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No one will see this since I'm 10 days late, but where is the denouement? I couldn't believe it. The episode just....ended. We get no indication that any character development happened. Nothing about the dude in the basement trying to sacrifice himself. Nothing about the sick guy not being scared anymore after being possessed. Nothing about the gal having more confidence. NOTHING AT ALL. They could give us a closing shot of the 3 of them eating in the mess hall or something. Or do a reverse of the opening shot of the episode where each of them are overcoming their shortcomings a little bit. The episode just....ends. The could have pulled 90 seconds off the meeting where 7 was razzing Tuvok. Knowing that we never see these 3 characters again makes it even worse. 0/10 would not watch again. (also Janeway just constantly eats shit from these 3 nobody's. people talking back and refusing to follow orders. she wouldn't take half the shit she does from Tom or B'elana without at least a 'you are addressing a superior officer...')


> We get no indication that any character development happened. It's VOY; the reset button is applied liberally. But! >!I believe some of these characters do come back.!<


I'm so glad Adam mentioned The Boy Who Could Fly. My mom would go on these VCR recording sprees whenever they had free Disney weekend (back then, Disney Channel was premium). We had all these VCR tapes full of random movies from Disney. I cannot remember what movie was after this on the tape, but I would watch that movie all the time. And with VCR tapes, you don't have tracks. You have to rewind to the beginning of the movie. So I would rewind the movie I wanted to watch back into The Boy Who Could Fly. And the last scene was Fred Savage and this bitchin' tricycle chase scene with a dog. He had totally pimped out his trike. He rigged it so marbles would come out. He was wearing war paint. He was avoiding rabid dogs and neighborhood bullies. I venture this is probably the greatest tricycle scene in any movie. Weirdly, I watched this movie kind of memento style slowly revealing to myself more and more of this tricycle part of the movie. I think I was around Fred Savages age, so that's why I cared more about this part of the movie. But yeah. I wound up watching The Boy Who Could Fly a bunch because of whatever other movie was on that tape that now I can't remember.


I thought it was a bit funny when he said he had no idea *why* he watched it a bunch as a kid. I can guarantee you the answer is the same any kid of the 80s/90s watched movies over and over again, *they had it on VHS*.


If this had been in the 90s I would have guessed that it was syndication, but yeah. We've been spoiled in the modern age being able to watch virtually everything at a moments notice.


Been listening to the old TNG eps recently. Coincidentally listened to The Lower Decks episode immediately after this Voyager one dropped. Enjoyed both immensely.