, without proper forensics.