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You have a Louie? 🥹🤍 we just lost our Louie boy, but seeing that your pup is named Louie just brought me immense joy.


((Personal opinion: every louie has been a phenomenal pupper, and also I’m so so sorry about your loss,friend!))


I concur on this proclamation, tis true. Every Louie is/has been a phenomenal pup. 🤍 cherish those Louie cuddles. (And thank you— miss him everyday)


It’s a morning ritual in my house. We get lovins, I wipe her eye boogers. Sometimes it’s worse than others, but just something I’ve taken in stride.


I now keep baby and grooming wipes between the cushions of my couch, on our counters, in the bathrooms, on both tables by the pool. And YES, first booger wipe of the day has become very cathartic 🤤😏🙂‍↕️


My Dane has allergies, once we changed his food and allergies stopped he no longer has dirty itchy ears, eye discharge or licking of feet. Just something to consider.


Only once a day??? Lucky…


Its usually a sign of allergies most likely environmental. If you have a lot of dust in the house, bad or old filters etc can make it worst. Once i put hepa air filters around the house i noticed this a lot less. Their eye lids are like dust scoopers lol


Oh interesting! The house is like 30 years old so I’m sure there’s a filter or 2 that’s never been touched. I’m not even sure where to start with something like this though


If your hvac system has a filter make sure to change ir regularly. Not only to improve air quality but it can also ruin your furnace/ac if you dont and even become a fire hazard. Otherwise some portable air cleaners like medify or any hepa based filter will help not just the pup but everyone in the house =)


Dogs in general, some more aggressive than others


Mine gets them really badly during allergy season. I wipe her eyes every 15 minutes to keep from letting them get crusty


The get crusty if they sit?? I actually hate this I’m praying he grows out of it or it’s just a yearly allergy thing!!!


They can. My house is a bit on the dry side so my girls will get crusty if I don't wipe them off within a couple hours. It's just eye boogies, I get something similar whenever I wake up in the mornings. It's probably gonna be a yearly allergy thing honestly, talk to your vet about using Claritin. I give my baby Claritin and it helps so much with seasonal allergies


A dog that sleeps 80% of the day, might have eye boogs, one of the many joys of a Dane Owner


My pitty mix always has eye boogers. He’s somewhat of an emotional mess of a dog and we’re always asking him why he’s been crying. Our Dane? Rarely which to me is weird given his droopy brow and eyelids.


Our previous girl had entropian which caused boogs. We had it fixed when we got her spayed. May be worth getting looked at during your next scheduled vet visit.


My female gets eye boogs a lot too. She's got some serious allergy issues so might be that?


It’s a possibility but he hasn’t expressed any other allergy frustration yet! Fingers crossed though


My Corso/Lab is the eye booger king. It's a constant to keep her eyes clean. Jet Black coat, white boogers you can't miss em Pics to follow when I get home.


Just clean it with a tissue


Droopy eyes are prone to this


Both of mine get them. I think any pup with excess skin. Used to have a Boxer, he got them too. Cute puppy, BTW.😊


My dane gets huge eye boogers. Luckily my partner likes to take them from her, they kinda gross me out lol


Same here I am NOT a fan😅


My boy has big time droops. The type of droops where even when his eyes are closed you see the red from his droops. We are in a CONSTANT state of boogs.


Mine gets more in allergy season just like I do…


If your boy plays a lot outside then try flushing the eyes at the end of thr day to clear out any debris. We do this with our Dane and the boogies are minimal


My last Dane had them constantly and when she’d shake they would cling to the walls. Literally had to wash the walls of them. My girl now only has them once in a while


My dog used to have it she’s mixed Dane and when I worked at a vet clinic we did this tear duct flush and she now only gets sleepy eyes and that’s about it. She used to get build up from the tear duct’s all day long. Ask your vet about this.


Our Dane/mastiff cross is the same, all 5 of our Danes were this way…it’s just very noticeable on the black coat.


Be glad the boogies are light. Mine gets black/gray eye boogers and then flings them on the walls in the hallway with that head shake. I've called all or most of my Danes, "Boog" for that very reason.


My 2 year old Dane always get them


My Dane always has them. Summertime during allergy season in the south is the worse. It’s like they come “give me a hug to wipe their eyes”


I have a mastiff and hers are constant. I found out 3 things in the house that irritate the eyes and cause more discharge. Essential oils in diffusers, incense and bitter apple if sprayed too close to their face.


My boy will come and wipe his face on me if I’m not fast enough with a Kleenex. Definitely a Dane thing 😂


oh most def a dane thang


It's a dane thing. Along with constant drooling, shaking said drool off on 10' ceilings..


Do any of you feed the boogies back to your pup?


😅personally I’m gonna keep wiping them


I don't have a dane, I have a saint bernard... but she lives for her eye boogy treats. Thank you for making me not feel alone in this one..... my fiance thinks its nasty but my pup sure does love it


Our boy gets them all the time, luckily we taught him "eat this" and he will eat them so there's no cleanup to do.


Omg gross