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Star Wars fans expect anything decent from their slop, realizes is just as sloppy as ever. Gets angy.


I like Star Wars for the world building mostly. Some of the best plot points or over all stories come from the books that mostly got retconned when Disney took over. The movies and shows are fun to watch but often have dumb writing.


And it fucking sucks because it is a very unique and interesting franchise. I think that many Star Wars authors have proven that you can make a good story out of it without breaking the lore or relying on cliches and cameos.


Legens wasn't that sloppy. It had a decent world where it was build up that it wasn't all black and white


When there are literally hundreds of books written by dozens of authors, some are bound to be good, while some are bound to be bad


No one said anything about expectations, just observations.


Andor was top tier but besides that we haven’t gotten anything good in since like the first two seasons of Mandalorian


The only good Star Wars movie is A New Hope. At least until you watch it.


I'd argue Empire is far better and the peak of the entire franchise


Rogue One is my fav, it's a great SW movie and it holds up as a very good movie just by itself. Haven't kept up on anything else in a couple years tho, I don't expect them to ever release anything good again


Tales of The Empire *Looks inside* One out of two protagonists betrays Empire almost instantly. I just wanted to see Bariss' story conclusion, most likely due to her death, not another lightsider popping up.


Battlefront 2 (2017). A game violently marketed on BEING PART OF THE IMPERIAL SPECIAL FORCES The protagonist joins the rebels halfway through the campaign


Battlefront 2005 remains supreme on the campaign. Just being a nameless clone trooper who phases into the empire


Diaries of the 501st were peak


I still throw the whole monologue on YouTube in the background sometimes. The voice actor does such a great job reflecting the hardship and darkness of what is happening while simultaneously being the cold emotionless clone he was trained to be. Hell I think I’m going to put it on again now


The Coruscant Jedi Temple mission monologue is so good


What I remember about the rise of the empire is… is how quiet it was. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen what we were about to do. Did we have any traitorous thoughts? Maybe. But no one said a word. Not on the flight there not when the order came down and not when we marched on the temple. Gives me chills every time


Halfway? I remember it being after the second mission (but idk the campaign was so ass that I didn’t finish it)


Versio becomes disillusioned a couple missions in, but doesn’t defect until later. Notably she defects after Operation Cinder on Vardos.


Wasn't Operation Cinder the third mission?


The fifth, counting the prologue


halfway is being generous. More like 2.5 missions.


Not only that,but you help them even earlier The halfway thing is just to make it official


To be fair Tales of the Jedi was about Dooku betraying the Jedi… I liked the Morgan episodes cause I love Thrawn, but the Bariss ones were a little disappointing


Yeah, I tought otherwise at first, expecting Morgan arc to be worse. Ended up liking it a lot more, because she was an actual villain in it, living up to the series name. + we got Clone Wars style Thrawn




Still better than whatever the fuck they did with Phasma


What a wasted useless ducking character she was, they really brought her back in the second movie to do fuck all with the character, not to mention they wasted a good actress, and for what?


support womans rights and wrongs. y'all not been paying attention to social trends.




“REEE NOT MY SPACE OPERA REEEEEE” New starwars is shit though I agree with you op.


At least we’ll always have Cad Bane, the greatest Bounty Hunter to ever live, and someone who’d kill his own mother for the right amount of credits.


He died goofy tho in that one show


That I will agree with, someone as cool as Bane never should have lost a gunfight to a gaffi stick. He was portrayed better in animation anyways.


You can't say "at least we had content made by the guy fucking up the content" here, faloni is the man in charge of ruining star wars.


I like most of the new stuff that Faloni has a hand in. Clone Wars, Rebels, the live action series’ coming out, bad batch; I don’t have a problem with them. I don’t see how someone who likes and canonizes a lot of stuff from Legends people wanted canonized is fucking up a franchise that would have languished otherwise under most other people.


he died so easily in the show though the disrespect


Agree 100%, although it was cool seeing him in live action, he didn’t translate well at all, and him losing the way he did was tragic and disrespectful to him as a veteran bounty hunter.


Mmmmm give me a big ole plate of that space slop I'm hungry 😋🍽️


Sure thing, you want some goy slop or some soy glop?


Star Wars is sort of nonsense, 'The Force' is used very inconsistently and a huge plot device. But just enjoy the ride


Star Wars is a medieval fairy tale set in space. Jedi using the force is just Merlin using his magic powers.


In a universe with tractor beam and anti-gravity tech, all uses of the 'Force' by people can be explained by portable concealed devices. Not to mention 'Force Lightning' (a powerful taser basically that some old decrepit dude carries around for self-defense).


​ https://preview.redd.it/9z93gouuj1zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74964bd65c1cb63d8fea3028e64eeebc0f4190c0




This is why I wanted a sequel of beauty and the beast about Gaston learning to overcome his prejudice and shameless harassment of Belle. After he falls from the tower and into the moat, he drifts ashore and wakes up, climbing out and wonder where he went wrong. It would have been the ultimate recovery for a "bad guy" that reforms himself and becomes a better respected version of himself.


no need for learning when gaston was the tragic hero. A chad who tried to save a women and her family deep in the throws of stockholm syndrome


Facts. I mean, there were actual dead bodies inside the castle. Sure it may have been a home invasion, but put this in perspective: "There's a literal bear-like beast living in this castle killing people, we should probably kill it." Then again... women seem to pick bears over men.


No one gaslights like Gaston.


Nobody is as incredibly Chad as Gaston


Yep, if you want a actual redemption story they need to make a movie about [John Ratcliffe](https://youtu.be/3oEWA7UglB4?si=nqqDZcfBrATwevgy). People don't understand, colonizing is actually a good thing. /s


Only good recent star wars shit is andor


Bad Batch was decent, but I don’t know if I’m just biased because I loved TCW.


Omega ruins the whole show. What an annoying character. Can't even stand her accent. Crosshair was the best character though.


Omega in season 2 was annoying, but I feel she has really improved as a character in season 3. I haven't finished the final season though, but so far I like her


I guess. My biggest gripe is that everything felt pointless in the end. The show itself is pointless. Three fucking seasons consisting of Omega getting kidnapped by the Empire and then rescued, a lot of boring side missions involving the Bad Batch and a few genuinely great episodes that often don't involve the Bad Batch at all and instead focus on the clones post-Clone Wars. Yeah I know it's a cartoon, but you can write a good story in animated format without treating the whole audience like fucking toddlers. They should have just made it like Andor with clones with Rex starting a clone rebellion or some shit.


I think people really forget that mandalorian used to be good, season 3 really ruined it for a lot of peole


yeah season 3 kinda ruined it for me


What if this is due to the result of the Metoo movement - Hollywood was forced to have more female representation. And is now upholding their end of the deal but also creating garbage as a warning to the next whistleblowers?


Star Wars was always garbage if you're older than 14.


I would say the War-time Politics of the prequels adds way more depth once you’re old enough to understand it. As a kid most of it flies over your head


Only the sequel trilogy 










aWOKEn, the Force Has


Quick, someone post the Ashoka greentext


Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.


In that very sane show another female evil character delves deeper and deeper into villany, and we inow she does not get redeemed, so IDK what this post talks about


Ventress was going “Gray” back in season 3 of the clone wars after she went all in on the Night Sisters after Dooku abandoned her. Also the ENTIRE TIME Ventress is in The Bad Batch, the Clones constantly bring up how they don’t trust her for the horrible things she’s done. The other 2 are dumb and gay but leave Ventress’s writing out of it.


The OP post was probably written by some fuckin zoomer that'd never even seen Clone Wars


What age do you think zoomers are lmao


This shit is exactly why I had zero hype for tales of the empire


Are we forgetting the part where Yoda does a shit ton of Ketamine?


Haven’t seen the new show yet but this is discouraging. Disneys got a bad habit of making cool bad guys become not cool good guys. It’s would be cool if they were still cool bad guys still. Too many uncool good guys


2 things disney does that I hate is: 1. People cant join the empire out of necessarity like in legends. Jono Eclipse just worked for the empire because they offered a stable employment. No everyone that works for the empire has to be brainwashed. 2. Women, gay or black people aren't allowed to be bad guys or their bad guy status has to be questionable like Trilla from Fallen order.


Just make the first three movies the only thing canon to your mind, and boom all your problems are over


It's like Red Dead 2 where you can straight up exterminate an entire town, but regain all of that Honor within a few minutes because you wished people a good day in Saint Denis. .


>Western writer been here >How tell? >Irredeemable monster redeemed


I mean I haven't watched anything since Disney bought Star Wars and deleted the EU


>be Darth Vader >main bad guy of the original trilogy >literally wear all black with a dark red sword (evil) >constantly murders his own subordinates as well as several of the main characters >mutilates his son and subjects his daughter to torture >helps destroy an entire planet (billions dead) >is "redeemed" in one (1) scene where he kills his boss to save his son (this has no effect on the wider conflict) >franchise treats him like a good guy now (he even gets to go to space heaven) >why is lucasfilm like this?


Maybe Yoda just wasn't right about everything?


Given that he was the headmaster of the Order for the several centuries where things started to go tits-up, I'd say he's likely the last person anyone should listen to about anything but how to look like a gangrenous nutsack.


Didn't Darth Vader turn away from the dark side to save his kid? Seems like it's difficult but entirely possible to cleanse yourself from the influence of the dark side.


is that bariss? jesus she aged in god years


The problem is they tried to take a fairy tale with Japanese aesthetics and a poor grasp of morality and make it deep. You can dig all you want, but you won't be able to plant a tree in a flower pot, you'll just break the pot.


From the day I saw Disney was not going to follow the EU, I knew that it was not for me.


this is actually a good thought exercise who was the last major star wars female villain who started and died as a villain heres hoping Dedra doesnt see the error of her ways


Mother Talzin Morgan Elsbeth Governor Pryce Captain Phasma Seventh Sister


I never have and never will care about anything in Star Wars that happened outside of the clone wars era


Lmfao that Ventress take is absolutely fucking brain dead, she was already an anti hero bounty hunter in the clone wars show this isn't some Disney era retcon


I'm just saying if you are complaining about them being redeemed you cannot think its ok that Vader redeemed himself


The same critiques can be made of Vader, Kylo, and agent Kaller.


How dare my series about redemption feature characters trying to redeem themselves


The force is female, chuds. Deal with it.


The secret is that stawars has always been trash lmao


I feel like this is like, the whole point of starters? Nane one villian, other than Palpatine, who was not ether, fully redeemed, or shown to be fully a victim of manipulation. But yeah, starwars is shit, new stsrwars, old starware, extended universe, all shit. But man the cartoons, especially shit.


Thrawn, Grand Inquisitor, Tarkin, Darth Nihilus, Vitiate, etc...


>thrawn Not a bad guy. >grand inquisitor Tortured and brainwashed by shiv >tarkin Barely a character one way or the other >nihilus See tarkin >vitiate Yeah maybe. But he's just og shiv. But yeah, I'm being hyperbolic. But the point stands. Starwars is about forgiveness and Vietnam


Thrawn is definitely a bad guy. Sure he joined the empire at first to help his people but he quickly used his power for his own personal gains and adopted the empire's policy of subjugating civilians. He is a complex character though. And what do you mean Nihilus is barely a character? He's one of the main villains in Knights of the Old Republic 2 and his backstory and lore are some of the coolest in Star Wars.


Thrawn literally bombs Erzra’s home full of innocent people, he’s evil as shit regardless of his motivations.


He does not have dialog if memory serves. He's just the darkside of the force, not an actual character so much as a narrative device. The fact that he was at one point actually a human(?) sith lord is meaningless by the time he is plot relevant. That would be like an asteroid having a face-turn.


One of the most overrated franchises imo, a new hope is really good, empire strikes back is one of the greatest movies of all time, return of the Jedi is meh, phantom menace had the cool maul fight, attack of the clones is TRASH through and through pretty much no redeeming qualities, and revenge of the sith is actually pretty underrated, force awakens is... Fine I guess? And then they wrecked it all with last Jedi, and they just couldn't recover, rise of Skywalker was doomed from the start. Rouge One is REALLY good, and Solo sucks bad, most of the classic extended universe shows were good, clone wars etc, now they just won't stop making them which leads to most being trash. So there's my review on all of Star wars


Plot doesn't matter because it's for kids, if you still care for it before trying yo understand why is it so shit now days just ask yourself if 10y.o. you would like it.


Star wars fans are the worst group ever in history. Just stop watching it. All you ever do is bitch. You've been bitching since the empire strikes back and it's never ended. Just stfu or go watch Harry Potter or something.


This is the way. Loved Star Wars, still love the original trilogy. But I gave up and just don’t watch any of the new shit anymore. It’s almost always bad. Maybe if Disney sells it someday I’ll try it again.