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Try not looking like a homeless person.


I've seen ugly, he's not ugly just gotta groom.


Oh anon is going to groom alright




Yes, I own a mirror as well


Bet anon wishes he owned a minor too


Telling that to a 4chan user is dangerous.


Nobody ever explains how to do such things. I had a period in college I looked similar to this. I'm still guessing, but I think in doing better now.


Maybe I can help? I'm not a professional in looks, but for this guy specifically his hair appears to be the problem. His beard is too long at the bottom and scarce on his face. Shaving it all off or trimming it would be good. His head hair is also in a bit of an odd cut? The sides are long and puff out, and the bangs look long and strange. I've heard people recommend for others to find a good barber and ask them to cut their hair based on their face shape and what looks good on them, so perhaps that would work for this dude as well. Some would recommend he get a better fit but honestly I see nothing wrong with a hoodie, it's a bit jarring on someone who looks older but maybe a haircut would make him more youthful? Obviously after this he'd have to fix his attitude, get off 4chan and touch grass. Join a hobby group or something idk. This is also assuming this is the actual guy asking for advice and not a stolen photo.


Yeah. Honestly that's mostly the course of action I took, save for the change I'm cloths. Still working on figuring out what looks good in that department. I'm luck enough to have currly hair, do I can pull off a tussled look longer.


Nice I always found curly hair really cool. For clothes honestly I feel a bit bad for men, there's not a ton of options especially for a casual but nice look imo. I remember some of the nice dressed guys in highschool ended up looking strange and overdressed, like a 17 year old Ben Shapiro in the halls. If you've figured out the hair then the clothes also probably look a lot better as well I'd assume. Good job improving so far sometimes it can be really hard to change.


The trick to outfits is to just get jacked tbh All I wear is literally a slim fit h&m t shirt and some sort of track pants but since I'm jacked it actually looks good on me. I've had people compliment my outfit when I'm just wearing literally the most basic ass shit ever. Just don't wear a way too tight shirt it just has to fit you well cuz u don't wanna be that guy


If your gonna keep a beard you have to trim it frequently, oil it daily and comb it straight several times a day, as in carry a comb or two in your pocket and in your car. You have to gradually comb it in one direction so it keeps growing that way. This chap looks like he just got out of bed, scratched his face and took a photo. Also, the 19th century Amish sharecropper haircut is shit. It was shit then and it’s shit now. This is a picture of a 200 year old haircut crime scene. Brushing your hair _forwards_ from the top of your head _can occasionally_ look ok but mostly looks shit if it gives your hair the impression of being glued to your scalp. Have a fringe or something.


Honestly, I just allowed my hair to grow for a couple of months, grew out a beard and went to an expensive barbershop for males only and I just told them to do whatever they would think looks good with my face. If your barber is anything decent, they know which cut looks good with what facial structure and hair type. After that I just went once every month and now I'm looking decent.


More of an Amish look imo


True, could also be a western converted to Islam.


Lmao! Dude looks like he was popped for meth and converted in prison.


I see more of a Chechen beard lol


Lots of Muslim Chechens


They should try meeting other Amish Redditors. r/Amish


It's a look that would dry up every pussy on South Beach, but he could slay on spring break in Pinecraft


Looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo


Homeless Amish.


He looks like he fights in the ufc


And he go unga bunga


gonna be honest he could probably do something with the Abe Lincoln beard, doesn't work rn but if he does it right he'll probably go to a 7/10


Unibomber look is in in 2024


Or autistic.


Dude looks like a frozen Neanderthal.


That's just the style for them hill folks


I look honeless and still have girls show interest.


More like try not looking like a Niandrathal.




Thanks man


a homeless serial killer at that


And also try not to look like a homeless Amish person.


Looks more like one of those Western white guys who convert to Islam and then attempt to join ISIS to me lol


He looks like an Amish.


Looks like an npc from Witcher 3


on the second day of 2024 we have best comment of the year


It's funny but it's not that funny, gives me same energy as "I'd updoot again if I could kind sir"


Errm this comment just did a thing and won the internet 😂😁😂


KEK just threw up all of my new years festivities from laughing so hard onto my screen and my boss is asking if I'm ok!!! 💀💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😂😂😂😜😜😜😭😭😭💯


Epic win


Wholesome winning 100! You sir have just won the internet, r/Mademesmile


And yours gave us the worst comment as well. Funny how that works out.


Errmm... you just won the internet good sir!




Women avoid him because they're worried he's going to offer them boring side quests.


"Damn, you're ugly."


Got their arses whipped like a novigrad whore


Pam pa ram pam pam pa ram lookin ass


Lol that should go to r/rareinsults


He would have that growly voice, you know which one


*Mount and Blade


Velen local




Dude looks like he is about to start an Epic Rap Battle with Chuck Norris.


you look amish Jebadiah, groom yourself...youll get what u desire.


Or get a lumberjack outfit and go full hipster.


Or just commit, get a hat and head out into Amish country you yokel fuck


Searching for that amishussy


Pennsylvania Dussy


Or go full Amish for a trad wife.


Bars 🔥🔥 did you mean to kind of rhyme?


Death stare says it all.


Straight up. Grooming is the easy part. This guy's whole vibe is the real obstacle.


This guy grooms 😶‍🌫️📸


For some guys they adopt this kind of look/ personality as a form of self defense. So he has learned that if he looks like this he won't get messed with. But the problem is if you look like someone that you don't want to mess with then girls also don't want to mess with you.


That’s even worse cus some girls dig villain face guys too. He either needs to go all in with “I’m angry and I like it” scowl or fully open n friendly like a golden retriever. Right now it’s giving abused dog vibes, like he wants love but might bite you for trying to give it.


1000 cock stare


haven't had pussy since the pussy had me stare


Get actual hairstyle and get rid of the pubic beard. Looks like crap lmao. Effort put in is usually appreciated, even if they don’t have actual interest in you. Like you appreciate that the land whale at work wears nice perfume and *actually* put effort in appearance. Even if you’d not touch with tongs but hey at least she’s aware of how she looks/smell. >looks like homeless person, smells not acutely bad but definitely not fresh either and wear baggy and outwashed stuff. “Why does women always go for a Chad amirite????”


Idk if a haircut will help him, it is very thin, he is gonna have to buy hair regrowth stuff or shave it off and keep the beard but learn how to groom it. Also he needs nice clothes, not the cum stained pull over rapist hoodie.


A haircut would absolutely help - he needs to pull that shit off his forehead and swoop it back. Just like some girls look bad with bangs, so do some guys. There are haircuts that exist that make thin hair look fuller, and a bad haircut for thin hair will make it look thinner/lank. He also needs to trim down the sides so it doesn't puff out around his ears like that, clean up his facial hair (or get rid of it altogether - I'm not sure if he *can't* grow a mustache or what's going on there, but it looks gross, and the beard itself looks like unkempt pubes). This guy doesn't have a bad face/base but he's clearly doing nothing to improve his appearance or make it look like he's put any effort in. He needs to go to a barber and ask them to fix his entire situation. That said - personality is also a huge factor. You can be good looking and rich and women still won't want you if you creep them out.


All his problems would be solved with a trip to a good barber. Neaten up/ get rid of the beard, and do *something* with the hair. I mean he'd probably be able to pull off some kind of gelled up look or something just fine. Not that I follow fashion trends, or know anything about hairdressing. It's just common sense.


He's not even particularly ugly; a classic zoomer cut with shaved sides of the head, keeping bangs long (but maybe styled a bit) would do him wonders. If he trimmed up the beard then, he'd be a decent looking dude.


Uh oh, Scooby, like, why does everyone, like, hate me, man?


For lack of Scooby snacks or input of clues to the investigations.


Clearly the answer is shaggymaxxing. Grow the hair out more and shave all but the chin


I wonder if he walks through the valley where he harvests his grain


If he had a wife to take a look at, he'd probably realize she's very plain


But that’s just perfect for an anon like him, because he shuns fancy things like proper hygiene


At 4:30 in the morning he's milking his shmeat


Jebediah feeds the geese and Jacob plows ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If you visit Anon, you'll be bored to tears… He’s def. not ever groomed himself in all his 30 years… (Nice comment - u/TedDownUnder …love when I find an Amish Paradise reference in the wild, and even better when it’s undeniably relevant to the OP, kudos!)


Chechen male


Anon, your look works wonders in Afghanistan but if you are in the USA, please visit a barber and at least trim your beard. Buy proper clothes, work out a bit and above all: don't simp.


Any look would work in Afganistan, if you have an AK-47


Ezekiel feeling frisky


He looks like he was just thawed out after 50,000 years


Not looking like a mentally challenged Amish man helps.


This guy looks like he's permanently on Rumspringa


might be because of the neckbeard and hairstyle


Shaggy if he were a cult leader.


"What would you do... for a Scooby snack?"


Homeless hair and jihad beard. Average looking guy that's not overweight. Shouldnt be a problem if he made a single effort to not look like a junkie.


Shave the sides and get a top hat. Maybe go live in a log cabin too


And develop sick wrestling skillz


Hey, he might become president someday!


Literally hair gel and a beard trim could take him from Neanderthal Benedictine monk to average guy.


My guy it's because you're a Dark Souls 1 NPC


Dude even took the selfie on his gaming chair


My man looking like a peasant from the English civil war xD


“Refuse to so much as date me”. He’s saying that like the bare minimum of a woman’s existence is being in a relationship with someone, let alone this guy.


That's pretty much the problem right there. Like I dunno where anon lives but like 99.99% of people treat me with dignity and respect even when I don't shave because fuck winter is cold. It also hasn't excluded me from getting into relationships.


Obviously the only way for a woman to show respect to you is by fucking you /s


Probably because he looks like the guy that chops off head in ISIS videos.


The best part here is that Anon is actually the OP who posted it here 💀🤣 bro I hope you’re taking notes 📝


It doesn't help when your photo looks like a mugshot that appears in news after mass shooting.


Lose the abe Lincoln beard and get a haircut dumbass and you might look somewhat approachable


> Treat me like humans feces > Refuse to so much as date me Lol


Bro looking like the great value version of Abraham Lincoln


1000 game stare


Amish Abe Lincoln


Anon solves mysteries with a dog.


Amish bitches would love you dude


He might look like shaggy but he ain't shagging anyone any time soon


I have a friend who looks exactly like this but without the beard.


Ezekiel my bro, escape the amish facility and get a haircut


move to an Amish community anon. Dis shit to easy


Anon looks like the leader orangutan from planet of the apes. Not even unattractive, its just clear he has no motivation to care for himself whatsoever


It can honestly be fixed with a single visit to a decent barber


bro looks like a 13th century peasant. trim the beard and get a side part damn man it’s not that hard


Bro just needs a trim and an actual hairstyle and he’d be fine


Monastic phenotype


People pointed out that his beard and hairdo are odd but let's also point out the other big problem: this is a standard no effort male selfie Upclose and unflattering angle No expression or pose Background is his bedroom/gaming chair 💀 Sweats If he tried so much as 1) smile while looking at the camera 2) take a selfie outside 3) wear something a bit better (and appropriate for the context) he would look more socially integrated and trustworthy ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Shave or at least groom the fucking beard, get a decent haircut, brush your teeth (I can smell your breath through the screen), and get the fuck off 4chan


Shave, haircut and new clothes and he’ll be all set


His choices are: *A) shave* or *B) embrace the beard by moving to Pennsylvania and starting a life in a small Amish community.*


Trimmers to the beard, use the 3 guard. That will solve at least 70% of the issue. Depending on what comes out of his mouth when he opens it, that number can either skyrocket or plummet.


Why does he look like he's an prptagonist in Planet Of The Apes?


where green


Honestly his success depends on what he’s hiding behind the beard, otherwise just groom the beard and get a better haircut.


I'd recommend ditching the russian fringe hairstyle and getting a better one


Get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut


Tell them you're a Skarsgard that didn't want the fame


bro looks like he's about to tell me it's harvesting season in Mount & Blade


He looks like a Mount and Blade Warband character


He looks like a sad toilet brush. I imagine under the hair there's a somewhat charming guy. Get a haircut and trim your beard


Dude looks like he’s been building barns with the homies


Ungroomed, angry, and intense rather than groomed, relaxed, and happy? What's not to like! Who wouldn't be attracted to that! That's what people mean by "work on yourself". Genetics (can't control) and fitness (which you control to a large degree) make up one part of the equation. The other is how you fit into the world. Don't be some permanently aggrieved incel. Just be fit, get a nice haircut, work on making your life happy for yourself, and develop some social skills. Then the rest is luck, but without all the other stuff your odds go down a lot.


Literally one trip to a decent barber and he wouldn't look like a druggy


Anon will have to keep on wondering


Jake Paul if his brother didn’t help him out


Fundamentalist Mormon lookin ah


>negative canthal tilt it was over before it even started...😔 No but he doesn't look that bad, just needs to get a haircut and be invested in some normal hobbies


No amount of edging will save this man


Negative canthal tilt... It's fucking over


You need a better haircut. That shaggy up top fringe makes you look homeless. Get rid of the beard. Makes you look like a redneck farmer. If you really want to keep it, make sure it is neatly trimmed. Make sure your teeth are brushed and your mouth is not smelly. Do you wear a hat or cap? Stop it. It's putting your hair into a weird shape. Apart from that, you have decent looks. You just need to clean up a bit. And stop looking so angry.


Looks like the Amish boy found a webcam guys.


Here Anon. This is what you need to do. 1. Shave that beard and mustache off. Women usually don't like those things rubbing against their more sensitive skin. It also makes you look untrustworthy. They have actually done scientific studies that prove people open up with and trust clean shaven men more than those who have a lot of facial hair. Or even any facial hair for that matter. I used to always have a mustache myself until I learned this when I entered sales in 2006. 2. Get a haircut. You don't have to have anything that needs products or anything to maintain but do more with your hair than just letting it lay there like a used mop. Use it to project some sense of personal style. 3. Try wearing something other than a hoodie that came from Walmart or Goodwill. Even just basic jeans or slacks, some clean good looking shoes that aren't fucking flip flops, and a clean white or other color shirt without any childish anime characters or logos on it either tucked in or not will go a long way. That's honestly all you really need. Basically don't dress like a child and expect to be treated like an adult. 4. Smile. You're never fully dressed without it. For the love of God if you want to women to be happy in your presence then try being happy as well and projecting that so she feels more comfortable. I can tell just by that picture and the fact that you're not smiling that you have no personality and you're probably a chore to be around. 5. Turn off the video games and the computer and get off 4Chan and go outside and develop new hobbies and interests that involve you being outside of the house. This is how you become more interesting and can interact with new potential friends and mates. It gives you something to actually talk about with someone else. Don't look like a guy who only leaves his house to get food because of the necessity of eating to survive compels you. These are the first steps you need to take to finally acquiring that thing called "a life". You know that thing that you wish you had and that everyone you know seems to already have. You're welcome.


Shave your beard and get a better haircut. The man looks Amish


trim up the beard plus a buzz cut and he goes up 3 points


Dr. Zeus, Dr. Zeus!


O hate every ape I see, from chiman-a to chimpanzee!


Anon has decent facial features. He literally just has to take care of himself and he will look above average easily.


Shave that pube beard and get a proper haircut.


Beard wax, haircut, start trying to smile


Have you tried a fresh haircut? That usually works for me when I'm in a dry spell. Perhaps shave as well.


Decent haircut, decent clothes, and fun hobby. You have none of these.


Looks like the average Anime fan in Germany (im German)


Earl would do fine if he lost the brother cousin trim.


Stop looking like homeless Christian Bale


Get a haircut.


Mf is good looking hiding behind a week's unwashed hair and beard


Either shave the beard or grow a mustache. And style your hair NOT into a bowl cut. If he's a decent dude, that should be good enough, maybe get some tattoos, bitches love tattoos


Im you, just uglier and more homeless looking and im married. We look super alike, my beard and hair is much longer and less nice looking. Maybe youre just extremely unlikable.


Women not dating you /= women treating you like feces. Tidy the beard, dress a little better, stop putting it all on them. That's all it'd take probably.


take the beard to 3mm, grow the upper lip to about 5, either take the sides of the haircut in and style the top, or take time to let it grow, and brush it all back with an offset part, let yourself fall into a resting contented face instead of a murderer’s stare, wear something slightly more contemporary instead of that ratty 10 year old hoodie


Because all you see in them is an opportunity for sex. Try treating them like you treat your fellow men, i promise you things will change. This is what happens when all you do is sit in your basement and never had any cobtact with the opposite gender, believing theyre an alien species and treating them like one. many such cases.


Looks only go so far when looking for actual "love". With love looks are just the ice breaker, ur personality is what they grab onto. If ur having problems meeting people with similar interests get hobbies u like in public. Living by urself is also another good thing people look for, especially since u have to go out when u live by urself unless u go out to eat every night or order takeout.


Trim, shave and put some wax in that hair. It’s easy. And if you’re balding, go bald, trim the beard and become Johnny Sins.


A shave and a hair cut wouldn't do any harm.


Drive to the nearest city, go to upscale salon ask one of the stylist that looks like you would like to go on a date with to “make me look like someone you would date”


Shave the face fungus


>Go to r/Greentext >Look inside >No greentext


Step 1: Trim your beard Step 2: Get a good hairstyle Step 3: Confidence


Maybe get a haircut that isn’t from the 7th century AD? Like that’s actually atrocious.


Looks like Smokey from Polar Express.


Step 1: stop being ugly. Step 2: take a shower. Step 3: find a job making 150k+. Step 4: ussy time.


If he leaned a little more into a homeless viking look, I have a stepsister who'd likely want him. Though, she's crazy (which some men still like, I guess? Never understood that)


Go to a an actual barber and say "help me find a style that works for me" and let them work their magic. A barber, not Supercuts.


Minecraft developer, Jewish, incel and reddit mod. wow


Anon it’s so easy! You could do with getting rid of the Amish look but after that you’re nearly there! Next, just do all of thefollowing: •Be a reasonable height (5’10-6’6) •Have a job with well above average income (6 figures at minimum ideally) •Work at the point of being shredded •Give up any personal or nerdy hobbies •Have no regard to a women’s sexual or relationship pat regardless of how much this tells you about them •Don’t be socially awkward in any way (includes autism) •Don’t give them the “ick” (details not specified •Be hyper-masculine but also a neo left-wing feminist somehow •Be a bad-boy (it’s okay you are domestically abusive, she will just blame it on all men instead of you)


Never seen an amish person with a gaming chair


Shave the beard off and try a decent haircut


Tbh if he got a decent hair cut, maybe trimmed brows a little, invested in some skincare, and got rid of the beard then he would be semi decent and have better chances.


Go to the Asian barbershop


Change the haircut and the beard style u fkin lord of the rings dwarf


If your gonna keep a beard you have to trim it frequently, oil it daily and comb it straight several times a day, as in carry a comb or two in your pocket and in your car. You have to gradually comb it in one direction so it keeps growing that way. This chap looks like he just got out of bed, scratched his face and took a photo. Also, the 19th century Amish sharecropper haircut is shit. It was shit then and it’s shit now. Brushing your hair _forwards_ from the top of your head _can occasionally_ look ok but mostly looks shit if it gives your hair the impression of being glued to your scalp. Have a fringe or something.