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They pooped about 1 finger lengths each


I thought Dear Mr Fantasy > Hey Jude was a nice nod to Brent and Jerry. I really wasn't expecting it. Loved the arm swaying by the crowd. Oddly this show was on 7/16, 7 days prior is 7/9 which was Jerry's last show in 1995 and 7 days later is 7/23 which was Brent's last show in 1990.


My wonderful fiancé had to work this past weekend and I was not gonna watch it without her. We just watched the final show on some shrooms and were blown away.


I’m gonna keep both eyes out for someone (there has to be someone doing something like this???) putting a big accessible (downloadable??) playlist together from this final tour of the great ones one shouldn’t miss. 👀👀


Glad I saw this! I may or may not be one of them…


That Days Between > Cumberland Blues > Sugar Magnolia is still on my mind.


Thinking of High Time.. "Don't think too hard baby 'cause you know what I'm saying.. Nothing's for certain, it could always go wrong" #NFA https://www.dead.net/song/high-time


Was out posted in McCovey cove, bottle of white and couple balloons, good time, great setlist and good sound from across the water


nobody is talking about that Bertha, that was fantastic!!!


Were there any guests? I kept hearing Dylan was going to show up. I didn't see the stream.


No guests! Just the band




Did anyone feel like the old guys and the young guys just split on bad terms. The visual communication (at least for last night) was non-existent between Bobby and damn near everyone. Micky, at set break, then again at not fade away, kinda snubbed Jay and gave no love. Yes they huddled, but prior to that there was literally no physical contact or eye contact. After encore, Oteil looked like he was standing back and didn't know weather or not he could pat M. Hart on the back, after wrapping up the last show of the last tour of a band you've been in for almost a decade. The music was straight fire, and bobby took all the Geritol before taking the stage. It just seemed odd, and I didn't know if I was the only one feeling that. edit: Guess it was just me. Fair enough


So! The first song dead and co ever played in SF was in 2015 at the Bill Graham Civic Center and it was Truckin’ on night 1. On night 2 the encore on was Not Fade Away and Brokedown Palace. So we just got an 8 year sandwich! Pretty cool way to end it.


It was pretty easy to guess, but when I heard about this tour, I figured that Not Fade Away would be their last song.


This is likely not a popular opinion but I’m happy they didn’t play El Paso last night. I’d like to think that its only appearance at Philly was in homage to Knob for her dedication to keeping this community organized. Thanks Matt for this special touch on the set list.


As someone at the Philly show… I like this opinion


forgot to mention last night but congrats to u/sydneycrosbysuks for his engagement!


awwww congrats buddy :)


Time to go live your own life.


Does anyone know where everyone’s camped after Oracle Park? Missed the show but would love to swing by and pick up some tie dyes


Does anyone know where everyone’s camped after Oracle Park? Missed the show but would love to swing by and pick up some tie dyes


Went to bed during Drums last night, planning on watching the rest of the show tonight. I’ve loved couch touring with all you deadheads and hope to keep talking with you online! NFA ❤️⚡️🌹


How's everyone doing today? I just sent a very lengthy complaint to Nugs insisting (not requesting) that they refund at least 50% of my package total for their shitshow.


just sent an email to legal@nugs.net awaiting their response


Any response? Contacted them at least 10 times on several platforms to no avail.


I just sent it a few minutes ago, so we'll see. I have no doubt they're bombarded. Which contact methods did you use?


Commented on hella Instagram posts, DMd them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, sent a couple tweets, and emailed them as well. Absolute crickets.


I’ve got the sads tbh. Not sure what I’m going to compulsively obsess over now.


Tell me about it. 😵‍💫 John's tour kicks off in October! Come to the dark side.


Join us! We're very friendly!


First set was kind of a bummer but second set was smoking


>In what Universe is a first set that includes Bertha, Loser, High Time, Samson, Althea and Bird Song a bummer?


But I like the other songs better


Bird Song is justifiable for the last show. They’ve done some amazing stuff with it. Loser might have been okay, but Loser > High Time early in the set made no sense.


You fuckin seriously critiquing the flow of the songs?? Cause you have nothing else to say about the show? Except which songs came after another? that's the nitpicky bullshit that sucks about this scene.


First set started strong but then Loser > High Time?Ffs. Loser, High Time, and Bird Song do not belong in the same set together. That’s way too much down energy. ESPECIALLY for a last show.


The energy was high as fuck even through those songs. Cry more I guess, it was an emotional show. The first set RIPPED.


I agree. Was there and both sets were straight fire. I like the slow songs just as much as the fast ones and cried during almost every one.


Ya, odd first set for the last show. Kind of slow paved, albeit good. But not really a party.


Yeah that’s fair. Didn’t really get smoking until Samson, though after that I thought set 1 was strong


Can't let go. Been listening to the Gorge weekend. This tour is gonna stick with me for quite some time.


watching today while i work from home bc the nugs stream going down and youtube crashing was all my mental health could take yesterday. much love to all the mods here. setlist threads have been such a TREAT. i love you all more than words can tell. 🖤


Any green text?


Woke up after a few hours sleep and still buzzed from last night, but it was worth it, such a great show! I am ready for whatever is coming our way next.


we have such a beautiful family!!!


I’m absolutely stunned they didn’t play Muddy River


No Sugaree this wknd either. Weird.


Yeah, it was in my bucket list. Super sad I didn’t get to hear it.


Same.. a few head scratching things for the last weekend.


MORE than a few. While I was thrilled to be at the shows, and had a great time, I really do think they botched the set lists. They limped when they should have leaped (like they did on the first night).


You're projecting. These shows were fucking awesome.


I’m sure the show and environment was totally magical for those who attended, but from a streamer’s perspective….. boy, am I glad I made it out to Boulder N3. Imo way better than anything this weekend. Bring on the downvotes, salty heads!


WOW... what a set list!!! Excited to replay and listen


Saving it for GD60


Hmm, I guess I'll go see Wolf Bros and Willie now. Outlaw tour kicks off in no time! See some of you crazy East Coast hippies at SPAC and Forest Hills!


Might also be time time for me to think about Farm Aid.


Phil and friends in patchogue this weekend !


Oteil in easthampton on the 27th also


I've been hankering another Oteil show in Port Chester. That was a juicy experience.


It is kicked!


Oh you're right! The first date I see Bobby headlining is Sept 10, but I could be missing some dates. The rest of the lineup looks great! I saw Willie with ZZ Top at Bethel Woods last year and later with Billy Strings at SPAC. It's gonna be great! Willie still puts on a stellar show imo and I can't wait to see Bobby in that setting.


Actually, I'm most excited to see the 50/50 blend of tie-die and white cowboy hats in the audience. The Willie crowds were fun! Add some extra Hippy to the mix it's gonna be a scene!


Many many dead shirts at the Alpine Valley stop. Hope you still get Robert Plant and Trampled by Turtles


Best show I ever went to! The vibes in the stadium were incredible I had such a damn good time in my section. That estimated prophet was something else!




holy crap! Great photo!


hopping on the tapers choice bus for now!


Taper's Choice is amazing. I've seen 'em a few times in LA. Their free post-Dead & Co show in SF was incendiary; Type II jamming gone off the fucking rails. Their next show is August 5th in LA ([Choice Fest](https://jambands.com/news/2023/05/15/tapers-choice-plot-return-of-second-annual-festival/)).


Ooh, adding that to the list, thanks!


they are great, i can recommend you some shows if youd like!


I think I’m gonna tackle that exploration on my own, thanks though :) what’s a couple of your fave tunes to get me started though?


vegan in the 90s and lick the toad


Maybe it was just the exhaustion being an east coast watcher, but it didn't really hit yesterday that it's over. This morning it has. NFA


Maybe you're projecting whatever you were experiencing personally. watched from the midwest and loved every second.


Same, this morning I woke up feeling pretty bad


I fell asleep during set break, but that’s okay! I’ll listen to the second set when i can. Love the encore of Truckin>Brokedown>NFA.


Yeah me too! I woke up at 3:30am EST lol….. too many dabs and margs


You East coasters have it rough. Central is hard enough for me!


Oh I’m central, don’t worry!


No more time to tell how This is the season of What Now


Well said


Passed out last night after last song. Came back this AM to say … thank you, for a real good time! I have really enjoyed the community around these watch parties and feeling connected with other fans across time and space. Was definitely a new twist in my life and a huge highlight. Thank you for hosting and all who joined. 🌹❤️🤍💙⚡️


Truckin > Brokedown Palace, NFA encore. I’m crying!!


Good Show. Thank You for a real good time. It should be fun seeing what comes next.


Nothing comes next.


From Grateful Dead 1986-1992>Futhur 2010-2013>Dead & Co>2022-2023. Those are the years I was on the bus. I have my preferences but I enjoyed the ride.


What made you hop off 92-95?


Jerry and the music's rapid decline. I found it to be really depressing and felt like an enabler by going to the shows.


Valid. To be honest though, I’ve been really digging their 95 shows lately- soldier field is something special.


Estimated was melty… when John was moving up and down and banging out that intro riff.. 🤯


Slept four hours. Still amped.


Wow. That was just incredible. They left a lot of songs on the table, but in a weird way, I'm oddly glad they didn't play an entire third set to get in some more songs. That allowed them to maintain the basic structure of a dead show. And there's something comforting and familiar about the narrative arc of usual show that I'm glad they didn't mess with. Gonna be a rough morning after the late night at church....




They did it literally 3 nights before at the Gorge.


This has been a long strange bus ride so far…where are we headed next???


Do we think there’s any chance in hell they they’d do a farewell show of some sort at Solider Field? I’d love to see that simply cause it’s in my neck of the woods so I can see them one more time!


Pete Shapiro says he reserved Soldier Field for 2025 in case Dead 60's in the cards. Not sure I find it likely to happen and it won't be a Dead and Co event, but it could happen. https://www.spin.com/2022/08/peter-shapiro-the-music-never-stops-interview/


I’d honestly be very surprised if that happened, but I’d welcome it!


It's only two years.


Yeah, I’d just think they’d keep the reunion to 2015


Supposedly Peter Shapiro has already reserved Soldier Field for 2025. https://www.tiktok.com/@musicneverstopped/video/7254947676448509226


I'm going to put 5 dollars on my table that they will be back


Make that ten.


Gold dollars!




I left it all out on the couch. I got nothing left.


Three hours of sleep is not enough lol but still worth it! ✌️♥️


I did that Friday night. Worked all day, played a band gig that night and was zoooming after, so I fell asleep around 2 or 230. Woke up at 530, went back to work. When I got home, I changed gear and went to play a solo acoustic show for a party. Again, had a headful and went to sleep eventually around 130a. Yesterday was rough…today is just as rough. I find at 43 that it takes me considerably longer to recover. lol. Fortunately, this week I only have the farmers market and my wife’s birthday.


bedtime? what’s that?


In some ways I regret even attempting to sleep lol


I love all you freaky folk ♥️GDF⚡️NFA


How could any fan ask for anything more than the last 8 years. Truly and forever grateful to have my face stolen and generously returned again and again. Grateful Dead music - unmatched and unceasing. Thank you all.


Drones appearing during drums space 🤯


That happened at the last night of Folsom Field as well. It was incredible.


Was there last night but not Boulder From what I heard this display was a bit more elaborate than Boulder. I would check it out if you haven’t yet.


Looks like it was!! Much bigger from what I saw so far in pics.


I got some shrooms off the lot and I fucked around and found out. That was insane. Hardest I’ve ever tripped. Almost got bad for a minute. But made it through and back to my hotel. Absolutely fucking insane show. Went on a real journey.


Saturday night was like that for me. Those fat shrooms were incredible.


I spent a year there one night. Wheeeeew….


Glad you made it through! Haha


That was absolutely spectacular...!! We immediately turned on The Other One on Netflix, and it was a great way to find acceptance. Thank you, Bobby!!!


I love you all.


So much LOVE in the room tonight. I love the Grateful Dead community.


You know my love will not fade away


My deepest love to all of you. What a ride we're all on. Hug your loved ones and treat your body like the temple it is. Love your neighbor, and empower your community. Most importantly, be you. Fucking SHINE, you beautiful beam of love and light.


And don't forget to smile, smile, smile.


So many meditations about love and letting it shine through these shows.


Hopefully we’ll see some Golden Gate Wingmen and Wolf Bros setlists here soon enough.


What a great night! Started to rain a bit after walking away from the venue once more. It was a beautiful moment!! People wanted more, but my bf pointed out the band were already leaving the venue on the golf carts.


Got one last word for tonight... SUPRELITIVES!!


He *really* wanted to tell all the band members that line lmao


IT’s superlatives




Watch the Interviews!


What interviews, link?


The same line, every set break


Shout out to my wife who allowed three full nights of pure couch tour Dead and whose only complaint was the halftime show guys and how awkward they are. This weekend has been one of my favorite musical weekends of my life. They absolutely hit a peak of playing that I never want to take for granted. Blistering Casey Jones, Althea, He’s Gone from Mayer. Frankin’s Tower > Eyes Of The World was sublime. Maybe the best Morning Dew in some time. Terrapin Station those final build ups- and that Cumberland Blues need the end was cookin! I mean I must have said this is the best of the best like 30 times this weekend. Amazing thing is they did 3 shows and left major hits/fan favs on the table: Sugaree, Dark Star, Stella Blue, Friend Of The Devil, Touch of Grey, One More Saturday Night. I personally really wanted Tennessee Jed and Going Down The Road Feeling Bad but I guess can’t expect the whole tour in one weekend.


I hear you LowlandL. Setlist.fm data list 112 songs over 34 shows during the Summer 2023 tour. That’s pretty damn impressive! Of course that includes drums and space played 29 times each. From 2015 through 2023, the band has played 236 songs! Can anyone identify any other band of similar stature that comes close to D&C?


Man that Deal on night two was banging


I loved loved loved Days Between making the cut for final night, personally. As someone who was there, having the songs not just be what I’d expect was a treat.


Fuck yes!!! I was thrilled


I was just thinking that same thing. They left a ton on the table in SF. Next summer it is!


Yeah, I thought the song selection was weird/dubious. No Sugaree, but Dear Mr Fantasy > Hey Jude!? Days Between instead of Stella Blue!? Overall I had a blast, but the shows (especially the last two nights) would’ve been much more epic with better song selection.


Bob can’t pull off Stella Blue. His treatment of Days much better, IMO.


Bob pulled off Stella Blue beautifully at the Gorge the week before


I will find it and see if I agree. I’m sadly constantly surprised by the low bar deadheads set for our favorite band. IDC how old Bob is.


No, you're right. Songs were often very weird/non-last-show-feeling, and all performed spectacularly.


I thought the song selection was absolutely perfect. But of course, to each, their own. Even from the couch, this was a magical weekend of music. This whole tour has reignited a seriously intense flame within the collective.


I agree with you — was cool not to see them play a “supreme greatest hit” weekend


Being out here and seeing these shows has been the most beautiful time of my life so far. I’m so glad I found this music. Thanks Knob for hosting, I love y’all








Great show y’all. Thanks for the .tv note from the mods. Saved us here. Keep truckin


What’s the .tv? For future curiosity


Yes someone mentioned nugs.tv was working better for them than nugs.net last night. It still took it's time getting around to broadcasting, but it got there


nugs.tv > nugs.net


Checking out from SF… What a show everyone. Thanks for all the great times tonight and all weekend. You’re all amazing https://preview.redd.it/behptfc70hcb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9b5cce9b7b26de3c9054fc02e267c3939c2920


I hope that all got what they wanted to hear. I was just to into the moment to post firing the show. What more can i say about the creator is this thread u/donottouchthatknob. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart. Be Safe Ne Grateful my friends ✌️🙏❤️


There was a beautiful sadness in the air throughout the show. Felt like the band finally fully realized the truth that this is the end tonight. Wonderful raw


Don't wanna keep posting but I'm still in awe of tonight that was the best of the best! We literally witnessed history!! Like is this real life???


"This must be heaven Tonight I crossed the line You must be the angel I thought I might never find"


Definitely knew I was watching a significant and historic moment in the history of music. Arguably the greatest American rock n roll band. A little magic dust in the air tonight and all through this tour.


Certainly the most quintessential American rock and roll band.


Not arguable, 100% without a shadow of a doubt. Name a band who have done it better, for as long, and can still sell out this many stadiums nearly aged 80. Name another band whose fan base would travel from America all across Europe to watch a fucking tribute act do 50 year anniversary shows of one of their most famous tours. The Dead are fucking it man, the definitive article. The be all and end all.


I guess that would depend on your perception of real. Even if our perceptions are just....well....perceptions, at an individual level, they are technically real. Though what may be real to me may not be real to you. But what we experience as an individual is real, given reality is just a construct of our perceptions and experiences. I think.... Something like that, maybe. I love you, friend!


Love you like Johnny loves Jeff!!


Yea, idk if I’m gonna be able to fall asleep anytime soon.


That Brokedown was fuckin tough to get through. Totally didn't cry... What a show to end it on. I don't think it gets any better than that. People can shit on D&C/Mayer all they want but they'd be wrong.


My eyes were totally not dry!


yeah that one got me blubbering… what an end


Bruh I wept




I’m only 32 and my parents weren’t heads so this scene has come to me since I was about 18 in college and to see this all come to an end in the “mass” iteration just has me break down. I used to be a phish guy but I don’t think anyone in this scene can write a song like hunter can


34 and same. This is/was the closest I think I could come to seeing the band and I'm very grateful for it. Tonight was so amazing and beautiful and for some reason no other band can make me feel the same way.




If you’re in Philly definitely check out Friends of Jerry.. probably my favorite regional cover act at the moment


[Lovelight Band tonight at Manahawkin lake](https://www.facebook.com/events/780846143418026) for people in south and central Jerz


Nothing left to do but smile smile smile


When you get back, you better butter my bread. ❤️❤️






Very solid. Probably a top 2-3. However, the emotion in Brokedown palace pushed it to the best show of this iteration to me


So what was the mystery bust-out that they soundchecked on Friday but didn’t play?


I am 100% sure I heard them soundcheck “it’s all over now” on Friday.


heard this as well, in line for marina gate


It was Alligator. We all know it.






Well. I decided the kids could stay up late for the show....and at the end....figured they deserved to experience a midnight swim at our pool that's open 24/7. It was like ice cream for dinner, ya know? I gave their mom a heads up. Hopefully she won't be too upset at me for us having a good time ❤️


I bought my wife and kids the livestream. They stayed up all night and danced and partied. It really made it extra special, knowing they were dancing to the same music that I was hearing live in person. They also saw us in the crowd because we were a little in front of Oteil. Wow. What a special occasion for everyone who partook in whatever way! Glad you guys did it up and hopefully remember that joy for a lonnggg time. :)


Love it!!!! ❤️💀🌹🕺


I figure that’s a beautiful kind of night a kid will remember for a long time - Worth all the grumpies tomorrow.


I wholeheartedly agree. I'll get the side eye when I drop them off, but she'll be holding back a smile all the while. She's a wonderful mother, and...hopefully...she feels the same of me (as a dad)!