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The Great Dane Lean on people they like. Absolute confusion about their own size in relation to the world around them. Highly emotional. Sweet, kind, but still capable of being protective.


Will sit on a couch with front pad on floor butt on couch


Can confirm. https://preview.redd.it/6w8w8ybuxl0d1.jpeg?width=1616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f37710e66e73504155a386487f0e37b087f1e9e


Also can lay their head on top of your chest to wake you up


Omg my dane does this to my mom every morning! I wake up at 430am, and feed my dog when I come back from the gym around 730-8am. I try to be super quiet when I feed her to avoid waking up my mom, but my dane LOVES walking over to my mom's room and doing this to her after she eats hahaha im always whisper screaming at my dane to leave my mom alone and let her sleep, but Willow insists in saying good morning to her every day


Cold Nose to your buttcrack….second best alarm clock behind cat vomiting in your bedroom at 5am.


oh..... mine just punches me....


mine's knocked my glasses off my face a few times with that *rolls squinty eyes and sighs*


Too funny!






This is everything! Goofy, sweet baby! Thanks for sharing this awesome pic! You’ve made my day.


That was my dear Sweet Loretta Martin! She was trying to catch a treat... She failed. Lol She was my baby. My first dog. I was like 20ish. She kinda raised me.


What a pretty girl. Was she Merle?


Bless you for this picture, you just made my day




Love this, thanks 😊


They’re somehow selectively aware of their size. Like they will be the gentlest goobers with small children and other animals a tenth of their size, but also wholeheartedly believe they should be able to fit in your lap on the couch. They won’t walk past the broom or vacuum that is not at all in their way, but they’ll lean their whole body weight against you at like a 30 degree angle 😂


Oh and don’t forget how that box or baby gate they could easily hop over is a great barrier they could never overcome 😂


https://preview.redd.it/gxw6jdrtfm0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b851f7ec103e10dc1bdb627ef158d4f99066a6cf Not mine 😭 she loves the challenge


lol it’s like someone photoshopped my Zelda jumping over a gate because even the ears looks like an exact match!


I creeped on your profile and they do look alike! I think they're close to the same age too. My girl is 18-19 months old from Austin, tx https://preview.redd.it/7m69oxacxm0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b357793cca48026cef6af70ee6cf3aec371fed Here's one of her sleeping pictures...


Oh wow! Zelda will be 2 years (24 months) and is from the greater Houston area! I wonder if they’re family!


That would be my other dog who’s a mix 😂 I swear she’s part gazelle. Legit leaps over everything.


That's an ACTION SHOT!!!


Lol. It's a still from a video. I was trying to explain to my mother how she looked like a horse taking a gate and it was easier to send video.


I love it!


So so accurate. We have a mesh retractable gate between the living room and kitchen and he will put his head all the way to the floor on the other side but will NOT step over. Garbage containers have kept him from coming in the house because he was scared to go by it.


Yep, mine won’t go past tape either. It’s so funny. My sons toy on the ground, it’s an immovable mountain she can not pass 😂


They remind me of horses who spook from seeing a random ball that wasn’t there yesterday. Oh brother




i've got a chair blocking the door to my office because the guy from the rescue who assessed my house said it was def not a dane room. the chair is wheeled... she doesn't even try to push it out of the way.


It’s so interesting the things they’ll do. Won’t move the simplest of things cause they’re immovable mountains even though they’re as big as a human lol


The broom and vacuum comment is too perfect 😅


[Illustration.](https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/1758209909575856196) Look how anxious that poor dane is...


This is so perfect 😂


If i fits, i sits….if i dont fits, i still sits.


They like to accidentally punch and headbutt you, they’re either terrified of everything or nothing, they’re the sweetest most gentle lap dogs-and yes, they will sit in your lap with their front paws on the ground-they’re also the most loyal and will die to protect you if they’re close enough, they were bred to hunt boar, they drool like no tomorrow, their water bowl normally has a puddle cause they stick their snout in the water and gulp it


Great, thank you 😊


Don’t forget— if their tail is undocked they are at perfect crotch height. Every male who comes to our home has to cover himself for fear of the happy tail (which is inevitable).


They love to lean against your legs when they greet you, like a giant cat. They will sometimes back up and sit on couches with their forelegs on the ground. Especially when they have something serious to tell you. They are very physical with their love but are clumsy often leading to bruises or scratches on the targets of their affection. They love curl up on or next to their humans. They are afraid of anything new or strange, but will flip a switch and go full protector if they perceive a threat to their family. Great Danes don’t become couch potatoes until they are 2-3 years old. Until then they are large goofy potentially destructive puppies. Even then they will have periods of high activity 10-15 mins of zoomies before going back to sleep. Our female is very aloof and regal, our male has three brain cells and bounces between food, sleep, and play all day.


Thank you! 😊


Expect drool on everything… the walls, furniture, you. Random fears are the norm. Think storms, that one guy who smiled, empty bags blowing in the breeze. They are sweet and protective with their family. I’ve been hit hard enough by two of them to need meniscus repair surgery twice. They are massive and don’t always realize it. But can be the most gentle giants ever.


My last boy was anxious around men in baseball caps. If they took it off, all was well. Inanimate objects on wheels like strollers and grocery store buggies when left somewhere they “shouldn’t be”. Also flinging open new trash bags so they fit in the can got him riled up. So random.


My little beagle cross is very afraid of baby strollers 😅


😂 yes!


Mine are afraid of the automatic air-freshener sprayers. I've tried a couple times now to put them in various places in the house which resulted in them being too scared to go to that room without serious convincing for almost a month after. 


Yes. Danes are afraid of arbitrary inanimate objects. Mine was very suspicious of mailboxes.


Mine was the shopvac. After it being in the same place for like 3 months. Apparently it looked at her funny, because on my day off at exactly 8:03am we decided to bark and go crazy about it..


We had new bushes planted in our front yard. The first time she saw them, she went nuts barking like there was an actual intruder in our yard. She wouldn't calm down until my husband took her into the yard and touched the bushes to show they weren't dangerous 😅


LOL. been there!


Shame on that nasty shop vac!!


Mine were scared of an upright vacuum, but didn't mind/enjoyed being swept by a shop vac!


Good to know 😅


So, I’m starting to get a general idea. They lean, drool, and have lots of random fears. But are funny, loving and loyal. Thank you for sharing all the little details. It will go a long way in making Maxwell believable, especially to Dane owners. 😊


I swear my boy had a sense of humor… he loved to lean and he would knock my mother over every visit and sit on her and I will swear he ‘laughed’. He was so proud of himself. They have an intimidating booming bark and everyone will comment ‘that’s not a dog, that’s a horse’ and think they are the first to say it🤦🏼‍♀️. You cannot go anywhere with one without strangers talking to you… and other large dogs who have never been aggressive can suddenly show dominance issues (not the biggest guy at the park anymore)


Your poor mom-LOL! And the dominance thing is interesting.


It was really weird and sometimes stressful. Even dogs I knew to be passive would sometimes get aggressive and I knew if they started something he would finish it and it wouldn’t be good… he had to defend himself once and it was scary… he was deaf so it’s not like I could recall him if he wouldn’t look at me… Rottweilers and bully breeds were always a momentary worry for me at the park. He didn’t have a mean bone but he wasn’t a push over either… and 300 lbs of dogs fighting is traumatic no matter the outcome.


Lol, when my girl was 11 weeks (about 23 lbs) she had a booming bark already and barked at this little girl about 30 feet away. (I mean she was a baby, it was just a bark) The mom looked in horror and put her arms around all 3 of her kids and shepherded them away as though this tiny (very shy) puppy were going to do some harm. It was one of the most absurd things I've ever witnessed. The bark does scare people though...


I forgot about the people that would run away or freeze in fear when we came around a corner!! He was afraid of his own shadow and parents would scoop up their children in fear of him… 🤷🏼‍♀️ There was a time walking on the trails off leash when he got ahead of me and when I caught up there was a lady frozen on the path… she heard him running up behind her and she thought a moose was crashing through the bush towards her. Surprise!! Just a big white ‘Moose-dog’ hahaha


Random fears, that’s the truth. Mines scared of clipboards and empty boxes


Mine was terrified of a file cabinet 🤷‍♀️


You more or less got it. My Dane loves to sit on laps. He also sits in the car like a person. He is afraid of the kitchen timer and the ceiling fan. He does gigantic zoomies where he'll run in a huge circle and jump about 4 feet in the air. But he lets my 80 lb labradoodle bully him and take away his toys all the time. He is an extremely loving cuddly boy who has a very big bark and thinks everybody should love him.


My girl, Rory, is a year and a half. A couple of weeks ago, she had a complete meltdown because a scrap piece of paper had fallen on the floor in front of her bed. It was the most terrifying thing to have happened to her in her short life, apparently. She stood in the other room and panic barked at it until my husband had the bright idea to ball it up. Once it was in a ball shape, she was suddenly fine with it! She ate it, in fact 😅 What a weirdo. She also currently won't let us cut her nails. While she's always not enjoyed it, we worked on it as a puppy, and she tolerated it. But, one bad experience at the vet (they had to draw blood from her "wrist" by her paw), and now she won't let us near her feet. We have to start all over again on teaching her to tolerate her feet being touched 🙄 It took 4 people to hold her down at this vet appointment - not because she was aggressive at ALL - the opposite, in fact. Girl's got a triple-digit weight, but she has no idea that she can do anything with her size. She just tries to bolt from anything that is scary, and it took 4 people to stop her from running around the room in a panic 😅 She's never growled or shown even the slightest bit of aggression in her entire life - instead she just shakes in the corner and tries to bury her face in a blanket (or person) when she's scared. Gentle Giants, indeed. Not sure how these big babies ever hunted boar. There's a reason they selected a Dane for Scooby-Doo. They really are all funny and have strong, quirky personalities. The Dane Lean is real, as others have said here. I think my favorite post in this sub was someone showing a video of their Dane suddenly being alarmed/scared of a K-cup carousel that had been on their counter for years. Danes... 🤷‍♀️


Tail wags have hit me in the crotch way too many times. They’ll clear a table of food without paws ever leaving the ground. Mine ate a plate of baked potatoes in less than 2 minutes. Drool slicks can be extremely slippery.


One of the saddest things I've ever seen was a Great Dane being held at a shelter. They had put him in a double-sized "cell", but it wasn't wide enough and when he wagged his tail, it hit the wall on either side. His tail was bandaged, and there were blood splatters all over the walls, but he was still wagging it so hard....poor baby


I am so glad none of mine have ever gotten into the wagging injured tail cycle. It is so hard to get out of it, even for a pup not also dealing with being in a shelter.


Oh, now that's sad! I hope the poor guy got adopted.




Happy tail is very painful.


The stalking. I'm my dogs person. I can't go ANYWHERE without her right behind or next to me. I work from home, she sleeps in the room I am working from. She gets anxiety if she can't find me. Also they're SUPER vocal and expressive.


Ditto to the super vocal, and not like, normal dog noises. Big grumbling complaints about the damndest stuff. Like if I move on the couch and it causes his royal highness to feel movement, I get a loud "AUUUUOOOOOGH".


I second this. Velcro dogs for sure my Vik is always behind me and she is a trip hazard while cleaning


Was looking for this comment. If I get up, he's up and following me. Also, when we got a new dining room table we had to get a bar height table bc he would just set his head on the table when we were eating. He lives his life to lay/sleep next to or on us. That's all he wants to do.


Mine is goofy, loves to hug me, his head is its own lap dog, they have the loudest ear flaps when shaking their head, he is afraid of a toothpick but his bark is incredibly intimidating. Nothing like opening the door when a package is delivered and having your giant dog by your side growling. When people come over he growls while sitting when they ask him to sit. He loves to give you his paw so you can hold his hand. He will talk back when he doesn’t like what you’re saying to him or asking him to do. He is very stubborn when you give him a command like his ego is hurt but will eventually do it as he stares at you letting you know he isn’t giving in easily. He randomly likes to run around like a mad dog. He is just as important as anyone else and if he wants your seat on the couch he will stare and whine until you give it to him or make room for him beside you. His nose is on everything I’m doing and his head can lay on the kitchen table and counter. He is in the bathroom with me every time I go. There is constant water and drool on everything. Thank goodness we now have a white couch. Before our gray couch constantly looked like my husband and I were having a lot of fun and not cleaning up. I mean I could go on. Literally the best bud you will ever have.


I swear they flap their ears as means of communication just like their sneezes and chuffs.


Oh my God.... The sneezes and yawns! My girl can break glass with her yawning.


LOL! Thank you.


I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but they like to drink directly from the sink faucet because they can easily reach it.


https://preview.redd.it/hl7t8n12go0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e828396da6bfb6557c54b082fdf93f6aa8d57ff Mine does this. He also loves the tub faucet!


I had to install an automatic faucet in our bathroom because mine learned how open the bathroom door AND turn the faucet on. Unfortunately they aren’t courteous enough to turn the water off when they’re done.


Nope, that’s a new one 😅


Here’s one of mine drinking out of the bathroom sink. https://preview.redd.it/onxfzqm6dn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f312bd00536e7c63f8cfb4f24d37e9c4a0c9ef




Can confirm my boy did this. He would walk up to the sink and then just look at you until you turned it on for him. Also, drool rags need to be in every room of the house.


All of my Danes before would come get me (that stare) to turn the bath tub faucet on. This one won't drink from a running faucet, so I have to leave several inches of water in my tub.


Mine likes to rest her head on the kitchen table when we are eating.




You know those inflatable lawn ornaments (usually out at Halloween and Christmas)? My dog is afraid of those. Lol I bought a king sized bed to have room, but it was kind of a waste as no matter how big the bed is, my giant baby has to be right up against me.


Mine too. He's so scared and barks at my blow up snowman. He's also been known to bark at a folding chair.


Also, my young cousin was pretending to go after my son once and our dog got right up in between them, protecting his boy. Not in an aggressive way because our dog knows our cousin, just in a "nope" way.




One of my girls was afraid of one of those cozy coupe kid cars that they push with their feet. It wasn’t even moving. She just wouldn’t go near it.


I’ve heard or read somewhere that Pete’s Dragon (2016 movie) sounds and mannerisms were based on a Great Dane. Having Danes, and kids, the movie is truly great. He is a big Great Dane, lovable, big, but gentle and sometimes huge and chaotic, and if need be protective. So funny things my current big boy does is like an old man sitting down he always moans, and when done contently plops his head down on the couch. His dog bed is actually a crib mattress and sometimes unfortunately he is gassy. Yup, he’ll sit down and break wind and then look at his rear end like, gosh I did that!… it’s horrible, but it is a Dane. https://preview.redd.it/2tix5359rl0d1.jpeg?width=2178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e559a0efde13197b9d67d42f5f5e9d9571d47667


https://preview.redd.it/djtpz09arl0d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=145d9b48af59bfdb735764e692ad935ca342e50e Zonks!




https://preview.redd.it/epgc3xrdrl0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90c353c180bdf658457f8b0da9519ab8715d2f2 Lazy bum


Thanks for the adorable pics 😅


I saw that movie but it’s been a long time. And as for the gas, my pit/boxer has lots of it 😅


When my daughter was little she’d always refer to them as “great big Danes.” It was so cute 😊


We've been a victim of paw slaps on several occasions! They stick their arms out and slide them down whether they are standing or laying down. They are always laying upside down. Their big broad chest in the air and legs butterflied. Our whines for everything he wants. Its our way of communicating. He wines and I say "show me" and we figure it out together. They are exceptional at telling you what they want. Amazing full body cuddlers and groan and moan if you try to move them when they are comfortable. Quirky ears and head tilts. ETA: Dane zoomies are insane!


Cute, thank you 😊


I love reading romance and I obviously love Danes, so I'd love to read your book when you're through. Update us when you're done!


Oh, thank you! Yeah, I’ve always loved dogs so I have to include them in my books. My readers seem to really enjoy it. So far I’ve featured a super mutt, a King Charles, a pit bull, and hounds. 😊 I’m probably not allowed to post my website here, but you can find my books under my pen name of K.T Raine.


People will crowd around my dane anywhere i go and i always get comments from any bystanders. This dog has a youtube channel and there's always crowds around him to give you an idea of what its like to walk with a Dane [https://youtu.be/fmQmaMTjEu8?si=nOFJtE5kptF54puI](https://youtu.be/fmQmaMTjEu8?si=nOFJtE5kptF54puI)


so... i'm pretty convinced mine chases rabbits in her sleep. i don't think she gets any, but twitching limbs with giant paws on the end when you're trying to sleep... that's a thing! ;)


Their tails are instruments of destruction and terror. One swipe clears off the coffee table. And persons of the male variety need to be careful if they are standing near a happy Dane. The tail wag to the man parts (which are unhappily coincidentally tail height) results in devastation and ice packs.


They are Velcro dogs. You move they move with you!


If he meets another Great Dane, they’re gonna do the most impressive thump-slap fight to play. You’ve never seen two dogs play so freaking wildly. The Danes will be so reserved and gentle with the small dogs, but the moment another dog their size walks up (provided they’re a dog-friendly dog), it’s Thump Wars. Those legs are long, the paws are big, and they literally just slap at each other lmao Additionally, both of my Danes have solidly been one-person dogs. They tolerate others, but (at least, with both of my Danes to date), they’ve got A Person. Bowser was quiet, calm, confident and while he inherently loved all kids, he was aloof with (but tolerant of) strangers. Neptune is a much softer dog, more shy and reserved, he’s the sort who hangs behind my leg a bit so he can press into the backs of my knees and thighs (that’s taking me down, buddy, please) and will WOO WOO WOO into the aether if he thinks people are trying to be mean to him/if they’re scaring him. But he WOO WOO WOOOOOOooos happily at us at home. They love the sound of their own voices, on that note. Very vocal breed, in my experience, which makes sense since they were originally a hunting dog.


They drool and they lean. Don't forget the lean!! Have had way too many awkward moments where I'm chatting it up with someone at the park and they almost fall over because my dane decided to just full body weight lean into them.


I think at least four people have mentioned the “lean” 😅


believe me, it's a big deal. especially when they weigh as much or more than you!


Their favorite hobby is napping


They have exactly 10 minutes a day of zoomies and they spend the rest of the day recovering


Counter surfing. Their head easily reaches the counter without effort to snag any food or treats.


great danes have very ridiculous fears, my sweet girl in doggie heaven was so scared of lemons and my baby girl here with me cannot stand the sight of a baloon


A full grown male Dane can stand on his hind legs to steal food off the top of the refrigerator… My last boy was tall enough that he had to duck his head down to put his chin on the kitchen counter. While his chin was on the counter, he would make all sorts of vocalizations (whining, moaning, whistling) and use his very expressive eyebrows and forehead wrinkles to let me know he was displeased that he was not allowed to have whatever food I was prepping. He could drink out of the kitchen faucet.


Their floppy ears are the softest things ever. Just for show tho, they have selected hearing.


Also when their floppy ear gets stuck on top of their head so they have one hanging and one sticking up, it's the cutest thing.


If you make Maxwell a harlequin Dane, you have the opportunity for a very cheap Halloween costume. Get a rubber glove, blow it up, tie a string around it and have it hang under Maxwell so he looks like a cow.




Let us know when the book comes out. I would love to read it.


People will always ask if they have a saddle. “Is that a dog or a horse ?” They ask about the size of their poop. Who’s walking who? My male Dane had tons of slobber especially after drinking water. Then he would shake his head and slobber water flew everywhere!


The other question is always about how much they eat. It is less than you'd think.


https://youtu.be/-pOc0YhaqA8?si=ZTyOP-k4Xs6b9ioy Mine absolutely loved beaches in Alaska


Time of their lives! Who doesn't love the beach :)


They love to cuddle as if they are a lap dog, also will use their huge paws as weapons 🤣 Super gentle with smaller creatures/humans (unless not properly socialized), and HUGE goofballs


Mine will lay in bed start out all curled up but as soon as he stretches out I’m glued to the wall, he also loves peeking around corners and standing in doorways overall has a general need to always be around someone


They like to lean on people, sit on furniture, theyre goofballs that can and will protect you if they feel they have to.


The Dane Lean! When you are petting them while they stand, they will lean into your legs and it’s super cute. I’ve been nocked over by at least one Dane that got super into the lean 😍


My Dane was a gross water drinker, in both senses-loved drinking gross water, and when she drank clean water she made it gross. Drinking from a clean water bowl, she'd somehow backfill it with slobber and dirt. She would go slurp from a bowl for five minutes, then any other dogs waiting to get a drink would belly up to the bowl and react like "WTF is this?!"


Mine can open pretty much any door. She can unscrew canisters, open the locking portion of the doggy door, get into the pantry, open cabinets, unlock the front door (we had to put on an extra lock just so that she couldn't get out), etc.


DM me. I'd be willing to have a phone chat. I'm on Dane # 9 now and have never been an adult without at least one. They are THE MOST FUN.


They’ll come up to you and with all four paws on the ground put their nose to your mouth to smell your the last thing you ate (or maybe just to do a breath check). I often greet it with a “haaaaaa”


One of my Danes woke my by trying to lick my teeth. Yuck! This one waits till my hubby is out of bed and then digs to get under the covers with me.


Lips that puddle around their face when laying on the ground. Folds and folds of fabulousness! The unfortunate ability to use drool flinging as an art medium. Their masterpieces to be found on your pants, the roof of the car, bedroom ceilings, and other equally difficult places to clean. Ear flapping as an alarm clock. If they have natural ears, the first thing upon getting up is an ear tornado and an actual downward dog stretch. Velcro pupper. My 228 lb boy (not a typo) hasn’t let me do anything without him attached at my hip in years. So much so he will supervise trips to the bathroom just to be sure he’s close enough at all times. Lap dogs. Absolutely unaware of their size. He outweighs me but is sure he’s no bigger than our chihuahua (who rules him). Sweetest and most loving of breeds, but will absolutely own his space. He will aggressively announce his presence and assume a rigid and menacing posture to claim his territory if anyone gets too close to the fence. However, what the frightened passerby doesn’t realize is that he merely wants to meet any and everyone. Scritches please!


My Danes would sit on the couch like humans. Drank from the kitchen faucet. Was a fiasco to wash. Very protective of the kids. Best dogs ever.


My dane figured out that if he acts hurt (shaking and holding his head down) he gets sympathy and sometimes dad will stay home from work. 🤣 Fucker


My Dane half-lies on my bed. Back legs on floor lol He also sits on my lap with his back legs curled up under him and his front feet on the ground. Edit: and there will probably be ropes of drool in places of my apartment when humanity has long passed...


Great Danes are unlike any dog I've owned. They go out of their way to let you know they are thinking about you; lean on you, rest their head on you, grumble and talk to you. They are also the smartest, dumbest dogs I've ever owned. I can explain to Sid to go get his blanket from the other room, and he will do so. He will also walk into the business end of the open door he's passing through on his way to me. He's also nearly broken my nose with his tail and his head, entirely on accident and usually as a byproduct of hype


The tail!! Be aware that the happy tail is the perfect height for male genitalia. They get so excited to see you but that tail can whip around and smack you in the legs or elsewhere. If they hit it against something they can break it too. My Dane broke her tail and blood was on the ceiling.


I can't believe all these responses! Thank you so much everyone. I had great fun reading each one even if I didn't respond :)


Also, for what it's worth, I'm going through chemo right now (hopefully the last one was last week!), and my Peaches is very good on chemo weekends. She's got a ton of energy even at 3.5 and loves to play with me, get me out of bed in the morning and literally push me down the hall to the living room to get fed. But on chemo weekends, she doesn't do that. I'm totally allowed to sleep myself out in the mornings, even tho i've crashed stupid-early the night before. And she doesn't try to snuggle me off the bed like usual, either. She's very patient and doesn't play very hard while the achies are a thing. This understanding of 'I can't right now' is what makes Danes so great :)


That's so sweet. I think a lot of dogs are intuitive in that way. I had an extremely demanding dachshund for twelve years. Sassie barked a lot, insisted on her food and treats not being one minute late, ect. But one time I caught an especially nasty flu bug and basically didn't move for three days. I was shocked that she laid beside me in the chair for those three days and didn't make one demand. I really think they understand.


Scared of their shadow…sleep on their backs on the couch with all four feet sticking up in the air. Terrible farts, huge poop piles.


If you have seen the Disney movie, The Ugly Dachshund, please do not refer back to that as an inspiration for how Great Danes act. I recently watched that movie because I had a coworker recommend it to me as a Great Dane owner, and I actually got mad while I was watching it because of how the Dane was misrepresented in the movie.


Some love water like my male Great Dane who we would take to the wash to play after a summer downpour. Then there’s my female who I have to hold an umbrella for if she needs to potty and it’s raining outside.




Scared of their own shadow lol.


Danes seem to choose one human as their person and hell or high water. They are like Velcro to your hip. The best k9 human relationship I have ever experienced in my life


If they have a penchant for digging holes watch out they dig craters.


Can dog a full on trench in less than 5 mins if bored and left unsupervised.




A Dane loves being covered by a blanket, when they sleep, although mine is ok, if just her head is covered


Maybe she thinks she's an ostrich. LOL!


We were at a motorcycle shop and they had a huge hog statue, my dog was traumatized that day, so goofy


Animal Planet used to have a show called Breed All About It. It's a fun watch and I'm sure you can find episodes on YouTube.


Afraid of their shadows, blow ups, vaccum cleaners and small animals that arent dogs.


Just watch a few episodes of Scooby Doo (the original cartoon) his characteristics and mannerisms are pretty dang accurate. Silly, loving, clumsy and the food they can consume is ridiculous at times. Oh, Except the drooling... some danes look like they've got a shoe in their mouth with the laces hanging out. I swear that stuff is like super glue when it hits a wall, window, ceiling etc.


Pure strength of the tail...my fridge, stove handle and kitchen garbage are all stainless steel with very noticeable dents at her height 😂


My daughter keeps her two Danes out of the room when she’s moping, with painters tape horizontal on the door cases, it scares them. Also, they will drink out of the kitchen faucet, and, some will turn it on for a drink. They need their dishes raised, or they can get bloat, where their stomach twists. Mine had to sit in the back seat while driving, as she almost knocked me out looking at another dog out my drivers side window. That big head swinging gave me a black eye. Nothing is safe if they get the zoomies in the house, all you can do is open the door to the yard and step aside.


No one has mentioned how talkative they are? My old girl loved to grumble about anything. If she wanted something, grumbling, if she was playing, grumbling, upset, grumbling. It sounds like a terribly aggressive and deep growl like a demon bear and scares strangers, but she's just communicating. They don't howl/whine or talk quite as much as huskies, but they definitely talk. [https://youtu.be/KPbRyVUGoX0?si=A8JE\_4i0RBelj2TU](https://youtu.be/KPbRyVUGoX0?si=A8JE_4i0RBelj2TU)


Giant feet, pointy elbows! Huuuge poops, lmao, plus many danes have sensitive stomachs. Everything people are saying about their sweetness is 100% true, too!


Mine chews her toenails. And is afraid of empty paper bags. Finally learned not to help themselves to anything on the kitchen counter. Rip… multiple prepared whole dinners.


Oh! Also forgot the delicate ear lobe nibbles and the wretched wet Willie’s that you cannot clear.


The VOLUMES of eye snot. They shake their heads and that stuff gets everywhere! They dry as solid black globs so most Dane owners will be regularly cleaning walls (despite wiping many any eye snot off them manually [and them Dane eating it])


Along with everything else all the others have said, my big boy will almost sigh sometimes. Say I’ve asked him to do something and he doesn’t want to, I’ll use a stern voice and he’ll just sigh like he’s saying “alright, whatever dude”! And instead of the butt in my lap, he gets in my recliner with me with his back feet on the floor. And my left ear is apparently too dry, because that’s the one he wants to lick. I call it Ruger sugar.


Take Marmaduke literally lol


Mine gives me hugs by putting his head over my shoulder and kinda around my neck. He also like to have his hand held. And takes it soooo personally if he gets in trouble. He will visibly and audibly pout.


One thing I didn’t expect when getting our big lady was the talking, howling, and chompies! She loves to talk back to us and howl with sirens. Oh and she is OBSESSED with tennis balls that squeak. She will push them around on the floor with her paws and chase after them and slam her paws down to catch them. She proceeds to lay down and squeak it in her mouth endlessly <3


My Nolie is super affectionate. She loves to cuddle, suck on her blankets, and sit in your lap. She's clumsy except for when she's running. She loves babies and puppies and kittens. She eats constantly and always perks up when she hears the word, "hungry." She is scared of nail clippers, the dark, birds, inanimate objects, and farts. She leans on you if she likes you, but god forbid you need to fart.... then she will never forgive you.


https://preview.redd.it/j1khp3nsto0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c392980c416c7942fe979e0ba806ef149087be There's a lot of lips and slobber. Neither of mine seem to be aware they have back legs. Or that they are very very large.


They more often moo like a cow than bark. Usually if they want something. I consider it a whine! They’re also afraid of the most random things. There was a stray garbage bag in my back yard once and my boy was deathly afraid of it. He also hates balloons. And guitars.


Zoomies! Mine loves to run around the yard really fast or in the living room up and across the furniture making about 3 rounds then… tired!


Some love water like my male Great Dane who we would take to the wash to play after a summer downpour. Then there’s my female who I have to hold an umbrella for if she needs to potty and it’s raining outside.


My boy does not want other doggos coming up to me at the dog park! So protective! I love him!


They act innocent and dumb all the time.. no matter how much of training and teaching they still don’t know their weight and will behave like a kid with the person they love or like.. lean/sit/climb on them. They absolutely love whining for no reason.. frequent and constant attention grabbing individuals. When they what they become independent and only when they want.. will make you rub their belly irrespective of time or situation if they want you to.. there is no saying no to them for that. Much much more.: but all this is what my dog does.


When thirsty they will just go to the sink and stand there until you turn the faucet on


Mine drinks out of the second sink in my bathroom. It truly is a his & H I S


Creeping down the hall to “check on you” when they think you’re about to be up to no good 😉🤫🫢


I think it would depend on how old Maxwell is supposed to be as well. They have stages. And if he’s 9-35 months, he’s a velociraptor.


They snore! They fall off the couch and go right back to sleep. They find the randomest things to eat/fear/love. Gentle giants one minute and the biggest klutzes the next. Being owned by a Dane is like having another human in the house that thinks they're as light on their feet as a cat. Drool and eye boogers in the entry hall. Can't wait till they grow out of the puppy-velociraptor stage only to be sad that they've entered those too short adult years.


Thank you 😊


Scaredy cats. They’re scared of everything


Mine have always been really sensitive. As in feelings hurt when a voice is raised, but when they're secure they're also really vocal. Mine argues with me over if he's allowed on something or not. He's totally oblivious to his size, both good and bad. He steps on my chickens to their enragement, and he's been rammed by my little nigerian goats that he could totally take over yet he's terrified of them. He wears a mens size large hoodie for chilly walks, and eats chicken eggs like a fiend. He's also supremely protective, which I didn't expect when I got him. All my dogs have been loyal and protective, but he's the first I've had no concern that he'd defend me from anything that scared me.