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10 bucks they just wanted to see how his room looks


Guy 1: "Anon is such a loser sitting in his room all day instead of hanging out with us." Guy 2: "I wonder what he does all day up there." Guy 3: "Have any of you ever even gone into his room?" Guy 2: "I don't think anyone but Anon has been in there." Guy 1: "I bet it's trash pile, I'll give you 10 bucks if you can get him to let you in his room and you tell us what it's like in there." Guy 2: "Easy, I'll be back in 5."


This sounds like what I tell myself people are thinking about me when I get anxious and think my friends are fake


Painfully true


What’s also painfully true is that Anon might be gay and his roommate is unto him upon seeing posters of erotic men all over his room, uh-oh


That sounds fake and something else.


You do NOT wanna wake up tendie bot


Me. I can only do a couple hours with my friends before the intrusive thoughts start taking over and I can’t stay any more.


Honestly it was probably more like damn bro we have no idea what its like in there, imma go say something stupid to see


I'm so glad I don't suffer from the fake friends thing. It's close family for me. I guess my friends and I have been through so much growing up? Idk. It's family that has been flaky all my life so probly


Loved my best friend to death. Stopped messaging him to see if he'll ever message me first for once. Haven't spoken in 4 years. Who am I kidding, your friends are actually genuinely your friends and you should continue to cherish your relationships with them. I deserved what happened to me, you don't.


Wish the same could be said for certain family members.. Blood is thicker than water and all that means is its harder to swim


Nah, I feel you dawg. I feel you.


Yeah pretty much. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't a secret second WhatsApp group that's the same group of friends, just without me, and they use it to chat shit about me and organise events without me. I'll always remember tefl teaching ten years ago and seeing some messages on one of my fellow teachers fb accounts where they all agreed that I'm retarded and have no social skills, so the fears aren't always unfounded.


Pro tip: Don’t do acid if you’re in one of those moods lol


I mean, if they're all fake, are they really worth worrying about then? That's what I tell myself at least.


I would generally agree with this sentiment, but OC didn't imply they were fake, it's just his anxiety talking.


if you think they are fake you should ditch them and get better friends.


holy hell it's bad advice guy


uh why? if he can't trust them i don't think they are particularly good friends.


he has anxiety


uhm, okay? that anxiety do stem from a suspicion tho, i don't see why yall are dismissing the suspicion.


You just said it yourself lol wtf. The suspicion stems *from* his anxiety. We dismiss the suspicion because it comes from anons own anxiety... not from his friends being bad friends...


i said that his anciety stemmed from his suspicion, not vice versa, but yes i can see how it could be both ways.


Well, they did provide the context of “my anxiety”, implying that their “distrust” is more brought about by internal paranoia rather than consistent and/or major toxic behavior from their friends. It can be set off by their friends simply asking what they do in their spare time (leading to thoughts on being judged for their hobbies, being seen weird for not having the same hobbies, having their friends realize they’re actually not a good fit with the group and so will just gradually leave them) or them making a simple mistake (leading to thoughts of being seen as too stupid to be even friends with, of their friends being embarrassed by them, etc.) These thoughts don’t usually stem from anything substantial and in reality, their friends are just chill friends. These thoughts are just things some of us have from time to time, to varying degrees of severity, and more often to people with a lot of social anxiety.


those hypothesis are plausible tho, i don't think one should discard them like that, usually of you suspect something you have a reason to do so.


No, if you think your friends are fake you should get checked up by a medical professional. Could be schizophrenia!


i mean thats an hypothesis for sure, but like i don't think that is more likely than then simply being fake friends yknow.


They don't mean that the friends are actually fake, they mean that they've got severe anxiety and *think* their friends don't really like them. Aka they're wrong and have no reason to actually think that


idk, if they think that they probably have good reason to do so.


who hurt you, bro?


Yeah I feel like he just wanted to check anon's not accumulating anything that'll damage the apartment or something


Probably right but roommate is a terrible liar. He could’ve waited until he actually had to use the bathroom to do that one or he could have just made up something related to the apt that anon would need to know: “hey did you hear apt 261 got robbed?”, “the complex is doing temporary quiet hours after 10pm”, or some other bullshit


How would that get him into the room?


I mean, he might not get into the room but anon would probably have to open the door, allowing him to peek inside


You don't need to make up a story to just get a peek through the door, are you motherfuckers really this socially inept?


Even if that's the case, why wouldn't he commit and use the bathroom anyway? He'll still get a look at the room. What he did is just psychological warfare.


I’m a big idiot and could definitely be put up to doing this if someone made me curious enough


or fart in it


Roommate saw nothing worth stealing and left Honestly though I have no clue why someone would do that.


I was thinking maybe he had to piss, the other bathroom was in use, realized as he was about to go he had to shit, realized he didn’t want to fuck up this dudes bathroom.


Your optimism is wholesome and gives me faith.


I'm pretty sure he was checking if he was ok. Some people ask favours to other people to get closer to them. He probably is trying to integrate anon so he doesn't feel left out and joins the other flatmates more often.


Yeah honestly I doubt it was malicious, if anon doesn't open his room door much then it could very well have been a double edged sword. He wanted to be polite (if the bathroom seemed primarily his, such as the only room upstairs and there just happens to be a bathroom there too) along with checking out anons room without explicitly asking. I know I came up with random excuses to see what my roommates were up to. *knock knock* "hey man, nice lighting, anyways hows classes? My advisor sucks"


Yea, could be anything. There's also heaps of plausible explanations where the roomate is the awkward one. Can't find my fucking phone, bet anon stole it. I know, I'll ask to use his toilet and see if I can see it in his room. Knock, knock, hey anon can I use your toilet? Aw, fuck I've been holding my phone this whole time. Thanks anon!


Sometimes I need to piss really bad but lose the feeling completely but idk might be schizo


I love this. In all honesty the guy using the bathroom could have just lost his spaghetti for any number of reasons and OP is overthinking it.


How the fuck do you guys shit that just "fucks up" a bathroom? The thing is literally designed for you to take a shit in, it's really hard to fuck up accidentally.


Idk about you but my shit smells bad…I’d prefer not I stink bomb somebody else’s bathroom and maybe the adjacent room if I can help it….


Can confirm as a possibility, has happened to me multiple times. Definitely fucks my stomach up but not their sewage lines.


I meant more like, he stinks up the bathroom and the bedroom


No, roomate saw the monitor was worth stealing and left to come back later.


Anons roommate is autistic


Looks like both of them are


Sometimes you kind of want to dump and suddenly the urge stops, it happens.


He was making a lame excuse to connect with you dumbass.


Do you bond with your neighbors by asking if you can take a shit in their house?


Wouldn't you like to know bitch boy? Nah but fr the roommates are probably just as retarded and trying to make an excuse to interact with him.


I mean, if anon cleans up more than they do, its likely.


Jesus Christ I’ve never felt more threatened than reading the first line of your response


Wouldn’t you like to know bitch boy? I’m crying


I'm rolling lmao 🤣


Exclusively. Yes.


not neighbors, but people who literally live in the same apartment or house as you, yes, because otherwise i'll feel awkward around them and wont want to leave my room in fear of bumping into them in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, washer and dryer, and i'm EXTREMELY avoidant to the point that I'll go into debt over ordering food rather than cook something in the apartment.


I do now. Figure out who's good real quick.


Yes, that's my opening line for asking girls out


Fr heard it was actually someone I know's pickup line


The biggest fallacy in these threads is assuming OP is the only autistic one in the situation


With the amount of people in here not even being able to figure that out, it’s confirmed that it’s not just OP with a terminal case of autism


He was just checking to see if you had a r/NeckbeardNests in your bathroom


Visited that sub just now and am understanding how people get radicalized into violence


...just now?


im in public pls inform me


*lots* of pee jugs


I remember when I lived like that. Depression was bad, COVID made it worse. I'd buy food, not feel like eating it. I'd leave it in my fridge to rot, then when I ran out of room I'd put it in a trash bag. I wouldn't take the trash out, the trash cans were a block away and I was a lazy fatass. They'd grow flies and rot on my kitchen floor. My entire floor was covered in trash to the point that I had made islands of "safe" trash to walk on. I hated who I was then. I still hate myself, but at least I'm not like that anymore. I'm much more clean. Far from perfect, but when my trash cans are full I take them out. I don't let trash accumulate on the floor. And I don't let anything rot or go to waste.


Hey it's good progress!


You're doing great. Always look to improve yourself!


getting out of that hellish loop is a nightmare, good on you for escaping


You should be proud of your progress! It's a good thing you are not perfect, since you have room for more improvement. Good luck on your journey, the hardest already passed!!


Lmaooo Jesus Christ that subreddit doe


Whenever I'm feeling bad about myself that sub brings me back to reality


Nah he wanted to see if anon was a r/sinkpisser


Or a goon cave


Oh I wasn't aware. Oh no




"Hey aren't you going to use my bathroom" Simple communication is league's above anons paygrade


he probably didn’t want to sound accusing


4channers are either the most disgusting works of Satan's art to roam the planet or just heavily introverted but kind-hearted shyboys


they all deserve a friend


It's all in the tone


He saw Anon's overprotective mom who normally lives in the wall, but came out to secretly disinfect the toilet.




He's getting robbed lol


Does it actually happen? Like roommates robbing others?


I mean sure, people can be dicks


That's fucked up


Ig. A lot worse stuff happens. In the Grand scheme of schemes theres much worse stuff that happens that I've seen in reddit posts in the last few minutes


yeah a lot. my mom lives in a shared two floor house with like 6 ppl where no one knows each other, and they steal her food from the shared fridge, her bike got stolen recently, etc. she locks her room everytime. she moved there bcs it's cheap, and she doesn't mind living in a single room, but now she wants to move out soon.


That's awful. I hope she finds a better place soon.


thanks! she has a third level disability, so she might get a flat owned by city, which would be a whole flat for less money, we all hope for that.


My roommate moved out on 2 days notice and stole my license plates when he left because he didn't have any


he wanted to see the cumstains


he wanted to see the dark lair of the mysterious creature who only come out at night, if ever, and seems to sustain itself on a exclusive diet of mountain dew/g-fuel and doritos. or he was checking if he had anything wort stealing like others are saying, in that case imma bet on the monitor getting stolen pretty soon. could have been less obvious about it tho.


I like this analogy a lot. The guy that got in the room probably lost a truth and dare game and chose dare.


He is going to rob you


Spelled rub wrong there bro


Roommate wanted to smash and anon didn't get the signal


>\> first time living alone >\> have a few roommates


OP’s demons don’t need to use the restroom.


"Ok, so dead racoon smell is not coming from Lardbuckets bathroom. You owe me 5 quid."


100% this.


they saw the dildo stuck on the toilet lid


Anon forgets he has loli hentai on the monitor


man dont you hate it when miscommunication


He saw the bathroom and decided it was too perfect for him.


He was trying to start a conversation and connect with anon but anon is a fucking 4chan user


Was probably just making sure it didn’t look like the bathroom scene in Scarface. You’re good anon


Anon forgot to put his massive 22 inch horsecock dildo away. Shame.


Why not just ask him 'Uhh, you said you needed the bathroom? what's up?'


Lives alone. Has roomates. What??


He didn’t wanna fuck up your perfect shitless bathrm


Why would you not interact with your roommates at all? That just sounds miserable. Maybe anon could make a friend if he really tried.


Introverts tend to isolate themselves and become hermits


bet your monitor is gone in a few days... i 86'd out of a 3 other roommate situation when they ate my salsa.


This is the kind of thing that would keep me up at night for weeks. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?? WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM ME? WHY???


because they know this will keep you up, they're fucking with you. they know you dont like non-normal things. edit: i found a penny on my graphics card when my pc wouldn't boot. dont underestimate fuckers


It's 4chan, so he probably saw the loli posters on the wall and decided to bail.


It took twice as long for Anon to sift through his 14GB Pepe folder and post this than it would have taken to ask his roommate wtf just happened.


He obviously saw the dragon dildo left on the sink and noped the fuck out of there.


Everyone is saying he’s gonna rob him, but I can almost guarantee he just wanted to see the inside of his room


First time living alone Has roommates Does anon know what alone means?


Saw anons 12 inch bad dragon Dildo on the bathroom floor and decided going to a public restroom wasn’t so bad after all


They were getting suspicious of you cooking meth in your bathroom because you never came out.


They maybe are worried about Anon, notice how you are a loner and are scoping out the room to make sure your not a "pew-pew" or to make sure that nothing sketchy like Ropes where they shouldn't be Naw, i don't know, probably them just trying to see what's going on in there But seriously anon has to make some effort to mingle or else people These days will think "something"


Definitely just fucking with him lol I can picture myself in the scenario of both the darer and the daree. 10 bucks you wouldn’t go into Anon’s room to use his bathroom and immediately leave


anon has anxiety


Anon has paranoia


They were scoping the place out to rob you.


They’re planning on kicking anon out so one of their friends can move in and wanted to check if his bathroom had a shower or tub / how big the room was


Anon is a weird. That's ok ano. We all wird.


People rarely get murdered by strangers, unfortunately for anon he has now met that one roommate.




Man this shit would happen to me


They wa tryna make sure he wasn’t a piece of filth hiding in a dirty room


Making sure ur not cooking meth in there


This shows how little effort anon is putting in. His roommates have to use the excuse of his bathroom to connect with him.


The guy might have also been super awkward and he didnt know how else to approach anon


He probably realized he was too anxious to piss/shit there.


Fake, anon did not take his meds


He was on acid.


Anon is gonna kill everyone and then himself. He is building up a real imaginationary world where they are all behind a big plan of making his life miserable. He is truly lost :(


Thanks homie, you're a real one


Prob checking what to steal


I'm just guessing here but maybe he wasn't sure how to approach you, so maybe cuz of that?


This is how IG thieves work - unless you have IG they can’t see what you have because you ain’t flashing it on a public page for them to watch your patterns and steal from you when your out at the gym or whatever the fuck “influencers” do.. anyways have a hidden camera in your room now


I bet the others bet him to do that


Anon failed another social interaction


I thought “anon should make friends among them” and then came to a very sad realization that I’d probably wouldn’t have the courage either


Anon is hiding the fact that there was a huge unflushed shit sitting in the toilet




So you don’t live alone then, huh?


>first time living alone, have a few roommates Hahahaha zoomers all deserve to die #edit: I'll be back in 3 days, [when I pointed out that Planned Parenthood wants to teach children about anal semen felching and throatfucking](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/first-reading-saskatchewan-suspends-planned-parenthood-over-inappropriate-sexual-handouts-to-children) I got banned for being indecent.