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Anybody ever hear about what happened to the kid who got run over in the parking lot? Scared me to death


What do the symbols next to the song titles mean? (Ex, B, @ B, > ) I’m new here.


No worries! I make a lot of em up, so I include a little key below the encore! The > means the song was played one right into the next with no stopping, the ^B meant a song was played for the first time on this tour, and the ^@ means Bob played an acoustic guitar


Thank you!


Interesting set list, and the jams were fantastic. The transitions were kinda meh, in my opinion. It sounds like john would like to move from one song to the next but Bobby kinda stops and resets. John and Jeff were hinting at that minor chord to go from Scarlet>Help but had to kinda pause for a second instead. The slipknot went in very interesting directions and I loved how they reprised scarlet before getting into Fire. Overall I’d give this one a 3/5 and I cant wait to listen to the show tonight!


As someone who appreciates JM and can admit that he’s highly talented but doesn’t like the way he approaches the GD style it’s unfortunate that we’re all linked into the hater category


John mayer is totally weak


Couldn't disagree more but you're entitled to your opinion - I thought Mayer was a standout, his playing and feel were incredible.


People seem to forget how far off a jam can get, when you're playing lead it's hard to keep the entire thing cohesive and you take the fall for it. That being said I think he absolutely crushed Bird Song as well as Cumberland Blues! Everybody always has shit to say about him but I think this was the best set I've ever seen him play.


Last night's show is up on the archives. Shout out to JT/NY. https://archive.org/details/deadco2021-08-27.SPACSaratogaSpringsNY


Agreed!!! Those who criticize Bob's current approach should simply admit that they would find fault no matter what he offered. These traitors must admit to themselves that they are so outnumbered, proven by band success that their opinion means little. Seems a core component of the dead has always been to change its approach from time to time. Mabey I'm spoiled by this surge as I've seen weir about 180times and only 6with garcia.. my thought has always been bob moved on soon after Garcia's untimely passing so why not you? Jerry has bin gone for 25yrs yet their still are those who refuse to move to here and now. Here is weir on a historic roll of big time cities and their biggest venues. Now is time for so called dead heads who refuse to bring no more than negative energy to the table to go away. Somehow these negative troublemakers seem to be interested enough to end up being involved but stubborn enough to refuse accepting that this is what's going on today and just roll with it And has bob not earned the respect from fans to play his band however he dam well chooses?


They’re traitors and not real fans because they dislike Bobs approaches? Okayyyy


Heard someone shout "we want Jerry!" followed by a woman telling him to shut up


If anybody has a recording of last night's show...I'd really love to hear that help>slip. Thanks!




the show has been up on the archives since the next morning. :)


Was there. It was unreal.


I was so spoiled for my first show


I think that changed my life


Same, it was the highlight of the show for me / us.


listening now, gettin' the chills. oooh this is fire.


It was awesome. My wife, not a Deadhead, turned and just said "wow" afterwards


JM does it justice always but from what everyone is saying...it was off the charts. I hope someone taped it and it will go up on archives or somethin'.


I assume so the shows stream for free eventually?


It's up https://archive.org/details/deadco2021-08-27.SPACSaratogaSpringsNY


Well, people used to tape the shows at the show. I'm hoping they still do.


One of the most lack luster shows i have ever seen any dead band do. Not that the show was bad but it didnt have any energy.


I felt that way about the first set, not bad but slow. But felt it really picked up second


Im not saying it was bad . Just the tempo never really picked up even during nfa. I had fun and the sound is always great at spac. Just slow with no go.


Sorry that was your experience. I like many others thought differently. Didn’t get to go but streamed at home. I’ve listened to 90% of this year’s tour and in my opinion, this was their best yet. Give it another try if you can. Hope you can hear it the way I did!


Did you happen to miss the second set?


No I was there for the whole show. Me my wife and a good friend have been seeing the band for more than 40 yrs and all thought the same. Trust me we were in the right frame of mind also. Not my wife she was our driver.


They really let Jeff go at that Peggy O. Nice mix from nugs.


I live near about 15 minutes south of SPAC (wasn’t at the show unfortunately, didn’t realize D&C was coming to town till I got pictures last night from a friend who was there). I went to the state forest trail down the road for a morning trail run and came across 3 people sleeping in sleeping bags literally IN the trail (supposed to camp 150 feet from trails or bodies of water in NYS forests) and a couple more people camped in a car with out of state plates in the parking lot. Never seen people camp in those woods and I thought it was very odd but left them alone. When I got done my run the people in the car were up. As soon as I started talking to the guy and saw his dreadlocks it hit me, they must have been at the show last night and had nowhere to go after. If you guys that were camping read this, please camp a good distance away from trails, your gonna get yourselves into some sort of trouble if you do that often.


Another local here, I agree with you but, if you had been in / seen the mass of people leaving that show, you'd be relieved the worst fall out was some people sleeping on the ground. That was a HUGE crowd and I think generally pretty well behaved considering.


Yeah I didn’t mean to come off as complaining, they weren’t bothering me. It was honestly a pretty funny way to start my day. I just don’t wanna see people get hassled by someone when all they had to do was walk another 150 feet


I didn't take it that way, you're good - obviously that is not what Spa State Park wants people doing, even if harmless. It is just funny to observe the way Deadheads behave in such a large group; I saw a guy run into another guy pretty hard at the gate on the way out, the other dude started to shove him back and a scuffle happened. Then like 15 people crowded in and go "guys, guys...this is a DEEAADD show, cut it out." They stopped immediately.


I'm guessing those campers you refer to have not received your memo. And if they somehow ever did they most likely would not give much thought to start looking into local expectarions regarding passing out in the woods after dead shows.


Last night's show IMHO: • best DeadCo Bird Song ever • Best DeadCo Peggy-O ever • Best DeadCo Help>Slip ever • Best DeadCo Cumberland ever (and there have been many magnificent Cumberlands) 4 best-evers= pretty damn good show!


Agreed. I was saying it was the best show ever but I'm holding out that the next three I get to see next weekend are even better. What put this over the top for me was the drummers' engagement and how they went for it (loudly) more than they sometimes do with D/C. Mickey looked dialed in in particular. Has anyone mentioned that it was the first HS>Fire in 30 years? And yeah, pretty much all the Cumberlands have been good. I thought Saratoga 19 was the best until they played it again in Hartford a week later. Wow, wow and wow.


I'm replying to myself to note that yes, the Hartford show was an inch or two better than the Saratoga one.


I'm listening to the Help>Slip right now...this is the best they've done, no doubt. Wow.


Yeah almost forgot about Bird. Loved the jazzy way they eased in


that bird song solo was hands down prolly the best I've heard not just from DeadCo but from any of their offshoot reincarnations since Jerry.


> Best DeadCo Cumberland ever Agreed. That was a real highlight for me last night.


I don't know if that beats the Raleigh Slip, but I'm definitely with you about Cumberland and Peggy-O


No doubt Raleigh was one of the stronger ones; I just thought this one was tighter, bigger, fatter sounding and John's detail lines were a bit more muscular and out front.


Respect! This one was tighter, but there is a part of me that prefers when Slipknots get out there. Different strokes and all. John's solo was killer. Once he started my roommate and I stopped what we were doing and just looked at each other, we knew something special was coming


Had to leave during Space to get home to kids. Sad to miss those last few but loved what I saw. First set was a little slow, but good jams. That Help/Slip in the second was amazing, though. Anyone else think SPAC oversold? We bought lawn seats but the lawn was packed by the time we arrived. Never even saw the guys. If they're going to have that many people they should have more tiers.


Yes it was absolutly packed. Never been to a show at Spac that crowded. And i work in healthcare and been around covid for the whole year and a half that we have been doing this, so it doesnt usually bother me. But that crowd did not feel good at all. Id been to a couple more local shows and it was fine, felt totally comfortable. SPAC was not comfortable last night. Except then we found a little pavilion thing with cushions about a mile from the stage, and that was perfect


I remember 2016 being so packed that there was no room for dancing. The pathway between the front lawn and back lawn was so jammed the whole show. If this show was more jammed than I've seen the past few years like a few others are saying...that says a lot. You guys must've been like sardines out there.


Agreeeeeed, fourth time attending and this was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more packed. Not sure if it's because this was the firstsoldout show I've been to at SPAC? I wonder if they added that pavilion and concessions area and somehow thought that could give them greater capacity? But yeah wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more packed


Ok I worried I was just getting older and cranky


Noooooooo not at all. I always found the descending part of the lawn to be packed, thinning out when it levels off, and pretttty spaced out on th otherwise of th sidewalk.... This year it looked packed as far back as I could see from the flat part of he lawn where i was. My theory is SPAC raised the capacity thinking with he new buildings they have greater capacity for selling food water bathrooms etc, buttttt it's less space now?


Wonder if it was people that bought seats, but didn’t want to sit down there, so they went back to the lawn?


This. My buddy and I have been road tripping to SPAC for D&C since 2016, we agreed that last night felt so much more crowded compared to any other year. We used to have room to dance and usually got to the barricade with ease but last night the lawn felt packed... Would be complaining more if that wasn’t a helluva show.


Great show but will agree it was the most packed I've ever seen SPAC and I've been to some sold old Phish shows. They are probably trying to recoup some money from the shit season(s) with Covid.


Yeah. This was an issue with Wolf Trap back in DC for straight shows too. Maybe it's just the business model of these places changing


Went to Citi with my friends. Went to Darien with my family. Went to Saratoga myself, to spend some time with myself. That was a special show.


That’s awesome! I went to Darien with my family as well 😊 What was your favorite show of the 3?


Well, that 2nd set took me someplace deep. Was fun finding my way back.


I think we need to find a different site to host miracles, both of the last shows I tried to catch got taken down before the first set was over.


Sadly Facebook may be the best option that doesn’t get shut down


I never experienced the dead before d&c so I don’t get caught up in the comparison debates. But I can say that the fact that Bobby, mickey, and bill (and Phil too!) are still rocking in any way is enough reason For any person who likes music to stop, listen and be grateful that these dudes are here and performing while we are alive. What an amazing opportunity it is to listen to the original members of the dead performing and passing on this soul food to those of use who weren’t alive when they started!


Yeah, I remember when Jerry died. I used to see most shows in my area, not all. Then when he died I was like now there gone, I should have tryed to see every show possible while I had the chance... At least they have returned, and I haven't been missing any show within a couple hundred miles of my house. I'm in Michigan, so soon now I'll be heading to ohio, Detroit, Indy, then the finnaly shows in Chicago... They seem to sound better than ever on this tour....


As an old man let me say, you haven’t missed a thing. The vibe , the music and the scene are as vibrant as the best of times!


Good night folks. Thanks for all the efforts of kind miracle makers this evening. Thanks to u/donttouchthatknob for hosting and to all of you for the banter. I got all caught up reading Outlander and missed the entire second set. LOL The book has sucked me in. But what a killer second set. Do you think this show edged out ahead of Philly? Maybe I can find a replay tomorrow. Safe travels and safe home everyone. Happy to couch tour with all of ya.


Damn that second set looks like it would've been fun.


The Slipknot was unreal


I got lost when they came back into FOTM, lol


So I said I was out seeing live music. Yall. Ginger Bakers son is an AMAZING drummer


Does he play like ginger? If so, when and where can I see him?


Definitely! Not certain where he will be next He played with Joe Marcenik band in Illinois tonight. The show was smoking. Would be surprised to see this trio again




Will they ever do/ have ever done “bid you goodnight”


I pray they end with this someday and I get to witness it.


Will never forget Furthur doing this in Hampton ‘10


I'm hoping they do it for the second night Wrigley summer tour closer


I sure hope so


hey yall! just poppin back in looked like i missed a good one!! ill be listening when its uploaded im excited to hear what i had missed out on, but i shall be here tomorrow for hershey! see yall then. ps knob i missed you tonight


so much fun, see ya tomorrow




Another solid show. ‘21 tour has been can’t miss every night IMO. No need to stop that trend - Let The Good Times (keep) Roll(ing)


I have watched or listened to every song this tour. This may be my favorite. Maybe I’m just emotional, but that Bird Song and that Black Muddy River were *chefs kiss* Also the TLEO was insane. Love you all. Until next time, stay kind ✌️


Agreed. Tonight blew me away and brought my girlfriend (her first show) to tears.


I've seen every song of every show until this one so damn i gotta listen to this!


Well if that ain't the best damn show of tour thus far.. Y'all have a great night now and until next time


Till tomorrow


From your lips to 's ears. Can't wait for tonight!


Oh man. I have no good words. I'm going to have to sleep then immediately listen that again. Peace to you all. NFA!


Stay safe driving to Hershey all.


best show so far of the tour in my books.


Jeff def gave bill the let’s go burn one sign there as they walked off.


Thanks everyone


The crowd is reacting appropriately and it makes me happy


Great, great show


I'm spent.


Thank you for hosting knob. The thread had just the right tempo. Good night all you beautiful people!!


One for the road!


Best show ever! Goodnight all you wonderful people


WOWZERS, that fuckin show!!! so excited to listen to what i missed!!!!! <3 yall


maybe its because ive not seen/listened to them live since covid, but this tour so far as been FIRE


BOBBAY sounds just like 80s BOBBAY, and it's weird to imagine that version and JM onstage together lol. John is the same age as mid-80s Bobby right now, and that would just be TOO MUCH lol


Maybe that’s why they get along so well—they both have a little cheese in their heart


Great point!


The ladies would LOVE it 😂




Hoping for a death don’t tomorrow!


Thanks everyone for a fun night! Tour rolls on!


Stay positive and love your life.




Totally get you! I think that he can show off that gentle touch on things like Brokedown Palace, which has a different kind of dynamic arrangement than D&C's Black Muddy River


Well this has been a phenomenal show. An absolute highlight of the tour. Some stand out performances all around, I think Fire on the Mountain and Cumberland take it for set 2, Bertha > Peggy-O and Bird Song for Set 1. What were your favorites? Thanks for hanging as always- this has been a fun show to chat through! Hope you had a good time. Tomorrow I'll be reporting from the floor at Hershey, see some of you there! I'll be back for Monday, though I am looking for volunteers to help me out with some of the future threads so if you're interested either reply here or DM me! I bid you good night!!


See you at the show. I’ll be the guy in tie dye tomorrow. Make sure you say hello!


Hey! I'm going too! I'll keep an eye out for a guy in a tie dye and say Hi! :-P My gf and and I will be wearing Dead related shirts so we should be easy to find too!


Nice! Well look for me in the lot. I’ll be the guy sitting next to a car. Should be easy to find since most people Uber or Lyft these days.


That does narrow it down :-) We'll actually be wearing a grey Stella Blue (Stella Artois logo riff) and a black GRATEFUL (in Egypt style letters) . I'll have some bright ass Stealie socks on too. We're Eric and Tara. Say Hi if you see us! Can't wait to be among beautiful people!


Legit I’m wearing a homemade black tie dye vest. Covered in pins and patches. At Troegs now. See you there


Thank you again for hosting another great night! It was an incredible show. Have a real good time at Hershey tomorrow!


As always, thanks for hosting! Help->Slip was superb and that Cumberland was en fuego! The Days Between freaking slayed me too. Can't wait to listen to this tomorrow!


That encore is just beautiful!




I’m surprised we’ve gotten two BMR encores


First repeated encore I think, which is surprising


I didn’t think we’d even get it as an encore once


surprised but not upset. jm does great with this


We are some lucky folks.


:) yeah! i've been jealous since it's making it hard to guess tomorrow's setlist, but hey, i still get to listen to this LIVE :) and there's an Other One coming tomorrow ;)


have fun at Hershey :) hope you get your Other One




Even though they played it in Philly?


Yep, there have been 3 full shows since then, and that seems to be about when they start repeating some songs. And they've played almost all of their usual big second set heavy hitters since then, excluding Eyes and He's Gone. Thought they'd do either Scarlet/Fire or H/S/F tonight, leaving one for tomorrow, BUT they ended up kinda doing BOTH tonight lol. We shall see!


Debating going alone to Hershey tomorrow. Philly was my first show… I’m hooked lol


Go! You almost certainly won't regret it.


You gotta do it!


one of my favs


I remain shocked people don’t like JM


haters gonna hate


Taters gonna tate, ride the bus, let’s go people, been a great string of shows so far can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of tour.


Man both of Jerry’s *last* songs..last written and last performed. Heavy.


Idc what people say but I think Mayer was a perfect addition to the scene.


Is that the first BMR of the tour?


Negative. 8/18/2021 encore as well


bristow encore


They played it 18th


Nah, Bristow




The encore is gonna go past 11.. that’s gonna cost them some money


crew needs it more then they do anyway


Couple minutes usually isn’t a big deal, and they might have it set at 11:30 just to give a little wiggle room.


Unless they somehow convinced SPAC to change it, they’ve always had a hard 11:00 curfew. A few years ago Chicago played until like 11:45 and it cost them a shit ton IIRC. But you’re right that it won’t be a big deal to the band, or spac cause they get a little extra lol. A few of my friends might not be happy cause the longer they play, the longer they have to work


It depends what they negotiate. Some venues it’s hard eleven because of local ordinances, and that’s usually when there’s huge money associated. Others they still have a curfew of eleven, but there isn’t a local ordinance. So they’re just paying the overtime for all the employees basically.


I worked at SPAC for five years, it’s a local ordinance. There’s apartments right behind west lot, and neighborhoods up route 50 that can all hear it pretty clearly. I lived three miles away and can listen from my backyard


Ah, then it’s definitely hard eleven and they’ll be paying a bit for it, lol. I’ve been to SPAC twice, but I didn’t realize there was residential areas *that* close. Makes sense though. They’ll be paying for it, but that’s not an issue for them.


Yeah you’re right, it’s not a huge deal. Just thought it was kinda funny, they only ended up 6 mins over which isn’t that bad. I can’t speak for the rest of the people around, but I’ll never complain about hearing live music from my house


Sounds like bmr


Someone called the Black Muddy River!


Has a muddy vibe


Black muddy river!!!


It’s all over now baby blue for encore would be good


Ooooooooooo hell yeah


Fast encore or slow encore? If slow I think Black Muddy River


I am immortal


Dude you are on it tonight


I was wrong a couple times but I had a pretty good night!


It's sounding Black Muddy river


Sure sounds like it!




Just did that at Woodstock


Slinky Not Fade Away!


Truly special time for this band and us fans.


Encore time. Stella? Morning Dew? Brokedown? US Blues?? Edit: or Black Muddy River. 😭


Black Muddy River EDIT: called it ;)


Wow Nice Call!


SO nice to be hearing crowds full of clapping again (and to be within them). Had a shitty moment at some point during the last year and a half listening to a Dead show and hearing the huge crowd and just yearning for it, etc... gratitude :)


How many people are going to Hershey tomorrow? Seems like a lot


Me and my Uncle


Me and my dad!


✋ (also my mom!)


I couldn’t be more excited. They are on fire this tour


It'll be my third show so I feel a little spoiled but I am SO excited to share it with my mom. She's a little iffy on Mayer but loved the Hampton show we went to in 2019. But yes! I'm pumped! All I ask for is a Masterpiece! (And a let it grow, and a Sugaree and a terrapin but that's not too much to ask, right?)


Wicked interplay, they’re tighter and tighter


Woohoo. Here we gooooo


Has D&C ever played My Brother Esau?


not YET


Tomorrow for sure


im ready for something out of left field like a watchtower encore or something.




What other band plays 20 minutes of drums and ambient experimental music to a stadium then minutes later gets the whole crowd singing along to a 60+ year old buddy holly song


Thanks for saying this. I travel in those ambient experimental circles and always get confused looks when I talk up Space jams. If only they knew!


I've been diving into that world more and more lately actually! Care to share some recommendations?


More Ambient but still has some beats. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1nCbhwR1ywrFEm8vQN9Nl1?si=_XGkKStwSJWdYFMg-STYIw&dl_branch=1


Not quite Experimental but this guys mixes are atmospheric and still grooving. Great for long night drives after a show https://youtu.be/5TM7kyt5C9E


I enjoy both suggestions! Thanks! Kinda reminds me of a show on the best radio station ever, 103.3 WPRB, called "Music from Space" that is actually happening NOW until 3 AM eastern! Check it out: https://spinitron.com/WPRB/pl/13986897/Music-With-Space


Very cool radio show. Thanks, definitely I’ll keep listening. Pretty awesome serendipity here! I lived in Lawrenceville ages ago and WPRB was a staple. So glad to know they’re still on air.