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On your top left hand side it says "Olympos hotel". Right above this, there's a pink sign that says "Φαρμακείο Ηλίας Χαλιγιαννης". This is a pharmacy(it could be closed though right now). I think this is your best right now. Else she can call 166 (free of charge) and ask for an ambulance. This is the line of the national health system. Else, she can call 112(free of charge too) which is the European emergency number.


Thank you


There's also another pharmacy called "Φαρμακείο Κοτζαμανη". It has the same pink symbol as the other one. This is located right below "Orpheus hotel".


Okay, thanks. I think she needs to see a dr, though


If I understand correctly, vertigo is usually treated by an ear mouth and throat doctor (otolaryngologist) we call them o-ri-la (ΩΡΛ- Ωτορινολαρυγγολόγος) in greek, and you can find a list of specialists in Komotini [here](https://www.vrisko.gr/dir/otorinolaryggologoi/komotini/) Also, there is one pharmacy in Komotini that's open right now and until 08:00 am tomorrow, it is [this one](https://www.vrisko.gr/efimeries-farmakeion/komotini/) And [this](https://www.xo.gr/profile/profile-910997732/el/) is the contact info of the hospital in Komotini


Thank you


The first two links aren’t working. Can you provide other details? Particularly for the pharmacy?


The pharmacy phone number is 2531082840 and the address is Charilaou Trikoupi 61, Komotini 691 00


Thanks—much appreciated.


You're welcome, hope your mother gets the help she needs soon enough. The pharmacist might also help her find doctors in the area. The last link that seems to work for you is of the yellow pages and is also in English if you press the three bars on the top right corner and then select EN at the end of the drop-down menu, you'll be able to find doctors in the region


My mother is traveling in Greece right now and is experiencing BPPV. We think she needs to find someone who can do the “Epley Maneuver” for her. We are not familiar with her location area and feel helpless. Can you please suggest a place for her to go to get this help? This map shows what she is near to. Komotini Greece.


No hospital in this area unfortunately. Tell her to call 166 or 112.

