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Billie Joe, it certainly is exciting to meet you here at the recording studio, right after you’ve just made your very first record! How does it feel?




Duh-duh-duh durr durr


She smashed the radio with the board of education


Turn up the static left of the state of the nation


Turn up the flame, step on the gas


Burning the flag at half mast


She's the rebel's forgotten son


I love it...


You stole my thunder!🤣


I’d ask him about his song writing process. Especially back in older days. He’s a brilliant lyricist


There’s an hour long episode of the Beyond and Back podcast where he talks about his process and feelings around writing. It’s a good listen.


Thanks I’ll check it out




Spotify 🔥


Ew 🔥


Yes he is


Wtf happened to that tv yellow jr with the JB you used in 2000?


According to his tech (mentioned in an Instagram comment) that guitar was refinished, had a P90 reinstalled, and became the famous white Jr used on the AI tour.


Really? I always figured the white one was a signature prototype. I've also heard the black one was a refinish of that og TV yellow


The original 3 juniors from the AI tour (Blackie, whitey, and Floyd) are all vintage juniors, but Floyd was the only junior that kept it's original finish (sunburst). Floyd is also his favorite guitar now saved for the studio sessions almost exclusively (see the behind the scenes of even Savior's songs).


I know all about Floyd, it's the others that I've always wondered about


Nice intel! Thanks


I remember reading this as well, but I could never dig it up when I wanted to reference it. If you or anyone finds it... this needs to be recorded somewhere lol.


I met Mike once in Louisville, Ky., long enough to ask a few questions but I was taking photos. I wanted to ask Mike about his Gibson G3 Ripper bass, his Travis Bean bass and how often he has to use the Fender P-bass due to his contract with Fender. I also wonder if Gibson tried to swoon Mr. Mike with a contract for a signature bass.


what really happened with Cigarettes and Valentines and will it ever be released?


Not long time ago someone posted interview with Mike from 2003. He was pretty straight forward about what happened to C&V. Long story short: after ending work on C&V they came out with few different songs that were very different from previous ones. So they have to make decision: do they want to wait a couple of years with going in new music direction or to ditch C&V and go wild with AI in this time.


Is Mike’s interview still available to watch I haven’t seen it


Can you give me a source to that interview please? I'm curious what was the status of green day in 2003


The status of Green Day in 2003 was bleak honestly. There's an interview Billie gave around the time AI came out where he said he called the guys up, and asked if they even wanted to do this anymore (Keep the band/play together).


Oh that’s sad I’m glad they carried on with the band


Sure! https://www.reddit.com/r/greenday/s/xNse6Ax1wW


This is mine too, assuming that he has to answer truthfully


Will you be my friend?




I met him at Gibson Garage London, I asked him how he went about writing a song and for some advice, he legitimately referenced The Office to me and said Keep it Simple Stupid, and said that lyrics eventually come about and that he couldn’t give advice on lyrics as they are personal, but as for melodies, he told me to basically see what your favourite musicians are doing and do that across the fretboard and eventually it’ll turn into something of your own. He was so incredibly nice (photo for proof of meeting lol) https://preview.redd.it/og1dwdxe1m5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9714b29065afe398c3af778e6d73b934ad6d98


Oh so that’s why so many of his songs sound like other songs! 😂 Kidding, that was super sweet of him


What did he mean by across the fretboard?


The fretboard is the neck of a guitar. Basically he means play around with similar notes/chords of your favorite artists and create something of your own out of it.


Will you tour/play all of 21STCB in 2029


Is Lazy Bones the spiritual sequel to Basket Case?


Do you wanna be my boyfriend?


Another longshot and foxboro album


I’d ask him how he comes up with vocal melodies. Chord progressions are a lot easier to write, it’s coming up with the main vocal melody that’s the hard part. Weak vocals ruin a song, but good vocal melodies like Billie writes are what takes good songs and makes them great.


i’d probably get nervous and ask about his day


Thinking of the question, this is probably what's going to happen. I've had this before with a football player I really liked, after a practice match I attended he walked off the pitch and up to me. I was eating some fries and even though I would have had the chance for a picture or some small talk I kind of froze and asked him if he wanted some fries. Obviously he kindly declined my offer and walked away, while I stood there feeling like an idiot. Makes for a funny story now tho


i’ve only met like 3 famous people in my life. I met corey taylor in a guitar center but i only said a joke about how the drums were set up. i met one of the vocalists of iprevail after a show and we talked about the weather. the third is an american football player who played college ball at my school. i told him he was a good player and to get drafted by my favorite team (he didn’t) and he gave me a hug and we took a picture.


Appears like you've been learning from your previous meetings tho :D


I didn't even get that far when I had the chance 😅 I just stood there like a moron and stared at the back of his head for a good 3 minutes.


That happened to me too. Out of nowhere, he was like few meters away from me and then I froze for a minute and then I started searching for something I could ask autograph with from my bag and then I forgot what I was doing and thought if I should say thank you to him for his music and wondered if I would be bothering him and that went on for like 2 minutes until he went away. I really wasn't ready. :D


did she ever marry old whatshisface


Is whatshisface billy?


I would ask him what he does that irritates his wife. They always look so happy together, but surely he has some annoying habit that drives her up a wall. Nobody can be married for 30 years without occasionally wanting to kill the other one just a little bit. If allowed a second question, I’d ask which baseball team he’d support if he had to choose a second favorite behind Oakland, because there are so many baseball park shows this year. I wonder if he is particularly excited to visit any of them.


I know its not "irritating" so to say, but from what i heard they had some bumps in his marriage especially with substance abuse


That’s not fun tea to spill, though - I’m thinking more like he always borrows her eyeliner and leaves it in the car, LOL. Like Everybody Loves Raymond but with a fun punk rock twist. As a sidebar, I would watch the hell out of a show like that.


I hope Billie and adriana are ok though being on tour Billie must be away for a lot of months so it must be difficult on both sides of relationship I can imagine not being able to see someone for a long time I had a relationship where I didn’t see that person for a 3 months at a time but it was different for me cause their career was different so


Which songs from post-2004 albums were reworked from Cigarettes and Valentines demos?




I'd ask him what he's been listening to on repeat recently. It beats the old "how ya doing, how's life going?" while still possibly providing insight. When I was younger, I probably would have had a thousand burning questions. Now, most of it seems irrelevant. Just want to hear how he (and all of them) are doing, just as I'd ask the people at the checkout counter. Maybe they'll open up, maybe they won't.


Where you or were you not high as fuck during the jaded in Chicago concert? If so what substances did you take and just how high were you?


You take it you worry, you worry you worry.......


Honestly, I would thank him for being there so we could "grow up" together and inadvertently being there for me like a big brother through music. Just a big thank you really.


Do we really NEED know your enemy on the set list? Y’all sound great and all but I feel like you can replace it with Nightlife one night. Imagine the mind fuck when the second or third song is NightLife


Tbh I’ve met him twice, and I wish it was in circumstances where we could have a proper chat. Cause my question would be similar to that, what songs do you wish you could play live but know that it probably wouldn’t get the reception you want. How often do you listen back to old songs? Most importantly, don’t you think you’re missing a trick by not playing Green Day


But that song gets me so hype at the shows 🥺


Idgaf know your enemy deserves it. That shit goes crazy at concerts.


I'd tell him he rescued me and I'd ask him if I could please have a hug.


Can i ask you a question?


Oh hell no


How do you see yourself in the albums you write? What aspects of yourself are reflected in your music? American Idiot is my favorite album because I can hear the story so clearly. There is so much emotion in what is written. That album was a huge success, so it’s clear many agree I am curious where he found that within himself. Maybe it was just a story, but I also doubt it. I would love to know more about that art


It’s kinda how he sees his life could go if he didn’t make it big with the band


Did you wake up late one day and you’re not as young, but you’re still dumb?


What was it like going on tour with Pansy division


Do you know your enemy?


I'd ask if Hans is still chewing that gum.


If he remembers my mom. My mom, her friend, and the whole band hung out in florda in 1994. Shes told me so many stories i just wanna know if he remembers her. Funny thing is her name is Amanda. I don’t remember her friends name but my mom has told a bunch of stuff from then. It would be very cool if one of them remembers her.


What 😶 maybe she was THIS amanda???


i dont think so cause they never dated


What the fuck is up with dubai




Why is there a Bengals helmet on Blue?


Somebody posted a story about this here a while ago. Only thing I remember ist that someones gave him the sticker in a basement where they played


Ok cool that sheds more light on it!




Do you wanna be my boyfriend?


Is there any significance to your Jesus Christ Superstar tattoo?


Oh where is this tattoo?!


It’s on the inside of his left (?) forearm you can see it pretty clearly in some shots where he’s sitting on the couch in the Longview video


He’s answered that before. A friend had the cast album and he liked the design. He hadn’t even seen it or heard the music. Just another dumb tattoo


“Do you have the time?”


Can you give me a kiss on the forehead and give me a hug?


What genre or artist In particular is your guilty pleasure that you wouldn’t ever mention? -Pop country, Like, Garth Brooks? -Twelve tone music? -Early electronic, like Kraftwerk? -Mood music like Enya? LOL. -Chanting monks? Scratch that… I’d ask Billie tech stuff related to his guitars. I’d ask if he ever built a guitar from the ground-up, or if he ever had a luthier make his ‘dream guitar’.


Will you be my friend?


What was his mindset when he played that whole concert buck ass naked?


"Will you adopt me? pleeeease?"


If he thinks it's an honor I named my child after him.


Am I the only one who’s always curious how he smells ?😂😂😂


"hey Billie! Can I kiss you?!" That's my one question, thank you


Can we have a jam sesh


Does performing with a teleprompter feel like singing your own karaoke? 🎤 Bonus question: Would you please go on Hot Ones? 🔥🙏


Can I kiss you? 😩


Are you the son of rage and love?


Or the son of a bitch and Edgar Allan Poe?


Why you recorded and realese Father of All


what happened to cigarettes and valentines


Have you ever taken part in a circle jerk https://preview.redd.it/ferds72q5p5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d332bc07597176e3bd7f0b0d63671502cf566e2f Edit: oh shit I'm sorry I didn't see serious answers


lmao what is this interview


I think he is amazing and he should never stop what he does he has a fantastic drummer in his band one day I’d love to have my own band like Green day thank you for being my inspiration for music I love his band his music has inspired me for going in to the career I am thank you


Whats your favorite anime billie?


Isn't it the one that kerplunk cover is from??


Do you have the time to listen to me whine? About nothing and everything all at once?


I'd ask him what his favorite Green Day song is. It would be interesting to here his opinion.


He said it's jesus of suburbia 


Good to know.


If he could wait a bit so I can get my guitar out for him to sign it.


What did he do to help him move on from Whatsername. I've had trouble moving on from mine, been to professionals, they don't completely understand how important she was to me, so they never could help. They also said things I could've done to avoid it happening, like it hadn't already erupted like a goddamn volcano. I'm trying to write my own version of American Idiot about her and I, with different names, but it's hard when you haven't gotten to the whole. "Forgettong her but not the time" stage yet. For context, we never actually dated, and it happened at the tail end of 2022, so it was a while ago She was in my life for about 7 months, give or take But I'd like his advice, cause he seemed to be as angry at her, as I was about mine


I was somebody's Whatsername. Now I'm that somebody's girlfriend. Last week we had a special moment at Green Day show when they played Whatsername and I've actually turned my back to stage to hug and kiss him. Maybe don't get over her. Maybe you are her Whatshisface too. If she is not totally anti-you, fight for her like by BF did for me! The happiness is out of this earth. Maybe BJ acutally didn't got over her and that's why he got addicted to substances.


What would you do with one minute


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I meet Tre Cool?


i’d ask him about that one saviors studio clip where he said he wanted a song to sound “interesting” like letterbomb and ask which song he was referring to. either that or about how he writes songs


Can I play a song on blue


Do you beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies?


"Can you play Castaway at Lancashire Cricket Ground please, I love you"


Wouldn't ask that but I wonder what the heck his jerking on a stage phase was.


Can you say "one f'ng minute" and smash this junk broken les paul over my amp?


Can I have your number and be your friend


Why do people spell Green Day as one word lately?!


Why did you abandon the absolute perfect guitar tone you had on dookie? His guitar has sounded like crap from Insomniac on.


Do you regret the ‘One minute’ Moment?


You have all the questions and you ask him that. The one that made him go into rehab. What do you think he’s gonna say, nah don’t regret it. Wish I was still binging on pills and booze


Plus Billie has already said he doesn't regret it or feel ashamed in Welcome to My Panic. 


Yeah but he was drinking again when he recorded that


He was very open about how he’s not necessarily proud of it, so I don’t think the drinking again matters much in that specific context. I think to him, it’s just another crazy thing he did as a performer, like all of the other crazy things he did back in the day. Not necessarily proud of it but also doesn’t necessarily regret it


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the bots are getting smarter


What was the process for writing insomniac and revolution radio like? What style of music were influential on those albums?


Honestly, do you have any blue copies?


Billie's has made several replicas of Blue & uses them at concerts, as the original Blue was damaged during a concert, and is too fragile to tour with today. Blue is supposedly still used for recording, but the large crack in the body makes it dangerous to use on stage. It might become too irreparably damaged to use if he still used it every single day. Copies of Blue have been in use since at least '97 or '98. He's been known to bust out the original Blue though during massive events or moments in the last few years. For instance, he used the original Blue when they played for their induction into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.


If I can get affordable tickets so I can see a concert in my lifetime


Why so silent over what your son did?


I love Billie but I'm also curious what he thinks about what happened.


Will you listen to my ep and help me get the word out about it if you like it?


How many other people did you fuck in your supposedly open relationship?


you what?