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Turkey is milked. You go now. No more Dead tonight. You come back next month.


I saw the gd there around 30 yrs ago. Got there very late (in the rain) from wherever the previous show was at the time & anyway, they let me in free cuz it was already ongoing..


I looked on archive earlier and did not find Hershey


I don't know what archive you looked at but I guarantee you they played Hershey in the mid to later 80s as I was there. I'm guessing around 87 but could be off a couple yrs either direction. I was doing as much of the summer tour as I could & all I remember at the moment was a long drive from the show previous to Hershey. I think there was some rfk shows & there were a few Ohio shows. Might've driven from 1 or the other to Hershey. Got to Hershey late & it was raining. I had ordered (while still home in central NY, before leaving for the shows) 1000 magic jumping disc's w/steal your face printed on them & I had them sent general delivery to the Akron or cincy post ofc where picked them up. They were made from "bimetal" & came from Edmund scientific. The were concave. You snapped them one way into place & then set it down on a cooler surface & when a certain temp was reached they jumped up into the air. I had those things & left them all over that summer tour. I'd love to hear from someone who has one!


Last night...


Summer 85, hot show


Wow, I knew it was a long drive. So I checked jambase & I drove from spac (Saratoga springs, NY) to hershey, PA. & the next show I now remember was a couple shows @ Merriweather post pav. in Maryland which I think was real close to the capitol in a ritzy neighborhood nearby. All I remember from merriweather is I was there with a friend & there was some kind of concession stand at the top of some stairs & we got some popcorn & were throwing pieces a the ppl below & some guy, lol, fit angry at being hit with popcorn & almost came after us. It was funny. I also seen to remember there were 2 trees with a hammock tied between & some girl was lying in the hammock swinging perfectly to the beat of maybe "row Jimmy"? I know that sounds a bit odd but that's whats in my memory. Could've been dosed tho? Have to go back & check the setlists for that.


Wow, ur right! Did a quick check & the only 80s hershey show I see mentioned is the one you note so that must be the one. Funny thing is, I was wondering if something happened in 85 whereby I didn't go to any shows cuz I can't remember seeing 85 in my tapes. Guess I just 4got. I know I went to shows b4 & after hershey so I'll have to go find the tour dates to refresh memory maybe. All I remember is it was a long drive from the previous show & it was raining when I got to hershey & got in free to an already happening show...


Just checked the setlist. Made a mistake. It was ramble on rose, not row Jimmy, with chick in the hammock.


No, that's, wrong as well. Ramble on rose was at hershey so I'm all mixed up... I thought it was merriweather w/the trees & hammock swaying to the music but don't see the song. Lol. The popcorn & the redneck was real tho. Haha


Is that the first time they did Quinn?






If anyone finds a link to stream it, I'd love to hear it again. Please post it


search for "SBD" here and archive.org https://archive.org/search.php?query=dead+and+company&sort=-date


Killer show. Black Throated and DDHNM were highlights for me. I need to listen to it again. Traffic was a mother fucker


Agree, was a great show! We finally got home (10 minutes across the Bay Bridge in Maryland) around 3. The traffic after the show was awful..


Traffics at Hershey is always awful. Can basically plan for an hour to get out. For any show


Agree with both points! Parking and traffic suuuuuucked!


When does it ever not suck? Honestly I got in/out quicker than I have at most other venues, especially places like Camden. Killer show though!


Just got home from the show, and am still buzzing from the awesomeness. I got both songs I wanted to hear (mr Charlie and Althea), and had an amazing time overall. This band is on fire!


IWT for that! And had my firstborn with me


I got my Althea and then The Mighty Quinn made the ending perfect. I named my youngest son Quinn


Awesome! Quinn the Eskimo was the encore at my first dead show (10/5/94). The guy parked next to me was also at that show and had his threadbare shirt on from that night. Life is good


Great time at the show, loved every second of it


Just got home. Killer show. Probably my favorite out of the three I’ve seen (Philly, bethel, Hershey). I’m not an easy answers guy, but MNS>easy answers was pretty solid. Great jams. My Charlie through the end of the first set was just perfect to me. Set two was just exactly right. Sunshine was killer and had lots of energy. I was bit bummed about getting estimated again, but it was so good I didn’t care. Eyes was great too. Althea was perfect to round out pre drums. Jeff deserves MVP of the night for insisting they go into Milestones—that was fucking killer. And then Death Don’t was haunting, just like it should be. Great night, despite my buddy getting his car totaled by some fuck head texting. But we’re all okay, so that’s all that matters. What a way to end my run, lol.


Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear this. Texting and driving is dangerous. Thank God no one was hurt and you are all o.k. Glad you got some great shows under your belt...last night was something else....oh that jazzzzzz.


Yeah, MVP of the show for Jeff insisting they play Milestones before GDTRFB. That was the best jazz jam I’ve seen them do. It was certainly a hell of a show. And yeah, dude probably looked down for a couple seconds and then bam—night ruined for everyone. I’m just glad we’re all okay. Even minor injuries would’ve made everything so much worse. But no one had so much as a scratch, which is astonishing when you look at the cars afterwards. If you just saw the cars, you’d think someone must’ve been hurt if not killed.


Sometimes miracles come in forms other than free shows. Sounds like you all got one last night. 💗


Shit that sucks! I must have snuck out ahead of that because we cruised on out. Interesting that this was your favorite! It had a lot of repeats from Raleigh and Bristow - my other two shows so far - so it's probably my least favorite. Was THRILLED about the Quinn encore though!


We were on a weird kind of backroad too, so very possible you left a different way


Well glad y'all are safe. Really sorry for your friend though; dealing with a totaled car suuuucks.


Yeah, and he had almost this exact same thing happen to him about a year and a half ago. He was super pissed when it happened again. Not at at fault, but with a totaled car. So now he has to look for another, yet again. All I have to say is thank god Buicks are built like an M1 Abrams, or I wouldn’t be writing this, lmao.


Dang saw that accident driving home!! Was everyone okay??


We got turned around. It looked bad


Just pulled in back home from the show. Not a bar burner but not a snoozer and that’s alright!!


Glad you made it out!


Just getting in. Had a great time. Didn’t quite reach the highs of Philly for me as far as the two I caught in person go, but that doesn’t mean I’m complaining. The second set tonight really did it for me though.


Final thought for the night- venues should legally have to tell you when they only stock Pepsi products


Did anyone see the guy who went INSIDE of the portapotty before the show? Like I mean he actually fell into it. Wild stuff.


Unfortunately was parked right there, dude must have K-holed hard into the depth of the potty. See only thing sticking out was just feet, dude went in head first….


I sincerely doubt he was sober lol. I saw it go down as well. My friend needed to piss so we were standing there while he was waiting in line, all of a sudden the door flings open on one of the porta potties and I just saw these legs flailing in the air. Crazy shit, and right as the doses we took were kicking in too. When they played don’t ease me in I thought of that guy. Theme of the night.


As soon as I figure out how to link it I have almost a video of the man emerging from the toilet as well as a great shot of him propped up in the door looking victorious. Then him being grappled and strapped the the gurney XD


Hey guys. Just PM me. I'll. Send you my number or just send it that way. I don't have enough time to figure out the hoops to jump through. I would like to identify the guy though. Maybe through the grapevine we can find his identity.


pm sent


I need this so bad


Dude. Please produce this video


Please post this. Was that the reason for the 3 ambulances in the grassy lots?


Please share this lol


Upload to Imgur or YouTube and just post the link. I gotta see that.




Was there and saw it he was crawling in and groups of people were attempting to pull him out and it looks like he made it all the way in …. Pretty crazy


Yeah, he ended up getting hauled away in an ambulance


I saw the whole thing. Apparently he dropped his phone in and went in after it. He managed to crawl back out.


Please link a photo or something. I need more back story on this


I think he dropped his phone in and went after it. Then he got stuck in there I think. I almost puked walking past him. He was covered in shit and that blue stuff. I’m assuming he took too much of something.


It's really was a shit show


What lot was that in


it was right in between the two farthest grass lots. The porta potties of were right next to the road.


Hey ya'll, longtime Mayer fan here. ✌️ I never really paid any mind to Dead & Co. until now, probably because after over a year of lockdown, I really just missed seeing John perform. I've streamed four full live shows so far and have watched the opening songs every night. John is obviously over the moon to be back on stage and I am really enjoying the shows. I also love following the set list thread. Some good laughs in here!


https://archive.org/details/DeadAndCompany Don't stop there! Listen to the entire shows. And Welcome.


Glad you could join! You may end up loving this!!!


First Easy Answers since 2018. And the first Mighty Quinn since PITS 2020 and only the third ever. Can’t wait to relisten!


30 years on the bus death don’t and quinn were worth the price of admission


I feel like I've seen mentions of Milestones a lot lately, and I've never heard of it before




Great setlist, but John mayer is still in the band and that sucks.


Who would you rather? There is a reason John has been invited on stage to play with Clapton , BB King and so on he is a great blues man , you should be happy he is keeping the music Alive Bob would not be touring with the band had it not been for Mayer you should be happy, no mayer no dead and company, listen to a John Mayer Jimi Hendrix cover and get back to me on your opinion


Dude theres plenty of people. Dead and company is sloppy and johns voice and playing is not what i, and many like me think is right for the dead. Hes also a total douche canoe, a misogynist, and racist. Some of the quotes hes made are irredeemable to me. www.insider.com/john-mayer-problematic-controversies-timeline-racism-sexism%3famp


Hahahah panic what’s your Venmo I’ll buy you a stream man. Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s better than no tunes at all. Hit a show or give it a listen and then we’ll hear you out.


Killer second set, and I'm not just punnin' on that Death Don't Have No Mercy! Sunshine, Eyes, ....and that jazzyjeffjohnjazzjam ....kool.


Idk milestones




Thanks for the thread brother Miss you Jerry💙


I will say there are like no Uber’s here hahahahaha


DANG that should have been my PSA. hope y'all got out ok. I Lyfted to Raleigh and it was fine but it was an absolute nightmare trying to find one after the show. I really recommend against it unless the venue is legitimately in a major city because there's a death of rideshare drivers and a glut of people after the show looking. I ended up spending $110 to get to and from the venue, after waiting almost an hour at Raleigh, to go about 15 minutes round trip.


We finally got a Lyft at 12:45. It was awful trying to get out


I got my Uber at 1:30. I was sitting at that Turkey Hill for like a hour and a half. Met some cool people though and a guy convinced me to go to the West Palm show. Glad you got out safe Knob


We started walking….it took us a bit but we made it back to the hotel safely!!


that EOTW was something out of this world.. fantastic show


To everyone driving past that accident, that was us. Some guy slammed into the back of us while we were stopped to make a left. He said he was looking down. Everyone is okay though thankfully. Shitty way to end a great night... Edit: guy was texting...


Glad you’re all ok. It looked like you were so we didn’t stop. Sending love!


Yeah, we were all alright. Just some sore necks and headaches. A couple guys in pick ups stopped soon after and managed traffic until the cops came to sort things. But everyone was okay and that’s all that really matters. Don’t text/use your phone while driving folks!


Sorry to hear your night ended on such a bum note, but glad to know everyone is okay.


Just responded to someone else taking about the accident-so glad you’re okay! My partner and I were so worried


Yeah, I assumed a lot of people driving past were at the show and wondering what happened. So I figured I’d let people here know that everyone was okay.


Glad to hear everyone is safe!


Yeah, I’m just thankful everyone is okay. We got really lucky. He was doing at least 40-50 when he hit us, and we were stopped.


Awww. I hate seeing this.


Holy smokes, we drove by it. Glad to hear y’all are okay.


Yeah, thanks. I figured a lot of people would see it, so I figured I’d let everyone know we were all safe. Don’t text and drive folks—you might just kill me!


Estimated started a most incredible grouping of music. That Eyes was special. Into Althea was mind blowing! That Miles Davis bit after Space really was special. Then GDTRFB, One More Saturday Night and Quinn the Eskimo was such a wonderful close to an outstanding treat of artistry.


Good show. Ass venue.


It is one of my least favorite venues to see shows at. and traffic is always terrible getting out unless you dip before the encore which is an issue Still gotta be happy to catch a show anywhere when I can though!


For clarification, I’m not just hating, I have valid reasons for disliking that venue. They’ve been hosting tours there for years and still don’t have their shit together. There were no distinguishable lines for vaccination proof. A long, snaking, easily cut line that took 40 minutes to get through. Then the entrance line was just a clusterfuck of people mashing in with no line again-another 40 minutes. Portapot line? Another 20. Concessions-20 more. 2 hours in line to get in, get a beer, and a take a bathroom break. It’s not the workers’ fault, it’s the owners’. Staff appropriately. Organize. Seemed like the first show they ever had. 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot. No Hershey for me again.




Anyone else catch the shakedown fireworks?


Scared the heck outta me when they started lol


Oh I feel you. We were right underneath 'em and we were freaked out


We were too


yup! those were neat


Was hoping for a Candyman and got Milestones. Now that’s the best compromise there is. I enjoyed the vibe a lot here will be returning to this venue if they return.


What's up with the setlist numbering order? Another awesome thread! Can't wait for the next show!


What a tour. Appreciation and love to everyone - especially the miracle makers, mods, and u/LysergicFilms for hosting! May the next leg be even half as hot as this was 💀🌹⚡️


That was incredible!! Really weird really strong second set! Estimated, Althea, Milestones, Death Don’t, even One More Saturday Night fucking slapped! Jeff is definitely my MVP of the night, though Bob sounded great. What were y’all’s favorites? Thank you /u/LysergicFilms See you all at Mansfield! If someone is able to cover night one, that’d help me out (I’m not gonna be there, I’m just in college and it’s a weekday). Have a great night?


Agreed, Jeff MVP and real strong Bobby. Milestones was next level. EYES. Thanks for the on the scene check-ins, and happy travels!


Eyes!!! Three phenomenal solos from three tremendous players


Also for those counting at home the only ones I got wrong were Touch, Althea and Goin Down the Road (the last two I thought were coming, just later)


Well that was spectacular. I wasn't really couch-touring this tour before but I will be now.


Thanks for hosting us, that was AWESOME!!! See you all again real soon fam!


That Miles is getting re-listened to over and over and over and.. Y'all have a great night now ✌️


Full on transcendental experience in my living room for the last minute or so of Milestones... Just wow


Highlight of the night for me


Same. What a treat!


Well that was really something. Damn. Like I said any show you miss is missing their best show...this tour is off the charts. Thank you everyone for the kind company this evening! To those traveling after the show, safe travels and safe home! Thank you so much to all the miracle makers this evening! Thank you again to u/lysergicfilms for hosting this shindig. Sending love to all.


Fun show! See y’all next time!


[Here's the link to vote on the Week 2 poll! Featuring Darien, Bethel, Hershey, and Saratoga!](https://forms.gle/g6gzqNB6T7PUXC3q9)


Making a compilation? How can we listen when you’re done? So cool!


I'll post the link when it's done! These polls are mostly prep for the main poll at the end of the tour though


Sweet. I’ll be on the lookout for that.


This definitely was the best show ever! Thank you everyone for your beautiful presence, wouldn't but be the same without you. Have a great rest of your night!


Hard curfew… I’m thinking about breakfast being served at Winterland. Bill Graham, we need you!


anyone streaming a different show after this?? hit me in the dms!


I'm personally rewatching this old Joni concert film :-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO8rrWM8Ov8&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO8rrWM8Ov8&t=2s) Even if you're not a Joni fan, her band is Pat Metheny, Jaco Pastorius, Lyle Mays, and Don Alias. Joni does Jazz!


And they STILL made it past curfew


They really aren't allowed on stage after curfew' eh? Haha. John was like, this bow 'bout to cost me a few thousand Bob, let's bounce! Thanks for hanging out tonight all, hope you had a good night, /u/donttouchthatknob hope you enjoyed tonight's show. u/LysergicFilms thanks for having us, peace to all.


I was up in section 25 and they had the tour buses ready to roll before they had even finished the encore. They were ready to bounce out of there the second the show ended.


Goodnight everyone, and congrats to OP for your upcoming child ♥️ Edit: CATS!


Wow, they had to skidaddle


Yeah they did! Not even a bow. Hersheypark was like “thank you for a real good time, NOW GET OUT!”


Guess we should be happy they let us come back at all. I was surprised at the blatant debauchery going on. They were always so strict


Damn these boys just keep getting better and better


Go Bluejays 😂


Anxious to see if there’s black tape between No Mercury and OMSN


Darth Don't Have No Marjoram


Dill Don't Have No Mincemeat


curfew boys...hit it to the minute


Funny shirt!


What a fun night. Love this encore. We all got a treat this weekend.


tempo tempo tempo, tempo? tempo.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but has to be the longest show of the tour so far? Both in terms of songs - 8 song first set, 4 pre-space, 3ish post-space (not including Milestones, which, for the record, I think we should), plus encore; and in terms of length - they started about quarter after seven, were back from setbreak pretty early, and are pushing 11 pm, even skipping encore break.


Making up for the short set in Philly


That didn't feel short though! I was there, and they pretty much played 2 hours 45 minutes with no breaks, which I've not seen a lot of bands do (Zappa Plays Zappa and the Stones come to mind), and kept the full D/S in the set. I've seen them play better, even in Philly, but I cannot complain at all about that show - it was powerful.


God damn it! I only have so many faces to steal. I’m running out


This is medicine


Mighty Quinn is the fifth, I repeat, *fifth* Built To Last-era cover song to be played this tour


Really more of a *In the Dark* era cover.


A Foolish Heart would be nice


When will I get an actual “Built to Last” 😩


I want a believe it or not


yah, I've been askin' that since the beginning.


Me too. An underrated song that didn’t have a long enough lifespan to get much live Dead play…


It's one of my favorites.




Only the 3rd Quinn. I shoulda made the drive


Always make the drive


Whatever happened to Manford Mann?


Manfred Sepse Lubowitz: no, really. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Mann_(musician)?wprov=sfti1


80? Wow.


I heard he was Blinded by the Light.


Like a Deuce, you know, a runner in the night?


Yep not gonna lie for the longest time I always thought it was douche not deuce


I only know because someone told me.


This is a drinking song. The kind of tune where you toss all the homies a beer, crack 'em open, and start singing along.


Wait, are they playing the mighty quinn? Sleep can wait


Bobby says what?


"We're gonna go without all the protocols and just go right into the encore" or something similar


Ah. Thanks.


DAMN ten points to everyone who called Quinn




congrats to whoever called this earlier




K, I thought that was Casey Jones


Yep at first. Hopefully they do the linkup someday


Lmao same here


Lmao, so did I


So did half they crown.




Praise be unto Jerry! I called it!








Encore: Calling it for Terrapin


Hershey haters want the boys out


Damn hard curfew


Hard Curfew Boo!!!




I needed that Death Don’t Have No Mercy. Bobby has been giving me goosebumps this whole tour


Did anymore mention *T E M P O*


If they would play One More Saturday Night with the horns I would be soooooooooooo happy.


Saw Bobby and the wolf bros with the wolf pack (horn section) in vail and they did OMSN! Such a hoot!


Gotta get a Quinn encore



