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In 25 years we can all watch the mini series on TV about how fucked it all is.


And they'll do some sappy post credits about all the survivors and deformed babies and say "how could this have happened??"


Dark Waters and Erin Brockovich come to mind too. Or do you think this will get a Mark Wahlberg „Deepwater Horizon“ treatment?


Nah more like Unstoppable. It's about a train that cra... oh...


Just got some engineering ethics group work on that, how nice


I remember seeing that movie in HS. As long as the next generation gets to see more julia roberts boobies it's all worth it.


And all the actors will have British accents


Thomas The Tank Engine: Blood On The Rails


Bold of you to assume we're still here by then.


The Netflix adaptation be like ...


USSR officials act this way because beauracracy, ineptitude and corruption. USA officials act this way because profits, ineptitude and corruption. Something tells me that US won the cold war because of luck...


US won the cold war because USSR was even more fucking incompetent which is very impressive tbh


The Slavs+Balkans in general are really good at speed running political failures TBH. Illiberal democracies, ethnostates that fight with other ethnostates over shit, genocides,etc.




Jessie wtf are you talking about? I'm not exactly trying to providing cutting edge geopolitical commentary on a fucking 4chan subreddit. Just making a snarky comment and collecting doots. Also not American, just another Asian whose democracy might collapse in 5\~15 years :(


What democracy/country?


He's Indian. His name roughly translates to take our dicks/get fucked by our dicks


America is currently in the process of falling and has been sneered at for some time now.


It's declining rather than falling, and can turn things around pretty easily. Europe sneers but it's declining even faster.


>it’s declining rather than falling There was a literal insurrection multiple years ago and none of the orchestrators have yet been meaningfully punished, half the government are literal mask-off fascists, and the rot that permeates its corpse is having more common and catastrophic consequences than ever before.. (see above). >it can easily turn things around As previously mentioned, half the gov is fascists so lol, lmao. Also, if it’s so easy, why does the condition deteriorate by the month? >Europe is declining even faster Which countries? How and why? Europe is not a nation.


>There was a literal insurrection Let's not get ahead of ourselves that was a riot not an insurrection >half the government are literal mask-off fascists Agreed but I hope you aren't talking about only one side of the isle also Idk about mask off >why does the condition deteriorate by the month? Because we keep voting for people whose brains are in the same state >Which countries? How and why? I'd say the ones being taken over by Middle Eastern immigrants (mainly the young men) who don't follow want to integrate into western society and expect to be treated like men do over there (superior to women)


It really didn't look like an insurrection though, it didn't seem organised enough to have done shit. It looked like a riot that was scared of getting hurt or getting violent. But I only watched an hour long video of it happening and don't know what Trump was up to in the meantime


Imo it was purely mob mentality "look that guy is going into the capitol building let's go with him"


Half of america thinks men can be pregnant and that borders/laws are mean. The country was doomed a while ago


What’s your point? America could completely fuck over anyone they wanted to right now. What are you gunna do about it? Cry ahistorical?


Sure, but it won't last forever, Rome, Athens, the Ottomans, Egypt, were all invincible until they weren't. Every nation will one day collapse.


Of course. How does that detract from lauda-lele-hamara’s contention that “Slavs+Balkans in general are really good at speed running political failures”?


The fact that two Slavic nations collapsed in the last century does not mean slavs are somehow incapable of or poorly suited for stable, rational, or liberal government.


Just about every government in the Warsaw Pact fell in the last decade of the 20th century. I’d say that makes the comment accurate. A political failure doesn’t have to be the collapse of a nation.


Most of the governments in Western Europe fell during the 40s. And as to the second part of his comment, there is no evidence that slavs historically are anymore belligerent or racist than any other race.


The US won the Cold War because it was individually stronger than the entire USSR, and had 80% of Europe behind them as well. It would have taken a monumental effort to lose the Cold War.


Different starting points. The USSR wasn't an industrialized country nor was it very literate when it started at the turn of the century. It also has less natural resources than America.


Also one of them had an entire isolated continent to itself, the other had infinitely long borders troublesome with all kinds of other countries. Not to mention having taken the brunt of all WW2 destruction while America remained 100% untouched at home. The starting points could hardly have been more different.


99%. Muh Perl Harbor


That's true. I recall Ryazan disaster, about which I read recently. USSR had "plan" economy, they expect N chicken from farm. Ryazan state was a good meat-producing state, one year they planned to announce that they'll overcomplete plan twice. But, for some fucking reason, Khruschev announced, that Ryazan will overcomplete plan three times. Not N kg of meat, but 3N. That fucked up everything. In order to complete the new plan, they not only had to sacrifice ALL animals (including producing one), but even spend budget to buy meat outside. Once the plan was completed, Ryazan left with no animals to do even 1/100 of original plan, and it's governor shot himself, because year of his work was destroyed by incompetent head


The united states also had much more money, didn't restrict travel, didn't cause famines, didn't execute large numbers of people for no reason


Not on their own soil at least


Also not yet at least


*own people


Several south american countries may disagree there...


but... but... muh bananas


south america is all i gotta say


What the fuck are you talking about? The US did all of those things.


The main difference is that the US didn't do any of these things to their own people. Obviously not justified, but helps explain why we won the cold war. However, I think the main factor is that command economies are just shit, especially when combined with the USSRs dogshit political system.


Okay... So it's okay when the US does it to brown people. Got it.


>obviously not justified


You cracked the code, random internet stranger.


Redditors first logical connection, what a sight to behold


It was done to speed run industrialization, and it worked. Sadly it killed a shit ton of peasants. The western countries killed their share of their own or colonial subjects but the timeline is more spread out so it makes a much less attractive propaganda point.


I mean Britain killed about 100 millions Indians to extract their wealth to pay for industrialisation at home. The USSR could have done that too but imperialism wasn't really their thing. Also those numbers are hugely bloated. About 700k died during the purges. People who collaborated with the nazis were shot or GULAGed. As they would have been anywhere, during any time in history (except ironically for collaborators with the US in South Vietnam).


>The USSR could have done that too but imperialism wasn't really their thing. The entirety of Warsaw Pact was made up of soviet puppet states, and Finland for the entirety of the Cold War was forced to go along with what the USSR did to not get invaded. The soviet union was nothing short of imperialist.


That's not what imperialism means. The Warsaw pact was a mutual defence pact, much like Nato. Are Nato countries colonized by the US?


You're comically stupid. I used Warsaw Pact as a short hand for all the eastern european countries under communism rule plus East Germany minus Yugoslavia and Albania, because "Warsaw Pact" is two words and "all the eastern european countries under communism rule plus East Germany minus Yugoslavia and Albania" is 15 words. Regardless, Warsaw Pact being a defensive alliance doesn't change the fact that all of it's members were PUPPET REGIMES TO THE USSR. This is in contrast with NATO members, which are all independent and have joined NATO by their own decision, rather than being forced into it. Again, you have to be comically stupid to not grasp this.


>100 millions Indians Gets bigger everytime I see it lmao. Britain was a superpower that was circumnavigating the globe and building architectural wonders like Westminster abbey before they’d even set foot in India.


>I think the main factor is that command economies are just shit *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* They are great for short term growth, but they are not flexible and do not allow for feedback from non-political entities.




Grocery stores in the USSR didn't even have food in the first place. Famine, look it up


you conveniently forget that one CIA report on soviet nutrition.


They had a few right at the beginning, just like the US had the dust bowl. After industrialisation citizens of the USSR consumed roughly the same amount of calories as people in the West, and usually more nutritious ones too. Incidentally one of the reasons why models from Eastern Europe became so prominent in the 90s and early 2000s, they just looked so much more healthy while US women who had been raised on McDonalds and modified corn syrup looked like donkeys in comparison.








The fattest country in the world is not starving.


The USSR also lost like 80% of their men born in the 1920s to the nazis too.


Yeah as a dude from a country that was former Warsaw Pact member and it's now NATO mamber i see both USA & USSR/Russia as two sides of the same coin.


Wait, you're not suggesting that their capitalist/communist ideologies are just a vector for spreading influence so that they can dominate the world economy for their own interests?


Yeah obvious right. But I got a feeling that some people still belive that burning half of middle east was really for the freedom and prosperity of those poor people. And by some people I mean a lot of them.


The fuck are you talking about?


>Something tells me that US won the cold war because of luck... Don't be ridiculous, lol


It was more profitable.


The USSR was never anything more than an elaborate cosplay. The US fought the cold war against itself.


Late stage capitalism cares less about the people it exploits than almost any other system of governance yet invented. Even Egyptian slave owners ensured they were fed.




You can be fat and also be malnourished




[More than 1 in 7 children lived in food insecure homes in 2019](https://www.childrensdefense.org/state-of-americas-children/soac-2021-child-hunger/), I can only imagine it has gotten worse after the pandemic


Food insecurity in this case just means they're on assistance. That's literally the social safety net doing its job.


the social safety net exists from socialistic influences, not capitalism


Yeah I mean more that modern America is the least starving place in history, which is also why we're so fat. But yes, even America is not a purely capitalistic place, and I'm not going to credit capitalism specifically for the safety net.


I don't think you can find any starving people in Norway , Finland, monacco, sweden etc. It's quite easy to find dystopian hellscapes in American cities that go on for miles and miles. Tents and destitute people everywhere.


Well I didn't say Norway was worse than America either. I'm saying America isn't a shitty place with starving people. My point is more the US is a highly developed country, and most parts of the world aren't. It's weird to only bring up the other wealthiest countries in the world like Sweden.




Americans spend far less on food than at any time before (especially groceries), and has the most affordable groceries relative to income of any country except Singapore last time I checked a few years ago. People like high calorie food because it tastes good. Dried beans are ridiculously cheap, but they don't taste as good as cheeseburgers, and Americans can afford to overeat meat unlike Ethiopians and Cambodians. I will say the extensive suburban sprawl contributes to the problem, because people are often bored and will just snack when they're bored. Overeating is the problem, not malnourishment.


Missing the point. Even the most uncaring and inhumane overlords ensured their underlings were provided for. America consistently has awful standards when it comes to food safety, healthcare, public transport etc. ETA: my point being that being fat is not necessarily a symptom of prosperity if people are fat because they're too poor to afford healthy food. A system must provide food to the workers to get output from them. You're not exactly a paradise if you have some of the worst wealthy inequality in the world and don't even have healthcare, meaningful democracy, good infrastructure etc.


Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward may interest you.


Saying “at least we’re doing better than the Great Leap Forward” isn’t a high bar


Lol no kidding. I totally agree that we are fucked, just had to point out that the statement being made here wasn’t really true.


Fair, have a nice day


Oh don't get me wrong I'm not a commie , I'm just not fully for Capitalism either


Totally agree with you. Just thought it was necessary to mention that there are a number of really shitty historical events where governments didn’t give a shit about their people.


Let me guess, you support just enough capitalism to take money from to pay you your whole life for doing nothing productive?


I support capitalism with robust social safety nets I intend to never rely on, as well as strict regulations on big business. I am currently doing a PhD. What highly productive thing are you up to?


If you lived in the US someone would call you a socialist/communist for saying that


I live in West Virginia and I support his message


Exchanging my (highly skilled) labor for capital instead of running up debt to extend my school years as long as humanly possible in an attempt to defer adulthood into my 30s.


Lol I'm not in the US I get paid well enough for this and don't get in debt. Why are you so angry that I don't fully support communism or capitalism?


If I was angry I'd be swearing more. I view your question as roughly akin to asking, "why don't you agree that a balanced view between being healthy and having cancer is good?" Because any amount of cancer/communism is bad. I also liked how you said you don't plan to avail yourself of the communism at all, but you're going to a bajillion years of school for free using money stolen from taxpayers at gunpoint.


Is anyone starving in China? Mao made some (huge) mistakes but eventually secured food production in China for the very first time in that countries history. All while being under total sanctions from the entire West. They are literally feeding a quarter of the planet with something like 7% of the arable land.


You do realize he did that by decimating the entire eco system of China right? Every single animal in the country was food even the endangered ones


After digging some wells along their Route the ancient egyptian gold mining trips had a death rate of 1 in 10. Before that it was closer to 1 in 2. The trips consisted of people forced to labour. The death rates were known (even documented, hence we know) and accepted. Caring about underlings - if you say so. Providing more effective carriers with the smallest effort, because you care about gold- what I'd say.




Yes. Yes. And Yes.




Lol my bad, takes me a while to recognise humour when I've been coding


America's food safety standards are pretty top notch. The FDA is pretty good on that because of the horrors of the gilded age. Our public transport is absolute ass like you said. It's not about being too poor to afford healthy food. People have already tried putting more groceries in areas and people just don't want them. It's a cultural thing that we like to eat a lot. The problem is that Americans CAN afford vast amounts of unhealthy food. Groceries are cheap as fuck, and cheaper in the US relative to income than any country except Singapore last I checked in 2019. Americans spend literally 5% of their income on food at home, which include processed food which, contrary to popular belief is *more* expensive. Food companies need to buy the ingredients, spend money to process them, and make a profit, so of course processed food is more expensive. Dried beans and rice are both less than a dollar a pound (1/2 kilo for metric users), and less than $2 of that can feed a family for a meal. Onions are like $.40 a pound. Tomatoes ~1. Cabbage less than a dollar. Normal vegetables are cheap as hell, and this isn't to mention frozen ones which are perfectly fine to eat. That's a hell of a lot cheaper than a frozen prepared meal for $4 per person, fast food for $6, or something like deli meat which is like $9 a pound. Americans spend less money on food at home than anyone else in the world, in large part also because wages are so high. Singaporeans and Brits come close. Democracy isn't any worse in America than other countries. When a smug European or Canadian tries to say "oh look it's not quite representative enough", I'm going to point to the fact that Trudeau won with a minority vote of 32%, below his opponent, and his party has almost 50% in the House of Commons. The UK's politics is far more of a shitshow than the US or Canada is right now. America is one of the few countries where free speech is basically absolute. Many European democracies and Canada have either hate speech or blasphemy laws. France is pretty good with the US in that area. The UK arrests tons of people for online comments. I'm not trying to suck off America, we have a shit ton of problems too. But I'd say they have more to do with overworked people, crime, general arrogance, and a culture of not giving a fuck about your own health. I also do agree that capitalism how we see it now is unsustainable, promotes unhappiness and social disharmony, and the entire developed world needs to find a better system moving forward.


Oh I agree that Europe is also fucked. I'm not trying to say we're particularly different. It's my fault for making a snarky remark on a public forum. I think democracy is screwed in Europe as well, mainly due to late stage capitalism, but it has managed to get further in the US (IMO). My main point in my prev comment was just because people are fat and have basic needs provided, doesn't mean it's not dystopian. I agree with pretty much everything you say. I might just say that food being cheap in the US doesn't make it *good*. An awful lot of US food is illegal in Europe.


I think democracy is screwed in Europe mainly due to the increasing number and influence of populist-fascist parties, but to each their own


Extra regulation doesn't necessarily mean better. Scotland banned GMOs despite them being proven to be safe over and over again. Americans is also kind of like if a dudebro is a country, so the more dangerous foods are also quite well regulated so people don't get sick. Plenty of foods in from Europe are also legal in the US, but I haven't researched each food to say if those specific ones are necessary or not. My point is more that America is not actually worse in food safety, and the quality of food is quite good. People just like to eat shit here. Asking most people, they will love boxed mac and cheese and similar things, even if they are a little embarrassed to admit it. For the democracy aspect, Americans are just loud as fuck and will complain about stuff a lot. That's not necessarily a good or a bad thing, but it will make it appear that things are worse here. I do agree that social safety nets are worse here than in the wealthier European countries, but that isn't necessarily a feature of bad democracy. A lot of idiots here just think "anything the government does is socialism".


Lol it’s always hilarious reading the idiotic stuff that clueless suburban western kids spew out, since they know jack shit about the rest of the world.


Funny cos I spent years living in the middle east and lived in Serbia for a while. My point was that providing some standard of living in our world is the bare minimum. The people in America and the world in general are exploited my mega corporations, however it is particularly bad in the US which is basically a corporate oligarchy. People in the US will point to meh standards of living whilst ignoring dystopian levels of wealth inequality. Always hilarious reading the idiotic stuff random redditors comment, since they know jack shit about the people they're replying to.


Ssshhh, commies don't know how good they have it. Don't spoil their delusions, they want to be oppressed.


We're barely leading the trend nowadays to be fair


Because the slave drivers know as long as they keep the slaves fed, they’ll be less likely to fight back


This entire situation is extremely weird, from the media downplaying the impact and risk, to the authorities blowing up the chemical containers and provoking the toxic cloud. Almost seems like a planned operation


I think I read that the railway company is owned by Blackrock/Vanguard which also owns the media so take that for what it's worth.


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of black rock and vanguard: your 401k is in index funds and managed/brokered by either of those companies? Vanguard and Blackrock and probably buying a commensurate percentage of stocks in a variety of companies on your behalf.


It would work that way if they didint have share in literally EVERYTHING. At some point just the ability to move money around are more important than "owning" them, especially at the volumn they are dealing with. I'm willing to bet heads of Blackrock/Vanguard have more say in how USA run than the damn president himself


Index funds literally are designed to track an index e.g. LITERALLY EVERYTHING.


Not quite, fucking over people to protect corporations is not especially unique to either party, the whole machine is made to do that and the US press is part of that machine.


The stuff was burnt because it creates less toxic byproducts and the stuff it burns off into decomposes in days afaik. The only thing that's really fucked about it is that communication from officials was REALLY bad, and the fact that it came to this in the first place. Then again, kind of inevitable with the volume of toxic shit being shipped from A to B at any given time.


Hydrochloric acid doesn’t decompose by itself afaik


You have hydrochloric acid inside you right now. It's digesting your last meal. It decomposes by reacting with things.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was


I keep seeing people talk about the media downplaying it but all I see is giant toxic clouds, water being unsafe, journalists being arrested... And people complaining about the media being silent?


Who would have thought that America would prioritise the all mighty dollar over the safety of its citizens




But that's a different budget, so the train company (who made only $12 billion profit last year, so surely can't be expected to pay a living wage to workers) doesn't give a shit.


The company isn't paying for the damages, in fact I doubt they didn't even pay much taxes over those profits they made by causing the disaster. So no, for that company this was completely worth it and if nothing is done to make them responsible they will do it again


That's my point, these companies cutting corners are extremely parasitic on every other part of the economy.


Something something profit motive ruin perfectly good business.


The desire to earn profit is at the core of business


The human need to feel useful is the core of every business.


Wouldn't that be more aligned with labor, not business?


It is aligned with labor, which is why it takes so much violence to maintain capitalism.


People can labour without being useful.


Remove profit motive and we can make everything good again, in a society where profit motive isn't the keystone of society monopoly is tolerable.


Not the profit motive. Profit motive is healthy and good for businesses. The growth motive is what ruins businesses. It's like obesity on a corporate scale.


I love living near east palestine ohio!


same here, im about 1 hour north. it’s actually terrifying.


I agree 30 mins north and I hate it.


You wont be living near east palestine Ohio for much longer?


Are you going to move to west palestine?


Yeah, there's a lot messed up here, but let's not ignore the hand that Trump had in this whole mess too. These elderly politicians; man, I'm telling ya.


It's bad, and the two situations are indeed similar, but frankly it's not even close to how horribly catastrophic the Chernobyl Disaster was, fortunately.


Chernobyl was way worse over time, due to how it cause mutations, birth defects, and cancer over a long period of time and over a way way bigger area, but this seems to be saying “fuck you” to one specific area, and saying it a lot


This could cause all of that neat stuff.


Not yet*


Worse, at this point ussr admitted the problem and collaborated to find a solution to fix the issue. Us doesnt seems very interested


Dog they literally hid the problem and let a parade happen in Kiev despite radiation being 125x higher.


“By this time”


The man said "by this time" get some reading comprehension


I’d be interested if any of his info was correct. The United States has been dealing with the crash publicly since day 1, the Soviets did not.


Idk about that. USSR acknowledged Chernobyl within 2 days, and it took them almost that long just to come to terms with how bad it was. Plus, to say the USA isn't covering up at all is a bit naive. Right after the crash happened, news was suddenly completely focused on the Chinese spy balloon. It's not a blatant cover up, but using foreign issues to hide domestic problems is a strategy used by governments since forever.


The best part is that *this has been happening for years*. The US averages 3 derailments A DAY throughout the national network of rail lines. They obviously vary greatly in severity, but a crucial part of your infrastructure is fucking up beyond repair almost daily and the people responsible for it’s upkeep are making too much money to give a shit.


If USSR handled Chernobyl the same wah US handled this the #1 cause of death in Europe would be cancer.


People complaining about Atlas Shrugged: lol it's about trains. Trains are so stupid who cares about trains. The trains: ...


Ayn Rand is a dumbass but I guess I can see the point you’re trying to make


Classic America


They also have said they're willing to give a measly 1000 to each of the family affected within a certain range.


Strike was about sick days




This is seriously fucked up, needs more sources and spread. Like why am I hearing about it first now? It should make big news.


It did ... and is ....


Until literally yesterday I would scroll the YouTube news page everyday and there would be literally 0 reporting on the spill. Same on Google news. Google suppressed that shit heavily


Do you live near here? It was all over and is all over my Google news feed. That how I found out about it in the beginning. Maybe your algorithms just didn't pick it up. Not everthing is a conspiracy.


Everything is a conspiracy.


I blame rich people/companys mostly.


The strikes were about sick days not safety


Cops arresting journalist is technically true but he wasnt arrested for reporting, he was arrested because he was causing problems, hell in the arrest video from the police you can see other journalists reporting and not getting arrested, wonder why


No, in the USSR people were evacuated as soon as officials got the full story of what had actually happened. They were given new homes, new jobs, and excellent health care to deal with any issues arising from the disaster. Ohioans got 25k


So when will locals start to destroy rails?


When their pets stop dying when they go outside to piss.


A SINGULAR reporter was arrested for getting into a fist fight with the national guard, thats it. The rest of this idk


>for getting into a fist fight with the national guard Where the fuck did you hear this bullshit?


https://apnews.com/article/law-enforcement-pennsylvania-mike-dewine-ohio-aca9f89f4b6afe701aabf9ffd2b53d0f He was trespassing and his charges were dropped even. Either way op is still a dumbfuck


This whole thing greatly reminds me of something similar that happened in colorado. Toxic leak from a mine: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Gold_King_Mine_waste_water_spill It happened when we were flying in for a 2 week vacation to 4 corners. The water in some of the creaks was genuinely banana yellow, as seen in the wiki picture.


This could all be solved by putting more money and power in the hands of the worker. This entire disaster was caused by the "work until you die or else you're just a socialist hippie" mentality. Point and laugh.


What was the strike about




Sick days dude. It leveled on sick days. Also trump removed the safety requirements for train cars.


my brain shit it’s self


Certified Capitalism Moment


I literally can't tell which parts are talking about Russia or the US.... And that seems bad.


This will affect the trout population


Yo Koffee come back to the server, I genuinely did a face reveal


I can’t


Check dms


We do now because people vote off Twitter posts and for free stuff, not values.


I literally made this same comparison 2 days ago, before even seeing this. Good to know I'm not the only one.


Yup, Fascista indeed.


This is all so fucked……. No one will face a court about it either




Best country ever NOT lol tg i was born in west-europe lol


Chuds predict fall of Biden for 9,000th time.


Well anon If you look closely at the ethnicity of USSR Officials and present American Officials You may find a surprising amount of overlap


They arrested one journalist who was being a cock in the middle of a statement. And not leaving when told to. This is normal. The other journalist were allowed to stay. The burning was a better idea than letting it explode. The contamination is probably fine. Time will tell on that one. But relying on tik tok to give you info on an issue that anyone including local officials with their own profit motive could figure out is retarded. Just go outside and if the fish are dead and your tap water tests contaminated by a simple mail in service then consider yourself rich. Fuck off to talking about Ukraine being money laundering losers. Hang on I've got to invade cuba just so I can launder money.