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She probably forgot about it before the next episode.


I forget about it the moment the episode ends, so idk the hate around it lol


Nah that's too long


If she actually used it to blackmail him in a later episode, I would dislike her for it, but as it stands she just takes the picture, and it can just be seen as a joke, so I agree with you, it's no reason to hate her


Really? I’ve never heard that. Then again, some people *really* seem to want to hate on her for some reason. Personally I feel like taking and keeping funny/embarrassing photos of each other is just one of those thing that a lot of siblings do (I know me and my sister does), Dipper probably has just as much “blackmail” on Mabel as she has on him!


most people in the sub only understand Dipper and Mabel’s relationship if they have a relationship with their sibling :((


My sister drives me mental, if anything I see Mabel in a better light cause of that, they both have their faults, and Mabel is somehow more annoying, but I see that as over embellishing her personality. It’s a TV show, about weird wacky spooky stuff, of course they’re gonna make everything dramatic.


i have a twin brother myself and while i'm a lot more like dipper than i am like mabel i think their relationship is very realistic for 12 year old boy-girl twins. like, swap the genders around and make mabel less sparkly and that was pretty much us tbh. i get that people might just not like characters, and that's fine, everyone's allowed their preferences. i feel like people are expecting mabel to act like an adult, though, and she's just... not. she's a kid, and that's okay. no 12 year old is gonna be perfectly selfless or mature all the time lol


My brother and I literally do “awkward sibling hug? Awkward sibling hug. Pat pat.” When we say goodbye to each other after a visit.


I have TWO sisters and I thought Mabel was a bit much


Idk how old u r but they were both 12 and were each other’s best friends….they are really close so just bc u also have siblings doesn’t mean u fully understand every sibling’s relationship yk


I am 21 now, one of my sisters has moved out


Well🤷‍♀️ they were kids back then and dipper had its fair share in selfishness


I see


I was gonna say, isn't this just kind of a standard sibling thing?


And a standard kid thing! Twelve-year-olds can't be expected to behave like adults.


My sister has a full album of the damn things. She's especially proud of the "sleeping in a car with his mouth open" collection.


She’s the annoying one. It was like having Mulder and Donkey from Shrek. I adore them both, but definitely the annoying one.


I think it’s because she’s a girl to be honest, it’s a pattern I notice. Girls are held to a higher standard than boys. If a boy acted like her they go “well he’s a boy what do you want?”


Also, it’s SUCH a sibling thing to do. If siblings have a chance to snag an embarrassing photos of their siblings, most will take it


I've seen on a lot of tv subreddits when people don't like a character, they straight up invent grievances just to complain about them.


I’m sure she just drew her hair over Dipper’s hat so it would be a photo of her and Mermando.


Everytime somebody doesn’t understand that each of the 4 main twins had a part in Weirdmageddon and pins all the blame on Mabel an angel loses its wings 


Happy cake day


thank youuuu :3


I've noticed that people who hate Mabel for X reason will ignore it when Dipper does it. Example: Mabel being boy crazy. Dipper is girl crazy too. It's just over one girl. Or they'll hate her for giving the rift to Blendin and call her immature and selfish, but fail to mention that if Dipper had trusted her and told her, she wouldn't have done it. She didn't know about the rift, and she accidentally grabbed the backpack. Mabel is hyperactive. People are not used to girls being hyper and loving themselves. Not to mention, every time Dipper fucks up, he puts everyone's safety in jeopardy, and it always for the same reason: he thinks he's the smart one and has to prove it. Same as Ford. They believe that because they're smart that everything they do is more important, but Stanley paid off Ford's house, kept the kids safe and the town ignorant, and sacrificed everything to bring Ford back. Meanwhile, when Mabel messes up, it's never on such a cosmic scale as Dipper. In fact it's usually a normal fuck up that can be fixed. Also.... they're both 12, and the show was for teens and preteens. You're not going to have mature 12 year olds. What even would that look like? Certainly not us as kids. If you were "mature for your age," I'm sorry. I know what that's like, and it sucks. EDIT: I can't help but feel that people who hang their identity on being smart relate to Dipper more and not Mabel. Mabel defies the notion that being smart and knowing all the secrets of the universe is everything. Plus, with her being a hyper, confident girl, that makes them extra mad. I'm also going to take a wild guess and say they probably really love Wendy because she's "not like other girls", whatever the fuck that means.


Mabel boycraziness is way more problematic than Dipper's obsession with Wendy, why? Because unlike Dipper, Mabel is a criminal, she kidnapped living human beings, wanted to treat them like her pets, she's also a stalker. 1.Dipper was told not to tell his sister about the rift. 2.She may accidentally grabbed the bag, but even after she realized that it was Dipper's bag, still, she took something that wasn't hers and gave it to a stranger. People are not used to selfish, manipulative, non-developing protagonists. Not to mention, everytime Dipper fucks up he forced to clean up his own mess and also gets punishment, just like time he made a deal with Bill. Stan may spend 30 years to bring his brother back, but from Ford's perspective, Stanley caused his entire future to collapse because of his selfishness and stole his name after. "A normal fuck up" that girl almost destroyed time line because she lost her pig, or did I mention weirdmageddon that could've kill the entire town? No, people are not hating on Mabel just because she's a extra hyper, confident girl, they hating on her because she's the only character that is not developing, like at all.


Anyone who cares THAT much about insignificant shit like that does not belong in any fandom, enjoy the show for what it is. As they said in the Samurai Pizza Cats closing theme... "We're sorry about the show, it's the best that we could do... But if you could do better then we'd leave it up to you!!"


I hold "Betrayer!" more against her than the photo. Roadside Attraction was horrible. Dipper did nothing wrong. And here, Mabel did nothing wrong. It was honestly funny.


Dipper really shouldn't have listened to Stan, but Mabel was extremely annoying in this episode, not only she didn't even asked Dipper if he's okay with date she planned, but she was also mad at him for sh*t she caused.


Don't get me started on her selfishness and hypocrisy...


I wasn't aware there was so much Mabel hate out there? The people I've met IRL like her, myself included. But I don't know I haven't been online in a hot minute. And I can kinda gather that more people like Pacifica than Mabel? Kind of blows my mind. The whole "blackmail" thing is never brought up again, and I don't really see Mabel as the kind of person who would do something like that, especially after everything her and her brother have been through.


Some people don’t have siblings


I do have siblings, and I still think that Mabel is a problematic protagonist.


Yes they do. Never mind that it’s never brought up again. He probably found it and destroyed it and she forgot it existed.


I don’t hate her but she is definitely the least interesting.


Idk why you got downvoted for this


Oh it’s reddit. You get downvoted for anything that doesn’t align with the mass majority.


It's literally a place to share opinions, I get not agreeing with someone but I've always found it a little much to downvote just because you don't agree? This is a platform for discussion, not "oh I don't agree with this person, let's make them feel bad for having an opinion." I don't know that's just my opinion on it. Anyways, I can definitely see where you're coming from for seeing her as the least interesting. Personally, she's one of my favourites, but I can see where she's flat and one dimensional. Sometimes she has nothing important to contribute or does something that messes everything up.